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TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 11/25/06 09:34 AM
Okay now this is not based off of me this is from what I have seen on
this site as well as others.

You hear it and see with your own two eyes many times over that someone
has found there TRUE LOVE and has fallen head over heels. They say that
person is everything that they are looking for and they sink every
waking moment into that person. They both have confessed that they are
even In-Love with each other. Then finally the question has to be asked.
Have you met this person you have fallen head over heels with? The
answer you get back is NO.

Now is it not true that you have just fell in LOVE with an IMAGE? Or am
I being narrow minded? For myself you could become my best friend in my
heart and be all that I want in a man but I can not let the words cross
my lips I LOVE YOU!! Until I have actually met you face to face and
spent time with you in person. To me those that let there heart run away
with LOVE so fast is just putting themselves out to have there heart
broken. You must test the waters before jumping in persay!! At least
that is my thought.

Would love to hear what others think from this. Have you had this
happen? Is it working out after you actually meet them. Or are they
just setting themselves up for there heart to be broken even faster?

Now I'm not saying after meeting that person it could not be love at
first site for I do believe in love at first site can happen. And sure
all the moments of talking help put that love there I just can't see
saying those words before you actually meet. Can you or have you?

lionsbrew's photo
Sat 11/25/06 09:39 AM
i agree with you 100% txs. the problem with talking to people online is
there is so much time to dont really know how people are till
you can be them in a natural state were .expressions arent read over and
over and the chance to think isnt an issue.but when people are in an
outside enviroment when the words just blurt out or come out with a
different tone than youd dont really know a person well
enough till you have met them and gotten a real chance to know them.

theronin75's photo
Sat 11/25/06 09:43 AM
i think that if you fall in love with a person over the net it could be
a double edged sword. here is why i say this:
1- if the person is honest and writes how he or she really feels and
thinks it aint necessarily the image you fall in love with its the
persons mind, soul, personality (or whatever you wanna call it) and
doesnt true love demonstrate itself that way. apperance can be
decieving. but an honest mind cannot.

2- would be the contrary of 1 and would prove your point txs

it my opinion anyway

Envy's photo
Sat 11/25/06 09:44 AM
I think that its possible if u haven't met the person face to face if
they're talkin and wut eva and both of them r being real and honest what
could go wrong.The way u feel about someone shouldn't change after u
meet them...u should feel the same way...

no photo
Sat 11/25/06 09:47 AM
With me being new, I have also noticed that a couple of people have
"fell in love" with someone, on here or in internet form. Alot of times.
If it's real love, lust, or the fact that you are tired of being alone,
i don't know. There are alot of people who will use the internet just
to hurt other people. ( I am not saying thet anybody on this site would
so please don't take it that way) People just need to take their time
when falling in love with someone, you have your whole life, spend time,
test the waters, please don't rush into anything.

And if you found the one that you are looking for, then good- luck and i
hope that it all works out for you.

And if you are still looking don't give up, They are out there some

no photo
Sat 11/25/06 09:53 AM
bleh too early for this seriousness

greeneyedlady42's photo
Sat 11/25/06 09:55 AM
Txs gal you do bring a very valid point to light.
It would be nice to know that what the other person is saying on the
other end is true. And writing to each other is a very good way to get
to know the person inside as long as both parties are honest.
However there are certain things you can only know about someone after
spending time together. Temperment doesnt always show in "font" as far
as how a person handles themselves in sticky situations. Are they
ethical? Are they loyal. Its is easy to be the "dream date" in words on
a screen. It can be a good foundation to build on, I believe. However it
should not be the only criteria as far as love goes.
I think alot of people make a mistake between loving things "about" a
person and actually being in love.
I for one do not wish to FALL in love. FALLING is an accident and you
usually get banged up.
I would much rather grow in love.

sxyoneizhere's photo
Sat 11/25/06 09:57 AM
i love the way you put that. im gonna steal that for a new poem im
writing greeneyedlady

Truthoflife's photo
Sat 11/25/06 10:03 AM
In July 2003 I THOUGHT I met the man I would spend the rest of my life
with...YES...I met him on the internet, in a Christian Chat Room. We
dated with web cams and calls and we heard each other's voices and could
see each other { The PERFECT on-line romance}. After ''dating'' like
this, when we were not having to go to work or ect., we ''fell in
love''. He was EVERYTHING to me! In Aug. 2003, he PROVED his love for
me, by moving me up north, where he had a very good job and ministry. He
made sure I had a real nice house, to live in, not far from HIS rent
house...We dated, IN PERSON for one month, before we decided to have a
wedding and he moved in with me...We got along GREAT...EVERYTHING looked
GREAT...THEN out of the blue in May 2006, he is GONE....WORKING ON WIFE
NUMBER 8 as I type this right now...I found out he LOVES WOMEN....ALLLLL
WOMEN...{ if you know what I mean}

