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Topic: Finally some transparency about Jan. 6 , Capitol protest.
Bart's photo
Wed 03/08/23 04:32 PM
Thanks to Speaker McCarthy and Tucker Carlson of Fox News , the truth is finally being shown about what happened on Jan 6 2021 and it’s a far cry from what the partisan Jan. 6 committee tried to persuade everybody. There were some that assaulted the police( and should be behind bars) but not many compared to the amount of people that were there for a peaceful protest that was weeks in the planning. Of the 6,000 hrs. of video only a few segments have been shown and the video I’ve seen was some assaulting cops and glass windows being broken but most of the video is of police opening doors for the majority of the protesters and more or less taking them on a guided tour of different members offices… The guy with the horns that some democratic representatives actually stated that he should have been shot. He was totally peaceful and respectful and even led a prayer for the police and the way they performed the job they were doing under the circumstances they found themselves in… the police were even taking selfies with the protesters… nobody died because of the events that day, except a young unarmed female protester. She was shot at point blank range in the head by one of the police… To hell with all these democrats and some republicans that have lied to the American people for two years, refusing to allow anybody but those on the committee to see the video because they knew it would blow their case all to hell about the events on that day , therefore stopping the false rant about Trump stirring up a insurrection... It seems to me the real insurrectionists are those that again created a fake accusation about our former president, wasted tax payers money on that fake BS and knowingly lied to the American people . And all this because a outsider became president and promised to clean the swamp of all the corruption and stupidity that has been plaguing our government for decades and he was doing just that….More Jan. 6 video each night on Tucker Carlson. You can watch and make up your mind by watching other parts of the story instead of the parts the dems. are willing to show. Or you can ignore it and stay uninformed. Just a reminder there are 2 sides of a story.

PhotogVA's photo
Wed 03/08/23 10:42 PM
So very true and many other things are starting to come out about the whole Covid fiasco, and many other things that were obviously planned to throw an election.

People can remain with their heads in the sand and ignorant or wake up and actually look around them.

Interesting fact the only continent where healthy young atletic people are NOT randomly suddenly dying of heart attacks is Africa. Guess which continent did NOT have vaccine mandates? Sort of goes along with the Jan 6 BS.

Lies can only cover up for so long when many people know the truth, someone will always get "religion" and spill the beans.

Dramatic Muffin's photo
Thu 03/09/23 02:14 AM
Edited by Dramatic Muffin on Thu 03/09/23 02:19 AM
This should not have been given to only one side. Furthermore, if it is given to the right, giving it to Tucker Carlson seriously undermines any credibility. His show is entertainment (not news), and even Fox News says as much.

In a slander case against Tucker Carlson in 2020, Fox News lawyers claim that a reasonable person would not take the things Tucker Carlson says as facts.

"Just read U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil's opinion, leaning heavily on the arguments of Fox's lawyers: The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' "

She wrote: "Fox persuasively argues, that given Mr. Carlson's reputation, any reasonable viewer 'arrive[s] with an appropriate amount of skepticism' about the statement he makes."

The link to this entire NPR article is here:

Unfortunately, a LOT of Fox News viewers DO take what he says as fact (I used to be one of them). So my opinion is, either give the footage to both sides, or give it to a legitimate and credible news personality.

Bart's photo
Thu 03/09/23 04:04 AM
Both sides have this material. The left has had this footage for two years and hid it from the public, only showing the parts that fit their false narrative. .. Well now the other side has the footage and is showing footage that puts a different view on that day… I watch Tucker and he has more credibility than any of those hacks that call themselves journalists for the main stream media. (Propaganda artists). I don’t care about any liberal judges opinion. We know the liberal democrats have givin up any credibility they may have ever had in order to advance their lies about “ the other side”. There is a reason why Fox News and Tucker Carlson are no. 1 for viewing in that time slot. And that reason is people want to know what’s really going on in our country and not only what the dems want you to know.

