distrust vs. gut feeling
I followed my gut with my X fiancee...she left me two weeks before Christmas... Turns out she just wanted to go back to her X husband, who is abusive... I'm never gonna go with my gut again. Wow, the exact same happened to me. Sucks. |
anderson, sc
not so much a he, as a place: Anderson, SC, as per the title.
anderson, sc
Anderson sucks. Anyone else in the same boat?
how about SC?
Anderson, south of gville
intelligent design
Edited by
Thu 12/20/07 05:06 PM
We think humans were somehow the ‘goal’ of evolution, but we are clearly just one of possible things that could have evolved. To look at humans as the ‘goal’ of evolution is to completely misunderstand the process. Just as looking at a specific number on a dice roll as being the ‘goal’ of that roll would be to misunderstand the nature of dice. God does indeed throw dice. And humans are simply one of the numbers that came up. We are extremely arrogant to think that our number is somehow special or was the sole purpose of the universe. It’s only special to us. ![]() If I remember correctly, something on the order of 98% of the species to have ever lived on Earth are gone and not coming back (extinct...evolutionary dead ends). We are very well above average in the fact that we are simply here. However, this does not, as I'm sure you'll agree, indicate that the path of humanity on down the road of infinite universal continuation is any better than many other paths. We see every day how nature tells us that smart is not better than stupid...roaches will far outlast humans in their present forms. |