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Topic: obama
Ohioguy25's photo
Wed 01/30/08 05:49 AM
Edited by Ohioguy25 on Wed 01/30/08 06:28 AM
Totally agree with ya on that one tomie.. extreme islams/jihadists are gonna continue to want to make it to that so called ala heaven with 72 virgins by blowin us up and being martyrs
Now I beleive that Bush is probably a pretty nice avg guy in person aside from having the presidential credentials..and im sure obama is also , he did go to a muslim school and won't salute the flag WHATT??? all that aside its no excuse for bush to let himself get used as puppet and say well were the republicans and were doing this cause were christian.. if ya didn't realize it we just recently signed the North American Union.. (reasons why boarder polices never work) but why do you never hear about it the news hmm...OHH GLOBAL WARMING lets get everyone focused on al gores made up crap and that we are gonna live in caves in 30 years.. when we have raised the world temp ohh about 3/4 of a degree.. really 19000 scientists signed a petition saying that the impact of so called GW is exagerated
AND I QUOTE FROM http://www.oism.org/pproject/
("We urge the United States government to reject the global warming agreement that was written in Kyoto, Japan in December, 1997, and any other similar proposals. The proposed limits on greenhouse gases would harm the environment, hinder the advance of science and technology, and damage the health and welfare of mankind.

There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth.

This petition has been signed by over 19,000 American scientists." - END QUOTE -- "QUIT WATCHING NBC,CBS etc" yourbeing lied to

Other than Global warming.. another argument for another day..Well think about it when it comes to the amero dollar and the north american union. 12 people in the world that control all major media approx,, other than a few small independents.. and and Brave soul on cnn lou dobbs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T74VA3xU0EA --YOU GOTTA WATCH THAT-- WERE LETTING THEM GET AWAY WITH THIS!( which blows me away doesn't mean I like cnn)US GOVT evening saying were going to secure the southern boarer of Mexico?? WHAAAT (MEXIAMERICANADA)as Glenn Beck Calls it.. and CNBC had a long talk about the amero being dangerous http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hiPrsc9g98

Why no one really ever reported or at least talked much about that petition,, the North American union and the Amero isnt it obvious were being misled to worry about other things than the real serious stuff.. Like Lou Dobbs says at the end of his segment don't you think we as people in the united states should be able to vote if we want to merge mexico, United states and Canada... on top of that.. the north american union will usher in the two major world currencies. EURO/AMERO . CNBC Reported about this.. did you ever really hear anyone on NBC ,CBS, ABC .. even fox news I don't think talked really much about either the north american union or the amero on top of that the nafta super highway... one more wool being pulled over our eyes.. get our attention on terrorism or brittany spears not that terrorism once again isnt a big problem.. just we need to get our heads out of our preverbial asses and see whats going on..
Muslims have wanted to kill us and have since the times of Jesus and before now must of them just tollerate us until we quit buyin their oil.. (http://www.zionoil.com) then what happens.. get our oil from israel enough to supply the west and well you know what happens lybia,syria,venezuela and every other country we buy oil from is not gonna get our money and economies will collapse or suffer greatly .. gonna get real tough here in the next few years folks just to let ya know.. will bring in a real full blown war .. in the short run.. You might like to buy stock in the zionoil and gas company pretty soon because you could sit pretty finacially stable for a while..(atleast enough to dig a fortress or so while this plays out) Well thats enough from me .. im welcome to any debates of these issues.. thought I would just throw em all out there for comment...

Thanks... ;-) By the way I double posted over in the 911 forum.. who wants to type that twice lol!

yzrabbit1's photo
Wed 01/30/08 08:39 AM

I went to your Globa Warming Link and took the first name off of the list and Googled him here is the mission statment from the college where he teaches

Mission Statement

The Biology/Allied Health department exists as an integral part of Southern Adventist University with its mission to provide a quality Seventh-day Adventist Christian undergraduate education, emphasizing the balanced development of the spiritual, intellectual, physical, and social dimensions of men and women. Within the framework of a Christian understanding of the origin and workings of biological systems, the department seeks to provide opportunities for its academic and local communities to understand the value, process and limitations of scientific inquiry as well as to develop an awareness and understanding of the biological world and our responsibility to it. Its curricula are designed to provide students with high quality preparation for careers in the biological and biomedical professions. ...

