Topic: Vibrating on a higher frequency. | |
And when we allow ourselves to do this, we encounter possitivity.
For the past month or so, I've been doing a lot of soul searching. I've also been reading a very good book called "The Power of Intention" by Wayne W. Dyer. As I've done my research, questioned myself and what I am doing, and also applied the simple formulas in my life, I've noticed a huge change in how I am becoming, how others view me, and how others feel when they are around me. Here are a few of my steps that I have taken to change myself, for the better. 1. Keep my thoughts possitive - No matter what time of the day it is, and no matter what I am doing, I always think possitively. Yes, everyone can not just be a possitive person in one day and think that way forever. It takes time. If you can believe it, every thought you have changes how you feel, act, and how you are seen by others. When we begin to think on the possitive, we become healthier, people view us in a new light, and we are able to acheive what it is that we want. 2. Realize my goals, and follow through - It may be the smallest goal in the world, or it may be the biggest. You may want to get a new job or you may just want to move out of the country. By taking the smaller steps, and after we acknowledge that we know what we want, we can acheive it. There is nothing too big or too small. 3. Appreciate the beauty of everything around me - This can be anything. A tree, a building, a man walking his dog, or even the cool breeze as it passes through my fingers. At this point, I can become one with everything. At this point, I find a unity that can not be found anywhere else. I can no longer hold any grudges, I can no longer be angry at anyone, and I can no longer worry. I am in bliss. 4. Meditation every day - Even if it is for just a few small moments, let your mind go for a second, and feel the energy as it moves through your body. You can do this while waiting at a stop light, before you go in for an interview, or even when you are alone at home. Taking these few seconds from your day to completely let go is a very healthy thing for your mind and body. 5. Listen to music that has a more possitive light - Heavy metal, goth rock, or anything that tends to be very heavy and loud with violent/depressing lyrics only weakens you on a lower level. You allow yourself, for a certain amount of time, to become a negative energy. Try listening to music with lyrics about love, solving problems, unity, or something that is just uplifting. It not only makes you feel better, but it makes you more possitive. These are just a few steps you can take that I am including into my every day life. It's helping me see things in a different light. Because I have decided to become one with everything, I am begining to make healthier choices, I am beginning to become more decisive, more honest, caring, understanding, and happy. There are several ways to make yourself happy without bringing your energy down. I do not wish to vibrate on a lower frequency anymore. In order to live a happy, healthy life, I must be conected to everything at all times. I believe we are all one, we are all conected, and we can all change the world little by little. The only thing I ask you is, are you ready? |
Are we talking ever ready batteries here? or just plain old Vibrators?
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I’m glad to see that you are talking such a positive path. More people would do well to do this.
Ironically, everything you’ve stated would be agreed to by most Christian theologians as being positive goals. Yet their religion actually inspires the opposite. There is a negative affect of believing that God is in charge. It causes people to become inactive in crafting their own destiny because they start believing that God will guide them. That can actually be detrimental because it causes the people to not guide themselves. ![]() |
Some really good stuff you shared. I have some daily books that I view. One is our Just For Today book and our Twenty-Four hour book. Oh, and then there is our Daily Reflections book. Keeping a diary or journal along with a meditation book can be beneficial, too. Staying in the here and now is solid advice and positive. Oh, yes if one not aware of the beauty of nature one can miss out. I can remember taking awareness training in college. Meditating by closing one's eyes and letting the other senses work harder is sometimes good, too. I can remember using that to pick out different instruments in music. One can restart one's day if it is going bad to accentuate on the positive. A daily inventory is good, too after the day is at a close, too. I like what you said about small goals. I remember my counselor told me if I was having trouble with a goal to break in down in smaller chunks. I was told that I didn't have to compete with others but could compete with myself to achieve goals. I was watching a show about Lou Ferigno, the body builder and one of the stars of The Incredible Hulk. A fellow body builder even used the idea of competing with one's self. Sometimes we can judge our inside with others' outside which can be less positive and lose track of what we are actually trying to accomplish.
Glad to see that people understand where I am coming from!
Thanks for the kind and informative comments. |
Glad to see that people understand where I am coming from! Thanks for the kind and informative comments. I understood that completely. Many here live that way. Positive begets positive. Life is what we make of it. If we truly belive that way, our lives and those around us will be affected by it. Kat |
Hi Infectious, hi everybody.
