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Topic: TODAY IN TRUMPLAND. PART 2. - part 3
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Sun 06/16/19 04:12 PM

EXCLUSIVE: Trump cites lessons from Nixon, says he ‘was never going to fire Mueller’

"(WASHINGTON) — President Donald Trump told ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos that he did not fire special counsel Robert Mueller because “that didn’t work out too well” for former President Richard Nixon.

“I wasn’t gonna fire [Mueller],” Trump said in an exclusive interview with ABC News. “You know why? Because I watched Richard Nixon go around firing everybody, and that didn’t work out too well".


No, Mr. President, Article 2 of the Constitution does not give you the right to do whatever you want to do. If your actions are outright illegal or in the case of your administration and/or campaign being investigated are meant to obstruct that investigation, you cannot do what you want and you are subject to removal from office.

Article II doesn't grant any President the power or authority to do whatever he wants. The powers of the President are balanced with the powers of Congress and the judiciary.

At least Nixon had the sense to resign. Trump will request an uprising from his cult.

Trump campaign cutting ties with pollsters after internal numbers leaked

"WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign is cutting ties with some of its own pollsters after leaked internal polling showed the president trailing former Vice President Joe Biden in critical 2020 battleground states, according to a person close to the campaign.

The move comes after NBC News obtained new details from a March internal poll that found Trump trailing Biden in 11 key states.

Portions of the campaign’s expansive March polling trickled out in recent days in other news reports".


Just more deflection. He just can't face the fact that he isn't as popular among Americans as he wants to believe.

Trump already trying to lay the groundwork for his dictatorship. At this point, he only has about a 25 to 30% 0f a following. Does he really think his dwindling amount of followers are going to get him to stay in office? NO! About all that will keep him in the office is if he starts a war. This just shows what kind of fantasy world he lives in.

Trump says supporters could 'demand' he not leave office after two terms

"WASHINGTON — In tweets on Sunday morning, President Donald Trump suggested supporters might not want him to leave office after two terms.

"The good news is that at the end of 6 years, after America has been made GREAT again and I leave the beautiful White House (do you think the people would demand that I stay longer? KEEP AMERICA GREAT)," Trump wrote".


Trump campaign fires some of its pollsters after leaks show poor numbers for the president

"WASHINGTON — The Trump campaign has fired some of its pollsters following reports that its internal reelection polls showed President Donald Trump losing to former Vice President Joe Biden in a hypothetical matchup in battleground states".


Trump, If someone doesn't tell the orange dictator wannabe what he wants to hear, FIRE THEM. Trump wants azz lickers that will tell him how great and grand and pure he is. He looks for people that are willing to lie for him and suck up to him tighter than a Hoover vacuum cleaner. Now he will go and try to find someone that will tell him what he wants to hear. Even if it's not true.

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Sun 06/16/19 04:53 PM
Edited by tombraider on Sun 06/16/19 05:00 PM

I think I remember the polls of 2016 lol..But of course Trump would want to fire pollsters and Mueller because they are all BS and BOGUS..so yea get rid of the liars and leakers .. it's not like he doesn't have legitimate reasons for doing so..unless of course one believes the spin the MSM always seems to use to attack anything he does..

Polls are a joke..you can only go by those surveyed..and let's face it they don't survey everyone..so you can make the numbers say whatever you want them to..and make them reflect the results you want..of course the democratic masses want to believe them because they read unfavorable..but let's face it the DNC is ALL FAKE just like the Steele Dossier..

They can threaten to impeach Trump all they want but I bet they won't because it will never happen.but at least it keeps their TDS base in a fervor but what will they do when they fail at that as well..they won't have anything left to whine and bytch about..perhaps they would merely fade into obscurity..one can only hope..so by all means GO FOR IT..because just like the election they will lose..so they should either do it..or shut the hell up about it..and quit whining..smile2


... WWG1 WGA

no photo
Sun 06/16/19 05:53 PM


"The intelligence that President Donald Trump leaked to top Russian officials in an Oval Office meeting in May concerned a highly sensitive Israeli special forces mission, it has been revealed. The operation, which took place in February 2017, involved commandos infiltrating an area under the control of the Islamic State militant group (ISIS), to place a surveillance device. The intelligence obtained through the device prompted a short-term ban on laptops on flights from several majority-Muslim countries to the US and the UK".



