Topic: Trump
bobtail76's photo
Wed 12/23/20 07:09 PM
Edited by bobtail76 on Wed 12/23/20 07:11 PM

frustrated frustrated

Trump is the worst, most embarrassing president the USA has ever had. I am so glad I don't live there.

Racist, sexist, liar and those are the nice things about him.

What racist things has he done?

It’s not hard to find things that he has said, going all the way back to the ‘70’s - to date
that are racist / bigotry speak. For those that can’t see it, maybe because they are to?
I don’t know. It’s not a quality that I admire.

The go-to argument of every leftist....

Skeptic - "show me proof"
Leftist - "you're a racist"

The idea of their party playing identity politics, is by definition racist - and it 's a willing ignorance. Projection at it's finest

The go-to argument of every right wing....

Observer - “he referred to Elizabeth Warren as Pocahontas after she shared her indian heritage.”
Right Wing - “That’s fake news. Fake news!”

One of many.

Her Indian heritage? That whole 1/64th she was riding as hard as she could until she got exposed. I guess the left doesn't recognize irony that well, if they are going to call that racist.

The right (mostly Trump) exposed the media for what it was - a bunch of partisan hacks, so them calling fake news is true - however facts supersede opinion or half truths, which the media tend to do. If the left use their commentary as facts, they will keep looking like the fools. Notice all the side by side comparison with the biden scandal before the election and after, it's glorious to watch the stupidity and the dumdums that probably STILL believe it's all a RUSSIAN conspiracy coming from the Kremlin with the ticker feed saying DOJ is investigating. SMH

The right tends to use facts to support their argument. The left have no argument - ONLY accusations of racism, sexism, and all the other crap they spew with their identity politics

ivegotthegirth's photo
Wed 12/23/20 07:25 PM
The last person on this site that should mention facts is suddenly talking about FACTS?

I'm not saying who that may be but hey, if the shoe fits....................

Bastet127's photo
Thu 12/24/20 01:17 AM
Bobtail, just because you give trump as pass because he likes to “tell it like it is”,
doesn’t make his words any less racist, sexist or bigoted.

no photo
Thu 12/24/20 05:37 AM
This MORON denied relief for millions of Americans who have no food, or money to pay heating bills, he has pardoned criminals, and his so called loyal followers, for crimes they commited and admitted to doing, he denied money to our military service members, and the security of our nation...he has ignored a pandemic and for nearly a month now has hid his chicken **** a** in the White House...except to go play golf. He is THE WORST AMERICAN PRESIDENT in our history...he should be prosecuted for being an extreme Sh*thead !!!

bobtail76's photo
Thu 12/24/20 06:56 AM

Bobtail, just because you give trump as pass because he likes to “tell it like it is”,
doesn’t make his words any less racist, sexist or bigoted.

What makes his words less racist, sexist or bigoted is the lack of evidence.

If the haters try a far reaching tactic, like using the evidence of Pocohontas thing (not recognizing the irony in calling someone who portrayed themselves, as something they're are not), I can use the same type of far reaching tactic and call you a racist for using the word Indian instead of Native American. See how that works? People can be offended for the slightest thing because of their virtue signaling, and you are no better than him - depending how far left you want to play this game.

We all had that one kid in highschool that also (MAY) have had 1/64th African American somewhere in their blood lines, but all the while living with white parents and grandparents, in the whitest culture possible - show up to school with a stereotypical black look and speech patterns. They were laughed at, as Elizabeth Warren should be. In fact she should be more humiliated, because she rode the coattails on her (lack of) heritage during her political career. If the left they cannot see the irony in that, shows how shallow the brain pool is, and/or their lack of humor

Calling her out in an ironical way, is not racist. If he used a derogatory term for the culture, or said anything disparaging about the culture - THAT would be evidence and I'd agree with you completely.

The idea of some 70 million people voting in a racist, is not impossible - but extremely improbable. The left lacks the logic that would make them question the probability scientifically and why it would be so....

Orange man racist.... and so is 70 million others - it's gotta be

Bastet127's photo
Thu 12/24/20 07:18 AM

Bobtail, just because you give trump as pass because he likes to “tell it like it is”,
doesn’t make his words any less racist, sexist or bigoted.

