Topic: Marijuana: Beneficial?
Sat 12/15/07 12:09 AM

Rapunzel's photo
Sat 12/15/07 12:15 AM
oh, that is very cutesmokin :wink: drinker flowerforyou drinker smokin :wink:

scttrbrain's photo
Sat 12/15/07 12:26 AM
Pot was not always a substance to get high from. It was only hemp that was used to make things out of. The THC value was almost useless. It was only after people starting messing with it and breeding it, that they made it potent, it became a narcotic. It stays in your spinal cord for a long time. It affects your brain, motor skills, nervous system and reflex actions.

I WAS a pot smoker for many years. Worked on it, maintained. SOLD tons of it. I should have been shot! Then later it became different. It began to smolder my mind and my self as a prosperous and efficient worker.

Myself, I do not want anyone smoking that stuff and driving around with my family on the roads. They have no right putting my friends, family or others' life in jeopardy because they feel they have it under control. No different than a drunk.

Pot DOES have lasting effects on your body. Just you wait and see. I know. I am living with it.

It is a misdemeanor for small amounts unless it is in joints or separated. Then it becomes a felony. If you transport it, it is a felony. If you sell it it is a felony. Many people are dieing just so you can have that buzz. You have no clue how many are dieing by the operations of such organizations. It is highly sophisticated war lords running these places.
The cost of a lawyer and the fines, not to mention the jail time is not worth it. Not to mention again....the stigma that comes from being arrested and convicted for it. Future employers are not too thrilled about it.

If I ever found out about someone selling my kids or giving them pot, I would have them arrested asap.
And they are grown now. No tolerance from me. I just wish someone had taken that step to stop me before it did its damage.

Good luck to all of you that continue to do it. I wish you well, and hope you never have to go through what I did. Do. And will.

Please, not smoke it with kids in the house or around.


neanderthalDave's photo
Sat 12/15/07 01:04 AM
Ive been smokin on n off since I was 11.
I know that sounds young 2most of u but im from the south side of the chi theres a lot more i couldve been doin.
it seems like i get in less fights n dont get lockd up as much when i smoke.
thats a +
the cops around the hood dont even F@(k with u just 4weed i even seen sum hit the blunt b4.smokin
i got 2 fines both when downtown, there only 50bucks n they dont go on ur record.
I still smoke, no regrets.

Kat...I dont agree with most of what u said, but never with kids around is right.i cant stand people that smoke in front of there kids or even worse blow it in there face.

KarlaofJackson's photo
Sat 12/15/07 01:14 AM
Edited by KarlaofJackson on Sat 12/15/07 01:15 AM
Well I didn't read all the post in this thread but...You missed a group of people...

3...the people who have smoked 'WEED' and... see it as recreational.

4...the people who have smoked it and it did nothing for them.


5. those that have smoked weed and "grew up" and couldn't care less.

and... those that believe, weather they have or haven't, believe that you are just avoiding life...
either way it's your you vote?

no photo
Sat 12/15/07 01:17 AM
When used for medicinal purposes, marijuana can help cancer patients eat.....pms'ers mellow....**** heads relax......but like anything else........everything in moderation.

KarlaofJackson's photo
Sat 12/15/07 01:20 AM
yup, agree there...could help alot of people if legal...and some can get it for meds, illeagely....but so many pot heads....????...

no photo
Sat 12/15/07 01:22 AM
Like anything else......there will be abusers. Look at prohibition and alcohol????

KarlaofJackson's photo
Sat 12/15/07 01:24 AM
I'm not disagreeing with you...are you disagreeing with me?

all I stated was that he was missing a few groups....?

no photo
Sat 12/15/07 01:27 AM
lol Im not disagreeing with anyone.....Im just rambling....laugh laugh laugh talking to myself mostly.....but you keep answering!!!laugh laugh laugh

aims84's photo
Sat 12/15/07 01:27 AM

Ok well Im neither of those 2 types of people
3 weeks ago I quit smoking pot after 14 years
The reason why I will leave for myself.
But since I feel much better
not to mention I was spending 400 a month on Cali Kush
I could be driving a mercedes instead of that
Now they say weed enhances your mind but I dont really think so
It seems to enhance my mind without smoking
I believe I was and still am an addict of it.
I mean I guess I could do a hit here and there but I felt that I couldnt do anything without it
Granted now Im very bored
So i dunno about it beneficial
i do miss mary a lot
but i guess i grew out of it
While reasearh and successful drug policy
should be increased and law enforcement decreases while abolishing mandatory minimum sentences
the prison system population has more than doubled since 1985
and for what an herb?
but yea it should be legalized but regulated alcohol is way worse

One thing I don't believe here...that you are addicted to weed. I don't think thats possible. Yes, there are people who smoke every day but there is not addictive in it like nicotine. If you don't smoke for a week, you're not irritable and having withdrawals.

