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Topic: House chores!!!!? Guys?
Morena350's photo
Sun 11/26/06 07:04 PM
Guys, how would you feel if you had to stay home, and take care of all
of the house chores, including taking care of the kids,
while the wife is working at the office, and you have to make sure
dinner is ready, and the house clean,?

now be honest guys, doon't say you'll do it if you wont. lol,lol

mcdougletex's photo
Sun 11/26/06 07:41 PM
Well I just spent the day,cleaning my house,and did the yard. but I am
single too. Can't get my daughter to do it. But I like to do housework
when I'm home

Morena350's photo
Sun 11/26/06 08:24 PM
Mc that is easy to do , you have to because you are alone
but Im talking about, if you where married and had to do this how would
you feel about it/
would you do it?

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 11/26/06 08:29 PM
Morena Morena ya talking to a bunch of single guys here they have no
choice but to clean and cook now cause there not married and mom want
let them move back in girl lmao

Now I don't want one to stay home hell I want one to work and do all
those things like we had too darn ya trying to make it easy on them lol

lionsbrew's photo
Sun 11/26/06 08:29 PM
id go to work come home and she would leave for work. so i did do alot
of the house work and cooked all the dinners for a while....the harshest
was when i was working third shift id come home and take care of the kid
and all the house work before she would wake up in the morning id sleep
for like two hours in the afternoon till she went to work then id put
the kid to bed after doing all the other night time cleaning wait for
her to get home so i could go to work and start again.

Morena350's photo
Sun 11/26/06 08:31 PM
dammmm lion that was stressssssfull, man not like that, a relationship
wont last long in that situation,

lionsbrew's photo
Sun 11/26/06 08:34 PM
it lasted for three years before we were married....needless to say it
didnt last to much past the marriage.

lionsbrew's photo
Sun 11/26/06 08:36 PM
i stopped working third shift right after matty was born.ive been at the
cemetary ever since and dont feel bad i did alot because im young and i
could you know try and keep stress away from her........turns out all i
did was give her time to cheat.

NikRight's photo
Sun 11/26/06 08:37 PM
I've tried it and dont like it.

surroundedbycorn's photo
Sun 11/26/06 08:40 PM
I have 3 kids with a very busy schedual and I do it everyday.
They help alot though.
I also work 10 hour days and in much need of a

Morena350's photo
Sun 11/26/06 08:45 PM
you better take some time out it could be stressfull

ShagnaC's photo
Sun 11/26/06 09:24 PM
My ex stayed home towards the end and I worked, When he used MY MONEY
for his dope I kicked him out. I did not like being the one working and
him being at home, even if he was not on dope.

Morena350's photo
Sun 11/26/06 09:36 PM
good girl!!!!!!

party_fag's photo
Sun 11/26/06 11:20 PM
i so could do it.. i love to clean and cook... kids.. cant wait to have
my own...

Morena350's photo
Mon 11/27/06 04:47 PM
is good to know that some of you guys are more open to the fact that
this world has change, and chores are no longer for females only.

thanks party fag, hope you have them soon,

lionsbrew's photo
Mon 11/27/06 05:00 PM
i was just btought up that marriage is a partnership were both people
work to make things better for the other.

no photo
Mon 11/27/06 05:02 PM
WOULDENT BE OPPOSED TO IT If she made more $ than i do, why not. I can
be a house mom. after breakfast its homeschooling for the kids then were
off to the trap range for some practice. Then after lunch its survival
classes or they would be sent to a jobsite to learn some work ethics
while I do laundry and prepare dinner for mommy.

Ontario's photo
Mon 11/27/06 05:07 PM
Hey...if a chick would work and make enough money for me to be a house
husband....I,d do it in a fact do you know any...?

no photo
Mon 11/27/06 05:09 PM
yeah. shouldent the best paid spouse be the breadwinner?

Morena350's photo
Mon 11/27/06 05:10 PM
lol,lol ontario how are you hon,?
you would do that? nooooo I don't believe u!!!

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