What makes his words less racist, sexist or bigoted is the lack of evidence.

If the haters try a far reaching tactic, like using the evidence of Pocohontas thing (not recognizing the irony in calling someone who portrayed themselves, as something they're are not), I can use the same type of far reaching tactic and call you a racist for using the word Indian instead of Native American. See how that works? People can be offended for the slightest thing because of their virtue signaling, and you are no better than him - depending how far left you want to play this game.

We all had that one kid in highschool that also (MAY) have had 1/64th African American somewhere in their blood lines, but all the while living with white parents and grandparents, in the whitest culture possible - show up to school with a stereotypical black look and speech patterns. They were laughed at, as Elizabeth Warren should be. In fact she should be more humiliated, because she rode the coattails on her (lack of) heritage during her political career. If the left they cannot see the irony in that, shows how shallow the brain pool is, and/or their lack of humor

Calling her out in an ironical way, is not racist. If he used a derogatory term for the culture, or said anything disparaging about the culture - THAT would be evidence and I'd agree with you completely.

The idea of some 70 million people voting in a racist, is not impossible - but extremely improbable. The left lacks the logic that would make them question the probability scientifically and why it would be so....

Orange man racist.... and so is 70 million others - it's gotta be

Speaking in a racist way requires no evidence other
than the words coming out of the mouth.

bobtail76's photo
Thu 12/24/20 07:52 AM

Bobtail, just because you give trump as pass because he likes to “tell it like it is”,
doesn’t make his words any less racist, sexist or bigoted.

What makes his words less racist, sexist or bigoted is the lack of evidence.

If the haters try a far reaching tactic, like using the evidence of Pocohontas thing (not recognizing the irony in calling someone who portrayed themselves, as something they're are not), I can use the same type of far reaching tactic and call you a racist for using the word Indian instead of Native American. See how that works? People can be offended for the slightest thing because of their virtue signaling, and you are no better than him - depending how far left you want to play this game.

We all had that one kid in highschool that also (MAY) have had 1/64th African American somewhere in their blood lines, but all the while living with white parents and grandparents, in the whitest culture possible - show up to school with a stereotypical black look and speech patterns. They were laughed at, as Elizabeth Warren should be. In fact she should be more humiliated, because she rode the coattails on her (lack of) heritage during her political career. If the left they cannot see the irony in that, shows how shallow the brain pool is, and/or their lack of humor

Calling her out in an ironical way, is not racist. If he used a derogatory term for the culture, or said anything disparaging about the culture - THAT would be evidence and I'd agree with you completely.

The idea of some 70 million people voting in a racist, is not impossible - but extremely improbable. The left lacks the logic that would make them question the probability scientifically and why it would be so....

Orange man racist.... and so is 70 million others - it's gotta be

Speaking in a racist way requires no evidence other
than the words coming out of the mouth.

Ok....pulling more Blacks and Mexicans out of poverty must be the racist action then

no photo
Thu 12/24/20 08:18 AM
Blah...blah...blah...just man up and admit you backed a loser.

sugardaddi's photo
Thu 12/24/20 08:20 AM
I have noticed that those who oppose trump vehemently have no solid facts when asked why they feel that way. They make vague accusations like racism but can give no examples. About all they can point to is that he speaks bluntly and plainly. They prefer smooth talking liars I guess. Trump will tell you the truth.

Or they say he lies but can give no real examples. If in a speech he says there were 50,000 of something and the exact number was 49,350, they call that a lie. Whereas when biden tells a whopper, they say he "misspoke" while any mistake by trump is a "lie"

But do not ask them for specific examples of what bad things they claim trump did. It only makes them mad because they do not want to admit they simply took the word of some clown on tv and never checked it out themselves. If they did that they would become confused and they feel its better to stay sure of what they believe and avoid any contradictory evidence.

The far left prefers feelings over facts. Facts are cold hard objects that bruise your fantasies. Feelings can be warm and cuddly or very bad without needing any facts. Biden once famously said "we prefer truth over facts" truth meaning feelings.

Trump just gave us peace in the middle east, no new wars, prosperity and jobs. By cheating in the election the dems want to throw that away and instead make us take joe's promises to do better.

