Topic: Marijuana: Beneficial?
no photo
Sat 12/15/07 01:47 AM
Escapism........hmmmmmmmm sometimes could be fun........

<-------drinking a glass of escapism....drinker

KarlaofJackson's photo
Sat 12/15/07 01:48 AM
I can drink to that...drinker

aims84's photo
Sat 12/15/07 01:49 AM
How come they don't say when alcohol doesn't do the trick people do harder things?

And have you ever heard a story where a high driver killed themselves and a car full of other people?

no photo
Sat 12/15/07 01:51 AM
if its made legal... then it can be controlled better it can be taxed and you wont have people thinking they are bad asses doing it so the temptation will prolly die down a bit... they should legalize it but with restrictions... kinda like alcohol

no photo
Sat 12/15/07 01:52 AM
the thing about pot is it dulls your youre not rip roaring ****ed up most of the time.....but it still affects you. It kills off brains cells, alcohol numbs them....even though as we get older are brains cells "die"......

no photo
Sat 12/15/07 01:53 AM
meanwhile... were u high when u posted this? just curious

KarlaofJackson's photo
Sat 12/15/07 01:53 AM
Edited by KarlaofJackson on Sat 12/15/07 01:55 AM

How come they don't say when alcohol doesn't do the trick people do harder things?

And have you ever heard a story where a high driver killed themselves and a car full of other people?

Yup, I think they do...every body needs to escape once in a while...and everything is additive...well not everything, but in the terms that we are talking.

I drink, and I agreee....same boat...I have lots to escape's legal tho and I don't drink then drive....

no photo
Sat 12/15/07 01:55 AM
And with alcohol.....ppl who like it just do more and more......and even go onto hard drugs as well......

I have a friend who if is drinking will want to smoke crack....then if she stays away from the precursor then she will stay away from the others.......weird.......

You cant say that all drugs will do this or that for everyone as everyone is different........

no photo
Sat 12/15/07 01:56 AM
Hmmmmmmmmmm I can feel my brain cells dying everytime I post.....laugh drinker

Marie55's photo
Sat 12/15/07 01:58 AM
I agree with it being used for people with cancer and other terminal disease, etc., for pain control, but it still has a high risk for abuse then. All the people going in complaining of backaches, headaches, etc., need my pot to cure it, no other pain meds work. I have heard these excuses. Have heard them joke and laugh about how they trick doctors now into giving them narcotics when they are not really in pain, how easy would it be to get pot for "this pain" they claim they are in. There is a drug out there now "Marinol" that is a marijuana derivative that is a prescription painkiller.

I agree with you too about people drinking and driving, of course they kill innocent people, we have all heard of people killed by drunk drivers. I don't believe in drinking and driving either. I don't even like alcohol, 10 years of marriage to an alcoholic, believe me, I don't have any desire to drink.

no photo
Sat 12/15/07 02:03 AM
Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I have back pain!!!bigsmile Maybe I need pot too eh???? huh laugh laugh

Actually my ex had a "personality disorder" and got a note from his doctor so he could get pot from the Cannabais Club........most of the time it made him mellow.....but I dont think that is what he needed.......he needed therapy and probably lithium!!!noway grumble laugh

KarlaofJackson's photo
Sat 12/15/07 02:03 AM
I only posted on this thread becuase the dude said there were only 2 categories that would post, one being those that have never smoked it and those that smoke it...

I have smoked it and don't now... I don't personally like it, I like to drink...not constantly, but... pretty much see it as the same thing, only drinking is legal...not why I drink, just prefer it...

addiction is really about having an addictive personality and/or not being able to deal with reality...I'm a little of both...arn't we all?

no photo
Sat 12/15/07 02:08 AM
I once smoked pot in my house......when no one else was home.......and I think it got my cats stoned.......I could barely wake them up!!!noway noway noway laugh laugh laugh laugh