I like how you are growing, Infectious. I've read a bit of this vibration theory. I think people do emanate on different frequencies, and I think our state of mind can have a role in this. I also think we have the ability to make changes to it. I think Rainbow has also added quite a bit of other informtation, things you can also try. I also think each person, finds what works best for them, if and when they are really ready to make the changes within. I have always despised 'doing nothing'. So I developed a form of meditation that suited me. I did this at a very early age. Today, I can be standing in line in a grocery store and easily slip into it. I can even do so, in the middle of a conversation lull. It's simple and it is the very best way of taking a frustrating moment and making the frustration go away. Basically, all I do in begin to think of all the people I have been touched by in my life. And each time in a day that I do this, I can pick-up from where ever I left off. At the end of the day, before I sleep, I finish (if I can). This exercise began as a way to remember all the people of my life, and to send a quick 'positive' burst of energy out to them. But what is has accomplished for me, has turned out to be a gift beyond measure. Thanks for sharing your ideas. Keep us posted on more, I enjoy learning about these things, and how others manifest them. |
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Thu 12/27/07 09:14 AM
shalom.. We guide ourselves. At least i do.I believe Yahweh if that is not the direction I am to take it just will not happen. I believe the will of Yahweh is done in his way. He is a protector. He invented science and discoveries in medicine for our own good. thier are guideline in the scriptures as you know i believe the Torah has not been done away. But Yahweh is Good. Anything that is good for mankind is from him and we should accept it as that. Yes thier are groups who reject medicine and doctors and whatever discoveries that are out thier as if Yahweh is not in control. Letting thier children die when Yahweh said choose life. Yahweh is not this tyrant that so many believe. He mostly does not enterfere with our lives. Things are just happen stance. Yet why does a young mind create a new idea that revolutionizes something for our own good. Doesn't it come from the mind. A sudden thought that leads to the good for us.Yahweh is a spirit and he nudges his children in the right direction for good. We need to accept that. Then thier is evil in this world. He tries to guide us away from it but so many will not listen. They are driiven and overcome with greed and lust. People who follow along with them are taking thier chances on life. but ours in not to wonder and question but to know the scriptures well enough to know whether something is bad or good and act accordingly. It says train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. So very true. Our scycologists scream that at us. It was written thousands of years ago. So accept what is good and hold on to it. Let the bad go and we all will be free. May Yahweh Change and Challenge Us To Do His Will..Blessings...Miles |
Speaking of frequency. Have you ever heard of the Rife Microscope. It was invented before the electron by Dr Rife. This microscope led to a completely different understanding back in the 1920's and 30's about the treatment of almost all known diseases.Dr. Rife went on to invent a electrical wave machine as he saw in his experiments that cancer cells and other diseases would respond to certain frequencies.This has been rejected by the drug companies and our congress.Dr. Rife was harrassed emenciely.And his machine squached. it is being rejuvanated in other countries as ours does not want anything to do with it. So if you would check out this web site and the findings of his work. You may very well be dumb founded why this machine is illegal here..Shalom..Miles |
See now this was a good read but then you had to target Metal. How much do you actually understand about metal? And why point out metal and goth rock? Why not rap or pop or country music or instrumental?
Saying that it weakens you shows your lack of understanding. |
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Thu 12/27/07 02:00 PM
I would have to agree on the music. If ever anything made vibrations its music. I think everyone is tuned into different types of music. What may seem dark to you may lighten the soul of another. Music is too mystical to lump into genre. Much better to say music that makes you feel down, or something like that.
Cheers my brother ![]() |
Completely agreed.
and yes, I do understand metal. I've been listening to it for a good majority of my life. I simply named off those genres because, typically, people who tend to vibrate on a lower frequency do listen to that stuff. Those genres were a simple generalization. But yes, any type of music can put any type of person in a different mood. Sorry to point out just some genres. |
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Thu 12/27/07 07:33 PM
Miles - I hope you return to this topic. I want to ask you how you feel about something in relation to whay you have posted.
