Topic: Doctrine of the ALL THAT IS | |
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Wed 12/19/07 05:15 PM
Ummm.... Voile? What on earth are you talking about?
![]() P.S. I wonder... will you be joining us? ![]() |
May be, if we're truly here ---- yet, not here...........
Hiya wench!
I think it looks like this doctrine is shaping up to resemble our 'boating trip' in the projections thread... ![]() |
I'm thinkin, Red may be the perfect one to come up with a doctrine that combines the best of all religions and all peoples.
Oh bother, forgot the polite part, Hi creative!!!!
Ummm.... Voile? What on earth are you talking about? ![]() P.S. I wonder... will you be joining us? ![]() I would hate to think that I've highjacked this thread?!?!?!? 'red' please come to the rescue!!! ![]() Are we not here to invent a new religious or otherwise 'doctrine'? That doctrine, as suggested by 'red', being the 'ALL THAT IS' doctrine? Are we not asked by 'red' to contribute, and help build the 'ALL THAT IS' doctrine??? I never thought for a second, that 'my revelation' of 'nothing'!!! would ever be regarded as 'out of sync'!!! 'ALL - NOTHING'!!! MAMA and PAPA!!! Light and darkeness!!! 'boy - girl'!!! 'beer and peanuts'!!! 'Bible and Fundies'!!! ... How could it ever be considered off topic. Redykeulous!!! Please deliver me from this potential highjacking 'faux-pas' !!! P.S. 'creative' : I was so sure I had join you!!! ![]() |
P.S. 'creative': I was so sure I had join(ED) ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 12/19/07 06:15 PM
Ah... Voile, my apologies... I was a little unclear of my own understanding concerning your post... I suppose I heard you right then.
![]() I am also in agreement with you in the something-nothing, as you have most probably have understood already... ![]() I suppose we should wait for the rest to add comment(s) to what is 'shaping' up as the foundation then... ![]() |
Wow - I leave for a few hours and look what has happened!!
Nothing - but I'll get that in a moment. Creative, absolutely I agree. The All That Is must include all things in the both the visiable and not visible (the physical and non-physical) I have never believed that inanimate objects are void of life - simply void of animation. DKW - I am so happy that you've found a reason to stay for a while. I hope you will feel free to continue to add to the development of this new doctrine. I do believe your administrative abilities, including your practical, forthright communication is just what we can use. Deb - thanks for visiting, and lending support for a muti-interpretational encounter. It was a pleasure to see that agreement in some things is just a matter of degrees. Abra, I have enjoyed the connections you made with the reality of this new doctrine. I can clearly see the view as you have presented it. I find it comforting is some small respect that this new doctrine migh have the ability to cross the path of other doctrines, at least, occasionally. Creative, I was hoping ArtG migh join us, even just as a guest. She could turn this square into - well there's a question. So what should be the nature of our 'shrine' to this new doctrine. I'm thinking a huge library, with a big stone fireplace and big comfy leather chairs. But this should be a member agreement, not just my own meanderings. We will have to form a membership at some point, won't we? VOIL - your reply is next. |
Voil, if you have had a revelation and your thought was to bring it here, then it must be a syncronicity. So I have reviewed it with an open mind and here is what I see.
A formidable energy of the purest light of absolute thruth and eveything in one instant, yet turning the next instant into an obscurity so dark, that there was absolutely nothing, so much so that nothing itself had vanished!!!
And then it came to me, not a voice, not words, not a message, just straight, naked and unlanguageable 'NOTHING' !!! We must consider this from a scientific and logical view. If 'pure' energy is to be believed, then it's quite possible that the movement of this energy can create light. Imagine pure energy having infinity to explore. Evolution may not be a new concept. Perhaps within the infinity energy became 'aware' of self. We believe that 'creativity' in humans, even in animals, is much of the basis for how we grow in knowledge and development (evolve). Now what is light to energy but an entrail? Unless energy becomes aware of self and begins to explore all its aspects, including 'wondering' at the light it creates. Skipping ahead, 'pure'energy then, might well be the aware and creative force behind the physical universe. Why? Out of curiosity, of course. Bringing together bits and pieces from all parts of the infinity it exists in and then mobalizing it into action, the tendrils that allow it to experience beyond its pure state. As I said a life altering revelation!!!
