Topic: Deep Water Horizon
SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 01/10/22 04:13 PM
Deep Water Horizon... both the event and the movie about it...
Absolutely horrific what happened.
And in the end of the movie they shine a light on the 11 people that lost their life on that rig, and sure, that's really sad and horrible for their families.
But... there is NO mention whatsoever of the tens of thousands of sea turtles that got killed -including many young baby turtles-, the billions of tiny fish, the near ruin of a century old coral reef, the sea grass, dolphins, and so on.
Nor any mention of it meaning the end of many pregnancies and diseases in dolphins, tuna, and so on.
Nor that the already rare type of whales that lived there has now gone almost extinct because of that happening.

Now the 11 human lives are sad, but destruction of ocean life affects millions, and could in the end kill us all.
They could at least have mentioned something about that...

alpinecowboy's photo
Wed 01/12/22 06:18 AM
the tiny fish will be ok. and whales. big fat nasty things, stinky . floating all over , getting in the way. stupid blow holes. hate whales. we should put them in slavery and make them tow cruise ships. or just nuke them. friggin whales

dust4fun's photo
Sat 01/15/22 07:57 PM
Compared to Chernobyl this was just a minor incident. There are many, much better places to get oil from, but too many people saying not in my back yard. These folks on the rig knew it could be dangerous and were paid well, so well it is sad they lost their lives, it is also sad to see what happens to the environment when too often these events happen because of carelessness or reckless actions.

If we look at the actions people propose to changing the things that are damaging the earth there are different approaches, some aimed at saving the environment and creatures, while others just focus on what it takes to save humans, or protect the comfort of humans. Human control over the affects from nature are rapidly growing, things such as people living longer lives, and increased production of food. Nature is in a constant battle to try and balance its self off, but the drastic changes that people are causing makes it very difficult for nature to keep up.

So what can be done to protect planet earth? For start we could control population growth, every human has a carbon footprint no matter how simple their life is. We could do a way better job of recycling, 99% of what we throw away could be recycled or composted, but between convenience, cost and laziness too often it just goes to a land fill or in some cases our oceans. Sometimes this is also a result of using more energy or material then it's worth to recycle. Garbage can also be burnt for energy, you may think this would create a lot of pollution, but letting something decay also created pollution and if burnt correctly it can be very efficient. Peoples love of travel, their need for useless goods, their desire not to be to hot or cold, all use large amounts of resources. People could work closer to home, use products produced closer to home, and less of them. Keep the heater, and air conditioning from working so hard and allow their bodies to adapt to changing temperatures.

New energy sources are out there and yet to be discovered. Hydro (water) power has been used for centuries, yet there is much more talk about wind and solar at this time. The problem with anything electric is you lose about half the power (energy) by the time it's transmitted. Windmills are affecting birds and may even be changing some weather patterns, solar only happens during daylight, it can be expensive to produce the panels, and think about adding all that black surface area to the earth that will create more heat. If they could use the roadways for these panels it would be a win, win. I started with Chernobyl so not a good time to bring up nuclear, but it is a very effective way to create energy, could be used to heat as well as produce electricity, just a matter of making it safer and protecting the waste for millions of years. In order to get away from heating homes with gas we can use geo thermal and radiant solar, not sure if in the big picture messing with the ground would have an effect on nature, I'm sure something would show up.

I'm sure now everyone will take actions on their own to save the planet, but then again you only live once so why not just enjoy it while you are here and let nature take it's coarse?

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 01/16/22 05:01 AM

I'm sure now everyone will take actions on their own to save the planet, but then again you only live once so why not just enjoy it while you are here and let nature take it's coarse?

I personally am not a believer in this overpopulation theory that we're being bombarded with over and over again.
It's yet another thing that the ones in power brainwash us with, Bill Gates for instance.
If societies weren't revolving around those in power the number of people on the planet wouldn't be an issue at all! It's all because what this relatively small group in power does to keep societies going the way they are that it IS a problem.
What I mean is, the current way of life keeps us in constant stress-mode, whether you feel stressed or not, you are. It's the normal baseline that everyone lives with.
Because there's pressure to make money, to perform, to succeed, to meet society's standards and so on and so forth.
If we would live the way we were meant to live, in harmony and peace and respect, we wouldn't abuse and drain natural resources, nor would many people on the planet be a problem.
Everything always leads back to the ones behind the screens, the ones that hold power and make billions of us being stressed, ill, limited in what we can do and reach, and they also makes billions of ruining the planet.
So this whole 'too many people' thing is total nonsense but unfortunately many buy into it.