In your belief, that Yahweh gently nudges an individual to 'good', do you also believe that, perhaps, Yahweh knows that some people must make their way to 'good' without a belief in Him? Perhaps Yhaweh knows that some will provide a better life for themselves and others if thier lives take a path apart from a the more strictor confines of belief in a single deity. ?? Also, with regards to Rife. I took a great interest in this subject a number of years ago. But it took my more recent interest in politics to understand WHY, such science is neglected. You are right, it is neglected by the United States above most other countries and the reason is very sad. Anything that can not be pattented by the 'drug companies' rarely becomes notable here. The pharmacuitical industries are usually considered one of the top 2 or 3 lobby forces within the political structure. Make no mistake, it is, in fact, politics that rules the medical and related scientific fields in this country. This is why the greatest of "alternative medical practices" can only be adequetly attained out of country. There are a few, rocking the boat, but they risk much, in a society where there is no protection for mal-practice suits. Did you know there are dental alternatives, rare but available as they believe metals are destructive to our bodies. And so they are! But the expense of seeking such alternatives is prohibitive to all but the most well off. Sad, because so many are allergic to the metals and such that are the only alternative of most insurance policies. This is just another of the battles I have chosen to fight in the political arena. |
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Fri 12/28/07 09:21 AM
Shalom Red
Good to hear from you. I believe Yahweh lets mankind have free will. His intersessions on or to people is for thier good. He speaks of the rain falls upon the unjust the same as the just. He sees all people as equal and treats them as such. He may not intervene with a non believer doing good. Yahshua Said of the Roman soldier who came to believe who he was and had heard that he could heal. When he asked for help for his soldier. He told Yahshua you speak the word and it will be done. I doubt very seriously he was a Jew or had he been baptized by John for remmission of sins. What he did know was Yahshua was good. Yahsua turned and told all the people around him. I have not found such faith in Israel. What a blow to the promiced children of Israel. You see Yahweh looks upon the heart and mind and the true intentions in that person. He does say you are responcible for what you know. I see this as reasonable since I tell my children under my roof the same thing. The scriptures tells us that thier will be a very small number of his people on earth worshipping him.We know most of the population will turn against itself and when Yahshua returns the armies that come against him and his angels.( this is not a common belief). He will destroy. We know that satan is the true ruler of this world.And we know thier are just guessing here over a billion people will be left that did not accept Yahshua. But know they have a chance to as satan is chained. We also know thier will be people who will still refuse to do as the Torah says.Does Yahshua strike them down and kill them? No he says that rain will be with held from them.Thier are consequences for rebelling.Now I know this is a little long Red but bear with me.You will understand at the end. Now fast foward to the 1000 end regien. Many people on the earth turn against Yahshua as satan is let loose for his last time. They lose and satan is never heard of again. Now hear is the point that religion does not like. It is like it is thier right to see people tortured forever and ever. They are living on very shaky ground. It says the Book of LIFE is opened. Is your name is not in thier you are thrown into the fire the death sentence you are no more. No suffering forever i believe this came from satan into the church because he wants his kingdom. Then The book of Life says what your WORKS were while you was alive. If you did not know better. You heard so much and seen so much pride,self praise,inconcinstancies,so much do this or go to hell. and you just said i do not want anypart of this they are hippocrites. This is where your name is written in the book of life for your,helping others,not doing evil or planning it.You will have eternal life.Yahweh is Just and True and Rightous in his judgement and penaties.But do not deny your spirit if it says to go to Yahweh. Then you fall under judgement on what you do.This is the calling he speaks of. His sheep hear his voice. I am not saying anything just telling what the scriptures say. It pains me that the whole world almost preach a kingdom that Satan Rules. Is Yahweh going to let Satan Rule what he made in his image. I think not. Any one who says he will is a liar and the spirit of peace is not in them. so keep on doing good Red. do not let anyone try to tell you are going to suffer forever because you do not believe or not as they do. The Time is comming when the whole world is going to be told the truth. The world will hate this message and kill them rejoicing. This is the spirit of Anti-Messiah which I am afraid rules the very world we live in now. May Yahweh's Hands Guide You....Shalom Red....Miles |
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Sat 12/29/07 09:27 PM
God Bless
While being a Christian in heart, I can hear the undertones very well and can appreciate the idea of oneness with earth/matter and being. I read a book once called the celestial prophecy and it mentioned missing books, but also the type of experiences you are explaining. The only thing I fail to grasp is it seems to leave so much room for my plans and not a higher power working through us. In my case, for salvation in my deepest weakness when I want to give up, throw in the towel and not appreciate the whole of life. God comes through me and seems to accomplish more. I can't even begin to explain, but I can only praise my weakness, for something is stronger to build forgiveness, appreciation and love for all. Just thought I would share. My beliefs are for salvation, but I appreciate your good vibrations on displaying how we should appreciate all of life and its goodness. I usually see the beauty as God. Even when all my intentions are for the better of mankind, kindness and goodness I am not capable of doing that myself. Not would i want that - I let God decide which intentions are worth letting happen... ya know. I hear undertones good and bad... (sounds weird) Take Care.. Tanya |
Miles, not so long a post as I've seen. I can deal with your kind of philosophy. If this were the same for all deity believers, I think there would be far less animosity and far fewer divisions within and between religions.
For me there is a sense of peace, because to tell you the truth, there are just too many good and just people in the world for others to be wishing them pain and suffering. Free will, SHOULD mean just that, free. Free to follow ones own path. I don't fear the nothingness when this body is done. What I do fear is not having done enough for the benefit of those who come after me. In this there is peace and if I know I have accomplished, then I can close my eyes forever. Therein lies the problem. Those who feel they are 'hindered' in some way by having to be 'devout' to their doctrine. Those who think they work so much harder (at their belief) than others, those who feel the only good worthy of their salvation is to call others into the fold. These are the people who want some 'justification' at the end. Those who want to say "I told you so". For them there must be a measure of punishment equal to thier measure of peace in an everlasting life. Sad but true. Thanks again for the great clarity! |