Mark's photo
Thu 03/09/23 05:58 AM
"We're all pretending we've got a lot to show for it, because admitting what a disaster it's been is too tough to digest," he wrote. "But come on. There really isn't an upside to Trump."

Bart's photo
Thu 03/09/23 07:04 AM
Unless you count the fact that the economy under Trump was much better than it is now . The prices people paid for gas and groceries were much lower than they are now. The border was much more secure than it is now. Russia wasn’t invading Ukraine. China wasn’t threatening the U.S. as openly as they are now. Just a few examples…But yea, other than that not much upside to Trump. :rolling_eyes:

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Thu 03/09/23 10:24 AM

This should not have been given to only one side. Furthermore, if it is given to the right, giving it to Tucker Carlson seriously undermines any credibility. His show is entertainment (not news), and even Fox News says as much.

In a slander case against Tucker Carlson in 2020, Fox News lawyers claim that a reasonable person would not take the things Tucker Carlson says as facts.

"Just read U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil's opinion, leaning heavily on the arguments of Fox's lawyers: The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' "

She wrote: "Fox persuasively argues, that given Mr. Carlson's reputation, any reasonable viewer 'arrive[s] with an appropriate amount of skepticism' about the statement he makes."

The link to this entire NPR article is here:

Unfortunately, a LOT of Fox News viewers DO take what he says as fact (I used to be one of them). So my opinion is, either give the footage to both sides, or give it to a legitimate and credible news personality.

This! I've said it over and over, it's a known fact they are entertainment.
Fox didn't even cover the j6 hearings, it's completely rw one sided.
Just say no to Fox...please.

Bart's photo
Thu 03/09/23 11:42 AM
Edited by Bart on Thu 03/09/23 11:50 AM
Hi pump, :blush:. I had a feeling you would chime in on this thread . Good to hear from you…The reason I defend Fox News is because they are one of the few stations that tells all the important news of the day. I hear stories on Fox News that I would never hear if I watched cnn or msnbc or abc , etc. How can you call yourself a journalist if you would rather bury a story that could have a significant impact in our lives, instead of reporting it…Covid is a good example of the msm deception. They were discrediting opinions from experts in the CDC because their opinion didn’t align with the narrative Biden and Fauchi were creating to cover up the involvement they had in that pandemic that killed millions of people. They lied about the origins of covid, which are now being proven to be true. The msm ignored the crisis on the border until they couldn’t ignore it anymore. So many examples I could go all day long. The point is if you watch Fox even though they lean a little right, you will at least hear about the things that are happening around you . But with the other networks you don’t know what you may be missing…. and now we are hearing and seeing the side of the Jan. 6 protest that the msm and crooked politicians were trying to keep us from seeing.. why do you think the were so hell bent on these videos from getting out there where everybody could see them.

Don's photo
Thu 03/09/23 04:21 PM
"Fox ... lean a little right" ha ha ha

no photo
Thu 03/09/23 06:10 PM
rofl rofl

no photo
Thu 03/09/23 06:26 PM
What was the first country to get Covid vaccines?
In December 2020, the UK became the first country in the world to approve this vaccine and began rolling out an initial 800,000 doses at the start of the month, and is now in use worldwide.

COVID-19 vaccination in Africa increases by almost three-quarters in June 2022

The owner of Fox News said in Court they know Tucker Carlson lies but its great for ratings

Tucker Carlson's scorn for Trump revealed in court papers: 'I hate him passionately'

Also Fox News is just the name they are listed as an "Entertainment Channel" so I believe thats what is called "Fake News"

Personally I dont have live TV so I dont watch any News Channel

no photo
Thu 03/09/23 06:29 PM
Edited by Unknow on Thu 03/09/23 06:35 PM
I didnt realize that the responses dont go to the person we are trying to reply too. So I had an almost duplicate post that I just edited so its no longer there because I dont know how to delete it

no photo
Thu 03/09/23 06:49 PM
This is an article from 2012 long before this ignorance started in our Country

STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All (link below this)


Fox News isn't news
A new study suggests Fox News viewers aren’t just manipulated and misinformed — they are literally being made ignorant by their consumption habits.