"Germany's Foreign Minister Heiko Maas on Friday cast doubt on evidence that the U.S. government claims are proof that Iran was behind an attack this week on two oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman.

The attack on the two vessels, one Japanese and one Norwegian, took place as Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was visiting Iran to try to calm tensions between Tehran and Washington".


Well, we all know how big of a liar Trump can be. He could lie us right into a war.

Jeremy Corbyn says he has seen 'no credible evidence' Iran is to blame for oil tanker attack

"Jeremy Hunt condemned Jeremy Corbyn’s response to the Gulf of Oman oil tanker attacks as “pathetic and predictable” after the Labour leader questioned whether there was credible evidence Iran was responsible.

The US accused Iran of carrying out Thursday’s attacks on two oil tankers and the British government announced Friday that it was “almost certain” Iran’s Revolutionary Guard was responsible. Iran has denied responsibility".


Iran denies the responsibility of oil tanker attacks; US releases video, details evidence.


I'm not really sure about this. Iran, If they did it, I feel like they would own up to it right off. They are just that type of people. If they wanted to pick a fight, they would come right out with it. This smells more of a Trump idea than anything. I wouldn't put it past him to try to start a war with any country just so he can stay in office.

Besides being a crook, he has shown that he has no morals or ethics. I don't put it past him to send our military to war and death just so he can continue his attack on our constitution and our way of government. I mean, a mine damages a ship ABOVE the water line? Doesn't make sense.

The Latest: Iran summons UK diplomat over tanker position


Haven't we been down this road before? Fake reasons to go to war... in Iraq? Let a third party, like the UN, investigate it. It is fact...that the right wing Military Industrial Complex wants a new war...since the others have died down and their war profits need building up. US history reeks of the many times an incident was faked..I.e. 'Remember Maine' sinking fake accusation in order to steal Cuba from Spain...Vietnam...Iraq I, II, and III...

We DO NOT have any established and VERIFIED evidence yet.

Iran hints the US could be behind 'suspicious' tanker attacks

"Tehran (AFP) - Iran's parliament speaker hinted Sunday that Washington could be behind the "suspicious" tanker attacks in the Gulf of Oman to pile pressure on Tehran, official news agency IRNA reported.

"The suspicious actions against the tankers... seem to complement the economic sanctions against Iran considering that (the US) has not achieved any results from them," Ali Larijani told MPs.

He backed his claim by saying there had been a precedent "during World War II when Americans targeted their own ships near Japan to create an excuse for hostility".


As I said above in another post, this just reeks of something Trump would come up with to try to stay in office. If people have looked at the pictures of this. The holes in the ship are way above the water line. If Iran took a notion to pick a fight with the USA, they would have tried to sink it. They would have shot way below the waterline of the ship. No pun intended. But this whole thing is fishy.

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Sun 06/16/19 06:47 PM
I've looked at those polls since 2015. One common point that all polls never showed, was how many people did they honestly ask? Better question, how many votes did they throw out? Did they ask 20, or 20,000 people? I looked for that answer, never found it.

I did get asked back in 2016 to be included in an online poll. But they wanted my email. No way, I wasn't about to give that out. Go plug up someone else's mailbox.

Can a nasty disease be imported into this country? Absolutely!

Example- When I was doing farm buildings, we did some hog houses. Many Hog farmers wanted us to wash down our trucks, tools, anything that might have some trace of manure on it from a previous farm, it HAD to come off. Going into their existing buildings was absolutely forbidden. One farmer we'd done a building for, had a disease go through his herd. Wiped out 1500 hogs in two months. He lost $300,000 Dollars.

Yes it could happen to people. These illegals who sneak in could bring in some contagious disease with them. Ebola, Mrsa, Smallpox, Tuberculosis, infectious diarrhea, Measles. Heck, I got giardia from two pups I adopted.

Dems are exceptionally foolish for wanting open borders. One of these times, that genie is going to let out of that bottle. Then, they get to learn the hard way.

msharmony's photo
Sun 06/16/19 06:58 PM
I am a dem. I do not want 'open' borders. I want borders as they are, with physical barriers where it is logical and man power securing it.

