Topic: intelligent design | |
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Mon 12/17/07 08:24 AM
i found this writeup in a science magazine which i found to be interesting.
Intelligent design vs evolution "Get informed about the controversial debate regarding the origions of life. Over the last several years, this debate has flourished in the public square, as many scientists fom all fields have began to question the ability of darwinism to explain the complexity of life. In fact, over 700 scientists have signed a 'scientific dissent from darwinism", which states, we are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence, or rather the lack of evidence for the darwin theory should be encouraged. What is the theory of intelligent design? It is simply the theory of origions that attempt to identify fetures of living things that can only be explained as the result of an intelligent cause, rather than an undirected process soch as natural selection. These features have a specified complexity, as they fit into a recognisable pattern and have a low probability of of occuring by chance. The proponents of intelligent design look for scientific evidence of design features that are clearly caused by intelligence, but they do not attempt to explain who or what that intelligence is. Because of this, the theory is not consistant to biblical creationisn, which identifies God as the creator of all things, but is consistant with it by proving from scientific evidence that life did not devlop randomly. on a personal note, i was thinking the other day... what is the most complicated machine known to man? ans- the human brain. we tend to think of ourselves as intelligent, yet we still dont know how or why four pounds of meat equals this machine. a noted brain surgen recently wrote that we know about as much about the brain as when we looked up and thought the sun was a hole in the roof. humbling, huh? would you believe me if i told you that this aircraft started growing by itself in a scrapyard and eventually evolved into what you see today? You would think i lost it big time, yet this is exaxctly what we are asked to believe with darwinism. |
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Mon 12/17/07 08:38 AM
actually this aircraft did "evolve". lol.
they took the fattest engine they could find, and bolted it to the largest propeller. when they stuck it into the aircraft, the prop hit the ground. someone had the idea of bending the wings to raise the props, someone else made a special canopy so the pilot could actually see over the enormous hood, ect. they also found out on the second test flight , when the engine quit and it crashed, just how sturdy a design they had stumbled upon. also, when ditching in the ocean it would tend to skip rather than nose dive into the water like other planes. ok im done with the off topic history lesson now. |
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Mon 12/17/07 09:15 AM
Evolution does not disprove intelligent Design and vice versa.
I will use creationism for my point: Let's say god exists and made all of creation. Some might think God creating life forms with the ability to adapt and "evolve" makes him/her look fallible, but I think such a system is brilliant! Giving creatures the ability to develop adaptations to their environment through the generations in case something comes up (and God knows it will), just shows how awesome God, "The Ultimate Scientist" really is. |
joshy, scientific evidence indicates that no matter how many times a mosquito mutates, its always a mosquito.exactly what the bible says- each species reproduces according "TO ITS KIND"
Evolution does not disprove intelligent Design and vice versa. I will use creationism for my point: Let's say god exists and made all of creation. Some might think God creating life forms with the ability to adapt and "evolve" makes him/her look fallible, but I think such a system is brilliant! Giving creatures the ability to develop adaptations to their environment through the generations in case something comes up (and God knows it will), just shows how awesome God, "The Ultimate Scientist" really is. <------------------- evolutionist + creationist Very well said;^] |
joshy, scientific evidence indicates that no matter how many times a mosquito mutates, its always a mosquito.exactly what the bible says- each species reproduces according "TO ITS KIND" Much like Orangutans, Gorillas, Chimpanzees, and Baboons are pretty much just monkeys. They are beyond cross breeding now, but they all used to breed TO IT'S OWN KIND, but the ones bred had different features that happened to be helpful in the environment and allowed those traits to survive. Pretty much how there used to be only Black people in Africa, the high melanin count prevented premature death from the sun in that wasteland. |
Evolution does not disprove intelligent Design and vice versa
Exactly. Evolution and Intelligent Design aren’t conflicting concepts. The only thing that might be a conflicting concept would be Evolution vs. "A Verbatim Biblical Account". In short, Intelligent Design can be true and the Biblical account can be false simultaneously. Intelligent Design does not point toward the any particular religious view. In fact, it doesn’t even suggest an “external” creator. Intelligent design fits in perfectly well with Pantheism, for example. So Intelligent Design does not support any specific religious view. About the only thing it does, is challenge the pure atheists. What is the theory of intelligent design? It is simply the theory of origions that attempt to identify fetures of living things that can only be explained as the result of an intelligent cause, rather than an undirected process such as natural selection..