Now out of the Billions of people in the world you are going to get people on the ridicules fringe. Find a real scientist then we can talk.

tomie's photo
Fri 02/01/08 04:25 AM

Tommi, I don't know if your just trying to spread propaganda or really believe what your saying but your way off. That's about the most polite way I can say it.

His father died in a traffic accident in 1982 in Kenya. Was he plotting with those evil terrorist way back then???

Cmon man, use some common sense!mad

Steve, forgive me for 'stepping on your toes' but I'm relating to actual facts found on wikipedia. Although it may be propaganda or yours may be propaganda, the fact remains that he took an oath of office on the Quran, when all other public officers have taken oaths on the bible. and even though his father passed on during the 89's doesn't negate him from being associated with Al quada. BUt the choice is yours & if you vote please exercise that right.


When you claim to be '... relating to actual facts found on wikipedia...', which exact segments of wikepedia are you referring to? No such referrence is found on the Barrack Obama page.

Would you therefore be good enough to give us the exact links which bear such 'actual facts'.

In my reading of the Barrack Obama page on Wikipedia, I found no such information as that which you claim:
- '... doesn't negate him from being ...', or
- '... first to take oath of office on the Qur'an...', or
- '... his father passing on during the 89's...', he actually passed away in 1982.

Furthermore, should you find NEW information FROM RELIABLE SOURCES, which might suggest ...
... that his Dad passed away '... during the 89's...', and not in 1982, as his death certificate claims,
... that Al-Qaeda was founded before it's known official fondation of 1988,
... and that the first and ONLY person to have taken oath of office is someone else than Keith Ellison, a Minnesota congressman,

... your so called '... actual facts...' allegedly '... found on Wikepedia...'

... are highly suspect, and should for now be treated as the 'urban legends', falsehoods, and totally unfounded calumnous statements that they are.

Check the reliability (credibility), and integrity (virtuous motives), of your sources people!!!

Believing anything and everything one hears or reads, doesn't make for a very healthy democratic process!

You are so right, Voil and I stand corrected. I am wrong in assuming the information I obtained was correct without researching it. That is very foolish of me & I so apologize for it. In fact, I now have very favorable views on Obama but haven't yet decided on who gets my vote. Voil, you have taught me a very valuable lesson. Thank you & I ask forgiveness from all I have offended.
T:tongue: mie

SteveX33's photo
Fri 02/01/08 05:04 AM
Oh well, a lot of us get a lil' carried away with politics in these times. That took class, though, Tomie.

no photo
Fri 02/01/08 06:26 AM

You are so right, Voil and I stand corrected. I am wrong in assuming the information I obtained was correct without researching it. That is very foolish of me & I so apologize for it. In fact, I now have very favorable views on Obama but haven't yet decided on who gets my vote. Voil, you have taught me a very valuable lesson. Thank you & I ask forgiveness from all I have offended.
T:tongue: mie

Very honorable of you Tomie.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Fri 02/01/08 08:15 AM
don't know if this is true, but i heard Obama won't pledge aleagence to our flag because of the conflict between his religion and the pledge's words "Under God". Anyone know if this is true?

no photo
Fri 02/01/08 09:48 AM

don't know if this is true, but i heard Obama won't pledge aleagence to our flag because of the conflict between his religion and the pledge's words "Under God". Anyone know if this is true?

Obviously you haven't bothered reading this thread.

I suggest you take the time to do so.

I am confident your position will go from the current ...

"... I DON'T KNOW if this is true?...",

to ...

"... I NOW KNOW that all of it is a bunch of unadulterated and calumnious BS!!!...".

Merry reading!!!


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