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Sun 06/16/19 08:43 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Sun 06/16/19 09:05 PM

I am a dem. I do not want 'open' borders. I want borders as they are, with physical barriers where it is logical and man power securing it.

Hey Ms. H. Been wondering where you were. Besides me and maybe one other, We need sane voices here. Especially ones like you that can stay on topic.

EXCLUSIVE: Top 5 takeaways of President Trump's interview with ABC News' George Stephanopoulos

"ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos embedded with President Donald Trump for a wide-ranging exclusive interview over the course of two days this week, generating a bevy of news headlines over the course of their unprecedented discussion.

Here are the top five moments from the interview".


George is no fool. He's been around a long time. But, I would almost bet that it gave him the creeps knowing he's sitting that close to such a pathological liar.

"I just was given a meeting with my pollster who I frankly don't even believe in pollsters if you want to know the truth, you just run a campaign and whatever it is, it is, but I just had a meeting with somebody that's a pollster and I'm winning everywhere, so I don't know what you're talking about."

Trump doesn't believe any poll that doesn't show him leading. Trump just ordered some members of the internal polling staff fired.

I don't think this is a very wide-ranging interview as Trump is still saying the same insane things he's been saying the past 2 1/2 years.

Sorry, Donald - Lying will not make it so for you anymore...because the people are on to you...and they won't be fooled again by you.
I almost fell out of my chair laughing when the Lying King Trump said "I'm a very honest person" and "I don't lie"

Thousands of lies and false statements.

All False statements involving Donald Trump


Trump Lies.

"We are not holding our breath that President Trump will start backing up his administration’s environmental agenda with scientific facts. But we are holding him accountable for what he says.

President Trump’s torrent of misleading statements and flat-out lies has an army of journalists working 24/7 to set the record straight. To help those who focus, as we do, on climate, energy, and other environmental issues, NRDC will call out Trump whenever he distorts the facts about such matters. Here, we offer our inaugural edition of Trump Lies. We expect to update it regularly".


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Mon 06/17/19 01:35 AM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Mon 06/17/19 01:38 AM
Trump interview goes off the rails after his chief of staff coughs

"The 20/20 special “President Trump: 30 Hours,” revealed a pet peeve of President Trump’s, coughing. In fact an errant cough brought his interview with George Stephanopoulos to a standstill.

Since he began his 2016 campaign, Trump has been under fire for not releasing his taxes. And while discussing his administration’s most recent refusal to go public with the records, he said, “At some point I hope they get it 'cause it's a fantastic financial statement".


I wonder how his tantrums affect his wife. It doesn't look good. So, a cough sends him off the rails? What a weirdo. Is it because it is a distraction from attention on him or a distraction to him and he can't focus?

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Mon 06/17/19 12:52 PM
Edited by tombraider on Mon 06/17/19 01:17 PM

You do realize the Democrats don't have a prayer in 2020 ..perhaps you don't which is actually obvious and at times somewhat amusing to those who know this..Do you think that it was an election you witnessed in 2016..I expect like most you do..would it surprise you to know is what you were actually witnessing was a military backed take over of our corrupt government with Trump as the front man..smile2Remember I posed the question in an earlier post "how do you beat a rigged election" But alas I digress but I do have a tid bit of info I would like to share because it is all part of the big picture and ties in with all the governmental upheavel we are witnessing today..

Wonder why they are slowly destroying California into somewhat of a third world nation or that the border is being overrun as they keep trying to promote this Green Deal. Most leading members of the DNC GLOBALISTS have a role a designated agenda they will push each one designed to culminate into the destruction of our nation..Obama and Hillary did indeed have a 16 year plan thwarted by Trump and as you have seen me write about this ..try to pry yourself away from the leftists leaning Marxist mockingbird new sources long enough to give this a listen..On YOUTUBE

by: Loving Life

I think as you listen to this you will notice some similarities as to what we are witnessing in out great nation these days..and other countries as well..spock


no photo
Mon 06/17/19 01:58 PM
Edited by tombraider on Mon 06/17/19 02:03 PM

Also give this a listen: On YOUTUBE

Record Wave Of African Migrants Reach U.S Mexican Border,Complain Of Bad Conditions


Straight to us from the epicenter of EBOLA..where are they getting the money from to travel here...not to mention given money after they get here..who is funding this ..and when will it end..truth is it's not meant to end its all part of AGENDA 21


When tested if the symptoms haven't presented themselves then they are set free to eventually infect..Ask yourself why would our government take the chance ..DEPOPULATION?

