TheShadow's photo
Tue 11/28/06 09:32 PM
LMAO ops

lionsbrew's photo
Tue 11/28/06 09:38 PM
cmon dabad i know yoll take down a half pint half shot in the ass no
excuse besides what better to get rid of that concience than a lil

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Tue 11/28/06 09:40 PM
I dont really drink much I tend to have kids when i drink...........

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 11/28/06 09:41 PM
OMG don't even pass that bottle in front of dabad!!

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Tue 11/28/06 09:42 PM
i piss on dirt and grass grows there I said it Im the baby machine.

lionsbrew's photo
Tue 11/28/06 09:42 PM
how bout some jello shots..cmon man you know you want to lol..

no photo
Tue 11/28/06 09:51 PM
Ok I have to crash still icky sicky here so I have to sleep and gather
biting strength, so good night one and all ..she who perpetrates lies
and lust prepare to take your fall!!

no photo
Tue 11/28/06 09:53 PM
Stop impregnating the grass Bad!!

lol G'nite yall

karmafury's photo
Tue 11/28/06 10:20 PM
To whoever it is that played with Iam, you know who you are. You hurt a
man with big heart and a lot of friends. When you 'play' with someone on
a site of this type you are hurting their mind/heart/emotions. These are
the worst of wounds to give. After what you've done can you honestly
expect those on this site who seek relationships to want you around or
be comfortable with you. Karma is what you make of it. You have made
yourself a lot of BadKarma. Expect the Fury.

ellgee1976's photo
Tue 11/28/06 10:23 PM
nihgyt night everyone..sleep well when ya go

and Iam, if you read this - come back, we miss ya already

Sluggo's photo
Wed 11/29/06 02:19 AM
LoL...Went out tonight and missed the Mob gathering. You guys all remind
me of a Western. You know when someone Kills somebody in town and the
Shriff locks the suspect up in the Local Jail. Then all the Local Town
friends of the persona that got killed start drinking in a Bar to gather
and focus their anger and they rush the Jail house to lynch the
Prisoner. lol Ok, I've watched way too much Bonanza

Sluggo's photo
Wed 11/29/06 03:47 AM
Hey everyone, Terry emailed me last night and he was bitter about people
being fake on here and got into details about it and instead of just
ripping on individuals I took the high road and replied a general
statement I found about a lot of online Woman which might have hit home
a little hard for him. Here is what I sent him:

To refine what i said on the post a little, I listen to what people have
to say online but I don't fully believe anyone until I see them. If
nothing else people’s perspective of themselves doesn't always match up
with who they are (then you have another group that just flat out are
full of Shit). Additionally there is a Large group of woman out there
that just prefer to have these quasi boyfriends online because then they
get the attention they want (because it takes so much fucking time to
hook up with someone), face it most woman are attention whores and they
care more about the Attention then risking the loss of it by actually
meeting. Example: Woman love talking endless hours on the phone where as
most guys are good for 20 minutes tops (but we're willing to put more
time in if we see it leading somewhere)...right? So I guess I'm saying
just enjoy talking and if it leads to more, great but don't get wrapped
up in people that can't separate Real life from this online BS. It sorta
goes hand and hand with that topic I put up on the board about "What are
you doing here if you’re in a relationship"

We talked back and forth a bit after that but I think he took this to
heart....Sorry folks

Sluggo's photo
Wed 11/29/06 04:55 AM
Keep in mind that a lot of people on here talk to a lot of people. So in
the case of a woman that talks to several men, how do you go about
narrowing it down (or do you)? Then consider you go to the Next level
and start to talk more and more then maybe you start talking on the
phone, then you talk online and on the phone…now something happens and
you’re like some things just not right with them.

Generally most woman are like, I don’t really care how much time we have
invested it’s just time to end communication. Besides we haven’t even
met so how serious can it be.

Generally most guys are like, Damn, I’ve got so much F**k’n time
invested here I gotta push it through.

So, with all that said at what point do you have to “Officially” break
up instead of just letting it fizzle out (ie come up with a reason for
not calling all the time, accepting calls, talking online, etc..)?

ellgee1976's photo
Wed 11/29/06 07:57 AM response to your thoughts, in this post....

i've been in the same chat room on MX for 4 yrs, i now host this same
chat room, this by no means makes ME personally an "expert". i don't
mean to imply that when i say, women and men, come and go online.

you're right, i've seen loads of women that are attention whores, i've
seen tons of women that will take the "relationship" really far, and
when it comes down to it, they chicken out and drop all contact.

i've seen how some people, men AND women, that talk to everyone, are
friends with everyone, and those that they talk with, are well aware of
this. this doesn't imply that they're "whores" in any way, just straight
friendships with everyone.

now, with that said, i want to say, that im in the last group, and i
think a few others here are also.

i talk to alot of people on here, i've IM'd with a few, anyone can see
in my profile, it plainly states, "Im not in any big hurry, so startin
out as friends is what im here for. if somethng comes from a friendship,
then wonderful, if not, oh well."

Iam i think is also in this group. He's always been friendly, nice,
whatever word you wanna put in here, he's been a downright good guy, and
never deserved any one to hurt him. [not to imply anyone ever deserves
to be hurt] He's been a good friend, to alot of people, and most of us
hope he works thru this, and comes back.

no photo
Wed 11/29/06 08:05 AM
well expressed LG, I just couldn't find the right words today

theronin75's photo
Wed 11/29/06 08:05 AM
i just hate seing this thread pop up

no photo
Wed 11/29/06 08:17 AM
I do too, it just hurts too much.

ellgee1976's photo
Tue 12/05/06 11:23 AM
yes this thread was days ago, but i went in search of it for a reason..

look how much we all wanted Iam here, re-read every page, every post,

did we make a welcome back thread specifically for him?

i for one am really glad you're back Iam, it wasn't the same w/out you

no photo
Tue 12/05/06 11:38 AM
i don't think these sites teach to be players but i definitely am
looking for love ultimately. don't get me wrong, i want sex too but love
is the ultimate goal for the one i choose to be with.

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 12/05/06 12:14 PM
Whoa did I hear ya right King ya looking for love lol

Well hope ya do find that special one!