TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 11/25/06 10:53 AM
OOOOOOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhh Shadow now see that is my point you can talk on
the phone or online till your blue in the face all the right words could
be there. You could exchange all the pics you want but pictures do not
grab the soul of the person and what they are like deep inside. There
voice you might hear but they are also on there best behaver as well.
Words across the net yes you do get a feeling of what that persons likes
and dislikes are. But snacky I must disagree with you on someone telling
you lies on the phone for over the phone they can lie to you but if your
standing face to face with them and looking them straight in the eyes
then I can say you can tell if they are lying to you. For the eyes tells
soooo much more than the voice itself does. Just because that person
seems to be everything you want when you actaully meet them in person
that is not always true and I said not always true for it does happen
and I do know that for a fact but... even if you fall in love with them
at that moment when you actaully live in the same house you find out
things you never knew I don't care how many hours you spent on the phone
until you actually are together 24/7 you want know that person and no
guaratees then.
But all have a very good answer to this situation. And I have loved
reading everyone of them. Hey opens my eyes up. For we are never too old
to learn even about LOVE!!

izzynavi's photo
Sat 11/25/06 10:58 AM
Snacky, you have your opinion. But beware and do not rush into things.
You are young and youth almost always feel they can handle everything.
You wellbeing concerns me and a lot of people on this site that have
gotten to know you.

As for TXSGAL's expose on this dating thing.....I do believe she is
right and as more people come into the site, the greater the chance of
deception from someone who is unscrupulous and without morals.

snacky's photo
Sat 11/25/06 11:06 AM
see i knew someone was going to bring up the fact that i was young.. i
never said i could accomplish anything..

ugh.. nevermind.. im just not going to post on topics like this again

tattoojrs's photo
Sat 11/25/06 11:09 AM
I guuess thats why Wrote the poem , it sarcastically shows how we easily
say what someone wants to hear and they act like we want them to act but
in the long run .
The truth is in person to person contact .
This is a good place to start but its just a start .
thnx Joel

michael1313's photo
Sat 11/25/06 11:09 AM
so just throw jello!

Fanta46's photo
Sat 11/25/06 11:12 AM
Come back Snacky!!!

sendingyoukisses's photo
Sat 11/25/06 11:13 AM
it is said you can be in love with someone and not be with that person.
and i believe that with all my heart. causei have fallen in love with
someone and i am not with that person yet. but soon i hope to be.

tattoojrs's photo
Sat 11/25/06 11:14 AM
I nor anyone else can tell you how you feel.
Youth has the benefit of a untainted heart
I'm jealous . Dont let any one keep you from sharing besides I like

Fanta46's photo
Sat 11/25/06 11:15 AM
Truth be known if we are so wise in the ways of love, Then tell me what
the fuck r we doing here!!!!!!!!!

Gryphyn's photo
Sat 11/25/06 11:17 AM
Looking for love in all the wrong places,
Looking for love in too many places,

Isn't that a song?


TheShadow's photo
Sat 11/25/06 11:18 AM
Snacky, age has nothing to do with this. You got a good heart and you
are a smart person. But what I think is that jumping in to something
that you don;t really know about is going to set you up for a fall. Like
Txs said until you actually live with that person you will never know
who they really are. And as far as me ever telling anyone that I'm in
love with them over the internet LMAO. < That had nothing to do with
you. But it's false feelings. And if you think you feel inlove with
someone over the internet and not have meet them. Sorry sweetie but that
is sad. Because everything you know in life that you have gone through
if you take a real good look at itand what you have been posting on this
site. WIll tell you that you are liying to yourself. And that is the
worst thing anyone can do to themselves.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 11/25/06 11:18 AM
And a good poem it was and yes it does show those facts.
Ohhh Snacky I don't take age in factor for it does not matter
how old or how young one is I have see the young ones make make better
decisions than some of the older ones. So age has nothing to do with
makeing the right or wrong choices all the time exspecially when it
comes to love.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 11/25/06 11:20 AM
Thank you G

Now somebody answer my Question!!!!!!!

michael1313's photo
Sat 11/25/06 11:20 AM
Snacky...yup...throw jello!

Fanta46's photo
Sat 11/25/06 11:23 AM
Lets get a kiddie pool full of Jello get naked and climb in ladies!!!!

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 11/25/06 11:24 AM
Because we are not that wise when it comes to love we are only human and
make mistakes even in love. Is this not to help each of us learn and to
share our thoughts with each in order that maybe we can learn a few good
points from each other for no one is perfect if we were Gawd knows we
would not be here!!

Fanta46's photo
Sat 11/25/06 11:26 AM
Thank you Tex.
Now I will give my advice
Do Not Get MARRIED!!!!!!!!LOL

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 11/25/06 11:29 AM
ohhhhhhh listen to ya Fanta next you will say do not fall in love

Fanta46's photo
Sat 11/25/06 11:31 AM
Reading my mind will only confuse you dear!......LOL

tattoojrs's photo
Sat 11/25/06 11:31 AM
Fanta why do you ask what you already know
we all want contact with someone
Even if its bad its still makes you feel