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Topic: What's your guilty pleasures?
Devo1974's photo
Sun 12/04/22 09:14 PM
Doesn't have to be guilty pleasures, you can stick your chest out and challenge the rest to dispute you. I have many but for an example I love Fritos. Not often, just occasionally, but when I crave them I have to have them. Either chili cheese Fritos on their own or regular Fritos with some kind of queso. What's your guilty pleasure?

delightfulillusion's photo
Sun 12/04/22 09:19 PM
Listening to old cheesy songs

Morticia's photo
Sun 12/04/22 09:52 PM
Cookies n Cream ice cream, out of the tub. I'm lactose intolerant, but doesn't stop me!

no photo
Sun 12/04/22 09:55 PM
Watching westerns.

no photo
Sun 12/04/22 10:51 PM
Those yummy onion cheese flavoured cheetos Or chips :yum: n ice cold hazelnut coffee, even if I have mild cold, I can't hesitate..

no photo
Mon 12/05/22 12:42 AM
Onion sandwiches. Play havoc with my ulcers, but we all die eventually.

no photo
Mon 12/05/22 03:08 AM
Paranormal Romance novels. <SSSHHHHhhhhh! Dont tell!>

no photo
Mon 12/05/22 04:37 AM
Edited by Unknow on Mon 12/05/22 04:37 AM
Right now it's a tie between sappy Christmas movies and the little pastry combo I get at Publix grocery store. It consists of.. two chocolate covered strawberries, two mini cannoli's, and two fruit covered pastry tarts. drool love

Ankita kumari's photo
Mon 12/05/22 04:40 AM
Doesn't have to be guilty pleasures, you can stick your chest out and challenge the rest to dispute you. I have many but for an example I love Fritos. Not often, just occasionally, but when I crave them I have to have them. Either chili cheese Fritos on their own or regular Fritos with some kind of queso. What's your guilty pleasure?


Merry's photo
Mon 12/05/22 07:56 AM
I have zero guilt in my pleasures. :grin:
But, if I had to play to play along... :nerd:
I enjoy watching compilations on YouTube of epic fails. Nothing painful or gutwrenching, rather in the vein of really bad auditions. I prefer watching people who think they can sing, but can't sing a lick or are incredibly tonedeaf.
Then Simon Cowell says something like, "Who told you can sing?" after the horrific audition. To which the contestant retorts, "Everyone! Even people who don't like me tell I can sing."

That's often when you can find me on the floor, dead from laughing so hard.
Sometimes, I feel bad/guilty for laughing but, it's the delusion that sends me over the edge.

Slim gym 's photo
Mon 12/05/22 01:41 PM
Watching re-run of F1 races and anything connected to "cabin living in the woods ' tips and experiences... all on YouTube !!!

no photo
Mon 12/05/22 01:55 PM
Wearing my pjs all day....especially this time of the year. They are sooo warm and comfy. If I know someone is coming over, I'll just put on a nice sweater (that makes my pjs invisible)shades

Larsi666 😽's photo
Mon 12/05/22 01:56 PM
Cheesecake ... obviously drool

Ɔʎɹɐx's photo
Tue 12/06/22 06:43 AM
I sniff petrol

no photo
Tue 12/06/22 12:41 PM
Butter Pecan Ice Cream

no photo
Tue 12/06/22 08:02 PM
He is my guilty pleasure blushing but only when I have time rofl rofl rofl

no photo
Sat 12/10/22 10:52 AM
Eating a gallon of NY vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup in 3 days. Not a guilty pleasure, just a belly fat enhancement !

Poetrywriter's photo
Sat 12/10/22 07:08 PM
McDonald's fries while watching a musical or a romantic Hallmark Christmas movie.

Devo1974's photo
Sat 12/10/22 07:17 PM
You ever hear an intense conversation in a shop where you wonder why on earth the person would be having that conversation in public? Yeah, I'll follow that cart around to find out what happens.

no photo
Tue 12/13/22 05:01 PM

You ever hear an intense conversation in a shop where you wonder why on earth the person would be having that conversation in public? Yeah, I'll follow that cart around to find out what happens.

I do too!

OT: Trader Joe's Chocolate Coconut Frozen Dessert

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