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Topic: How Do You feel right now? - part 19
Rock's photo
Mon 01/18/21 03:21 PM

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 01/18/21 04:49 PM
Loving the wonderful feedback to my reading.
Now time to sleep. Almost 2 !!! Dang, hihi

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Wed 01/20/21 04:45 AM
Feeling terribly hot after vacuuming most of my house, including upstairs.
But feel good that I did that!!

no photo
Wed 01/20/21 01:10 PM
Tired, almost exhausted, haha. That one extra hour and a half at work really wipes me out. Plus it was super busy today, it was go go go for 9 and half hours.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Wed 01/20/21 03:42 PM
Nice and warm, rosy, and a bit sleepy, as I'm listening to the wind picking up in waves. Hope it's not going to keep me awake. I don't like storms at night so I always have difficulty falling asleep. Sometimes the noise of the wind wakes me up as well.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Fri 01/22/21 04:32 AM
Happy that I am going to work today and then picking up something later on today!

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 01/22/21 10:29 AM
Smelly! I'm fresh & fruity, right out of the shower. But the scent of hair dye is still lingering and I smell like a bee hive cos the conditioner that came with the dye had honey in it.
now that sounds lovely, but honey happens to be one of the very few things I cannot stomach, and that includes the smell of it. ill

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 01/24/21 04:34 PM
Like one would at half past 1 at night... sleepy! Off to bed *yawn*

no photo
Sun 01/24/21 07:30 PM
Tired, it has been a busy day. Back to work shortly :large_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond::large_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond::large_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond::large_orange_diamond:

Poetrywriter's photo
Sun 01/24/21 07:34 PM
Like a nail that has been hammered continuously.

no photo
Mon 01/25/21 12:42 AM
Exhausted. Bed for me in half an hour...

no photo
Mon 01/25/21 01:50 AM
Seeing a few desperate people on here.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 01/25/21 02:08 AM
Totally enjoying the sun shining on my legs as I'm sat at my desk. It's so incredibly hot! Nice to have sun after the grey from yesterday.

no photo
Mon 01/25/21 04:09 AM

no photo
Mon 01/25/21 08:25 AM
Thrilled that I was finally able to get the pilot light to stay on long enough to start the fireplace. But totally bummed that it keeps kicking off after about 3 or 4 minutes. The temp inside got down to 50, and now it's 58, but it feels almost as cold inside as it does outside. It's going to be a long and cold day.

Laska Paul 's photo
Mon 01/25/21 09:31 PM
How can I tell You How I'm Feeling today , In which words can I Tell You , how I am Feeling Right Now. I can't Tell You really I just can't tell You . But Since the Topic is about " How Do You Feel Right Now " I am Bound , Forced , Compelled to Tell You that................

""I'm feeling so Nice Right Now""

no photo
Tue 01/26/21 03:05 AM

no photo
Tue 01/26/21 03:11 AM

🍫 KitKat 🍫's photo
Tue 01/26/21 07:29 AM
I'm feeling a rantrant coming on, damn inbox idiots

Poetrywriter's photo
Tue 01/26/21 10:35 AM

I'm feeling a rantrant coming on, damn inbox idiots

That is good because then your attention will not be on naked twister and I will be able to cheat. laugh

OT: Feel like I want to go somewhere but we are having an ice storm.

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