Topic: Am I a Christian?
Chris's photo
Sun 12/11/22 05:00 AM
I consider myself christian. I grew up southern Baptist and went every Sunday and Wednesday, did the vacation bible school every summer; highly involved in church. when I was about 10, I realized I like tattoos, babes, beer and above all, Freedom. grew my hair out and died it green and all of a sudden I'm a bad Christian. your suppose to treat your body as a temple, well, smoking at 12, already had a beer once. now, inked up on top that. yeah, I wasn't going down a Christian baptist rd. and god's mad at me now?! so, at a young age, I soon realized I didn't need organized religion. I still strongly believe to this day, I just don't believe I have to worship the way my church told me to or anyone for that matter. I also consider other religions and their beliefs. what if there is not a single god but god's? the different prophets all that.
that being said, am I a Christian? "before answering; remember, I'm asking a question, be honest. No sugar coat, beating around the bush. I want honest straight forward inputs".

no photo
Sun 12/11/22 05:17 AM
A Christian is someone whose behavior and heart reflects Jesus Christ.

Chris's photo
Sun 12/11/22 05:59 AM
A Christian is someone whose behavior and heart reflects Jesus Christ.

thank you for your honesty. that's exactly how I perceive it. I been told because I think other possibilities, that's not Christian. gotta believe Jesus Christ is God and if I think other possibilities then Im a denier of Christ or something. like, l love everyone and I see people for their actions. but being christian I'm suppose to let people walk all over me?I'm one of those people, you don't have to respect me but im not gonna let anyone get away with disrespecting me without a consequence. some say I'm suppose to lower my head and walk away that's the christian thing to do. well that maybe but that's also what a punk does and that I'm not. they make me "earn" their respect, I will but I'm gonna make em regret it. in the bible it says eye for an eye tooth for a tooth. tell me again why I'm not or lesser of a Christian than they are? it's ridiculous the way people take religion, then break in down how "they feel" it should be.

no photo
Sun 12/11/22 06:30 AM

A Christian is someone whose behavior and heart reflects Jesus Christ.

thank you for your honesty. that's exactly how I perceive it. I been told because I think other possibilities, that's not Christian. gotta believe Jesus Christ is God and if I think other possibilities then Im a denier of Christ or something. like, l love everyone and I see people for their actions. but being christian I'm suppose to let people walk all over me?I'm one of those people, you don't have to respect me but im not gonna let anyone get away with disrespecting me without a consequence. some say I'm suppose to lower my head and walk away that's the christian thing to do. well that maybe but that's also what a punk does and that I'm not. they make me "earn" their respect, I will but I'm gonna make em regret it. in the bible it says eye for an eye tooth for a tooth. tell me again why I'm not or lesser of a Christian than they are? it's ridiculous the way people take religion, then break in down how "they feel" it should be.

I have so many thoughts and concerns honestly when I read your posts. You're all over the place.

Chris's photo
Sun 12/11/22 06:50 AM
I have so many thoughts and concerns honestly when I read your posts. You're all over the place.

really? I see how one can say that. but it was all to prove my point. when I say something, I say it . there's no other meaning or ulterior motive. I call it how I read it and nothing else. no buts, what ifs, can be or anything else that is theoretical. that's not answers unless of course the question was theoretical. but my point I don't use anything theoretical unless that was the base of the question to begin with. . so everything that you read that I posted is what's it is not what it could be. does that help ya? if not. please indulge me and illaberate and I'll explain differently.

no photo
Sun 12/11/22 07:12 AM
Well first off I'll say its entirely possible I'm wrong but I don't think you're open to discussing anything that may challenge your feelings or belief. I feel like you're looking for arguments and conflict instead of real discussion.

Chris's photo
Sun 12/11/22 01:51 PM
Well first off I'll say its entirely possible I'm wrong but I don't think you're open to discussing anything that may challenge your feelings or belief. I feel like you're looking for arguments and conflict instead of real discussion.

yeah, and why's that? because that's exactly what we been doing; discussing topics. you want debate your opinion/what you mean and Im going down that rd. if it isn't a fact, in reality, it's ridiculous to debate opinion. expressing it is one thing debating is another. I say something as forward as possible and to be honest, your in left field somewhere far from anything I can relate to. to be a little more thorough, it's like your taking what is and answering me with what if, maybe, could've or but ECT. and no, I can't relate because that's not a reasonable answer or response in any kind of way. again, we've been discussing different things for like the last 24 hrs and now you say, "you think", I'm not up for discussion when indeed, that's exactly what we been doing literally the hole time. I get now I think though, "your meaning" , of discussion I wasn't able to relate, therefore couldn't discuss. I got ya now, there's the fact, the definition and then theres, how you mean it or think it should be. that being said, yes, your right. I will never see things for what "I think" they should be only for what they really are. that, and that reason alone, is why we can't have a discussion. I'm gonna go out on a limb here but you probably got that problem a lot if your talking to like a scientist, historians or just facted back people. I know you never wanted to be a lawyer or something like that. good luck winning on "what could be" . my money's on the one that "can prove".

Dodo_David's photo
Sun 12/11/22 02:34 PM
Being in a particular church no more makes you a Christian than being in a garage makes you an automobile.