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Mon 06/17/19 01:59 PM
It's easy for some to talk out the side of there neck when they really don't know anything. It all remains to be seen.

Trump’s 2020 Odds Are Better Using Political Science Models Than Polls

"If you follow the polls, you know that President Donald Trump’s numbers are in pretty bad shape. But according to models developed by political scientists, confirmed with numerous prior predictions, the president’s reelection chances aren’t too bad. The question will come down to whether or not we trust voter inclinations today, or how people thought about elections over the past hundred or more years.

Except for Rasmussen Reports, polls show the president with higher disapproval ratings than approval ratings, poor numbers which have plagued Trump throughout his term in office. Moreover, he’s often behind leading Democrats like Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders nationwide, and even in battleground states. Even lower-tiered candidates like Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, and Elizabeth Warren are giving Trump a run for his money in states he easily won in 2016, like North Carolina and Texas".


Hispanic resistance to Trump in Colorado and Nevada complicates 2020 strategy

"Resistance by Hispanic voters to President Trump in Colorado and Nevada, two critical White House battlegrounds, could complicate President Trump’s path to reelection.

Trump won his first campaign narrowly, and on the cusp of Tuesday’s scheduled 2020 kickoff in Orlando is facing considerable headwinds in Midwestern states crucial to that victory. To compensate and improve the president’s odds of a second term, the Trump campaign is preparing to expand the map by pouring resources into Colorado and Nevada".


The Memo: Trump begins uphill slog to 2020

"Trump will launch his reelection bid on Tuesday with a huge rally in Florida — but he faces an arduous climb to a second term.

His approval ratings remain historically mediocre. His standing in key states in the Rust Belt and Midwest is just as bad. And he is the most polarizing president of modern times, with those who loathe him seemingly in the plurality over those who love him.

Early internal polling conducted by the Trump campaign shows the magnitude of the challenge the president faces".


The 2020 Battle Begins

"he 2020 campaign begins in earnest next week in Florida, when Donald Trump officially launches his reelection bid. On June 26, 20 Democratic candidates and five moderators hold the first of two nights of debates. Where do things stand?

According to the polls, President Trump starts at a disadvantage. He has 44 percent approval in the RealClearPolitics average, with a net disapproval of nine points. The most recent Quinnipiac poll has the major Democrats defeating Trump. The margins range from Joe Biden’s 13-point victory to Pete Buttigieg and Cory Booker’s five points. Another recent Quinnipiac poll has Biden leading Trump by four points in Texas. Private surveys of the Lone Star State also show a tight race. Trump polls very badly among suburban women, and the growth in suburban Texas has been extraordinary. Which spells trouble".


What we know about Trump’s reelection odds — no matter which Democrat runs against him.

"For Democrats, there is one big fear heading into the 2020 election: A booming economy could save Donald Trump.

The adage “it’s the economy, stupid” condensed this conventional wisdom to four words: Voters (rightly or wrongly) hold the president accountable America’s financial health and their perceptions of how they and the country are doing economically should be the most important factor when they vote. Politico recently covered how, using economically based predictors, Trump actually seems “on track for a landslide.”

But the link between the economy and presidential approval has become “increasingly untethered,” as several political scientists writing at Political Behavior put it. The break began during the Clinton administration and weakened considerably under George W. Bush. By the time Obama took office, the two became completely severed".


