Topic: Doctrine of the ALL THAT IS | |
Fellow thinkers, I have had a vision. It was bestowed upon me as I slept and in that sleep entered a space and time between dimensions. Here I was given information that led me to believe that there were many who thought as I do. Those who envision the universe itself and all it contains as the sole creative force of ALL THAT IS.
Find me, for together we are the ALL THAT IS. Bring me your philosophy, bring me your gods and goddesses and together we will use our logic and our science to project the goodness and the wonder and the peaceful accord of All That Is. Post an introduction here, and and we can share and build our beliefs, together. |
Seeing as how you appear to be writing your own chapter of some forgotten bible, I'm kind of curious to know what type of spirits you invite... certainly a strange arrangement of words.
I am red or redy to those who are comfortable with me. My first request to this new group would be that we work together with a positive attitude. Let any negative energy that keeps the universe in check come from beyond our sphere of community.
That would be the beginning of my doctrine. Please share any additions you may have concerning our new beliefs. We must all agree on all counts of any doctrine, in order to be in accord. |
Edited by
Mon 12/17/07 08:24 PM
Welcome Steel. There are no spirits here to worship, there is only a believe that we are all connected universally with every thing and every soul making US the All That Is.
It is for all of us to determine the path we will follow from this point on. BY THE WAY! ![]() ![]() This is my thread that is DIRECTLY related to the WE ARE A DIVERSE COMMUNITY thread. This my attempt to fulfill the mission of creating a 'new doctrine' and a following. Questions, please refer to the We Are A Diverse Community Thread. THANK-YOU! |
Have fun redy and good luck with your venture.
I believe the only way to understand Paul and the rest of the disciples is through knowledge of the Torah. As the scriptures in an instruction to mankind on how to live and treat his nieghbor. To not go back to the Torah when thier is a dispute or different interpretation you have no measureing stick to use. The it becomes a free for all. Yahshua amplified the Torah. To look upon a woman with lust in your heart you have already committes adultry. The physical act of anything we do begins in our mind. If we can stop our mind from acting on what we know to be wrong. Then society will understand the true meaning of peace (shalom)...Blessings..Miles
I believe the only way to understand Paul and the rest of the disciples is through knowledge of the Torah. As the scriptures in an instruction to mankind on how to live and treat his nieghbor. To not go back to the Torah when thier is a dispute or different interpretation you have no measureing stick to use. The it becomes a free for all. Yahshua amplified the Torah. To look upon a woman with lust in your heart you have already committes adultry. The physical act of anything we do begins in our mind. If we can stop our mind from acting on what we know to be wrong. Then society will understand the true meaning of peace (shalom)...Blessings..Miles Whoa. The Torah as a moral "measuring stick"?!? Not sure if I'd advocate stoning homosexuals, executing disobedient sons, killing people who practice witchcraft, exterminating villages if their beliefs differ from your own, stoning women who fail to cry out when being raped, forcing women to marry their rapists, and the list goes on and on and on. Sure, I'll keep the tenth commandment--I won't boil a kid (goat) in its mother's milk. ![]() |
This is my religion thread no thread-jacking allowed. My most humble apologies to you Miles, but my doctrine will not be substantiated by any existing religious documents. You will always be MOST welcome as a guest in this thread, but in THIS thread we will be discussing another doctrine, not an existing one. cuzimwhiteboy, your abilty to argue at least one other faith is well established, but I'm not sure what it is YOU believe. For the purpose of adhering to the rules of THIS exercise you will need to introduce yourself and discuss the doctrine that you would like to introduce to my own. For clarification of this exercise please refer to the original post TOPIC: WE ARE A DIVERSE COMMUNITY It was nice to hear some voices in here, it was pretty quiet. difficult to begin and write a doctrine, isn't it? |
Sorry, Redy
![]() I believe in NOT doing the things listed in my first paragraph of my previous post, AND of course, NOT boiling a kid (goat) in its mother's milk unless it really brings out the flavor. ![]() |
Cuz - you may have something there - but I find it waste of milk. Can we boil the goat in broth and make a stew? I've had bar-b-que venison, but never ate goat.