What did Fox News really think of Trump and the 2020 election? (Link below)

Why Fox News Lied to Its Viewers
The network’s hosts and leaders knew that Trump had lost the election, but feared the consequences of telling their audience the truth. (Link below)

I truly hope some of you read the links we've all posted here.

You are being Conned not us.

I dont know how to get back to my comments so I probably wont see your responses. I dont like the Vial that comes from people who watch Fox News anyway

Enjoy your evening.

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Thu 03/09/23 08:06 PM

Hi pump, :blush:. I had a feeling you would chime in on this thread . Good to hear from you…The reason I defend Fox News is because they are one of the few stations that tells all the important news of the day. I hear stories on Fox News that I would never hear if I watched cnn or msnbc or abc , etc. How can you call yourself a journalist if you would rather bury a story that could have a significant impact in our lives, instead of reporting it…Covid is a good example of the msm deception. They were discrediting opinions from experts in the CDC because their opinion didn’t align with the narrative Biden and Fauchi were creating to cover up the involvement they had in that pandemic that killed millions of people. They lied about the origins of covid, which are now being proven to be true. The msm ignored the crisis on the border until they couldn’t ignore it anymore. So many examples I could go all day long. The point is if you watch Fox even though they lean a little right, you will at least hear about the things that are happening around you . But with the other networks you don’t know what you may be missing…. and now we are hearing and seeing the side of the Jan. 6 protest that the msm and crooked politicians were trying to keep us from seeing.. why do you think the were so hell bent on these videos from getting out there where everybody could see them.

Hey hey Bartwaving

There's hours and hours of violence & terror that was not shown on fox. There's a reason they didn't promote the hearings, they didn't want you to see that. What started peaceful was turned into something else, we all know they were lied to & pumped up.
What they've allowed you to finally see what they cherry picked to fit their narrative.
CNN has leaned RW since new ownership, I don't really watch news at all anymore.
The things they talk about on fox seem more like gossip and really, it's not news. It takes maybe what could be perceived as truth & twists it on its a$$. I am so over hunter. Let's talk about Ginni Thomas and her treasonous texts. NOBODY addressing that, I care about that. I care about Social Security.
I'm curious, does fox talk at all about that sunset proposal? I would guess not much, or again, cherry picking what they want you to see.
@ReadMyProfile-WELCOME! hope you find your way back her and THANK YOU for all those informative links! If even one maga reads its and understands better, great :thumbsup: :heart:
Bart please read that info she took all that time to gather. All different sources, please consider just taking Fox with a grain of salt if you must watch it and don't let them fool you. You're too smart for that, I know you are.

Bart's photo
Thu 03/09/23 08:13 PM
Say what you want about Fox News. But it doesn’t change the Fact that the democrats and the MSM lied about and covered up what really happened that day. Just to push a false narrative about Trump and anybody that supports him..and the only ignorance i recognize is coming from those that claim our country is better off now than it was just a couple of years ago. There are plenty of examples to prove that..

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Thu 03/09/23 09:03 PM
Edited by pumpilicious 💕 on Thu 03/09/23 09:07 PM
I'm not digging any of them atm. You can't really say much, if you didn't watch any of the hearings. Hours of coverage you didn't see, much from the rioters themselves and people that worked for tfg that didn't even want to talk.

It's like fox has you 🧲

Nope, I'm 1000x better now than a few years ago. Pretty much everyone I know is too.
I really wish you didn't Dem bash so much Bart, not EVERYTHING IS THEIR FAULT.
perception is everything, take fox with a grain of salt.
Once again we don't agree & probably never will.
you won't even read those links that lady posted.

