Topic: Marijuana: Beneficial?
Jess642's photo
Sat 12/15/07 07:54 AM
huh So a government created legislation, using illegal immigrants, as a cover?

Imagine that...

Sounds familiar, but with a different agenda.

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Sat 12/15/07 07:56 AM
interesting information Turtle i never knew that.

My opinion on Weed: I believe abything natural should not be prohibitied to use, Smokes are used and have over 1000 chemicals that cause no benefit to anyone and probabaly 99% of people wish they could stop, this is not the case with Weed. I also believe the use wouldnt not rise. but remain stagnant. As far as crime, i believe it will drop as with prohibition there were "Alcohol" dealers which we dont have any more today. The Drug dealers would not be in existance as they are today. Overall i think Leagalizing it would be a good idea. Granted i dont use the drug


Turtlepoet78's photo
Sat 12/15/07 08:01 AM
I've got my prop. 420 ready to post, but should I post in the general discussion or current events forum?;^]

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Sat 12/15/07 08:02 AM

Turtlepoet78's photo
Sat 12/15/07 08:09 AM
Ok, I put it in the current events forum;^]

Rapunzel's photo
Sat 12/15/07 08:37 AM
if you all would read the book called
"the emperor wears no clothes "
by Jack Herer

like i said it is all online...
it is more powerful
and based on truth
than people's fluctuating opinions

your eyes would open...
i personally think it had way more to do with
william randolf hearst and john dow, devil
and their personal investments, sick
than it had to do with illegal immigrants

tash01's photo
Sat 12/15/07 08:41 AM
here in jamaica we love herb,weed gagjah anything you call it weed is life seen

Rapunzel's photo
Sat 12/15/07 08:53 AM
oh, yes, i am sure you do,happy

Miss Jamaican Ladyflowerforyou

and are you
Rastafarian as well?drinker

welcome and thanks for stopping by flowerforyou drinker flowerforyou

happy sacrament smokin

klugman's photo
Sat 12/15/07 08:57 AM
I dont burn anymore, but I can tell ya that Alcohol is 100 times worse than weed ever dreamt of being.

I used to get so baked and then go Haulin ass in the mountins.
Not once have I ever wrecked when stoned. I have plenty of times when I wasnt.

I'm still breathin, it helped me to concentrate better.

I quit because Its illegal, and not worth losing my freedom over.

Rapunzel's photo
Sat 12/15/07 09:03 AM
Edited by Rapunzel on Sat 12/15/07 09:06 AM
i know....i agree.

but our God Given rights
are being infringed upon
and taken away
and that is not what our freedom
was or is being fought for

it is not worth losing our freedom over,
but, if we just allow them to have their way,
and we don't protect our rights,
they have succeeded in removing all of our freedom

no photo
Sat 12/15/07 09:07 AM
Edited by LauraJ on Sat 12/15/07 09:09 AM
this is just my opinion....
I come from a very large family,and I have seen first hand what alcohol,pot,and other street drugs have done to some of my family members.
1.)3 deaths due to alcohol related dieseases & 2 deaths due to car accidents(yes they were stoned)
2.)2 that have spent more time in jail then out of jail due to smoking and selling pot
3.)1 that has completely fried his brain and doesnt even know who he is(pot was his drug of choice but couldnt get high anymore and went to other drugs)
4.)1 that lost everything that he had due to his pot smoking(job,house,car,family,and almost his own life)hes now in a mental hospital. his pot smoking was all he cares for.

If you are going to smoke do it in moderation....dont make it an everyday all day bake-off.
Have nothing against anyone that smokes I just dont like it.

klugman's photo
Sat 12/15/07 09:11 AM
Thats so true...But look at the government.
They could really care less about what you or me want.

All they (politicians) are worried about, is how much their pensions, and salaries are.

Pot will never be legal, then the government couldnt make money off of fineing the hell out of people like you or me that are caught with it.

Turtlepoet78's photo
Sat 12/15/07 09:14 AM

Thats so true...But look at the government.
They could really care less about what you or me want.

All they (politicians) are worried about, is how much their pensions, and salaries are.