Trump got 74 million votes, they claim joe got 80 million? That is more votes than there are eligible voters in the whole country even if every single person voted. Joe was far more popular than obama in his first election but couldn't draw more than 10 or 20 people to a rally? And some people believe all that.

bobtail76's photo
Thu 12/24/20 09:01 AM

I have noticed that those who oppose trump vehemently have no solid facts when asked why they feel that way. They make vague accusations like racism but can give no examples. About all they can point to is that he speaks bluntly and plainly. They prefer smooth talking liars I guess. Trump will tell you the truth.

Or they say he lies but can give no real examples. If in a speech he says there were 50,000 of something and the exact number was 49,350, they call that a lie. Whereas when biden tells a whopper, they say he "misspoke" while any mistake by trump is a "lie"

But do not ask them for specific examples of what bad things they claim trump did. It only makes them mad because they do not want to admit they simply took the word of some clown on tv and never checked it out themselves. If they did that they would become confused and they feel its better to stay sure of what they believe and avoid any contradictory evidence.

The far left prefers feelings over facts. Facts are cold hard objects that bruise your fantasies. Feelings can be warm and cuddly or very bad without needing any facts. Biden once famously said "we prefer truth over facts" truth meaning feelings.

Trump just gave us peace in the middle east, no new wars, prosperity and jobs. By cheating in the election the dems want to throw that away and instead make us take joe's promises to do better.

Trump got 74 million votes, they claim joe got 80 million? That is more votes than there are eligible voters in the whole country even if every single person voted. Joe was far more popular than obama in his first election but couldn't draw more than 10 or 20 people to a rally? And some people believe all that.

They blame the coronavirus on the lack of support for the rally, then drinking in the same corona virus streets when their pedo was crowned by the media. I've never seen a bigger group of hypocrites in my life

no photo
Thu 12/24/20 01:03 PM
Edited by RockandRoll on Thu 12/24/20 01:09 PM
Trump supporters are:
BLIND...They fail to see that Trump is a failed leader. He caused the pandemic to spread in America, saying it would go away in the springtime with warm weather, while doing nothing about it, allowing it to go unchecked. He has been recorded on tape denegrating women, as with the Billy Bush tape. He never built a border wall or made Mexico pay for it...the list goes on...
DEAF...Trump supporters are not hearing the millions of people who are out of money, because their fat rich boy screwed up our economy by ignoring a pandemic existed. The thousands of business owners that may go bankrupt because of a virus that was supposed to disappear all by itself.
DUMB...Trump supporters are dumb (meaning they don't speak) about his failure to lead our country...and his phony claim that the election was "rigged", attacking our very democracy...what a joke (NOT FUNNY).

Those are a few facts Trump supporters fail to recognize...and the list is long

sugardaddi's photo
Thu 12/24/20 04:42 PM
Edited by sugardaddi on Thu 12/24/20 04:45 PM
Rock, lets take a look at some of the "facts" you gave us

"He caused the pandemic to spread in America, saying it would go away in the springtime with warm weather, while doing nothing about it, allowing it to go unchecked."

Not true, he barred all travel from china in january when your hero biden said that was a crazy idea and called him "xenophobic" for doing it. Later trump barred travel from europe and got roasted on that too. He got ventilators and ppe made in mass quantities using the defense production act. He got a vaccine made in record time and its being distributed.

So your statement is 100% wrong

" He never built a border wall or made Mexico pay for it...the list goes on..."

Again you are wrong, he has built over 450 miles of wall despite the dems fighting and blocking him tooth and nail. Mexico pays for it by using their army to stop the masses from s america traveling through it. Mexico has thousands of soldiers doing this. There are more ways to pay than by writing a check. So you are 0 for two, got anything with real facts?

"Trump supporters are not hearing the millions of people who are out of money, because their fat rich boy screwed up our economy by ignoring a pandemic existed."

False again as I've already explained. Trying to blame covid on trump is really pathetic. He built the greatest economy the world had ever seen before the pandemic hit. Try to deny that

"he thousands of business owners that may go bankrupt because of a virus"

You can thank the dem governors who shut down those businesses unnecessarily and caused them to fail. Oh but you are still trying to blame trump for the virus, not china. Got it.