Also, the part I quoted... you only live once.. May be, but what about our children? And for many grandchildren?
And apart from that, how about caring about all life, which is a normal natural human ability that also got lost in many due to the stressed societies.
I do not want to be part of killing animals, sealife, plants and so on. I LOVE nature!
I'm not here to just live, ruin and trash things as I go about it, and then leave, not caring about what I left behind.

When I think about the whales, dolphins, turtles, seals etc etc my heart opens and love flows out.
I care. I love.

As for energy, there are plenty of other ways. There are plenty of new ways of wind energy that does not disturb birds or fish. They're working on a new type of solar panels that's more environmentally friendly, sustainable, capable of getting more energy out of the same surface area etc etc. etc.
That's the beauty of people: we are creative. We CAN find other ways!
We don't need what that group in power throws at us: nuclear plants, GM foods, forced vegetarian life-style and so on.
In essence what needs to go is this group. Shut down all nuclear plants, get rid of GM crap AND forced vegetarian chit that is also full of GM soy and so on.
We will get there.

Back to the topic: it was the US' biggest oil disaster. I don't think comparing it to a nuclear disaster is possible. Both have severe consequences. Do not underestimate the after effect of this oil disaster! It takes many years, some things centuries even, to fully restore. And we may lose some species along the way...
I wouldn't say that is less than Tjernobyl. And when mentioning that, no one ever seems to remember Fukushima which is still problematic.
Fukushima had a lot of spill in the oceans and the oceans are the basis of all life on the planet, including human life.

no photo
Sun 01/16/22 05:51 AM

Compared to Chernobyl this was just a minor incident. There are many, much better places to get oil from, but too many people saying not in my back yard. These folks on the rig knew it could be dangerous and were paid well, so well it is sad they lost their lives, it is also sad to see what happens to the environment when too often these events happen because of carelessness or reckless actions.

If we look at the actions people propose to changing the things that are damaging the earth there are different approaches, some aimed at saving the environment and creatures, while others just focus on what it takes to save humans, or protect the comfort of humans. Human control over the affects from nature are rapidly growing, things such as people living longer lives, and increased production of food. Nature is in a constant battle to try and balance its self off, but the drastic changes that people are causing makes it very difficult for nature to keep up.

So what can be done to protect planet earth? For start we could control population growth, every human has a carbon footprint no matter how simple their life is. We could do a way better job of recycling, 99% of what we throw away could be recycled or composted, but between convenience, cost and laziness too often it just goes to a land fill or in some cases our oceans. Sometimes this is also a result of using more energy or material then it's worth to recycle. Garbage can also be burnt for energy, you may think this would create a lot of pollution, but letting something decay also created pollution and if burnt correctly it can be very efficient. Peoples love of travel, their need for useless goods, their desire not to be to hot or cold, all use large amounts of resources. People could work closer to home, use products produced closer to home, and less of them. Keep the heater, and air conditioning from working so hard and allow their bodies to adapt to changing temperatures.

New energy sources are out there and yet to be discovered. Hydro (water) power has been used for centuries, yet there is much more talk about wind and solar at this time. The problem with anything electric is you lose about half the power (energy) by the time it's transmitted. Windmills are affecting birds and may even be changing some weather patterns, solar only happens during daylight, it can be expensive to produce the panels, and think about adding all that black surface area to the earth that will create more heat. If they could use the roadways for these panels it would be a win, win. I started with Chernobyl so not a good time to bring up nuclear, but it is a very effective way to create energy, could be used to heat as well as produce electricity, just a matter of making it safer and protecting the waste for millions of years. In order to get away from heating homes with gas we can use geo thermal and radiant solar, not sure if in the big picture messing with the ground would have an effect on nature, I'm sure something would show up.

