Topic: sabbath day | |
my studies have indicated the same.
even if you don't keep the sabbath. if you are a believer and ask for forgiveness, god will absolve u of any sin, no matter how great. this isn't an excuse to go out and sin like crazy, but it allows you not to live in shame constantly. u sin, feel bad about it, ask for forgiveness, and move on. the bottom line is that the sabbath these days is really up to a lot on interpretation and debate. i think as long as we worship god once a week, he's cool with it. What if you are wrong. There is no absolutely no debate about which day is the Sabbath. The only debate is whether we are to keep it or not. But I ask you to revisit your words and think. You think as long as you worship god in some way, that He accepts it. The scriptures no where say that. In fact, the ancient Israelites created a calf and worshiped God. They made a feast to God with it all. Was that ok with God? Can we worship Him any way we want, and He accepts it. I bet some of the people here call Him Lord. But we don't do what He says. He laughs. Keep thinking it. We can do what ever we want, and God accepts it. He says In vain do you worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. Sunday is a commandment of men. He says, when He comes, people will say we did all this stuff in your name. He will say, depart from me, You are a worker of iniquity. Iniquity means lawlessness. In other words they did not keep His law. He does not buy the argument that so easily spills out on these pages. Art |
even if you don't keep the sabbath. if you are a believer and ask for forgiveness, god will absolve u of any sin, no matter how great. God does not forgive you unless you repent. Repenting means to turn around and go the other way. When we sin, we break God's law. That is the definition of sin in the Bible (1Joh 3:4) When we repent, we are sorry we broke God's law, and we turn around and keep it. Without that, God does not forgive. What you believe is licentiousness. That is you think by believing in Jesus you have a license to sin. You can do anything and it is ok because you love. He says no. If you love me keep my commandments. Think about what you are really saying. Art |
God says in the bible " the oracles( writings) of God are of the Jews" therefore the Jews observe saturday as the sabbath and God also says God is the same yesterday,today,and tomorrow. Myself I have fell way short in my life of pleasing God thats why I am so grateful for the gift of forgivness through Jesus Christ. ![]() We should be deeply grateful for the forgiveness we have through Jesus Christ. However, we should show that gratitude by our obedience to what He says, not just give Him lip service. Art |
The scriptual calander rabbitt is done by the sighting of the new moon. MOON=todays month. But we have devided up the months. When the new moon was seen in ancient Israel they had runners who would go to the highest peak and look for the new moon which started that month so to speak. When they saw it they would blow the rams horn. Everyone would blow it throught Israel so all would know that it was sighted. Thier is even a reference to this when Yahshua said do not come down off of your housetops. This is when people would be up thier looking. They knew when it was comming appr. so they would look a day or 2 before even to make sure they did not miss it. The 1st month of the new year is called Green Ears. This they called Abib. For this new moon to be valid for the beginning of the year barley had to be up in Israel. This set forth the count to Passover which after Passover the count to Pentecost 50 days would start. Funny the count is still done from the end os the Sabbath after Passover. which makes it always on sunday. Well anyway thier is so much to this subject as it is prophecy of the messiah's comming "watch therefor" But the 7 day time cycles never ends.. Blessings..Miles Yes but here is the problem. That calender was not as accurate as the calender we use today. For instance we have to add an additional day at the end of February every 4 years. They did not make this adjustment like this. They waited until it was really off I think like 19 years before they added an extra month. This means that the Saturdays of the Bible (which says god does not change) Must fall on many different days with in our calender. If this was really important then it would mean honoring it if it fell on a Wednsday or Monday or whenever based on the calender from the OT. You are so far off it is almost laughable. The calendar of the Jews follows a 19 year cycle at which time, the sun and moon are back in a perfect harmony. The lunar year is 355 days long. The solar year is 365 days and 1/4. Thus each lunar year, there are 11 days extra. Thus, the Hebrew calender intercalates a 13th month every three years. The calendar is very very accurate and still, you don't get it. The seven day weekly cycle has nothing to do with the calendar. The Sabbath has always been kept by a remnant, and it is documented through the history of the Jews. The seventh day on your calendar that you think is so accurate, is Saturday. Everyone but you seems to know that. Art |