To say that evolution is an ‘undirected’ process is incorrect anyway. That just shows an ignorance of how evolution works. I think most people’s inability to accept evolution has more to do with their ignorance of how it actually works than anything else. Just my thoughts. |
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Mon 12/17/07 12:23 PM
Why is it that Darwinism is continually brought up when talking of evolution? I could be wrong here... but I believe that most if not nearly all scientists have found lots of holes in the original concepts...nothing new... evolution is not Darwinism.
Evolution is does happen, and we have witnessed such things in our lifetime on a smaller scale... speciation... is fact. What? Do the creationists want to say that it just all stops... right there. No more evolution happens after a species evolves? Ludicrous. Ridiculous. Impossible. 'The Ultimate Scientist' ![]() |
No more evolution happens after a species evolves? seems to me a species cannot 'evolve' outside of the notion that evolution is possible at all... kerplunk ... a species is dropped by stork ![]() |
…evolution is not Darwinism
So true. But more to the point, “Intelligent Design” doesn’t invalidate evolution anyway. It also doesn’t support any specific religion over any other one. So it’s a silly comparison anyway. Evolution is very much like rolling dice. Just as the numbers on the faces of the dice were “intelligently designed" into the dice before the roll,…. everything needed to make evolution possible was designed into the universe. There would be no need for the intelligent designer to hang around and make sure any particular number comes up. We think humans were somehow the ‘goal’ of evolution, but we are clearly just one of possible things that could have evolved. To look at humans as the ‘goal’ of evolution is to completely misunderstand the process. Just as looking at a specific number on a dice roll as being the ‘goal’ of that roll would be to misunderstand the nature of dice. God does indeed throw dice. And humans are simply one of the numbers that came up. We are extremely arrogant to think that our number is somehow special or was the sole purpose of the universe. It’s only special to us. ![]() There are many other numbers out there! There are over 70 sextillion stars in the visible universe alone. And no one knows how many may exist beyond our ability to see. That’s 70 thousand million million million rolls of the dice!!! A number that’s far beyond anything any human being can even begin to comprehend. ![]() |
A number that’s far beyond anything any human being can even begin to comprehend.
It's just 1 less than 70 thousand million million million and 1. ![]() |
Discussing 'evolution' in a 'religious' post, is the sure bet guaranty that the discussion will not have anything to do with 'evolution', and everything to do with 'bible inerrancy'. A 'strawman' topic if there ever was one!!! The only issue being: word for word 'bible inerrancy' will never agree it is defeated!!! |
.. still looking for the one word of the bible thats false so i can throw the book away and sin like a rock star.
.. still looking for the one word of the bible thats false so i can throw the book away and sin like a rock star. If the Bible is only thing that's keeping you from sinning like a rock star you better hang onto it. Those rock band tours can be hard on your health. ![]() |
thats a good one there. lol
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Thu 12/20/07 05:06 PM
We think humans were somehow the ‘goal’ of evolution, but we are clearly just one of possible things that could have evolved. To look at humans as the ‘goal’ of evolution is to completely misunderstand the process. Just as looking at a specific number on a dice roll as being the ‘goal’ of that roll would be to misunderstand the nature of dice. God does indeed throw dice. And humans are simply one of the numbers that came up. We are extremely arrogant to think that our number is somehow special or was the sole purpose of the universe. It’s only special to us. ![]() If I remember correctly, something on the order of 98% of the species to have ever lived on Earth are gone and not coming back (extinct...evolutionary dead ends). We are very well above average in the fact that we are simply here. However, this does not, as I'm sure you'll agree, indicate that the path of humanity on down the road of infinite universal continuation is any better than many other paths. We see every day how nature tells us that smart is not better than stupid...roaches will far outlast humans in their present forms. |
We think humans were somehow the ‘goal’ of evolution, but we are clearly just one of possible things that could have evolved. To look at humans as the ‘goal’ of evolution is to completely misunderstand the process. Just as looking at a specific number on a dice roll as being the ‘goal’ of that roll would be to misunderstand the nature of dice. God does indeed throw dice. And humans are simply one of the numbers that came up. We are extremely arrogant to think that our number is somehow special or was the sole purpose of the universe. It’s only special to us. ![]() If I remember correctly, something on the order of 98% of the species to have ever lived on Earth are gone and not coming back (extinct...evolutionary dead ends). We are very well above average in the fact that we are simply here. However, this does not, as I'm sure you'll agree, indicate that the path of humanity on down the road of infinite universal continuation is any better than many other paths. We see every day how nature tells us that smart is not better than stupid...roaches will far outlast humans in their present forms. If humans go extinct **** roaches could go extinct as well, it's likely that they'll migrate to tropical climates instead though. But then again, natural selection is unpredictable, and though I believe we'll be here to the end of this planet & possibly the universe, but if we went extinct before then....;^] |