Topic: Japanese Sex.
Mefikit's photo
Tue 02/02/21 11:41 AM
A Japanese couple are arguing about how to perform highly erotic sex.

Husband: "Sukitaki Mojitaka."

Wife replies: "Kowanini Mowi Janakpa."

Husband, angrily: "Toka a anji arodi roumi yakoo."

Wife, on her knees, begging: "Mimi Nakoundinda tinkouji."

Husband shouts angrily: "Na miaou kina Tim kouji."

I can't believe you just sat there trying to read this!

You don't know any Japanese.

You'll read anything as long as it's about sex.

Sometimes I worry about you.

You're in need of serious help.

JulieABush's photo
Tue 02/02/21 01:28 PM
That’s truelaugh .

no photo
Wed 02/03/21 03:48 AM
Edited by cybert19 on Wed 02/03/21 03:50 AM
google translate:
Sukitaki Mojitaka---------------Mojitaka Suki
Kowanini Mowi Janakpa-----------Kowanini Mowi Janakp
Toka a anji arodi roumi yakoo---Get out of here
Mimi Nakoundinda tinkouji-------Mimi Nkundenda Tnq
Na miaou kina Tim kouji---------At my cinema, Tim Kouji

 ☮️ Coolchic Dee 💟's photo
Wed 02/03/21 01:34 PM

I gotta admit.... I did read that! :laughing:

Mefikit's photo
Wed 02/03/21 06:28 PM
Great. Humour has everything going for it. Stay safe and I'll try to keep finding funny things to post.

Acquired Taste's photo
Fri 02/05/21 04:57 PM
jang jang boogitou
papa rama dama ding dong
itchi nitchi bogido
fafa bamaramalingnong