I think its ridiculous that a pothead can be sitting in jail next to a child molestor and the child molestor will get out of jail first. The rapist is harm to society while the pothead is hurting no one. Makes no sense.

aims84's photo
Sat 12/15/07 01:30 AM

ok somebody explain to me how their making money with it being illegal?????

and to say it was put here for a reason and it's natural, so are a lot of poisons should we take those too? their natural...

Because weed is not taxable, therefore they could not sale it. By it being illegal they can lock tons of people up & charge them, therefore making money. If something isn't taxable the government doesn't make money off it so it will never be legal.

KarlaofJackson's photo
Sat 12/15/07 01:31 AM

lol Im not disagreeing with anyone.....Im just rambling....laugh laugh laugh talking to myself mostly.....but you keep answering!!!laugh laugh laugh myself getting waaaaay to involved in poltitcal and religious topics than I intend this late at nite...but no one is posting in fun, flirty topics...just bored...but do have an opinion...just me.

scttrbrain's photo
Sat 12/15/07 01:32 AM
Three joints worth of pot and the cleaned seeds got me 8 thousand dollars in fines, restitution, and three plus weeks in county. 4 thousand more for a lawyer and a felony for life. 5 years probation, couldn't vote, no guns for protection, no state licenses other than a drivers license. It has made my life a living hell to get good employment. Not to mention the lung condition I received from using. I have to live with that forever as well. No fun.

My kids remind me every chance they get, how stupid I was to watch from their perspective. I am told they always knew. Now they have the utmost respect for me. Pride in their mom. That means the world to me.

As for not agreeing with most of what I said...Doesn't matter. It is true.

But, I respect your opinion.


no photo
Sat 12/15/07 01:34 AM
Hmmmmmmmm I have to disagree on pot not being addictive. Ive known too many people who were addicted to smoking cigarettes.....and when you take it away.....youre taking away the THC......weaning off any drug is preferrable.

KarlaofJackson's photo
Sat 12/15/07 01:35 AM
Edited by KarlaofJackson on Sat 12/15/07 01:36 AM

ok somebody explain to me how their making money with it being illegal?????

and to say it was put here for a reason and it's natural, so are a lot of poisons should we take those too? their natural...

Because weed is not taxable, therefore they could not sale it. By it being illegal they can lock tons of people up & charge them, therefore making money. If something isn't taxable the government doesn't make money off it so it will never be legal.

Here I go again...just my opinion, but...That is excactly why it may become legal...and the ONLY reason if ever because the government can then tax it and make money off of it!

KarlaofJackson's photo
Sat 12/15/07 01:38 AM

Hmmmmmmmm I have to disagree on pot not being addictive. Ive known too many people who were addicted to smoking cigarettes.....and when you take it away.....youre taking away the THC......weaning off any drug is preferrable.

and...also agree that it is additive..."some" peoople use it to not deal with their reality and therefore if quit cold turkey probably would not be able to deal with the real world

no photo
Sat 12/15/07 01:38 AM
actually the government makes money on drug rehab........oh and not to mention ppl dying off illegal drugs.......but to me pot is pretty tame compared to what else is out there.....

Marie55's photo
Sat 12/15/07 01:39 AM
I agree with you Gypsy and Kat. My ex used to bring a couple of friends to our house who were heavy users. When they were out, those guys were hurting. I had some Tylenol #3 left over from some dental surgery and one of them got into it and was taking 8 of them a day to get through not having his pot. I have also known people who started on pot and went on to heroin and other stronger drugs. It may not be addictive to certain people, if they don't use a lot and frequently, like a social drinker who only has an occasional drink doesn't become addicted to alcohol, but I do believe that heavy users do get hooked and do hurt when they run out.

KarlaofJackson's photo
Sat 12/15/07 01:42 AM
People that use drugs to "avoid" life get addicted enough that they eventually need something stronger because "pot" doesn't do the trick any more.