I'm confused. When the Ten Commandments came down there was a calender in place. This is what the sabbath is based off of. If someone thinks it is one the important rules of God not to be changed. Then that person would need to figure out when the Sabbath falls in regards to the calender used when God gave the order. Other wise you should just be able to use any day. You are confused. God told Moses that the Abib 1 was to be the beginning of the year, spring, not the in the dead of winter. Exo 12:1 This was months before He gave the commandments. Then, before He gave the commandments, in Exodus 16, He told them that He was going to run an experiment. He would test them on the Sabbath to see if they would keep His law or not. That is why the Sabbath even today is a test. Will you obey God or not. The Sabbath is the sign. It tells Him if you will obey it. If you will keep the sabbath, then, you won't have other Gods, you won't have images, you won't lie and steal. So, in this test He had them gather manna for 6 days, and on the seventh day there would be none. God made certain they knew which day was the seventh day before He gave them the ten commandments. Next, He gave them the ten commandments, probably on Pentecost of that year, and He said: Exo 20:8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Exo 20:9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: Exo 20:10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: Exo 20:11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. Does the tone of God here look like He means that we can forget the Sabbath and not keep it holy and God is ok with that? Does it seem like this is a temporary law to be done away with later? Or does it seem like it is tied directly to creation, and that God made this time holy and tells us to keep it that way. Does keeping Sunday fit this command? Why keep a day that God has said has not been made holy by Him. Who are we trying to kid? It is His day. He made it holy, and He commands us to keep it holy. But, we say, it doesn't matter. God loves us anyway. Sure He loves ya, but you don't get to be in the first resurrection. You don't get to rule with Christ if you won't be ruled. This is far more important than people think. Art |
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Wed 12/26/07 05:33 PM
Look Below |
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Wed 12/26/07 05:35 PM
B-dreamer here is the question I need answered. If today they decided to change the whole calender and Call Wednesday the 1st day of the week. What day would you celebrate the sabbath on?
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Fri 12/28/07 01:43 PM
B-dreamer here is the question I need answered. If today they decided to change the whole calender and Call Wednesday the 1st day of the week. What day would you celebrate the sabbath on? I wonder why you think you need this answered. Is it going to make a difference for you? Besides that, you should already know the answer if you just think on a larger scale. The society is already moving in this direction. For example, Honeywell time clocks have Sunday as the 7th day. In Europe there is a move to make the leap year day a free day and start over. If and when that happens, in time Wednesday will be declared the first day by the calendar, and millions of people around the world will keep Tuesday as the day to worship because it is the seventh day according to the God of the Bible. Trust me, more than a few have given their lives over this. There are millions of Jews who will not vary. There are millions of Adventists who will not vary. There are thousands of Church of God who will not vary on this. You are not speaking to one single person here, you speak of millions of people who keep God's Sabbath. Art |
Shabbat Shalom Everyone.. If anyone is interested in an online sabbath meeting and question and answers please join me and my brethern at services start at 9:30pm Eastern Time we usually have around 70 from all around the world .. Have a great Sabbath Blessings...Miles/Moshe
B-dreamer here is the question I need answered. If today they decided to change the whole calender and Call Wednesday the 1st day of the week. What day would you celebrate the sabbath on? I wonder why you think you need this answered. Is it going to make a difference for you? Besides that, you should already know the answer if you just think on a larger scale. The society is already moving in this direction. For example, Honeywell time clocks have Sunday as the 7th day. In Europe there is a move to make the leap year day a free day and start over. If and when that happens, in time Wednesday will be declared the first day by the calendar, and millions of people around the world will keep Tuesday as the day to worship because it is the seventh day according to the God of the Bible. Trust me, more than a few have given their lives over this. There are millions of Jews who will not vary. There are millions of Adventists who will not vary. There are thousands of Church of God who will not vary on this. You are not speaking to one single person here, you speak of millions of people who keep God's Sabbath. Art B-dreamer Are you one that will follow the Tuesday Sabbath? Or will you be one that does not vary? |
What does it mean to keep a day holy?
If we are supposed to keep the Sabbath day holy then what are we supposed to do on the other six days? Be unholy???? ![]() People who make these religions up aren’t even thinking with their heads screwed on straight. ![]() |
Patch up and sew up the holies ya made on the seventh day, silly, so ya can start all over again.........