Pot will never be legal, then the government couldnt make money off of fineing the hell out of people like you or me that are caught with it.

Never say never, they once said a minimum wage would never happen and more recently they said legalising assault rifles would never happen. Just have to vote for the right people and let your congressman know where you stand;^]

Rapunzel's photo
Sat 12/15/07 09:18 AM
thank you turtle poetsmokin drinker flowerforyou drinker smokin

that is a good attitude...smokin
we older folks have got to stand firm in our convictions drinker
to give the new comers hope and strength & moral incentiveflowerforyou
to do what is necessary to put this world back on track drinker

Turtlepoet78's photo
Sat 12/15/07 09:33 AM
I agree, as Ziggy Marley said, "My generation will make the change, this generation will make the change";^]

no photo
Sat 12/15/07 09:37 AM
more power to you guys that want to make it legal...stand up for what you believe in.
hope some day for you and others they will make it legal

Rapunzel's photo
Sat 12/15/07 09:49 AM
Edited by Rapunzel on Sat 12/15/07 09:55 AM
thank you LauraJflowerforyou

AMEN...turtle poet drinker


and of the LIGHT


you know i remember when we were kids,
my brother and i were talking about
whether we wanted to have kids someday.

he said he didn't
cause he didn't want to bring kids
into such a terrible world ...
and i told him that i did want to have children
and that maybe they would make a difference,
and do you know what ?

my kids are in their early thirties now...
and they do make a difference
i have two daughters and a son ...
all of my children have come so far ...

my youngest daughter has worked all the way up.
she is an incredible presence as a general manager of
an amazing raw & organic food restaurant chain
in the San Francisco bay area

She has helped people so much and continues to help people
to give up their old unhealthy ways of eating and living

and to open up to better ways of nutrition & healthy living
and that is just one of the things she is involved with...

another being the growing of organic flax
and organic cotton and hemp for natural clothing

do you know that they put formaldehyde
and other nasty harmful chemicals
in the bolts of cotton used to make clothing ?

so many changes need to be made ...:cry:
Lots of love and light to the younger peopledrinker

drinker flowerforyou smokin :heart: flowerforyou drinker

Turtlepoet78's photo
Sat 12/15/07 09:49 AM
Getting on to medical benefits, I think there are many, but one specificaly where it helped me. It should be noted, that I quit pot years ago and now use serequel whenever this happens now, regardless the pot was just as effective if not more. I have a schizo effective disorder with a mild varient of aspergers (also called high functioning autism), and once in a while I have a "freak out", where I start getting overly anxious and become a danger to myself (suicidal thoughts). So when I still used I would smoke a little whenever that happened, and I tell you it made all the differance in the world. I'd sit back much more calm and able to think more clearly about what I'd be missing and who I'd hurt. Watching cartoons all night and eating up all the groceries is much better than the previous. Like I said, I now use serequel for the same thing and it works too, has more side effects but I've got too much to lose by breaking the marijuana laws;^]

Rapunzel's photo
Sat 12/15/07 10:03 AM
Edited by Rapunzel on Sat 12/15/07 10:05 AM
it's too bad...many of the doctors
have traded the hypocratic oath
for a hypocritic oath

cause there are so many financial kickbacks in it for them
from prescribing all of these powerful and highly addictive drugs...
they don't want people smoking a mild jointnoway

but they would rather see people all strung out
on morphine and oxycontin and they want to
see everyone all loopy and vapid
and like zombies they want everyone
on powerful antidepressents
so they can control us,
stuff that has way worse side effects than weed...
cause it is all about the money for them
and their freebies from the pharmaceutical companies...
also read the book
"natural cures they don't want you to know about"
by Kevin trudeau...

it is not about getting people well, it is about getting people strung out on their so called legal drugs...

they are the among the real 'pushers' in this worldsick

no photo
Sat 12/15/07 10:11 AM
it is not about getting people well, it is about getting people strung out on their so called legal drugs...

they are the among the real 'pushers' in this world

That is sooooooooo doctor wants to prescribe me all these pain meds for my back.
for one I cant take them cause I cant function on them and two I have found that meditation and yoga has relieved more of the pain then my doctors so called meds.