Topic: Stretched Across
mig25's photo
Fri 04/01/22 01:34 PM
Stretched Across

Random lines
of uncomfortable love
stretch across her femininity
like beautiful scars

They are
woven into her flesh
by time
and life anew

Defining her
as a mother
defining her
as a caregiver
defining her
as the strongest person
who will ever live

JulieABush's photo
Fri 04/01/22 01:50 PM
Nice poem:thumbsup: :wink: .

no photo
Fri 04/01/22 01:59 PM
Phenomenal woman :heart: as always I am so in awe of your talent Mig . love thanks for sharing waving

no photo
Fri 04/01/22 02:00 PM
S:cherry_blossom:U:cherry_blossom:P:cherry_blossom:E:cherry_blossom:R :thumbsup:

Aatheera's photo
Sat 04/02/22 10:24 AM