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Topic: A little irritated....
Totage's photo
Sat 01/26/08 06:28 PM

Ive been talking to this guy for quite some time. I am very open and honest about me, who I am, what I do, where I come from, etc....I hide nothing. I figure if you are going to date or whatever, it's not like they wont notice these things so be upfront! I dont believe in whipping any suprises on people that may not be pleasant. So after talking about all these things in the beginning, all was fine and acceptable. Now that we are talking about the possibility of taking things a step further I am getting guff. Can I change this, Can I change that, will I stop doing this.....WTH? I made it clear I do not want to be changed nor do I want to change anyone else. Now its like the control thing is kickin in....what is up with that?

Don't change, if he can't accept you for you, he's not worth your time.

hikerchick's photo
Sat 01/26/08 06:39 PM

thats not cool hiker! see...they know in the beginning then after the fact want to change you...no good!

yeah, but her loss is my gain. I like his long hair!!!:tongue:

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 01/26/08 08:29 PM

Ive been talking to this guy for quite some time. I am very open and honest about me, who I am, what I do, where I come from, etc....I hide nothing. I figure if you are going to date or whatever, it's not like they wont notice these things so be upfront! I dont believe in whipping any suprises on people that may not be pleasant. So after talking about all these things in the beginning, all was fine and acceptable. Now that we are talking about the possibility of taking things a step further I am getting guff. Can I change this, Can I change that, will I stop doing this.....WTH? I made it clear I do not want to be changed nor do I want to change anyone else. Now its like the control thing is kickin in....what is up with that?

Nip this in the bud immediately.This man was apparently experiencing selective hearing syndrome.He heard what you said but he wasn't listening.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 01/26/08 08:31 PM

Welcome to my world..lol. Most women run scared as soon as they hear "mental illness" or "dentures". I always like to say the serenity prayer when these things happen, I figure if one can't accept me for me they're not worth my time anyway;^]

mental illness and dentures?I'm in !!

southern_bee's photo
Sat 01/26/08 08:35 PM
Edited by southern_bee on Sat 01/26/08 08:35 PM

here is a small list:

1. quit smoking
2. make my roommate move out so we can be alone
3. no smoking in the house
4. my dog had puppies and they are in the bottom of my closet
move them out
5. my dog not allowed to sleep with us

those are just a few things. there are more, but you get the idea. yeah some may be small, but still...what the hell!

this is bees theory..hes whinney ***** that needs to remove the cork from his arse and grow upflowerforyou

madamx7316's photo
Sat 01/26/08 09:42 PM

SharpShooter10's photo
Sun 01/27/08 10:44 PM
:wink: me thinks he is scewin up big time, madamx,
and if HE is reading this,,, Me knows you are screwin up dude,laugh

no photo
Sun 01/27/08 10:54 PM
I am dating this guy who I was going out with, we were engaged. We were going out for 3 yrs. I love him so much. He has screwed up a little in the past 3 yrs. but I always forgave him. The first week of going out he got hickies from this girl I hate, then met up with his EX with out telling me and he brought her a rose, and then started chatting with this other girl I don't like cuz she's a big hoe and a liar. But all in all, he is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I am in love with him, and he has been good for over a year, but I dont know what to do. I want him back, but I dont know how to do it. Can anyone help. I know he sounds scummy, but realize I only mentioned the bad, and it would take forever to mention the good. He does accept me for me, and thinks I am beautiful. How do I get him back. Please help.

longhairbiker's photo
Sun 01/27/08 11:04 PM
Chirp, chirp, chirp.

SharpShooter10's photo
Sun 01/27/08 11:12 PM

Ive been talking to this guy for quite some time. I am very open and honest about me, who I am, what I do, where I come from, etc....I hide nothing. I figure if you are going to date or whatever, it's not like they wont notice these things so be upfront! I dont believe in whipping any suprises on people that may not be pleasant. So after talking about all these things in the beginning, all was fine and acceptable. Now that we are talking about the possibility of taking things a step further I am getting guff. Can I change this, Can I change that, will I stop doing this.....WTH? I made it clear I do not want to be changed nor do I want to change anyone else. Now its like the control thing is kickin in....what is up with that?
I re read the fine print at the bottom of your "waiver of Damages" form that all your victim er friends have to fill out and sign, It clearly states that you cannot change madam after the fact,

see its there in black and whitelaugh

AaronzDad's photo
Sun 01/27/08 11:55 PM

Madam... I'm sorry but...

