Topic: sabbath day | |
I think it's the same as going to church, we don't go to church because god needs it we go to church because we need it. It's a great support group from all the temptations we face day by day;^]
the sabbath means to me a day off work!
God says in the bible " the oracles( writings) of God are of the Jews" therefore the Jews observe saturday as the sabbath and God also says God is the same yesterday,today,and tomorrow.
Myself I have fell way short in my life of pleasing God thats why I am so grateful for the gift of forgivness through Jesus Christ. ![]() |
The scriptual calander rabbitt is done by the sighting of the new moon. MOON=todays month. But we have devided up the months. When the new moon was seen in ancient Israel they had runners who would go to the highest peak and look for the new moon which started that month so to speak. When they saw it they would blow the rams horn. Everyone would blow it throught Israel so all would know that it was sighted. Thier is even a reference to this when Yahshua said do not come down off of your housetops. This is when people would be up thier looking. They knew when it was comming appr. so they would look a day or 2 before even to make sure they did not miss it. The 1st month of the new year is called Green Ears. This they called Abib. For this new moon to be valid for the beginning of the year barley had to be up in Israel. This set forth the count to Passover which after Passover the count to Pentecost 50 days would start. Funny the count is still done from the end os the Sabbath after Passover. which makes it always on sunday. Well anyway thier is so much to this subject as it is prophecy of the messiah's comming "watch therefor" But the 7 day time cycles never ends.. Blessings..Miles Yes but here is the problem. That calender was not as accurate as the calender we use today. For instance we have to add an additional day at the end of February every 4 years. They did not make this adjustment like this. They waited until it was really off I think like 19 years before they added an extra month. This means that the Saturdays of the Bible (which says god does not change) Must fall on many different days with in our calender. If this was really important then it would mean honoring it if it fell on a Wednsday or Monday or whenever based on the calender from the OT. |
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Tue 12/18/07 08:58 PM
Is the sabbath important enough to you to make sure you get it right?
I think this is very interesting and would like to hear some views on it |
well huh u know way more about the bible than i thought. The cats out of the bag. Yes i believe they did do this every 19 years but this would not change the 7 day cyle 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 is not hard to do. The sabbath is really the only day named in the bible. I guess the preparation day could be named. not sure.When going by the moon though you have to realize it also went by the spring growing season. They did not consider the 1st new moon of the year untill they spotted barley growing. So the calander was not far off and really weather would have alot to do with us. We say well spring startsMarch 21st i think. We have snow alot of times when spring starts. I would call Yahweh's calander more acrate in that since.. Blessings..Miles
I'm confused. When the Ten Commandments came down there was a calender in place. This is what the sabbath is based off of. If someone thinks it is one the important rules of God not to be changed. Then that person would need to figure out when the Sabbath falls in regards to the calender used when God gave the order. Otherwise you should just be able to use any day. |
You know better. The Sabbath was consicrated at the end of creation when Yahweh rested. It is an memorial to creation. The calander over these hundreds of years shows the 7th day sabbath on what we call saterday. Did you know though thier is a movement to change the days of the week to align up with the majority teachings. Starting with monday as the 1st day and ending with sunday as the 7th. I saw one once. I would not be suprised if we do not see alot before long I am sure thier would not be much oppisition in this country at least. Then you can start a new thread about that calander. Shalom rabbit...Miles |
If that happened Miles(Monday moved to day 1) would you personaly then call Sunday the sabbath? |
Does a bear go in the woods? Shalom..Miles
You almost wrote does a bear go shalom in the woods? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Thats old testament stuff. 1. The old Testament is all that the early Christians had to read. When Christ said we are to live by every word of God, He spoke of the old Testament. Paul wrote that the scriptures were inspired by God and were designed for reproof and correction and doctrine. When he wrote that to Timothy, he spoke of him knowing the scriptures from his youth, and he was referring to the Old Testament. 2. In the New Testament, Jesus kept the Sabbath. If He did not, then He would have sinned, and we would have no savior. 3. The apostles kept the Sabbath. In Acts 17, it was Paul's custom to keep the Sabbath. In the conference in Acts 15, they did not list all that was required of Gentiles because Moses was read each Sabbath in the synagogue. vs. 15. 4. When Christ comes back, and institutes the millennial rule. He will require people to keep the Sabbath: Isa 66:23 And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD. Just some thoughts on that old worn out un-needed Old Testament Art |
yah thats about right.
