Topic: Hillary for President Yah or Nah? | |
I'll avoid responding to your personal attacks. But you said don't hold people accountable bla bla bla. For entering into loans bla bla bla. Well think it out zap, who were they entering into agreements with in those loans, think on it, yes that's right it's corporations! Good zap, now your catching on. Why do you think even the repugs are using the phrase "predatory lending practices"? Even very educated people were taken in by these sub-prime loans. That's what the role of our gov. should be to protect citizens from con artist and theives. Not just have economic anarchy like you seem to think would be a good idea. As far as your middle class thing goes, there was no middle class in this country before FDR. Let me tell you in LIB speak, WE CREATED THE MIDDLE CLASS! If I knew your families history, I could show you how lib programs helped you to get whatever it is you got! You can kid yourself and think your so wonderful and hardworking you just made your own way, but people that came before you worked a lot harder and didn't have a pot to **** in! That is before FDR and all the LIB programs you hate so much. Like GI bill, and subsidized home loans, and trust me I could go on and on! The Gov and Libs are not your enemy, the greedy rich are! Are you high? ![]() ![]() |
oh so your saying your role is one of strategist???
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() You got a degree in history, go in as an officer and put your great strategist mind to work. Hey your the one that said that Obama is just dumb and it would be stupid to take the troops out. So what are you do hear on the net? Get out there and get you some of them taraist's, man. I'm sure a history major is just what they are looking for in an officer. I think you should anti up and pitch in. Your country needs your great strategic mind over there so we continue the AMAZING progress were making! It's not personal. It's a totally legit point. You think this a good war, but your not willing to fight it. How much you wanna bet if there was a draft, you'd have some other good reasons to get out of it. Your connected family, some weird medical condition, or you'd be combing the forums for Canadian girls to mary real quick. I respect people with different opinion's than mine if they actually walk the talk. No really, have you given any thought to being a military officer?? We really need people badly right now. You know with your knowledge you could being helping out our country. My Dad is a retired recruiter, I could have someone get in touch with you if you like. ![]() |
Edited by
Sun 01/27/08 03:27 PM
Without a doubt....YES. EXPERIENCE, EXPERIENCE, EXPERIENCE. Everything she has promised has come through in previous years. She is a woman of her word (and that is impossible to find in politics these days). Also look how great the economy was during the clinton care....FORIEGN AFFAIRS. America HAD jobs, she never supported foriegn outsourcing.... Look what wonders BUSH did with this terrific idea. FOR AMERICAN WORKERS, FOR EDUCATION, FOR OUR FUTURE YES YES YES Yeah, she has a role in politics because she sounds just like a member of Congress! Hillary SUPPORTED NAFTA as her husband pushed hard for it and signed the aggreement! |
well this is gonna get locked now
cause yer not allowed to get emotional and respond in an attacking manner was going so well to but we all know locks come quick and hard now |
hillary winning the dems nomination is what the republicans would like to see happen and if she does the possibility of a third party (with the right people running could be a possibility can we say paul obama maybe hey never know ![]() ![]() ![]() had to move it here |
Edited by
Sun 01/27/08 03:55 PM
I'm mentally unarmed, huh. Yeah, zap listening to Russia Limbodomy and watching Fox news is not really considered education. I hate to tell you.
Don't be so hard on yourself about the weight problem thing. I'm a little overweight, too. So I can sympathize. But thank God I still got some of my hair. ![]() No, trust me, I don't have the whole bleeding heart thing going. I hate people who try to spit venom and hyperbole and then act all innocent when they get called on their sh**! |
I hate people who try to spit venemom and hyperbole and then act all innocent when they get called on their sh**! hahahaha, come on. I know I do not need to elaborate further. |
You can try but it seems your content to give up while your behind.
