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Topic: Same sex marriage is it accepted
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Tue 05/14/24 10:21 PM
People should be concerned with their own relationships and not worry about what others choose is the right path for them . pitchfork love is love .. attraction is attraction. It is only society that tries to control and conform . :heart: one love

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Tue 05/14/24 10:37 PM
Edited by Unknow on Tue 05/14/24 10:37 PM

I believe everyone should have equal rights in every aspect of life. :hearts:๐Ÿงก:yellow_heart::green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart:

I voted Yes for SSM when we had the referendum, glad it passed.

If figured at the time: why not allow them to get married. They deserve to be as miserable as the rest of us. lol

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Wed 05/15/24 04:12 PM
Hey Vera, I read your profile and would like to chat if you want to message me

Rani's photo
Thu 05/16/24 09:21 PM
I'm India lesbian can be interested..chat me

SparklingCrystal ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’Ž's photo
Fri 05/17/24 03:26 AM
My country, The Netherlands, was the first in the world to legalise same-sex marriage in 2000, to be implemented in 2001.

I think it is generally accepted although that is up to the individual and I suppose esp religious people aren't so tolerant, but not sure.

I don't have a problem with it, but I do wonder where this hype of LGABC is going to lead to.
If they shift from feeling male to female and back or anything in between you are prone to get polyamory.
How long is it going to take for these people to demand the right to marry more than one?
That I am against.
The risk of that sliding towards the creepy cult thing where a male leader 'marries' several wives, usually minors & virgins.
And if marrying more than one would be allowed there'd be nothing anyone can do about that kind of thing.
Allowing marriage to more than one would be an open invite to such scenarios.

I also don't like that LGABC want the world to address them in plural form, we, us, they.
And the rest of the world having to adept to their state of being with our public toilets, but also it becoming close to illegal to have explicitly male or female dolls, young children being raised as if there's only one gender.
THAT is a crazy scary development.
Just when we're about to free ourselves from thousands of years of imbalanced masculine energy -the patriarchal system- we get this thrown at us?
We were on the brink of a wonderful new era in which both genders would be respected, loved, honoured. It's about to be ruined.

Ahammed's photo
Fri 05/17/24 02:18 PM
Hi Larsi :wave::metal:


Ahammed's photo
Fri 05/17/24 02:18 PM
I'm India lesbian can be interested..chat me


no photo
Thu 05/23/24 12:48 PM
In Jamaica, it's a resounding no

Toodygirl5's photo
Thu 05/23/24 01:38 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Thu 05/23/24 01:40 PM

Is same sex marriage accepted in your country,?

From where i am its not:pensive:

What is acceptable in Society is not always acceptable to the Creator of the Universe.
It would be Wiser to think about what He thinks
is a expectable Lifestyle.
The Creator
created Male and Female in the beginning for
a good reason.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 05/25/24 09:33 PM
Marriage is a husband and wife so when a guy says he has a husband I assume he must be the ***** in the relationship, and if they want to have children they should have to do it the old fashion way where a man has sex with a woman, if that can't happen then no going out and buying a child, i thought buying and selling humans was outlawed 150 years ago and yet people get awaybwith it all the time.

no photo
Fri 06/14/24 01:30 AM
Who you marry or love is none of the government's business. If they make it their business, that's why guns exist. Your rights are YOURS and ONLY YOURS


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