This 'nothing-nothing' clearly clearly found a will of its own when it entered me, a sort of 'something-nothing', where I feel compelled to share and proselityze everyone of its revelation!!! So there you go, clearly we are nothing but the bits and pieces of infinity formed through a creative process in which energy alone is the only common denominator. Pure energy would obviously require continued motion to continue to be. Therefore, it maintains its connection with the experiences of the physical by the energy it has left behind. Since pure energy can not cease to exist as long as there is motion the Universe was created as a self subsisting force of continual motion. In other words, All that REALLY exists, all that is aware, is the energy that was left behind. The light you saw was Pure Energy, the nothing is was is left when it moves on. I even am seriously thinking of writing a 'book'!!! I was 'told' to call it The 'book' of 'nothing' !!!
I also think the 'revelators' told me there was a strong link with your revelation 'redykeulous' (also I am still tryong to decode that part of their 'nothing'). Pure energy, then has done nothing more than 'recreate' itself in another form. The form is nothing, the All That Is, is nothing if it is not the only thing that is aware. '... ALL IT IS , ... IS NOTHING AT ALL !!! '
Anyone care to help me write The 'book' of 'ALL-NOTHING' ?!?!? (I think we're on to 'nothing-something' here 'redykeulous'!!!) Write your book, it will have a place of honor with the members of this doctrine. But if you call it ALL or NOTHING AT ALL, you will not get an exclusive membership. Hey Creative, DKW, Abra - you have more on this theory to give Voil for his book - it might end up being the foundation on which all our doctrine exists!!! ![]() |
Do not be disappointed... I believe Artsy will come in and 'make windows' soon enough... methinks she is busy busy today... ![]() Thanks for the offer, if it is a Killian's Red, I will take it... if not, a purple hooter, double the vodka, shaken and strained into a highball glass... ![]() |
Voil, could perhaps awareness of self create light? Granted it wouldn't be a WH-oooosh, KA-BOOM let there be light type thang, but more of a gradual increase of light - barely perceptible until the awareness grows, so doth the light........
Voil, could perhaps awareness of self create light? Granted it wouldn't be a WH-oooosh, KA-BOOM let there be light type thang, but more of a gradual increase of light - barely perceptible until the awareness grows, so doth the light........ ooooo now this makes total sense to me!!!! |
Hi Poet - how nice to see you. Oh come in, so glad to have more friends to share with.
DKW - Don't know where Voil is, but I think you may have a point, in one respect. Theory - mind you, but Pure Energy is really the only source of light. Light would not exist without perception, (awarness). Pure Energy, is Pure because it is totally aware of its nature. The fragment of energy given this 'universe' our reality, had to exist in a form totally foreign to its nature - thus there was darkness (lack of awareness). The closer we get to understanding the 'nothingness' of our reality, the more aware (en-light-ened) we become. So your idea seems to fit right in with the nothingness that is becoming the doctrine of the 'All That Is'. Wouldn't you agree Poet? What do you think DKW? Please feel free to suggest alternate theories, it seems to be the nature of our form to be creative in such things! ![]() |
Ouch! Sharp stabbing, although thankfully quick and then gone, pain over my right eyebrow at reading that last post, Red. Again, we end up back at The Matrix movie concept. Frankly, if that matrix movie has truth, I truly want those virtual reality programs to learn with - bet that would give ya a heck of a headache - I believe though it would be worth the more than likely two-day recovery period required. Hmmmm, must think deeper, those head shots always require such.
***ArtGurl brings her unicycle to a screeching halt ...she settles in to a nice comfy leather chair by the fireplace ... a big grin on her face
![]() One source for ALL that is ... and ALL that is ... is NO THING ... I've been saying that all year ... it is about time we had a doctrine ... Thank you Red ![]() ![]() ![]() |
DKW - its ok! The Matrix - great story lines, modern switch to an old philosophy.
Online, I recently found a really cool poetic verse contained in some of the more recently found ancient texts...
I wanted to share it... For I am the first and the last... I am the honored one and the scorned one... I am the whore and the holy one... I am the wife and the virgin.... I am the barren one, and many are her sons.... I am the silence that is incomprehensible.... I am the utterance of my name... |
Creative where is this from, please. I remember reading it, but not where I found it.
It is actually reported as a part of the Nag Hammadi finds in Egypt, as a part of of a text which has been translated as The Thunder, Perfect Mind... About half way down the screen... ![]() |