i dont think WHEN you observe the sabbath matters, as long as you observe it. and i dont think working on the sabbath is bad. jesus did. all in all, i think god cares more about your heart than the little technicalities. the commandment says "keep the sabbath". doesnt indicate that the day of the week matters. 1. Secular work is forbidden on the Sabbath. Jesus did not do it. He did not do personal work on the Sabbath. He did not do commercial work on the Sabbath. He did not do hobbies on the Sabbath. If Christ would have done work on the Sabbath, then He would have sinned. He did the work of Salvation and healing. That is what the Sabbath pictures in symbol and what it's purpose is. 2. One of the biggest lies ever told by the early Gnostic teachers was that it does not matter what we do as long as we have love in our hearts. Of course it matters what we do. You can't tell your boss at work that it doesn't matter what you do, because you love him or her. You can't tell a policeman that it doesn't matter what you do, you love him. It is nutty thinking. We actually believe we can tell the Almighty creator of the Universe, the great Law Giver that his laws don't matter. Why? Why don't they matter? Well, because you have love in our heart. Jesus said, to enter into life, keep the commandments. You may call it a technicality to disobey one of the ten commandments. Jesus does not say that. He says: Mat 5:19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. Play your game and fool yourself, but God is not mocked. Art |
i dont think WHEN you observe the sabbath matters, as long as you observe it. and i dont think working on the sabbath is bad. jesus did. all in all, i think god cares more about your heart than the little technicalities. the commandment says "keep the sabbath". doesnt indicate that the day of the week matters. I do definatly agree with that, and as long as they're working for God that day I agree with that part too, afterall running the church is a job itself. But yeah, no problems with sunday goers and such, they're just living the way they learned and as long as it's to serve God, that's what's important;^] "As long as it is to serve God." But!!!! --- Which God??? How do you know which god you are actually serving? There is a day for every religion and every god. Only the God of the Bible requires the seventh day. He says that the seventh day is a sign between Him and His people. So, if we actually believe what God says, then, if we keep another day it is a sign to Him, that we are not His people. When we keep Christmas we inadvertently worship Saturn the God of the Saturnailia--Santa Klaus. When you worship the god of Sunday, you worship the sun God--not the true God. When you worship the true God on the seventh day, you do as He commands, and it is a sign to Him that you are showing your loyalty to Him, and not the other gods. That is the entire purpose of the Sabbath. It pictures the millennial rule of Christ for a thousand years. (symbolically a day pictures a thousand years.) It foreshadows the Christian's hope of being with Christ and ruling with Him during that thousand years. It is the gospel of the Kingdom celebrated once a week. Any other day will not do. You can fool yourself, but you don't fool Him. He sets the day, and does not give us the choice of which day, He gives the choice of will you keep my day, or will you keep another day. That is your choice. Which god do you serve? Art |
Also what type of calender was being used when the book was written. I think it would be pretty hard to figure out when the sabbath fell back in those days and try to replicate that. Here again is another assumption of someone who has no respect for God. Christ came and Christ kept the Sabbath. We have records from that day to this of which day is the Sabbath. The Jews have kept very good records and they keep the seventh day. Further, there have been calendar changes down through time and those changes never ever ever ever affected the days of the week, only the months. The seventh day today is the same seventh day as Gen 2 Art |
im thiss crowd, art, its hard to say actually which god they serve. There is so much disinformation on this, and much of it comes from the churches, which i find to be a big fat clue as to thier real motives. Then there are the so called new testament christians... lets throw out 3/4 of the bible since it doesent fit into our lifestyle/ comfort zone.
its really quite simple math if you care to do the homework on it. sundown friday till sundown saturday. written in stone. the bible says observe it so i do..... intermittently. lol. its actually quite difficult to observe a saturday sabbath in our culture. i fail often but i try. It is not difficult to keep the Sabbath. All you have to do is rest. That is the command. Humans make it hard. It is easy. It is a break from the routine. It is a time to forget the bills. It is a time to forget the power struggles and politics at work. It represents God's hope for mankind--ultimate freedom. No more slavery. It is a time to put it all the trouble, the vanity, the pain, the irritants of life aside and focus on the reason we were born and what our destiny is. Art |
Rambill and miles Do you guys think the calender we use today is in any way similar to the one from the old testament? here's just a little info from net.. The system of keeping time in the Old Testament was based on the cycles of the moon rather than a solar calendar like we use today. In fact, the Hebrew term for "month," chodesh, means "new [moon]," referring to the new moon that began the month. The lunar cycle played a significant role in the cultural and religious life in ancient Israel so that time could be counted by the cycles of the moon (Ex. 19:1). The New Moon was a festival day The monthly cycle has absolutely nothing to do with the weekly cycle. In the Hebrew calendar, there are alternately 29 and 30 days. 4 sets of 7 days is 28 days. There is always time that is transferred over to the next month. There is no connection with the astronomical calendar whether is is lunar or solar. The Sabbath is a separate creation that is tied to God's seven days of creation. It stands alone! Art |