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Mon 06/17/19 02:32 PM
Edited by tombraider on Mon 06/17/19 03:30 PM

It's not going to matter how they vote Trump will win..smile2 It's easy for those to talk out of the side of their neck after they ranted about Russian Collusion for years..and claimed that Bill Clinton was a "real" president..a pedophile and rapist is a real president. that person surely doesn't know anything..lol...and got it ALL WRONG..so I wonder why they think they could possibly be right now..when they are backing a group who have committed all the crimes they are accusing Trump of..Let me guess the POLLS say so..like 2016 how did that work out for the Dems..lol..ALL WRONG ..again..at least they are consistent..lol ..consistently wrong

After all that has yet to be disclosed comes out before the election let me reiterate this ..they don't stand a prayer..smile2 Some people just don't get it ..THE GAME IS FIXED..and not in their favor..smile2

Also what some don't seem to get is I am on topic..it's all part of the BIG PICTURE..Trump trying to secure the border..Dems wanting open borders..people coming from ebola riddled countries...Trump trying to secure our nation..all part of the BIG PICTURE.. ..some may find it abstract..but none the less it's relevant and ON TOPIC...smile2 ..as is AGENDA 21 because this is what the Dems are trying to implement and Trump is trying to prevent..BIG PICTURE..perhaps more vast then some realize..

SOoo let me get this after putting TRAITOR OBAMA in office and then not being able to get TRAITOR HILLARY elected..their next hope is another TRAITOR CHINA JOE BIDEN...again consistent.laugh ....the American people are wise to the ways of the DNC...probably why the dems are paying for votes and importing them here through open borders..because they know that they can't impeach him..they can rant and rave about it.. but impeachment will NEVER happen because unlike all those polls that people want to hang their hats on..the patriots know..the DEMS don't have the numbers...so good luck with that..Enjoy The Show

More links emerge between China and Joe Biden's family



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Mon 06/17/19 03:18 PM
Businesses head to DC to make their case against tariffs

"Businesses from across the country are making their way to Washington to ask the Trump administration not to put tariffs on products they import from China.

Trade associations and companies plan to tell trade officials how tariffs will raise prices for their consumers, lead to layoffs and could even shutter some American small businesses.

On Monday, the office of the United States Trade Representative will hold public hearings on next round of tariffs on Chinese goods. President Trump has proposed 25% tariffs on $300 billion worth of imports from China, which Citi analysts say will affect nearly 70% of consumer goods".


Another thing that hurts Trump really badly. He gives big business a huge tax break. But then he tries to tariff them out of business. Which, in the long run, doesn't help him any. It makes him look like a dam% foolish idiot. If he keeps this up big business will turn on him.

They will do all they can to get him out of office so they can have someone in office that they can deal with. Even though big business got that big tax break, Trump is canceling it out with his stupid tariffs. Companies are bleeding money, losing millions because of him. If he keeps this up, companies can't stand another 4 years of this. If he doesn't back off he is going to wreck the economy. Goodby Trump for sure then.

no photo
Mon 06/17/19 03:58 PM

Give this a listen..this guy knows what he's talking about..smile2


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Mon 06/17/19 07:14 PM
Edited by tombraider on Mon 06/17/19 07:30 PM

And give this a listen as well..A present for all those who want to praise Obama and especially for those who want an open border..remember all those who want an open border..NOT ONLY are you putting the people's lives in danger that don't want open borders ..but as well your own family..and here's the PROOF and another reason why I call Obama a TRAITOR..and there are many reasons why I call him that..SERIOUSLY folks..Give this a listen..

Media blackout of ISIS at the southern border


Uh..I remember Trump saying that there were terrorists coming in through the southern border..remember the reaction he got ....are we starting to understand the real reason why they want Trump out..Obama knew about these terrorists coming in..of course he was funding them when they were in the middle east..also he granted FULL amnesty to millions of UNVETTED muslims he helped smuggle into this country as well

Still think AGENDA 21 isn't real ..still think the Deep State Globalists aren't trying to destroy this country..Well then here's a simple question




PS..Ebola is real folks I can't stress this enough..for the sake of yourselves and your families..yes even you Charles..lol...DO THE RESEARCH..Tombs out..tc ev1

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Mon 06/17/19 07:43 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Mon 06/17/19 07:47 PM
What is Agenda 21? At least tell people what it is. You try as usual to make it out something that it isn't. As usual with you. Either half-truth or whole lie. This subject was covered in the first Trumpland thread. By now people know the truth about it.

Agenda 21

"Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment.

Agenda 21, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, and the Statement of principles for the Sustainable Management of Forests were adopted by more than 178 Governments at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3 to 14 June 1992".