I'm sure now everyone will take actions on their own to save the planet, but then again you only live once so why not just enjoy it while you are here and let nature take it's coarse?

Some of your suggestions smack of Agenda 21. Have you read it?
Solar works in some areas. In my area, it's only good for about 8% efficiency. Hardly worth putting panels up, and you'd never see them paying for themselves.
I haven't looked it up, but I understand England does use burning garbage for electric power already. But some sort of fluke in the weather, about three years ago made them burn wood pellets- My heat source. By march 15, there was none to be had-anywhere. I had enough to get me to the end of the month, then I had to rely on electric space heaters. That stunk.
I don't believe EV's are the answer. Too many politicians are rushing to that, thinking that demand is going make them come up with better vehicles. I don't believe that for a minute. They claim that more EV's being produced will drive the cost down. Baloney! Estimates on lithium available set us at five decades before lithium runs out. Nickle is also needed for those batteries. The biggest source for that is the Amazon Rain Forests. Doing that would cuts out the "Lungs of the earth" A very dumb move.
Think everyone is going live in a spartan like existence? No way. I am not an urban dweller. I hate all big cities, too many people. I might be able to live in a town of 10K or less, but count on me to be one surly cuss that doesn't get along with others.Put me in an apartment, I will be one unhappy person, that would probably lash out at anyone.

We need to come up with some viable options without cutting off what we have going right now.Rushing it won't work.From my grade school science class, I was told that plant life needs CO2 to survive. Ten years ago, I lived on some pretty barren ground, with just weeds growing on it. Now I live in a wooded area, because I let the trees grow. One patch of ground I remember as a kid to be farmed ground went to seed. 40 years later, I'm cutting up dead trees for firewood that are 2-3 feet across the trunk, off that same previously farmed ground. These idiot environmentalists need to actually go and look at what is happening, rather than reading about it.

I wish I had saved a photo that was on facebook last month. It was a photo of a 1967 Chevy pickup truck. The motor was long gone out of it, the hood was gone. Up inside the engine compartment was a Pin oak tree, 18 inches across the trunk. Nobody took that truck apart, and back together around that tree. Trees grow that fast.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 01/16/22 10:05 AM
Edited by dust4fun on Sun 01/16/22 10:11 AM
Population is a big effect on what is happening. 100 years ago there was 2 billion people on earth, now there is 8 billion! It's a "snowball effect" meaning it grows by multiples. There are factors that cause this growth, people live longer, people have more children, people who couldn't have children are now having children.
If you have a child when you are 15 and they have a child at 15 etc. 15-30-45-60-75-90. Compare that to somebody who has a child at 30 and there child has a child at 30 etc. 30-60-90. The number of generations alive at a given time doubles when you start young.

We as humans can decide to have less children, or we can wait for nature to wipe out a large number of people. The best solution for nature would be if humans started to eat other humans, this would reduce the number of humans while giving them a sustainable food source, however things would have to get pretty bad before this happens, and if people, and/or nature control the population it may not have to come to that.

Between the 1500's and mid 1600's 50million people in the Americas died, mostly from diseases, but also some fighting and what not. When they died the farm field grew trees back, the amount of carbon in the atmosphere dropped about in half sending the planet into a bit of a minor ice age. This shows what a shift in population could do, so we can do something, or nature can do something! The only predators that are a real threat to humans is viruses such as what we are seeing now, however our food sources could could also easily be affected, or an astroid or volcano eruption could easily affect life on earth.

Here's an idea if you don't want your children and grand children to deal with how we destroyed the planet, don't have kids, then they won't have grandkids. It may be too late for many to do this, but if somewhere along the line people stop having children, or the majority of people on earth control the number of children being born, maybe then we can create a balance between nature and the population, but if left out of control it will lead to disaster.

We are not here for a long time, we are here for a good time. Just enjoy life, and what happens after you are gone will not affect you. The biggest issue is it's mostly stupid people having large amounts of children, eventually the human gene pool will be so weak that people will no longer have the knowledge to survive.

no photo
Sun 01/23/22 06:40 PM
And thin out libs maybe ?