Topic: oh boy... | |
Theres also finacial aide to help also.
Not a problem, Kayla. We are here for you. I understand. It will work out. Time flies in life. Really fast! This too shall pass. Just saying it is a little overwhelming is half the battle. En for all the people who tell you can't do something... PUH! You CAN! My biggest issue is im only 18.... my parents didnt prepare me for anything....they wernt really there for me when i was a kid....and now that ive graduated high school....i just dont know where im going...i hate this feeling....when i was in high school everything was decided for was so easy...and i just took everything for granted....There are certain schools i want to go to ...but have no idea on how to even begin to even make it possible...and no one to help me make it possible....i just feel so lost right now You took a chance and it didn't work, and that's ok... There are lots of aid,scholarship, and loan options out there... working for a few years, paying your folks back, and establishing yourself first, then going to college is an option also. it's not the end of the world. I'm not saying that's what you should do, but if you can accept that might happen, your eyes may open to other possibilities. Think in the long-term, not the immediate problem if you can. without knowing you, it's hard to give advice that's TOO specific... but those are good general guidlines I think... |
Heres my personal belief. Excusses are like arses everyone has them and they are all full of sh*t.
Do what you have too. Nothing is given too us ( at least not many of us). Do the work needed. |
Kaylas-tried to email you but you have the age thing blocked. I am too old to email you. LOL. *EDITED* I can give you some information en a number to call. Meantime, posts are right. You have to make some changes within en have a little hutzpa! You are old enough to move on now!
Good luck.
Agree with other posters - the change you need to make is inside...
Stop looking for reasons NOT to do stuff - As the Wise Yoda said, “Do or do not... there is no try.” Or Sean Connery - "Your best? Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and **** the prom queen! " Movie Quotes aside - this is your life. You have the golden gift of a young age to make the right decisions right now. You have an opportunity to start the rest of your life moving forward. Don't look for the answers Outside (in a degree, or in a job), look on the inside. untill you decide to change what's inside, the outside is going to be a mess. I tried to email you too - but you've got the age block thing up... |
Sometimes parents tell you you can't do something to put fire under your a$$ to do it to spite them. Or at least my parents were that way. I bought into the fact that I was a failure and didn't grow any balls until I was almost thirty. I recommend that you do not wait that long. Don't expect encouragement just do it to prove to yourself you can. Don't wallow in the self-pity, all that does is waste time and it is precious. Hope this helps
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| may not help.....but I'm 48.....dont have a clue where I'm going.......even less clue how I got where I am!!!!!!
But its all good.........I'm learnin lots!!!!! |
didn't grow any balls until I was almost thirty. Sweetie, (kaylas1515), if you were a guy, or my son, I'd put it this way: "Strap on a Pair, Boy!" But you're not... PLEASE don't take what we're all sayin' wrong - we're saying this becasue we care (well, MOST of us HAHA) - sometimes a good kick in the pants is what you need... You'll thank us later - but by the time you do, must of us will be dead or in nursing homes - so erect a memorial to us or sumthin... |
Everyone has had moments when they have felt alone and uncertain about their future. I wrote this poem when I was at a similiar crossroad in my life. Believe in yourself, find something you are passionate about, and let go of the past and plan for your future. Most of all surround yourself with people who are achievers this will motivate you. Love means many things. It could mean the Love of God,but whatever it means to you let it give you the strength you need to become whoever it is you want to be. If you dream it, and believe it, you CAN make it happen.
Let Love Set You Free Now is the time to start believing there’s a reason for what you’re going through. Don’t go on vacation from what you’re feeling Let yourself know what’s inside of you. Do you know your eyes are a mirror. They reflect the truth of the real youA And don’t you know they show what’s in you. They project the love that’s guiding you. Keep on living… don’t stop. Keep on feeling… don’t stop. You’re just about to happen You’re almost ready to be I can feel it stirring in you Let love set you free I know it’s hard to continue when you need rest So you hide behind a mask of humor Keep them laughing and they’ll never guess That you’re worried by your unknown future And what will you do with what your feeling Haven’t you paid all of your dues You ache and you feel like quitting You can’t seem to shake the inside blues. Keep on living… don’t stop. Keep on feeling… don’t stop. You’re just about to happen You’re almost ready to be I can feel it stirring in you Let love set you free When you’ve had your own realization And accept that this all has to be Then you’ll know love without reservation The inside blues will leave and you’ll be free. With you I share this information Accepting love is all that we need To love is the purest emotion We are one and as one we are freed Keep on living… don’t stop Keep on feeling… don’t stop You’re just about to happen You’re almost ready to be I can feel it stirring in you Let love set you free. 1981 Moxielady |
Application deadlines are close! Do you have a job right now? I have two full time and one part time |
sorry to all who tried to email but couldnt....i changed it so email away
Theres also finacial aide to help also. I cant get financial aid or parents make too much for financial parents wont co-sign a loan...and they cant...they have already co-signed loans for my two older brothers for school....they dont make enough to cover my brothers and the loan on the house...were doing a remodel so my dad took out an 80,000 dollar loan for that...i know these sound like excuses....but if you really knew me and the whole situation not just bits an pieces you might understand more |
Something does not sound quite right then. So, if you want it bad enough you will find a way. That is what we do!
Truth is at 18 noooo at 49 I wonder at times why I did not just do somethings different but in the long run I'm happy were I'm. One must look within and be happy with whom they are first before they look to where they are going.
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Edited by
Sun 01/06/08 12:20 PM
people in my life told me that I can`t
I tell people in my life....YES i can It sometimes takes a`s a uphill climb But step by step you can accomplish your goals Just keep on step at a time |