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Topic: What is your beliefs?
no photo
Mon 11/27/06 04:55 PM
And is your favorite part of it and also your least liked part?
Me I have been to most churches, synagogs, mosques, ect, and find
good fellowship in all but not enough truth to make me happy. I have
therefore decided to pray and read the bible, and this satisfies me. I
do miss out on the fellowship in a church. When I was in the Caymans, I
went to a penticostal church. I felt very comfortable there(evn though i
was the only white person in sight). They were obviously very devout and
excited for the Lord. They didnt just practice ther faith in church,
they lived thier faith. The Cayman Islanders are a very devout and proud
people. I called them God's cheerleaders. If you ever get a chance to go
to the islands, I would recomend a church service. Anyway, We have a
study group, about 12 of us, and we work on our faith and look for the
real bible truths, no church doctrine allowed.
In my opinion there is one church that is very accurate on most of
thier teachings, yet they fall on thier face on the big tamalie, They
dont believe in Christ. However, you will not meet a more devout bunch
of Bible students. Thier views on Christmas and Easter, as well as thier
zeal for door to door witnessing, is refreshing to me. Thier
publications are excellent also.
As for the Catholics, well I went to a cathol;ic school and got a
great education for my trouble. They do so many great works such as
hospitals, ect. Yet thier doctrine makes no sense to me. example:
Thou shalt not kneel before a craven image... then you go into the
church and there are 21 kneeling stations in front ot of statues.
Dont call anyone father except your father in heaven... Then you
go to the Father to confess your sins.
Whats this about priests not being able to marry.. then you are
required to go before the priests for pre marital guidance???
What is this worhip of mother mary all about?
Who exactly is the pope and where is his position discussed in the
anyway, these are some of my thoughts on faith/ religion. What are

no photo
Mon 11/27/06 06:27 PM

guitarMan73099's photo
Mon 11/27/06 07:17 PM
ok man, you got me, here is my beliefs, i believe that God made it so
simple that anyone can do it, believe in His Son, and that opens the
door for Him to work inside of you. We don't want to believe it is that
easy, so we make up 100000 do's and donts and confuse the whole matter.
im not perfect, not even close, but i do believe that Jesus took my
place on the cross

guitarMan73099's photo
Mon 11/27/06 07:19 PM
also, nice to talk to you man, have a great day

no photo
Mon 11/27/06 07:25 PM
yah thats about right I think. We tend to take every road but the right
one. The true path is narrow and straight... uphill.

Ghostrecon's photo
Mon 11/27/06 11:22 PM
Why is faith soo blind?

Ghostrecon's photo
Mon 11/27/06 11:24 PM
I'm not trying to be insulting just trying to make you think about why
you belive in the way you do. That's all.

Gryphyn's photo
Tue 11/28/06 09:39 PM
Hey Ram when I have some time I'll give you some of my opinions. I think
we could have a good discussion if I get the time this week.


no photo
Fri 12/01/06 07:19 PM
That would be cool gryph. I look forward to it.

kaminorisu's photo
Fri 12/01/06 07:32 PM
so how does the whole god and satan thing owrk? if he is all mighty and
satan "works agiesnt god" then why allow it? i thought god cant be
defied or what not... i notice some people "speak of " satan being of
"another power" ( but never like that of god.) >_< how does this all
work? it makes little sense

Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 12/01/06 10:49 PM
Good question karma, Good question.

no photo
Fri 12/01/06 10:56 PM
hey ghost...FYI... i just want u to know that some people dont seem 2
like your swasticker.

Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 12/01/06 10:57 PM

Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 12/01/06 10:57 PM
F them then!

no photo
Fri 12/01/06 10:58 PM
i hear ya. just wanted to let ya know thats all bro.

widowerseeking's photo
Fri 12/01/06 11:29 PM
I guess he thinks he is adolph, don't suppose he was around to see the
death camps, the brutality or the torture. he is just show. if some of
my friends who have that number tatooed on their arm were ever to see
him I am sure he would not like those afterwards.

Ghostrecon's photo
Sat 12/02/06 12:41 AM

Just experimented with Zyklon B thats all hun.

Cool stuff if you care to know.

no photo
Sat 12/02/06 12:28 PM
Please burn the swastika if you can stand it.

redmange420's photo
Sat 12/02/06 12:39 PM
There is no God, there is no Devil. Its all inside of us, whether it be
god-like or devilish, the choices are always up to us. If there were
both, we would have seen them by now, with all the people that pray for
help, and for a sign. I believe that Jesus existed, and he truly thought
he was the son of god. I also believe he was a black man, and thats why
the freakin romans didnt believe him. Yes I know, thats twisted. But why
have the same beliefs as everyone else, that would make me a sheep. Just
following the rest of the flock because it was the thing to do, not my
true beliefs, nah, aint happenin.

Ghostrecon's photo
Sat 12/02/06 01:33 PM
Well, Redmanage.

That's the whole purpose of the christians. To become sheep like and
follow the Lord.

Only maybe they are really following the Wolfman around I guess.

Leading them to the slaughter house.

Baaahhhh!!!! Baaahhhh!!!! Baaahhhh!!!!

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