This is new doctrine, even a good recipe is welcome! |
Ok Di,
I am of the 'God' is all that is school of thought... nothing is separate... ![]() |
Sorry Red
I can not come up with my own doctrine. But excuse me i must address cuz. The torah does not demand these things you speak of. It is for the families to bring charges and judges to judge. I wish that the judging part would be done in our court system. If someone brings charges against you and they are found out to be liars they get the punishment that you would of got.boiling a kid in its mothers milk has several meanings. The easiest which would be is you do not kill an animal that has not been weaned. It's cruel even though we do it with veal.The passover lamb was to be a year old. To understand the spirit of the law that we see in the NT you must look at what the Torah says to get a complete understanding. We can not pick and choose that is confusion. Blessings..Miles |
Ok - Creative, I can accept that for our doctrine.
All live is 'of god', nothing is seperate. Since you and I are currently the only two here, I guess that makes it doctrine. OK, Miles, let this be a place for peaceful discussion then. You and Cuz have at it, maybe I will learn. So if it's ok with Creative we will have a library in our topic, and you can be the administrator of some of its documents. Is that ok with you Creative? Miles? |
Miles, by the way, I don't remember ever knowing that about the 'mother's milk'. I found it very intersting.
Actually regarding court matters. It would seem logical that we should be able to have a much simpler court system and if our rules and laws bound ONLY one set of morals or doctrine than perhaps it could be a simpler system. But this country was founded on principals that were meant to incorporate fairness on levels that exceed a single moral practice. It was also set up with a recognition that time and change must make the law flexible, thus the laws require much adjustent, hense the web we weave. In conclusion, while it may be a perplexing situation for those who wish only to pursue a life to fulfill their personal doctrine, it is the only way that humanity, as a whole, can continue to develop intellectually. Without the flexibility to change with the developments that affect humanity, we would not change at all, nor would we know any more than what anchient texts have to tell us. |
Edited by
Wed 12/19/07 12:25 PM
I am up for any participation from anyone who would agree to this first premise... that everything is of 'God'...
However, I actually feel it is a little deeper than that... more along the lines of everything... 'living' or not... all matter... all ethereal... everything... nothing is seperate... the building blocks of life... fleeting in and out of material 'existence'... 'God' experiencing through living opposed to a seperate entity. I say this because of this notion... If, in the beginning, 'God' was all there was, how could 'God' then possibly have any frame of reference before actually having anything separate to reference? If you are everything then you are nothing seperate... no way to distinguish... no thing... What do you think Red? Miles? Anyone? I suspect that Artsy will 'join' this discussion and exercise also... based upon this premise... |
I am up for any participation from anyone who would agree to this first premise... that everything is of 'God'... However, I actually feel it is a little deeper than that... more along the lines of everything... 'living' or not... all matter... all ethereal... everything... nothing is seperate... the building blocks of life... fleeting in and out of material 'existence'... 'God' experiencing through living opposed to a seperate entity. I say this because of this notion... If, in the beginning, 'God' was all there was, how could 'God' then possibly have any frame of reference before actually having anything separate to reference? If you are everything then you are nothing seperate... no way to distinguish... no thing... What do you think Red? Miles? Anyone? I suspect that Artsy will 'join' this discussion and exercise also... based upon this premise... 100% agree that everything is of God. I also agree that everything and anything is also of God. I also believe that everything that man has accomplished is also because of God. As far as God before creation.......I think he was in the universe doing what God does......God doesn't need a frame of reference because He is the reference....Does that make sense? |
I believe there must be the 'illusion' of a separate existence in order to experience... one cannot reference all things if they are all things at once... a source of all things cannot reference itself without a 'separation' to facilitate an experience of the 'differences' between all things... the illusion of a separate existence is our life, through which God experiences all things in it, 'separately', while being in our center, at the core. Love is at the core of each and every human... God is within us... all of us...
