Topic: Attention Christians | |
just one little note to abra: just be careful not to lump all christians together. we are not all the same person.
Just another example of Christianity being used to support bigotry prejudice and male-chauvinism. This is funny because we were just talking about how damaging Christianity can be in another thread and BINGO, up pops an example. Bigotry??? Prdjudice??? To many self proclaimed Christians theses days think that the WORDS of God r just a guideline....WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Just another example of Christianity being used to support bigotry prejudice and male-chauvinism. This is funny because we were just talking about how damaging Christianity can be in another thread and BINGO, up pops an example. Please be careful, Christianity is no threat to anyone or anything except the fallen one, it is those who would misuse the scripture in the effort of judging man that is the threat. I think in the interest of common perspective it's best to include simmilar wording;^] |
lol What is a Christian retrograde travestite?!?!? |
just one little note to abra: just be careful not to lump all christians together. we are not all the same person. I know, and I do apologize if it came across that way. This is still a case of Christianity being used to support bigotry though. I agree that the vast majority of Christians don’t believe this way. But this does bring up the question of how valid anyone’s views are who come onto the forums claiming to speak to the issue of “Christian principles”. |
i am careful with my posts. but i am always open to chatting with anyone who wants to through email. i tend to show love instead of preaching. thats my way of doing things. hope you are having a wonderful evening!
Please be careful, Christianity is no threat to anyone or anything except the fallen one, it is those who would misuse the scripture in the effort of judging man that is the threat. I think in the interest of common perspective it's best to include simmilar wording;^] I agree, to a point. I guess that all depends on who's 'defining' Christianity. If we leave it up to the radical fanaticals who demand verbatim interpretations of the Bible then I hold that it most certainly can be a threat. But if we take a more relaxed view of Christianity as the “Designer Religion” that it has actually come to be in America, then maybe it’s not such a threat in that context. |
Just another example of Christianity being used to support bigotry prejudice and male-chauvinism. This is funny because we were just talking about how damaging Christianity can be in another thread and BINGO, up pops an example. Bigotry??? Prdjudice??? To many self proclaimed Christians theses days think that the WORDS of God r just a guideline....WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!! I think too many self-proclaimed Christians read the words of God but do not understand them or practice them. Christianity has a very long, consistent history of bigotry, prejudice and injustice, as most major religions do. If you really read the words that Jesus says, it is clear that he was a radical in his time. His words challenge the belief system of those who read them and really think about them. But so do the words of Mohammed, Bhudda, and other great figures of religions. The followers of all these religions make their own interpretations, and each one believes he/she is right. But somehow, the words are lost in the process, and blind belief without true understanding occurs. If you read the words of these great figures, and pay attention to THOSE instead of the words of their followers, I think we would see a more peaceful place |
My heart is telling me that this subject is not covered by Romans 14. Christian women need to know the truth about their religion.
1/3 of Pauls ministry were women. Deborah was the only person in the Bible who was a judge, General and Prophet. She is also the only Judge mentioned in Judges who didn't fail at anything. Genesis 3 is talking about marriage. The wife should defer to her husband in family matters, but the wife can and should take control if the husband makes Biblically unsound choices. This doesn't mean the wife has no say, it just means that the husband has final say. The woman will be judged on if she accepts her husbands leadership and the husband will be judged on if he leads properly. It evens out in the end. If the husband is leading the way the Bible tells him to, then the wife won't have any complaints. Timothy 2 is speaking to a specific problem within the young church. We know this because Paul praised other women for teaching the Gospel. Pricilla taught Apollos the Gospel with her husbands help, but because she was mentioned first, it is reasonable to assume that she was the primary teacher. Many scholars believe that when Paul said a woman's head must be covered, he was teaching that an unmarried woman shouldn't teach. |
Bigotry??? Prdjudice??? To many self proclaimed Christians theses days think that the WORDS of God r just a guideline....WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!! Verbatim extremest, just as I thought. Definitely a danger to society. |
Totally agree with 'winnie410' and 'Turtlepoet78'.