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I'm mentally unarmed, huh. Yeah, zap listening to Russia Limbodomy and watching Fox news is not really considered education. I hate to tell you. Don't be so hard on yourself about the weight problem thing. I'm a little overweight, too. So I can sympathize. But thank God I still got some of my hair. ![]() No, trust me, I don't have the whole bleeding heart thing going. I hate people who try to spit venom and hyperbole and then act all innocent when they get called on their sh**! Yup, you pretty much clinched it for me too. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Angry libs humor me. Must be from all the "other people's pain they are feeling".
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You can try but it seems your content to give up while your behind. ![]() Dude you obviously personally attacked me blantantly spitting venom in my direction by using name calling and claiming that I pretty much had no right to say what I do. Then I point out how FDR, Franklin Roosevelt, Churchill, most of the Founding Fathers, and Sun Tzu never served in the military and in your opinion would be chickenhawk. Then you respond by totally playing innocent though you of course needed to further your ego with more personal attacks, saying I would likely be a draft dodger. You hate yourself, according to your own statement how you ". hate people who try to spit venom and hyperbole and then act all innocent when they get called on their sh**!". Personally attacked me because I support the Iraq War but don't serve and thus you think I am a chickenhawk. Called you out on facts of great men who were great leaders of war yet never served, and you completely ignore it to go on and attack me further! lol |
You can try but it seems your content to give up while your behind. ![]() Dude you obviously personally attacked me blantantly spitting venom in my direction by using name calling and claiming that I pretty much had no right to say what I do. Then I point out how FDR, Franklin Roosevelt, Churchill, most of the Founding Fathers, and Sun Tzu never served in the military and in your opinion would be chickenhawk. Then you respond by totally playing innocent though you of course needed to further your ego with more personal attacks, saying I would likely be a draft dodger. You hate yourself, according to your own statement how you ". hate people who try to spit venom and hyperbole and then act all innocent when they get called on their sh**!". Personally attacked me because I support the Iraq War but don't serve and thus you think I am a chickenhawk. Called you out on facts of great men who were great leaders of war yet never served, and you completely ignore it to go on and attack me further! lol And you are shocked at his behavior? ![]() ![]() |
You can try but it seems your content to give up while your behind. ![]() Dude you obviously personally attacked me blantantly spitting venom in my direction by using name calling and claiming that I pretty much had no right to say what I do. Then I point out how FDR, Franklin Roosevelt, Churchill, most of the Founding Fathers, and Sun Tzu never served in the military and in your opinion would be chickenhawk. Then you respond by totally playing innocent though you of course needed to further your ego with more personal attacks, saying I would likely be a draft dodger. You hate yourself, according to your own statement how you ". hate people who try to spit venom and hyperbole and then act all innocent when they get called on their sh**!". Personally attacked me because I support the Iraq War but don't serve and thus you think I am a chickenhawk. Called you out on facts of great men who were great leaders of war yet never served, and you completely ignore it to go on and attack me further! lol And you are shocked at his behavior? ![]() ![]() Well, I'm honestly quite surprised that neither Dragon lady, madisonman, or this guy have posted in my Iraq thread going nuts calling me chickenhawk and claiming that I lied somehow or that all these newspapers are lying. Or, how I am somehow twisting some reality that only they seem to know for certain...haha. How there is some civil war and all the usual regurgitated junk. |
I'm mentally unarmed, uh huh. Zap listening to Russia Limbodomy and watching Fox news is not really considered education. I hate to tell you. ( I don't mind telling you that I don't listen to either of those sources, Mr. lemming. Don't be so hard on yourself about the weight problem thing. I'm a little overweight, too. So I can sympathize. But thank God I still got some of my hair. ![]() LOL! Sorry but I lift my weight in a different manner than you. Try a protein shake next time you feel compelled when passing a buffet. My hair? Shaved. Women like it better. That was a hint for you. No charge. No, trust me, I don't have the whole bleeding heart thing going. I hate people who try to spit venom and hyperbole and then act all innocent when they get called on their sh**! If you knew the meaning of hyperbole........ ![]() |
ouch, take cover as soon as you get in this place.....
still at it I see Zap, good for you, some of these people really need to hear some truth. I think I saw where someone wrote hillary was a woman of her word and everything she worked for while in the congress has come to fruition or something along those lines, refresh my memory-- has she even sponsored a bill on her own? she's got experience? doing what? has she ran a million dollar company, has she ever had a real job? or does her experience stop just after the part where she tells the house staff what to make for dinner? hillary for hallmonitor- any seconds? |
Edited by
Sun 01/27/08 04:41 PM
Welcome back Doc!