Yer post don't make no sense!!


This is a DATING site. Dating is used to GET TO KNOW people. See if you're compatible. Find shared beliefs and values.

Now you've gotten to know this guy. He's shown himself to be a shallow controlling jackass.

What's the problem?? Somehow you're contractually stuck with him?? You have seven kids together and you can't just throw him out of your life? He's an alien with mind control and you can no longer manage your faculties?

DITCH the loser and move ON with your life.

Who gives a tinker's damn what his problem(s) is/are?? Who cares why he does what he does??

YOU take care of YOU and leave the rest to somebody else.

Why is that so difficult?!?!

Moondark's photo
Mon 01/28/08 12:09 AM
What happened to the Quote button on the bottom of the posts?

"yep...sad but true " a man marries a woman ,hoping she won't change and she does, and a woman marries a man, hoping he'll change and he don't"

The sad thing is how often this seems to be true. I don't get it. On one had, life happens it shapes and changes. On the other hand, we should never go into a relationship with the idea that we can change anyone, or some how convince them to change.

I know, I didn't go into the relationship wanting to change him. But when he did a 180 on me, I did want him to change back. It never happens. We can't stop changes, we can't for changes. Don't know why so many people think that they can force it to be the way they want it.

Suzanne20's photo
Mon 01/28/08 12:26 AM

Welcome to my world..lol. Most women run scared as soon as they hear "mental illness" or "dentures". I always like to say the serenity prayer when these things happen, I figure if one can't accept me for me they're not worth my time anyway;^]

You got the right idea Turtle. For me, as soon as most guys hear the word "wheelchair" or "paralzyed" they turn around and run as fast as they possibly can. I also try to live by the serenity prayer. If people cannot accept me for who I am, then I don't need them in my life.

Moondark's photo
Mon 01/28/08 01:03 AM
You are in a chair Suzanne. I guess I didn't read your profile that close, or it just didn't pop out at me. I love seeing your picture all the time. You have more personality and love of life showing in that photo than anyone else on this site. Just seeing it makes a person feel a little more cheerful.

Suzanne20's photo
Mon 01/28/08 01:09 AM

You are in a chair Suzanne. I guess I didn't read your profile that close, or it just didn't pop out at me. I love seeing your picture all the time. You have more personality and love of life showing in that photo than anyone else on this site. Just seeing it makes a person feel a little more cheerful.

Thanks. Yeah, I was born paralyzed from the waist down. I do mention it in my profile but I don't make a big deal of it because it is juat another part of life that I cannot change so why should I complain about it. I have lived with people who were much worse off than myself so I have no reason to complain.

Moondark's photo
Mon 01/28/08 01:29 AM
Well, you usually brighten people's days. So keep up with what ever it is that make you look so happy.

no photo
Tue 01/29/08 03:36 AM

Ive been talking to this guy for quite some time. I am very open and honest about me, who I am, what I do, where I come from, etc....I hide nothing. I figure if you are going to date or whatever, it's not like they wont notice these things so be upfront! I dont believe in whipping any suprises on people that may not be pleasant. So after talking about all these things in the beginning, all was fine and acceptable. Now that we are talking about the possibility of taking things a step further I am getting guff. Can I change this, Can I change that, will I stop doing this.....WTH? I made it clear I do not want to be changed nor do I want to change anyone else. Now its like the control thing is kickin in....what is up with that?

....Just have to watch out for the posers. I had something like this happen to me last Fall. It hurts to become vulnerable, share who you are with someone, invest time and energy, only to learn that they were just living vicariously off your life. Or, that they just don't have the courage to experience life to the fullest - realize their fantasies.

Don't give up. I'm glad I didn't. :wink:

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