Christians worship the Jesus of the Bible and trust in him alone for eternal life, but they are never sin-free on this side of eternity.

Chris's photo
Sun 12/11/22 03:05 PM
Being in a particular church no more makes you a Christian than being in a garage makes you an automobile.

Christians worship the Jesus of the Bible and trust in him alone for eternal life, but they are never sin-free on this side of eternity.

I understand what your saying... that's kinda how I felt to being shunned for being me. in that case since the first day I was born I was sinning or a born sinner; probably the better terminology. when you get to the point, just waking up in the morning, I already sinned. I already had my mind made up though, at that point in my life. no more organized religion for me. felt like a hypocrite anyway, I mean, it's beliefs, what makes mine any more than someone else's because neither can be proved.

Chris's photo
Sun 12/11/22 03:05 PM
Being in a particular church no more makes you a Christian than being in a garage makes you an automobile.

Christians worship the Jesus of the Bible and trust in him alone for eternal life, but they are never sin-free on this side of eternity.

I understand what your saying... that's kinda how I felt to being shunned for being me. in that case since the first day I was born I was sinning or a born sinner; probably the better terminology. when you get to the point, just waking up in the morning, I already sinned. I already had my mind made up though, at that point in my life. no more organized religion for me. felt like a hypocrite anyway, I mean, it's beliefs, what makes mine any more than someone else's because neither can be proved.

Holy Roller's photo
Tue 12/13/22 07:32 PM
Merry Christmas bro. JESUS also said if a man strike you turn the other cheek. Maybe you can get down on your knees before Him and ask Him to show you the way.

Toodygirl5's photo
Fri 04/07/23 12:16 PM

Being in a particular church no more makes you a Christian than being in a garage makes you an automobile.

Christians worship the Jesus of the Bible and trust in him alone for eternal life, but they are never sin-free on this side of eternity.


no photo
Sun 09/03/23 07:40 PM
"Love thy Lord thy God with all thine heart and only Him thou shall serve"
Lord Jesus died for our sins, and He was ressurected on the third day. If you believe on Him to be your Lord and hope of eternal life you shall be saved.

No work you do (or don't do) can take away your salvation, just live Lord Jesus with all your heart and He shall surely lead you the right path.

no photo
Tue 10/10/23 10:57 AM
Edited by Unknow on Tue 10/10/23 11:36 AM
It appears that you are no longer using this site, but I will comment anyway. Carebear's replies were genuine and I agree with them. I do question the fact that your profile states you are open to having an "intimate encounter". Please hear me out: A true Christian would not be looking for an intimate encounter on a dating site. As Christians, the only reason we should be on a dating site is for the intent of marriage (or friendship only). Which includes NO sex outside of marriage. All sexual sin is considered disobedience, which is an offense to God. Yes, we've all done it (I speak for myself), but we are called to turn (repent) from disobedience. As believers we are new creations in Christ to do good works. No, we are not saved by our good works, but as ~James 2:14 states we strive to live as God has called us to out of gratitude, not obligation. If we don't seek to do God's will, then how can be considered true followers of Christ? ~John 14:15
True believers seek God in His Word daily, they do not forsake the church and they also seek to have peace with all. I recommend spending time in God's Word if you earnestly want to know if you are a true believer.

no photo
Wed 12/06/23 05:40 AM

It appears that you are no longer using this site, but I will comment anyway. Carebear's replies were genuine and I agree with them. I do question the fact that your profile states you are open to having an "intimate encounter". Please hear me out: A true Christian would not be looking for an intimate encounter on a dating site. As Christians, the only reason we should be on a dating site is for the intent of marriage (or friendship only). Which includes NO sex outside of marriage. All sexual sin is considered disobedience, which is an offense to God. Yes, we've all done it (I speak for myself), but we are called to turn (repent) from disobedience. As believers we are new creations in Christ to do good works. No, we are not saved by our good works, but as ~James 2:14 states we strive to live as God has called us to out of gratitude, not obligation. If we don't seek to do God's will, then how can be considered true followers of Christ? ~John 14:15
True believers seek God in His Word daily, they do not forsake the church and they also seek to have peace with all. I recommend spending time in God's Word if you earnestly want to know if you are a true believer.


Stephon Jeffries's photo
Sun 01/26/25 04:10 PM
I consider myself christian. I grew up southern Baptist and went every Sunday and Wednesday, did the vacation bible school every summer; highly involved in church. when I was about 10, I realized I like tattoos, babes, beer and above all, Freedom. grew my hair out and died it green and all of a sudden I'm a bad Christian. your suppose to treat your body as a temple, well, smoking at 12, already had a beer once. now, inked up on top that. yeah, I wasn't going down a Christian baptist rd. and god's mad at me now?! so, at a young age, I soon realized I didn't need organized religion. I still strongly believe to this day, I just don't believe I have to worship the way my church told me to or anyone for that matter. I also consider other religions and their beliefs. what if there is not a single god but god's? the different prophets all that.
that being said, am I a Christian? "before answering; remember, I'm asking a question, be honest. No sugar coat, beating around the bush. I want honest straight forward inputs".