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Sat 11/25/06 10:06 AM
well time for me to sit on the fence on this one lol.
About a month before I met my Sweetheart, I was talkin to a friend on
pogo. This one woman made a few comments(not inappropriately mind you)
and then sent my friend and I messages, apologizing for butting in. It
was no biggie. She asked if she could add us to her friend's list. No
shit, after 3 days of talking to her she comes out with I Love You!!!
WTF??????? I mean my God, she didn't even know what I looked like.
On the OTHER hand lol..My Sweetie said those 3 sweet words to me about 3
months after we started chatting, after dancing around it by telling
each other we liked each other veryyyyyyyyy much. She blew my doors
right off(met her in pogo too btw lol)Altho she DID know what I looked
like from pics and videos. It was her idea to meet for the 1st time.
This came about from spending hours and hours together on-line and on da
phone. After working an 8 hour day and making the 9 hour drive there, I
sure wasn't looking my best but boy oh boy, when I finally arrived there
at 3am I got jumped as soon as I walked thru her door lol
The spark that was there on-line turned into an inferno when we met
face to face and the flames have only gotten hotter. I don't just mean
sexually. We work because we care enough to actually LISTEN to each
other, we have the same interests and sense of humour. We understand
each other and MOST important, we respect each other. Quite frankly, you
can't honestly love someone if you don't respect them.
You are right tho Txs, you can develop feelings for someone on-line and
may even feel like it's love, but you'll NEVER know until you meet face
to face and spend REAL time with that person.
All I can say is I'm glad her and I both had the guts to meet face to
face :-)

Tneal's photo
Sat 11/25/06 10:11 AM
you still have the house TRUTH???

escapedlunatic's photo
Sat 11/25/06 10:14 AM
Well until I met them ... I definately couldn't satate that i was in
love with them!

snacky's photo
Sat 11/25/06 10:17 AM
Txs, I have to disagree with you on that. I mean, this is the first time
i've done this internet dating thing. If you ask me if i've met David i
would say no. If you asked me if i love him i would say yes. You can't
help who you fall in love with or how fast you fall in love or anything
like that. there are other ways of talking than just typing. When
talking on the phone to someone you can tell how they act and if they
are lying usually. They have a certain tone in thier voice if they are
lying. Well, atleast i can tell that for the most part. So, I'm just
going to have to disagree with you.

Tneal's photo
Sat 11/25/06 10:17 AM
I agree excapedone!!

snacky's photo
Sat 11/25/06 10:21 AM
well, i guess everyone has their own opinion :)

michael1313's photo
Sat 11/25/06 10:22 AM
so do I ...untill you meet eye to eye...
you just don't really know..............M.

Gryphyn's photo
Sat 11/25/06 10:32 AM
I have been succesful so far in this net dating thing. I had 2 very good
relationships from chatting and talking on the phone. Then I moved to be
with them. There was fire in my one of my first dates and the other was
a spark that turned into a bonfire. Several others I met online, and in
person didn't turn into anything but they were nice ladies just the

LOL, Falling in love not likely, loving someone yes, Planning to be IN
LOVE its at the top of my list. Anyone want to do a little planning?

tattoojrs's photo
Sat 11/25/06 10:32 AM
Hello how are you
I fine
I think I'll write words you want to hear
I'll listen and be your perfect dear
Where is my truth or do I lie
Dont tell the truth I'm much too shy
Can you feel me thru these lines
I can tell by your prose and rhymes
Will you love me forevermore
Yes I'll love you as the sands meet the shore
Will you be mine
Yes I'll believe that line
Now lets tell the truth
Are you sure you want mto let those deamons loose
These words should burn the page
White lies have become our stage
So lets meet face to face
Now I see you arent so great
You said in my picture I looked FINE
Yes now I see you where the light shines
Good-bye forevermore
This ship has left the shore

lionsbrew's photo
Sat 11/25/06 10:34 AM
i dint put phone conversations in my oppinion...that kinda changes
things a bit makes the topic alot more complicated.cause i phone
coversation is probobly the next best thing to meeting in person.i dont
know what of the fence i would be on with that variable being added to
the equasion.

TheShadow's photo
Sat 11/25/06 10:34 AM
Yeah Txs I agree with what you said. Didn't we talk about this the other
day. :) I can't say that the person that I went to meet that we loved
one another. But I can say we were starting out as really good friends
and we did do all the chating and talking on the phone. But the whole
time I was telling myself I got to wait and see what happens. Well we
did meet and I found out that I wasn't attracted to her as much as I
thought I would have been. See most people don't think about that it
doesn't matter how many pics you put up on the site. You are going to
look different when you meet face to face.

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