Topic: The Wrong Answer Game - part 2 | |
Because we all have a screw loose!
Why do people have ants in their pants? |
Being always calm can be tiring. Why does it pour when it rains? |
because the sun it out...
why are people so serious? |
Because laughter is contagious and people don’t wear masks.
What do you find at the end of the line? |
The last drop of a pixel. How soon is now? |
When the bell tolls.
Why do we need to match our socks? |
So that our steps are in sync
Why do we walk forward? |
Sideways like a crab is too fast.
Why do bee stings sting? |
Cuz you forgot to pay for the honey!
What exactly is the "cat's meow"? |
It is the sound a man makes when he's singing and wearing very tight pants. [Sorry, no disrespect intended] Why is it that when we're happy, we just simply enjoy the music; but when we're not, we understand and appreciate the lyrics more? |
Happiness is a bubble in your brain that blocks out logic.
What’s at the end of the rainbow? |
Paint boxes n brushes
Why sea waves march towards the shore |
They're trying to get Ariel back into the sea. What inspires the poet in you? |
Peanut butter stuck to the roof of my mouth
Why aren't all your toes, big toes? |
Just to show you that all sizes matter and there's beauty in variety. What makes you decide on making someone your friend? |
They must be this tall to join this crazy ride.
When is it a good time to quit? |
When you're told to do so. : ) What's wrong with pineapple as a pizza topping? |
Because it's always beefing with pepperoni.
Why do cats purr? |
Because they lost their singing voice during evolution.
Why is art subjective? |
![]() ![]() Because it has sketchy feelings, shady opinions and constantly drawing a blank when it comes to an "art"-gument. Why do we have eyelashes? |