What does it mean to keep a day holy? If we are supposed to keep the Sabbath day holy then what are we supposed to do on the other six days? Be unholy???? ![]() People who make these religions up aren’t even thinking with their heads screwed on straight. ![]() This one is my game Abra. I am an expert in the Sabbath issues. If you really want to laugh, have a look at what you are actually saying. You think that you have your head screwed on straight because you don't know the difference between that which is holy and that which is profane. And you laugh--that is so ironic. You mock those who do know the difference, and take enormous pride in fact that you don't know. Great going my friend! To answer your question, on the other week days, we do our secular work. These days are filled with taking care of our physical needs and our desires. Just so you know, those physical needs and desire are not holy. The Sabbath was created so that we would take time from those secular and physical activities and turn our focus to that which is holy, eternal, and the reason we were created. The creator God is holy. He is pure, absolutely clean and free of selfishness and He has perfect righteous character. He does not vary from His values and standards. He is not tainted by temptation to do otherwise, and He cannot be. Of course you know nothing of the goodness, magnitude, majesty, and power of this Being, and therefore you simply mock. But, you admit that you mock what you don't know. Isn't that funny? Art |
Are you one that will follow the Tuesday Sabbath? Or will you be one that does not vary? Could you possibly read the post again. I think you misunderstood. Thanks, Art |
Patch up and sew up the holies ya made on the seventh day, silly, so ya can start all over again......... Here is an example of brilliant thinking, at least in the wenches mind. Where is substance? Where is the respect you want others to have of your beliefs? Are you certain this is the kind of posts you want to make? Thanks for considering the question, Art |
Are you one that will follow the Tuesday Sabbath? Or will you be one that does not vary? Could you possibly read the post again. I think you misunderstood. Thanks, Art I'm afraid that I read it over many times. I do not see the answer to the basic question. If the powers of this world changed the calender so that Wed was now the 1st day of the week when would YOU celebrate the Sabbath? |
The creator God is holy. He is pure, absolutely clean and free of selfishness and He has perfect righteous character.
Well you certainly can’t be talking about the biblical God then. The biblical God is admittedly a jealous God by his own decree. He’s extremely egotistical and his behavior in the Bible has been far from righteous. On the contrary he’s been playing games with men’s souls ever since the beginning. Nope, you can’t be talking about the biblical God. That God is far from being either perfect or righteous. |
What does it mean to keep a day holy? If we are supposed to keep the Sabbath day holy then what are we supposed to do on the other six days? Be unholy???? ![]() People who make these religions up aren’t even thinking with their heads screwed on straight. ![]() This one is my game Abra. I am an expert in the Sabbath issues. If you really want to laugh, have a look at what you are actually saying. You think that you have your head screwed on straight because you don't know the difference between that which is holy and that which is profane. And you laugh--that is so ironic. You mock those who do know the difference, and take enormous pride in fact that you don't know. Great going my friend! To answer your question, on the other week days, we do our secular work. These days are filled with taking care of our physical needs and our desires. Just so you know, those physical needs and desire are not holy. The Sabbath was created so that we would take time from those secular and physical activities and turn our focus to that which is holy, eternal, and the reason we were created. The creator God is holy. He is pure, absolutely clean and free of selfishness and He has perfect righteous character. He does not vary from His values and standards. He is not tainted by temptation to do otherwise, and He cannot be. Of course you know nothing of the goodness, magnitude, majesty, and power of this Being, and therefore you simply mock. But, you admit that you mock what you don't know. Isn't that funny? Art One need only point to the sanctioned genocides detailed in the Bible to reach the same conclusion Abra outlined here. Fundy God has a track record of being the figurehead carried forth by conquerors, enslavers and people who deny human rights based on _their_ religious grounds. Decidedly NOT what the Founding Fathers penned into the Constitution after their deliverance from a despot who used religion's authority to oppress them. It's like this issue-- given your way, I have little doubt you'd make your Sabbath my Sabbath by legal fiat. In fact, it's been done before. And with the checkered history of his Chosen People in the Old Testament, don't EVEN start saying that believers have an exclusive franchise on 'Goodness'. Authoritarians are always declaring war on someone who won't bow to their beliefs-- it's what they do best. Megalomania feeds on cannon fodder and has NOTHING in common with the creative forces in the Universe. And BTW, there will always be the greviously ill whose needs are immediate and supercede any Sabbath in any human society. -Kerry O. |
Patch up and sew up the holies ya made on the seventh day, silly, so ya can start all over again......... Here is an example of brilliant thinking, at least in the wenches mind. Where is substance? Where is the respect you want others to have of your beliefs? Are you certain this is the kind of posts you want to make? Thanks for considering the question, Art |