Goodnight, sweet dreams.

Bart's photo
Thu 03/09/23 09:07 PM
I know you think it’s treason what justice Thomas’s wife did . But she was concerned like half of the American citizens were concerned that there were so many irregularities in that election that it may have been unfair or rigged. Which now we know how the FBI and the MSM worked to discredit and sensor information that may have changed the outcome of that election. .. you do understand that S.S. as it is dealt out now will be depleted by 2035 I think is what they said. But saying they would sunset S.S. only means to look at the future of it and make adjustments so it will last. .. Did any of the other news outlets tell you Joe Biden was saying he would sunset S.S and Medicare when he was in congress. If he understood what it meant than he should understand what it means now.. I’m not saying Fox News is absolutely always right, but I will say that any news corporation that goes on and on and on trying to discredit and destroy someone’s livelihood is not worth watching. And that is all you hear on those left leaning media outlets…

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Thu 03/09/23 09:15 PM
Edited by pumpilicious 💕 on Thu 03/09/23 09:16 PM

I know you think it’s treason what justice Thomas’s wife did . But she was concerned like half of the American citizens were concerned that there were so many irregularities in that election that it may have been unfair or rigged. Which now we know how the FBI and the MSM worked to discredit and sensor information that may have changed the outcome of that election. .. you do understand that S.S. as it is dealt out now will be depleted by 2035 I think is what they said. But saying they would sunset S.S. only means to look at the future of it and make adjustments so it will last. .. Did any of the other news outlets tell you Joe Biden was saying he would sunset S.S and Medicare when he was in congress. If he understood what it meant than he should understand what it means now.. I’m not saying Fox News is absolutely always right, but I will say that any news corporation that goes on and on and on trying to discredit and destroy someone’s livelihood is not worth watching. And that is all you hear on those left leaning media outlets…

Concerned because the big lie, right, we know. STILL Treasonous.
I understand sunset and no, not revisiting every 5 years to decide if I can have MY money I've saved my life for. Fox news is seldom right and is fear mongering and gaslighting. Those " left leaning " news outlets aren't what you say anymore, you obviously haven't watched anything recently. Even msm has rw propaganda at times now.
Good night Bart

no photo
Thu 03/09/23 10:04 PM
@ pumilicious

I figured out how to get back here yayyyyy

Nice meeting you and seeing you are sane LOL

Its great that you are trying to help him see past

the BS of trump and his minions.

Like you said if we can bring them back one at a time

hopefully we can get rid of the Hatred in this

County. And all the misinformation.

I want to know Why they are not throwing out Thomas

and arresting both him and Jenny too.

It truly upsets me that McCarthy HAD to give the

Video to Tucker to be Leader. And its being cherry

picked to fit their narrative. I wonder if they

realize what he had to agree to, to remain


In my 60 years I have never seen anything like this

until the Orange Anus was putin to OUR White House.

pumpilicious 💕's photo
Fri 03/10/23 04:48 AM
Edited by pumpilicious 💕 on Fri 03/10/23 05:03 AM

@ pumpilicious

I figured out how to get back here yayyyyy

Nice meeting you and seeing you are sane LOL

Its great that you are trying to help him see past

the BS of trump and his minions.

Like you said if we can bring them back one at a time

hopefully we can get rid of the Hatred in this

County. And all the misinformation.

I want to know Why they are not throwing out Thomas

and arresting both him and Jenny too.

It truly upsets me that McCarthy HAD to give the

Video to Tucker to be Leader. And its being cherry

picked to fit their narrative. I wonder if they

realize what he had to agree to, to remain


In my 60 years I have never seen anything like this

until the Orange Anus was putin to OUR White House.

Amen sister!❤

Nice meeting you and welcome to the dungeon (political forum)
Hope to see you in other forums too, I'm mostly on the game forum, hope to see you there!
And thank you so much for posting here and tryingto spread knowledge. .flowers

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