![]() Jumped out of any perfectly good aircraft lately? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Whatever dude, I have to have protein shakes. I had weight loss surgery. I'm sure in you knuckle draggin world view, that's some kind easy way out or whatever.
But I don't care. I lifted almost my own weight before I had the the surgery and can bench more than my weight now. I don't even work out, just work. All that means nothing to me. You brought it up as a cheap shot. When I was 20, I tried to join the Army but a knee injury kept me out. I was in good enough shape then. If I was that age now, and believed this was a good war, I would join. I grew up in military, I understand what it's about. And anyone who is of age to serve and thinks this a good war and has talent and education that could be of service to our country, should be joining. Period. Put up or shut up! I asked him if he had a reason why he couldn't serve, he gave me back a list of names of great leaders. I don't think he is playing the role of a great leader right now, is he? So do something other than argue about on a board. That should be the test if a war is a good enough reason to fight, are you willing to go???? I don't blame you for not wanting to. Because it's not like they are the one's who attacked us. There is no good reason to be there now, other than to try to stabilize the mess Bush created. For one thing, none of the Deomcratic canidates said they would just pull out, excpet Richardson. None of them would pledge to be out by their first term. So the whole start of this thread was based on a bunch of repug b.s. anyway. But Star could be of service to his country, and fight for what he believes. I would like to know why he can't do it. |
no airplanes today, but damn i do love being here in the nice beachy mideast. you should be here too, its paradise, NOT!!!!
Still I wouldnt miss it for the world. great war, great cause, great president Im working for, who says what he wants to do then isnt swayed by some straw pole on whether or nor he has the support of the angry left or right for that matter, a real stick to your guns kinda guy, someone should have had a pair about 12 years ago and wasted osama when she had the chance, but the straw pole said dont do it so she didnt, you know pres billary. anyway, peace through force a great president once said, another said walk tall And carry a big friggin stick. dont worry stevey, im serving enough for the both of us. ![]() |
Edited by
Sun 01/27/08 05:02 PM
But Star could be of service to his country, and fight for what he believes. I would like to know why he can't do it. Editted, I don't want to detail my entire life and such personal stuff. I have really bad asthma, that's what is left after the edit. It kept me from going into the military in 2001 after I graduated highschool. |
Edited by
Sun 01/27/08 05:28 PM
no airplanes today, but damn i do love being here in the nice beachy mideast. you should be here too, its paradise, NOT!!!! Still I wouldnt miss it for the world. great war, great cause, great president Im working for, who says what he wants to do then isnt swayed by some straw pole on whether or nor he has the support of the angry left or right for that matter, a real stick to your guns kinda guy, someone should have had a pair about 12 years ago and wasted osama when she had the chance, but the straw pole said dont do it so she didnt, you know pres billary. anyway, peace through force a great president once said, another said walk tall And carry a big friggin stick. dont worry stevey, im serving enough for the both of us. ![]() Oldest son was there, my daughter was there, and now my youngest son is there. My son in law is shooting for Fort Campbell when he gets back from Deutschland. He spent a tour in the sand box as well. Did you forget about the eight year stint I pulled? Keep yer noggin down doc! ![]() Starsilor, don't fret over someone else's inferiority complex. We are free to join our brothers and sisters in arms here as well as anywhere in the world without being active duty. Simply supporting them, even those in the ("just") Kosovo campaign which was handed to us by slick Willie. Funny, I never hear much about that. Hmmmm And no stevexxx or whatever it is, doc was talking to me as my name is Steve so check the "they are picking on me" complex at the door. Its all good. ![]() |