Topic: guys...the one thing i really dont understand. | |
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Wed 01/09/08 07:54 PM
Well, I, really don't think you can stop falling for someone once it starts...I believe that once you have those kind of feelings/emotions for someone it all or nothing at that point. imo.
I might be leary of this "Funk", *cough* excuse *cough* As for what can you do to make them start falling for you...nothing. You just have to be you. If it happens, good for you, if not, it will someday with someone. You cannot make or wish for someone to fall for you if they are not ready for or don't want to, sorry. But really what do i know! I'm single ![]() |
just know if you force something you will endup with something thats not natural. If you change ur self then you will end up with hime liking/loving/lusting for some one thats not you. The only thing that might work is to pull back a little in the relationship, if he really likes you then he will chase you, if sorry to say it might be time to move on to better things
-LoLo |
Don't make him your world, while he makes you his option! Been there. It doesn't work. If I cannot be #1 in my mans life, I want out of it! I will never be anyones #2 again!!
yesssssssssssss!!!! Its really quite simple.........Bye Bye!!!
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He is being honest...He said he isn't ready to be in anything serious....that sounds pretty clear to why try to change him....Us guys hate it when women try to change us....either accept him & listen to what he says or find someone else, but please never think you can change anyone....that is something they must choose to do on their own...
ok so i need help...there is this guy and we have been dating casually for about 2 months now. he says that he really isnt ready to be in anything serious with me. and yea i do know what that means. but he did say at one point not too long ago that he is in a funk and when he gets out of it he will be ready. the thing is though he doesnt know how long that funk will be. im estimating spring. but anyways. i think i am starting to fall for him and im trying my best not to. so here is my does one stop falling for someone? or what i would rather know how do i get him to start falling for me and want to be with me seriously. i know there can be more to us just by the way he kisses me and how he looks at me. so if anyone has advice id love to hear it! thanks! |
hey we women dont like to be changed either....
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Back off totally and date others, make him work to show you his efforts. If he is serious he will come forward, if not he is looking to meet others, the more you fall the harder it is to get out
I'd end it now. The longer you wait it harder it gets. If he was into you, his "funk" wouldn't matter. I let a guy string me along for 2 months and ended up getting my feelings hurt, when I should have ended it the day I met him. Get out while you can!!!
Give him some space, don't always be available when he wants to see you, and start dating other guys. correct answer, 10 points! |
Fart in bed and hold his head under the covers. If he tolerates it well he's quality man material. Then tell him "I got your funk right here." *THUD* ROFLMAO ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() *wiping tears from my eyes* ![]() ![]() |
Happiness is a decision, just decide to be happy, and you will be.... if he isn't smart enough to know that, he isn't smart enough to see your true beauty... Drop him like the dead weight he is.
Well, just my opinion, but he is prob just with you while he is in his funk, and when he gets better will move on...
How do you stop yourself from falling for someone? You don't. You walk away and give yourself time to "heal".
How do you get someone to fall for you? You can't. You can wake them up to their own feelings (if those feelings actually exist) by walking away. Once they see what they have lost, the feelings will surface and clarify. Either way, the answer is walk away. Sorry. ![]() |
yeah i agree totally withe the walkaway thing.I should do that too. I have been hanging on to this one guy myself. needed to get knocked in the head. I think I am in a funk myself. lol
Girl, I've known guys like that in the past. Now, granted I don't know him, but the guys like that that I've known.... Well, I knew a guy who bragged about all the tail he was getting. Told his girl that he was "In a Funk" and couldn't get too serious till he was out of it. As it turned out, he owed a drug dealer a substantial amount of $ and didn't want to risk her. But at the same time, he was getting action on the side from half a dozen other girls. Once his debt was paid, he dumped the girl he was with and moved on the be the father of 3 babies with 3 different mothers. I don't want to push you in any one direction, but I think you need to be very careful with how you handle this. If you act non-interested and he doesn't instantly rush to your side to find out what's wrong, he doesn't feel the same way about you. Right there is your sign, that you're being used and need to move on.
Edited by
Sat 01/12/08 10:10 AM
It sounds as though he is being as honest with you as he can. Give the guy some credit for communicating... and keep those lines open. Be sure that you are actually falling for him and not imagining you really want something simply because you cannot have it. I think we are all capable of doing that at times.
If you truly do not think you can stay with him on a casual basis.. tell him. Suggest dating other people, or stop being intimate until he's ready. If you mix physical intimacy with the emotional intimacy, it is very tough to seperate your true emotions. But either way, you have to follow your heart and your gut. If he is worth waiting for, wait. But don't put your life on hold. Just keep talking to him until you both figure out where to take the next step, whatever that might be. Good luck! |
Sweetie first of all if yall have been going out for two months and he says he doesn't want anything more you need to leave him where you found him and let someone else deal with this man. You can't have a good relationship just based on one persons feelings, yours count too ya know! Men can NOT BE TRUSTED!! ok I have learned that the hard way!! yea you may want to sit down and have a very deep conversation with this man and let him know that you can't wait forever!! Good Luck To Ya!
You can only control you. Back off. Don't make a big deal of it, but back off noticably. If he asks you about it, be up front about it. It's not a mamipulation so much as a chance for him to miss you. If he suddenly realizes he's better with you than without you, he'll come around. And if he doesn't, then cut him loose.
I know this part well. And sometimes they don't come around.... that's just the reality Good luck |
Slow down your contact with him, instead of talking everyday talk every couple days. Start weaning yourself off. Make sure you still go out with other people too. That is the best way to slow down when you feel yourself falling. You cannot make another person fall for you, they either do or they don't.
Give him some space, don't always be available when he wants to see you, and start dating other guys. ![]() ![]() |