Attention Christians
Just another example of Christianity being used to support bigotry prejudice and male-chauvinism. This is funny because we were just talking about how damaging Christianity can be in another thread and BINGO, up pops an example. Bigotry??? Prdjudice??? To many self proclaimed Christians theses days think that the WORDS of God r just a guideline....WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Politicians and religion
Here are two Great REASONS why Hillary Clinton shouldn't be president!!!!!! 1.) 1st. Timothy Chapter 2 VS. 12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence! 2.) Gen. Chapter 3 VS. 16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over THEE! Is there not a degree of 'good judgment' and personnal discernment that is of essence in reading a 2000 year old book?!?!? If the bible quotes, upon which you seem to found your so-called reasons against Hillary Clinton's candidacy, were of any relevence, which they are not, you, my dear lady, wouldn't have had the privilege to post that comment on this tread. And thank some other god than yours, you have that fundamental right, guarenteed under the Constitution of your country and further guarenteed by International Human Rights Charters throughout the free world. That may be true, but seeings how I posted that on my wifes account i would still been able to... Plus there's only 1 God! |
Attention Christians
Attention Christians
sorry had to change to my account instead of my wifes due to the confusion it was causing
on a endless night
u could have been full of it if u would of sat on my lap.....hehe