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Topic: Where do they go?
SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sat 09/25/21 04:26 AM

Life is full of transitional states. Birth and death being 2 of many. Since I'm not religious/spiritual, the answer would be into the ground hopefully with a natural burial. Metal coffins, which is what the majority of people are buried in now, are too well sealed to add anything to the surrounding environment, which makes sense since embalming fluid is hardly environmentally safe. Natural burial allows the body to naturally break down and feed the surrounding fauna. From that aspect, we do live on, but only as a food source.

That's different per country. Over here metal coffins are not allowed. Full embalming isn't either.
You can get thanatopraxia which is a mild way of embalming, using different fluids that are degradable. But you don't have to choose this either.

no photo
Sat 09/25/21 08:37 AM
The dust returns to the earth -the spirit to God who gave it -until resurrected.

20But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. 21For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. 22For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. 23But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming. 24Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. 25For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. 26The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

 Ꮢ Ꭷ Ᏸ ɨ Ꮑ's photo
Mon 11/08/21 08:58 AM
Where do you think people who have committed suicide go? Nowhere, somewhere or everywhere like atoms?

Any stories that you can tell me?

A friend of mine had a dream after her brother committed suicide that he burst out of an oasis with his arms raised in glory and it comforted her, she believes he is in a good place.


My Thinking :slight_smile:

One life we have,
why don't we live it happily an spread positive vibes instead of negative.
Committee suicide is bad,
but after all death is deatj, naturally, accidently or health pr killed.

Ev everyone goes in one place.. that's why God is Great

Their is no difference of hell o r heaven..
it's we people who division our mind vision..


Ava Adore's photo
Mon 11/08/21 11:05 AM
Suicide is a major sin, according to the religion that I used to be a part of, and people who take their own lives will go to the opposite of heaven.

But for me, I believe that they are no longer in pain and are at peace. Who are we to judge on where they will end up in the Afterlife? :slight_smile:

skimbob's photo
Wed 06/15/22 07:32 AM
I personally believe they go to the same place as everyone else who’s passed. It makes NO difference in HOW they passed over.

I have personally known 5 people who have taken their own lives within the last 10 yrs. All but one were males.

i actually believe so too

no photo
Wed 06/15/22 09:31 AM

Where do you think people who have committed suicide go? Nowhere, somewhere or everywhere like atoms?

No different from the deceased by other causes, and my reply has no religious connotation whatsoever.

Letsgiveitatry's photo
Thu 06/16/22 08:04 AM
Nowhere, they simply cease to exist like everyone else.

Louis Francis 's photo
Fri 12/16/22 06:24 PM
the dust returns to the earth , the spirit to God who gave it . until resurrected :hugging::worried:

LaughingGeek's photo
Sun 12/18/22 01:22 AM
read books by Dr Michael Newton, specially 'Life between lives', it gives good insight on where departing soul go

Tom4Uhere's photo
Mon 12/19/22 08:32 AM
Where do you think people who have committed suicide go?

The Dirt

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