Kind a like bow to the divinity of your opponent in Martial Arts, God is in all people type thang? I can roll with that. I can also roll with an "essence" being in all things yeah, even rocks we are all related style of thought. Plus we all influence the all even if it may be minor. Multiply that by each individual of the all doing the same thing or something similar, this becomes major real quick.
Plus we all influence the all even if it may be minor. Multiply that by each individual of the all doing the same thing or something similar, this becomes major real quick....
Yes, and while I hesitate to post this, there are even words in the Bible that support this view. I hesitate to post them because they will probably only serve to stir up the dogmatic verbatimists to launch into a ‘defensive’ posture trying to reclaim their singular version of truth. People often read me wrong thinking that I completely denounce the Bible as being totally without any merit whatsoever. This is actually a misunderstanding. My true stance is simply that it should not be thought of as singularly important, nor as a divinely inspired ‘separate’ truth, but rather it should be viewed as just one of many writings of men, sometimes containing truth, and sometime not. In any case, the passage of interest has to do with the Tower of Babel and goes as follows: Gen.11: 6 And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.
If anyone has any bones to pick with this quote I would very much appreciate it if you could start your own thread on it, because the purpose of this thread is not to discuss this verse. I’m simply posting this here to suggest that I see this as a statement that we are indeed imagining this life. Perhaps using the mind of God. And as Lauri has suggested, the more people who think along the same lines (or imagine the same things to be true) the more power is given to that imagination or illusion. And therefore it has more power to become reality. I’ve always felt that this verse in the biblical account of Babel gives credence to the idea that we control reality via our own imaginations. I might add also that even Jesus suggested as much with his statement that we could move mountains if we merely had the faith of a mustard seed. Finally, I just want to say also that this is a common thread in many other religions as well. Zen Buddhist monks are said to “walk through walls”. In other words, they can do things that most people cannot even imagine to do. There is power in imagination, and it may well be because reality is indeed fundamentally nothing more than the imagination of the mind of God. This could very well be the nature of our existence. We are nothing more than figments of our own imagination. ![]() Little joke there. ![]() But the idea that reality ultimately amounts to the imaginings of the mind of God (which we are all a part of) has merit in many different philosophical schemes, as well as in the philosophy of quantum physics. |
Fellow thinkers, I have had a vision. It was bestowed upon me as I slept and in that sleep entered a space and time between dimensions. Here I was given information that led me to believe that there were many who thought as I do. Those who envision the universe itself and all it contains as the sole creative force of ALL THAT IS. Find me, for together we are the ALL THAT IS. Bring me your philosophy, bring me your gods and goddesses and together we will use our logic and our science to project the goodness and the wonder and the peaceful accord of All That Is. Post an introduction here, and and we can share and build our beliefs, together. Well dear 'goddess' 'redykeulous', I also had a revelation. A formidable energy of the purest light of absolute thruth and eveything in one instant, yet turning the next instant into an obscurity so dark, that there was absolutely nothing, so much so that nothing itself had vanished!!! And then it came to me, not a voice, not words, not a message, just straight, naked and unlanguageable 'NOTHING' !!! As I said a life altering revelation!!! This 'nothing-nothing' clearly clearly found a will of its own when it entered me, a sort of 'something-nothing', where I feel compelled to share and proselityze everyone of its revelation!!! I even am seriously thinking of writing a 'book'!!! I was 'told' to call it The 'book' of 'nothing' !!! I also think the 'revelators' told me there was a strong link with your revelation 'redykeulous' (also I am still tryong to decode that part of their 'nothing'). Maybe it has something-nothing to do with with: '... ALL IT IS , ... IS NOTHING AT ALL !!! ' Anyone care to help me write The 'book' of 'ALL-NOTHING' ?!?!? (I think we're on to 'nothing-something' here 'redykeulous'!!!) :) |