But ya I only smoke it once or twice a year........hard on my lungs.....noway smokin drinker

neanderthalDave's photo
Sat 12/15/07 02:09 AM

if its made legal... then it can be controlled better it can be taxed and you wont have people thinking they are bad asses doing it so the temptation will prolly die down a bit... they should legalize it but with restrictions... kinda like alcohol
i think shes right
but 18 n over just like cigz
make ur own choice

no photo
Sat 12/15/07 06:19 AM
When my brother was diagnosed with cancer they gave him pot (he was in hospice before he died) and it helped him both physically and emotionally with his demise...So insofar as it being benificial, I think it depends on the circumstances, but yes it can be.....
I know alot of people who smoke it both everyday and in moderation...and both types of individuals are productive people....
I'm ambivalant about legalizing it however...smokin

joshyfox's photo
Sat 12/15/07 06:28 AM
All things in moderation, do I think pot should be legal, yes, his has some beneficial qualities and is a very light drug. Also legalizing and growing out own Marijuana takes it out of Drug-dealers hands who get their stock from foreign drug-lords who on occasion may fund terrorist cells.

I am for the Legalization for Marijuana (provided the put laws in place against overuse / use in public like they might for alcohol), but I'd still never use it myself.

whispertoascream's photo
Sat 12/15/07 07:00 AM
Edited by whispertoascream on Sat 12/15/07 07:01 AM
I have been smoking weed since I was about 14. I smoked my first joint in grade 9 with under the smoking bridge of my school (it is were everybody smoked). Later that year with my princible( ahh memories).

I will admit back then it messed me up pretty badly. Not permenetly, but really disoriented me. But you are right it did calm me. Even helped me pass a couple of exams.

The person who started this post mentioned that it helped people with asthama. Well I am still a smoker (smoking a joint right now), and I have asthma. And well I cough when I smoke it. Leaving me short of breath. So I do not know how that helps any.

Do I think they should make it legal? Yes. I think it would prevent a lot of crime. The government could even make money off of it. I mean sure it may put us in another stae of mind. But then again so does alcohol. And that seems to be legal. I agree with Josh. Make the same laws set out for alcohol and there should not be a problem.

Yes, it is a herb NOT a drug.

Turtlepoet78's photo
Sat 12/15/07 07:46 AM
The bottom line is, should you have the right as an adult to decide what you put in your own body? I say yes, and before the opiate acts of 1914 American law said so too. And prohibition against any drug has only made things worse, because the power is then put into the hands of criminal orginisations and gangs. Let's face it, more people die from "drug deals gone bad" than from actual drug overdoses (which with marijuana is impossible). Not to mention the lack of regulation for quality control, a dealer can spike his package however they want because there's no inspector over top of them making sure it's clean. As for marijuana specificaly, it's interesting to note it only became illegal when it became popular with mexican immigrants, before hand there were pot bars all accross the nation with virtualy no crime involved whatsoever. And, when congress was debating the marijuana stamp act (1927 or 1937, can't remember which) scientists were banned from the hearings because they claimed the critics of marijuanas claims were unfounded (watch the film "Reefer Madness" to get an idea of their claims). Now, we know that marijuana is not physicaly addictive, we know it's not nearly as damaging to the body as tobacco or alchohal, we know that it doesn't create violent outbursts. And for those who call it a gateway drug, it's only so because potheads have to go on "missions" to find it, then when an area is dry (ie: no marijuana to be found) they find other stuff, if alchohal was illegal the same thing would happen with it. There's much more benefits to legalising and regulating marijuana than prohibiting it, that being said maybe it's time I dig up my propisition on the subject?;^]

Jess642's photo
Sat 12/15/07 07:49 AM
Who made it illegal, and why?

Then you have your answers, when you know the questions to ask.

Turtlepoet78's photo
Sat 12/15/07 07:53 AM

Who made it illegal, and why?

Then you have your answers, when you know the questions to ask.

It was made illegal in 1927 or 1937 (marijuana stamp act) as an attempt to stop the flow of mexican immigrants, in the guise of being a drug that creates monsters out of the youth;^]