What he isn't telling you, it's meant to keep people like Trump from doing things like this,

Trump’s Order to Open Arctic Waters to Oil Drilling Was Unlawful, Federal Judge Finds

"WASHINGTON — In a major legal blow to President Trump’s push to expand offshore oil and gas development, a federal judge ruled that an executive order by Mr. Trump that lifted an Obama-era ban on oil and gas drilling in the Arctic Ocean and parts of the North Atlantic coast was unlawful".


Trump administration set to ease offshore drilling safety rules created after the 2010 BP oil spill

"The Trump administration on Thursday announced rollbacks to offshore drilling safety rules created after the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon explosion, the worst offshore oil disaster in U.S. history.

The revised rules follow the administration's efforts to expand gas and oil drilling off the nation's shoreline, despite court challenges and pushback from state leaders.

Officials estimate the changes will save the oil industry more than $1.5 billion over the next 10 years. But environmentalists said loosening safety standards at offshore wells makes another oil spill more likely".


Agenda 21 PDF.


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Mon 06/17/19 07:54 PM
Trump campaign fires pollsters after mixed messaging

"WASHINGTON (AP) — When President Donald Trump's internal polling suggested he was trailing Democrats in crucial states earlier this year, it did what any campaign would do: tried to bury the bad numbers".


no photo
Tue 06/18/19 01:51 AM
Reaction grows to Trump comments on Mueller, finances

"President Trump repeatedly brought up Robert Mueller in an exclusive interview with ABC News and said he "at some point might" turn over his financial statement"

http://www.yahoo.com/gma/reaction-grows-trump-comments-mueller-111609423.html [/ul]

no photo
Tue 06/18/19 09:28 AM
Edited by tombraider on Tue 06/18/19 10:15 AM

I tell half truths and whole lies..lol..really..Where is that RUSSIAN COLLUSION"..you've been ranting about for months..eh..didn't you also say and you did that Bill Clinton was a real president ..a pedophile and a rapist you consider a real president..as far as Agenda 21 oh yea I know the New Green Deal ..right..I posed a question "who would leave a border open when there is disease and terrorists coming into the country?"..why would they do that ..especially when they know there is ebola mixed up in those caravans..yea that's going to be great for the population..eh..

Are you aware they had the border guards sign NDAs NON DISCLOSURE AGREEMENTS..Do you think that smuggling UNVETTED muslims into the country after we have been in several wars in the middle east is also a great idea which is what Obama did..When is it a wise decision to turn California into a shitt hole..Doesn't sending pestilence and terrorists over the border especially diseases like ebola! and even send those from the epicenter of the ebola outbreak into other countries..yea that sounds like a wonderful idea ..Why of course these all sound like great ideas when you are suppose to be protecting your citizens..actually quite the contrary

SOooo..since you want to believe the MSM.. what were they saying about Russian Collusion.. a 2 year investigation turned into one big fat juicy nothing burger.. but you believed..eh..what were they saying when Trump said there were terrorists coming through the border..what did they say about diseases coming over the border..they said it wasn't happening.. ..guess what..THEY LIED..so..why would you believe them about Agenda 21?..I suppose that if I told you about the pedophiles and child traffickers we have in our government ..you wouldn't believe that either..oh well..tic toc

Given any thought to who is funding this..spock


And there are many more coming ..Nothing to see here..



ps tell people what Agenda 21 is..as if you did..Here's what I will tell people..DO THE RESEARCH..and then discern and validate for themselves.. after all we are only expressing opinions..we merely pluck from the internet articles which support our views.. having fun yet..laugh ..are either one of us right..time will tell..just remember..follow the rabbit..and there are many rabbit holes to explore...

Argo's photo
Tue 06/18/19 09:43 AM
every village has one.....i see M2 is no different...whoa

no photo
Tue 06/18/19 09:46 AM
Edited by tombraider on Tue 06/18/19 10:19 AM

and I suppose that's why you're here..we were missing that "one"..but not any more..smile2 R U ready to play?..laugh ..


What's this?..it appears that the MSM has been lying to the Dems again..The MAGA movement is more MASSIVE then the news media will reveal..


ps..hit and quit..lol..can't says I blame ya..I know what you're up against..smile2

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