"don't accuse me of personal attacks when you people have done nothing but try to weaken America for four years now"

Projection at its finest. Notice that I refuted all your points without attacking you personally. Try it sometime, you might like it

Girth said:


"fact" lol your facts are like rock's, all made up. Did you ever hear about mueller? He investigated the hell out of trump for 2 years and could not come up with anything let alone russian collusion. Even cnn has backed off that silly claim.

bobtail76's photo
Thu 12/24/20 05:49 PM

Rock, lets take a look at some of the "facts" you gave us

"He caused the pandemic to spread in America, saying it would go away in the springtime with warm weather, while doing nothing about it, allowing it to go unchecked."

Not true, he barred all travel from china in january when your hero biden said that was a crazy idea and called him "xenophobic" for doing it. Later trump barred travel from europe and got roasted on that too. He got ventilators and ppe made in mass quantities using the defense production act. He got a vaccine made in record time and its being distributed.

So your statement is 100% wrong

" He never built a border wall or made Mexico pay for it...the list goes on..."

Again you are wrong, he has built over 450 miles of wall despite the dems fighting and blocking him tooth and nail. Mexico pays for it by using their army to stop the masses from s america traveling through it. Mexico has thousands of soldiers doing this. There are more ways to pay than by writing a check. So you are 0 for two, got anything with real facts?

"Trump supporters are not hearing the millions of people who are out of money, because their fat rich boy screwed up our economy by ignoring a pandemic existed."

False again as I've already explained. Trying to blame covid on trump is really pathetic. He built the greatest economy the world had ever seen before the pandemic hit. Try to deny that

"he thousands of business owners that may go bankrupt because of a virus"

You can thank the dem governors who shut down those businesses unnecessarily and caused them to fail. Oh but you are still trying to blame trump for the virus, not china. Got it.

"don't accuse me of personal attacks when you people have done nothing but try to weaken America for four years now"

Projection at its finest. Notice that I refuted all your points without attacking you personally. Try it sometime, you might like it

Girth said:


"fact" lol your facts are like rock's, all made up. Did you ever hear about mueller? He investigated the hell out of trump for 2 years and could not come up with anything let alone russian collusion. Even cnn has backed off that silly claim.


ivegotthegirth's photo
Thu 12/24/20 11:56 PM

Rock, lets take a look at some of the "facts" you gave us

"He caused the pandemic to spread in America, saying it would go away in the springtime with warm weather, while doing nothing about it, allowing it to go unchecked."

Not true, he barred all travel from china in january when your hero biden said that was a crazy idea and called him "xenophobic" for doing it. Later trump barred travel from europe and got roasted on that too. He got ventilators and ppe made in mass quantities using the defense production act. He got a vaccine made in record time and its being distributed.

So your statement is 100% wrong

" He never built a border wall or made Mexico pay for it...the list goes on..."

Again you are wrong, he has built over 450 miles of wall despite the dems fighting and blocking him tooth and nail. Mexico pays for it by using their army to stop the masses from s america traveling through it. Mexico has thousands of soldiers doing this. There are more ways to pay than by writing a check. So you are 0 for two, got anything with real facts?

"Trump supporters are not hearing the millions of people who are out of money, because their fat rich boy screwed up our economy by ignoring a pandemic existed."

False again as I've already explained. Trying to blame covid on trump is really pathetic. He built the greatest economy the world had ever seen before the pandemic hit. Try to deny that

"he thousands of business owners that may go bankrupt because of a virus"

You can thank the dem governors who shut down those businesses unnecessarily and caused them to fail. Oh but you are still trying to blame trump for the virus, not china. Got it.

"don't accuse me of personal attacks when you people have done nothing but try to weaken America for four years now"

Projection at its finest. Notice that I refuted all your points without attacking you personally. Try it sometime, you might like it

Girth said:


"fact" lol your facts are like rock's, all made up. Did you ever hear about mueller? He investigated the hell out of trump for 2 years and could not come up with anything let alone russian collusion. Even cnn has backed off that silly claim.

You need to get in touch with current events.

Trump should be indited for treason and most likely will be soon. He is a Putin tool and may even be working for Russia. Maybe you and your fake "Canadian" buddy are too?