It is extremism, radicalism and tunnel vision that are to be denounced. Not Chrisitians, nor practitioners of other faiths. Don't hesitate to call me to order if I cross the line. Not my intent. |
I knew a guy in the town I moved from who used this scripture as an excuse to beat his wife & keep her locked inside the house. So sad, not only do the false prophets hold a monopoly on what christianity the mass public sees, but guys like this right in the community go against the scripture in the name of the scripture. But lo, the end is nigh;^]
Voil wrote:
It is extremism, radicalism and tunnel vision that are to be denounced. Not Chrisitians, nor practitioners of other faiths. Exactly. We can't just stand by and condone radical views in the name of being tolerant of a person's religious view. There has to be a place where the line gets drawn. Turtle wrote:
I knew a guy in the town I moved from who used this scripture as an excuse to beat his wife & keep her locked inside the house. So sad, not only do the false prophets hold a monopoly on what christianity the mass public sees, but guys like this right in the community go against the scripture in the name of the scripture. But lo, the end is nigh;^] There were serial killers who claimed to be doing the "will of God". So when does a 'belief' in a religion cross the line to become mental illness? Tough questions. |
Edited by
Fri 12/14/07 03:43 PM
She is Bill Clinton. That's the best reason to not give her place. Their intent is to defraud the nation and fullfil their socialist doctrines. They are intent upon removing the "republic" from the republic and replace it with "democracy", at the expense of biased representative leadership of the nation. The goal has always been for the socialist movement to supercede the accountability of Government to the defence of the national economy and welfare by changing the face of the economy and welfare of the nation itself. The momentum that motivates them is to have representation of the masses of poor and underpriveleged owing their allegiance to Government subsidy of theor plight at the hand of the wealthy and the ruling class. But the effect is to fragment and further destroy the Middle Class, because the Law already defends the wealthy and the ruling class, and the precedents in judicial discourse defend existing law and those with the capital. The burden will fall to the Middle Class, not the Wealthy. The goal is to create a society that is completely dependent upon the Government for its livelihood. That is the danger faced with Clintonian Doctrine, not her gender. BTW....I'm not a card carrying Republican. I'm a free citizen. |
I'm not crazy about Hillary Clinton either, but my reasons have nothing to do with her gender.
Edited by
Fri 12/14/07 03:48 PM
Voil wrote:
It is extremism, radicalism and tunnel vision that are to be denounced. Not Chrisitians, nor practitioners of other faiths. Exactly. We can't just stand by and condone radical views in the name of being tolerant of a person's religious view. There has to be a place where the line gets drawn. Turtle wrote:
I knew a guy in the town I moved from who used this scripture as an excuse to beat his wife & keep her locked inside the house. So sad, not only do the false prophets hold a monopoly on what christianity the mass public sees, but guys like this right in the community go against the scripture in the name of the scripture. But lo, the end is nigh;^] There were serial killers who claimed to be doing the "will of God". So when does a 'belief' in a religion cross the line to become mental illness? Tough questions. Gotta be careful not to lump em in with the mentaly ill too, these guys aren't ill they're misled and consumed by their inner anger. As someone with mental illness who spends alot of time with the local clubhouse, the dangerous among us are a vast minority;^] |
For those who know what I am talking about do you feel the way I do? Here are two Great REASONS why Hillary Clinton shouldn't be president!!!!!! 1.) 1st. Timothy Chapter 2 VS. 12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence! 2.) Gen. Chapter 3 VS. 16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over THEE! Ouch And when do we start hunting witches again |
For those who know what I am talking about do you feel the way I do? Here are two Great REASONS why Hillary Clinton shouldn't be president!!!!!! 1.) 1st. Timothy Chapter 2 VS. 12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence! 2.) Gen. Chapter 3 VS. 16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over THEE! I agree with this...if you are Christian then you are suppose to follow what the bible says with no questions asked |
I agree with this...if you are Christian then you are suppose to follow what the bible says with no questions asked Maybe instead of saying the Christianity is a dangerous religion, it would be more appropreate to just say that the Bible is a dangerous book. |
I agree with this...if you are Christian then you are suppose to follow what the bible says with no questions asked Maybe instead of saying the Christianity is a dangerous religion, it would be more appropreate to just say that the Bible is a dangerous book. is it the book that is dangerous or the ones that follow it |