Again Trump parrots as Rock n Roll said you boys backed a loser, how long will you continue to beat this dead horse? Comrade?

no photo
Fri 12/25/20 04:37 AM
MAGA is over...move on !!!

no photo
Fri 12/25/20 04:43 AM
P.S.- you refuted NOTHING...most of the facts you stated are incorrect...for example...Trump did not stop travel from China last made that up...Trump supporters are good at making up their own facts. EVERYTHING I stated is a's another one for you...YOUR RUSSIAN LOVING BOY IS GONE ON JANUARY 20th...MAGA is a FAILURE.

sugardaddi's photo
Fri 12/25/20 07:45 AM
You guys are entitled to your own opinions, but not to your own facts. I see it was denied that trump closed down the country to china when all the dems said that was foolish and not needed.

For all the criticism President Trump has received for initially publicly downplaying the risk that Coronavirus posed, he took the most significant action he could to stop its spread back in January when he restricted travel from China. The travel ban reduced arrivals from China by over 90 percent, and unquestionably slowed the spread of the virus into the U.S.

Of course, the media wasn’t thrilled with the decision that is common sense in hindsight, which they blasted as unnecessary, useless, and of course, “racist” (why not?)

The New York Times called the ban an “emotional or political reaction,” quoting an epidemiologist.

The Washington Post misinformed us that such policies were only supported by “conservative lawmakers and far-right supporters of the President.” Most major nations have since implemented travel bans and closed their borders.

Trump was also criticized for not taking the World Health Organization’s advice. The same WHO that said on January 14th “Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in Wuhan, China.”

Vox also told us that “travel bans don’t work” to stop the “Wuhan Coronavirus.” They did manage to amend that story…. but only to call the Wuhan Coronavirus the “Coronavirus” instead, now that they’re blasting anyone who uses their former terminology as racist.

The media did have praised to heap on China though, for some reason:

Both the two main Democrat presidential contenders wouldn’t have banned travel from China – and Trump actually did so when it appeared to be a premature move. As The Federalist’s Margot Cleveland notes:

A contentious exchange during the March 11 House Homeland Security Committee hearing on the coronavirus response revealed this reality. During the hearing, acting Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security Ken Cuccinelli explained he had advised the president to ban travel from China even though “the academic model suggested not to do that.” Cuccinelli further stressed that “the president was well aware” that the existing models recommended against a China travel ban but that Trump nonetheless instituted the ban.

Criticism of Trump’s executive decision to put Americans first also found a voice in Biden. The presumptive Democratic presidential candidate took to Twitter, noting, “A wall will not stop the coronavirus. Banning all travel from Europe — or any other part of the world — will not stop it.”

Biden’s recently unveiled position statement on responding to the Wuhan virus made no mention of a travel ban, indicating that Biden, like his remaining primary opponent, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, opposes temporarily closing U.S. borders to protect Americans.

As bad as things are now – can you imagine how much worse they would’ve been had we kept travel open with China? Thank God we don’t have to.

ivegotthegirth's photo
Fri 12/25/20 09:00 AM
Trumper's like to try and make out that Biden is a pedopile when their hero was known to perv around with Epstein, of course they've since had him killed in jail. huh

sugardaddi's photo
Fri 12/25/20 12:05 PM
"Trumper's like to try and make out that Biden is a pedopile when their hero was known to perv around with Epstein."

Thats a lie. Biden has has many complaints about inappropriate touching. He likes to sniff little girls hair, and even grown women. Trump has done none of those things. Your attempt to smear him by association with epstien is beneath you. Did you know trump tossed him out of his club years ago when he found out about the kiddie diddling? Trump has never visited epstiens island

Do you have anything to share besides lies?

sugardaddi's photo
Fri 12/25/20 12:05 PM
Edited by sugardaddi on Fri 12/25/20 12:20 PM
I see there is no response to the fact biden extorted ukraine by withholding a large aid package. That is illegal and treasonous. No, we should talk about whether trump knew epstien or if he said grab 'em by the you-know-what

No one can dispute the many great things trump has done or they would have done it. Best stock market ever, lowest unemployment in around 50 years, n korea is behaving, excellent response to the virus... the list is long