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Topic: TODAY IN TRUMPLAND. PART 2. - part 3
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Mon 06/10/19 06:31 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Mon 06/10/19 06:48 PM
One thing I loathe is liers, lie spreaders and tail toters.

Mexico denies Trump's claim of secret concessions in deal

"WASHINGTON (AP) — Three days after U.S. President Donald Trump announced a deal with Mexico to stem the flow of migrants at the southern border, the two countries appear unable to agree on exactly what’s in it.

Stung by criticism that the agreement mostly ramps up border protection efforts already underway, Trump on Monday hinted at other, secret agreements he says will soon be revealed.

“We have fully signed and documented another very important part of the Immigration and Security deal with Mexico, one that the U.S. has been asking about getting for many years,” Trump wrote Monday, saying it would “be revealed in the not too distant future.”

Not so, said Mexican Foreign Secretary Marcelo Ebrard, holding up a paper and pointing to the previously announced details".


Trump cannot enter into any formal agreement with any foreign nation without ratification by Congress first. He can't do trade agreements like he claims unless Congress approves. Where is this signed, ratified deal he is talking about? There is none. It is the same type deal he made with little Kimmy and NK. In other words, no deal, just talk and photo ops for propaganda.

How sad is it that I'm more inclined to believe the President of Mexico than the "President" of the United States.

3 surprising turns in the Trump economy

"Since January, the Trump economy has earned a steady B in the Yahoo Finance Trumponomics Report Card. But there have been some notable changes in the underlying components of the Trump economy. Two are negative and one is positive, indicating possible trouble for President Donald Trump’s 2020 re-election bid if these trends continue".


Maybe we should get ready for an even deeper screwing?

"Trump threatened to raise tariffs on China again if President Xi Jinping doesn’t meet with him at the upcoming Group of 20 summit in Japan.

Trump told reporters at the White House on Monday that he could impose tariffs of 25%, or “much higher than 25%” on $300 billion in Chinese goods. “We’ve never gotten 10 cents from China and now we’re getting a lot of money from China,” the president said".


indianadave4's photo
Mon 06/10/19 06:52 PM
Everyone is so concerned about Russia effecting the 2016 and future elections. Quietly in the background China is actively trying to supplant out nation's economy. They are, also, trying to break into out internal network and influence the election of 2020. China is playing this game very quietly in the background and is letting Putin (Russia) keep the public's attention on himself. China is the much bigger challenge that Russia at this time. The only thing Putin's Russia has is a nuclear stock pile. He's made a few inuendo's in the last year about targeting American cities. To me this is a ploy to distract our attention away from the real threat:


hardBNhard's photo
Mon 06/10/19 07:29 PM
When's the last time China has advanced a destroyer on a American air craft carrier ? Or flew one of there jets dangerously close to a American jet ? Dont you watch real news whoa . And this is a guy that dingbat trump was going to give a 10 million dollar apartment to in his tower built in Russia scared . I guess its only fair since Putin gave trump POTUS rofl rofl rofl

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Tue 06/11/19 12:16 AM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Tue 06/11/19 12:28 AM
Theatrics dominate at contentious Mueller report hearing

"Monday’s congressional hearing of the House Judiciary Committee, a frequently enthralling but also intermittently incoherent free-for-all titled “Lessons from the Mueller Report: Presidential Obstruction and Other Crimes".


Read the report and decide for yourself what it says. If you read the Mueller report the IRA is a Russian organization that comes onto forums and post political commentary designed to mislead.

Exposing Russia’s Effort to Sow Discord Online: The Internet Research Agency and Advertisements

"On February 16, 2018, Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III indicted 13 Russian individuals and three Russian organizations for engaging in operations to interfere with U.S. political and electoral processes, including the 2016 presidential election. This was a significant step forward in exposing a surreptitious social media campaign and holding accountable those responsible for this attack. The indictment spells out in exhaustive detail the breadth and systematic nature of this conspiracy, dating back to 2014, as well as the multiple ways in which Russian actors misused online platforms to carry out their clandestine operations.

Throughout the indictment, Mueller lays out important facts about the activities of the Internet Research Agency (IRA)—the notorious Russian “troll” farm—and its operatives".


Here’s Everything The Mueller Report Says About How Russian Trolls Used Social Media

"Special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 election and the Trump campaign provides one of the most detailed looks at how Russia’s Internet Research Agency — the infamous Kremlin-linked troll farm — tried to hijack the 2016 election and swing the vote in favor of Donald Trump".


Russia worked hard to recruit social media users to campaign for Trump

"We already knew that the Internet Research Agency (IRA), which is essentially a farm of bots and trolls, exposed 126 million Americans on Facebook to Russian-backed propaganda during the 2016 US presidential election. But today's release of the redacted Mueller report has shed light on new details, including the great lengths the IRA went to in using social media to provoke social discord in the US. The report from Special Counsel Robert Mueller, titled "The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election," highlights how the IRA created thousands of accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Tumblr to create posts in "support for the Trump Campaign and opposition to candidate [Hillary] Clinton".


The Mueller Report Shows Just How Much Russia Trolled Americans in Real Life, Too


Through email leaks and propaganda, Russians sought to elect Trump, Mueller finds

"In what will stand as among the most definitive public accounts of the Kremlin’s attack on the American political system, the report of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation laid out in precise, chronological detail how “the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion.” "


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Tue 06/11/19 07:34 AM
Edited by tombraider on Tue 06/11/19 07:56 AM

But as usual here we are the DNC still blathering on incessantly without any PROOF or EVIDENCE..truth is they NEVER had any..they have NOTHING..but by all means watch the masses fall victim to Trump Derangement Syndrome ..over nothing..lol..see what sitting too close to the telly can do to ya..Sing little mockingbird sing..


WELCOME TO THE MATRIX..follow the rabbit.............Alice

ps..watch LA..spock

hardBNhard's photo
Tue 06/11/19 08:45 AM

Theatrics dominate at contentious Mueller report hearing

"Monday’s congressional hearing of the House Judiciary Committee, a frequently enthralling but also intermittently incoherent free-for-all titled “Lessons from the Mueller Report: Presidential Obstruction and Other Crimes".


Read the report and decide for yourself what it says. If you read the Mueller report the IRA is a Russian organization that comes onto forums and post political commentary designed to mislead.

Exposing Russia’s Effort to Sow Discord Online: The Internet Research Agency and Advertisements

"On February 16, 2018, Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III indicted 13 Russian individuals and three Russian organizations for engaging in operations to interfere with U.S. political and electoral processes, including the 2016 presidential election. This was a significant step forward in exposing a surreptitious social media campaign and holding accountable those responsible for this attack. The indictment spells out in exhaustive detail the breadth and systematic nature of this conspiracy, dating back to 2014, as well as the multiple ways in which Russian actors misused online platforms to carry out their clandestine operations.

Throughout the indictment, Mueller lays out important facts about the activities of the Internet Research Agency (IRA)—the notorious Russian “troll” farm—and its operatives".


Here’s Everything The Mueller Report Says About How Russian Trolls Used Social Media

"Special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 election and the Trump campaign provides one of the most detailed looks at how Russia’s Internet Research Agency — the infamous Kremlin-linked troll farm — tried to hijack the 2016 election and swing the vote in favor of Donald Trump".


Russia worked hard to recruit social media users to campaign for Trump

"We already knew that the Internet Research Agency (IRA), which is essentially a farm of bots and trolls, exposed 126 million Americans on Facebook to Russian-backed propaganda during the 2016 US presidential election. But today's release of the redacted Mueller report has shed light on new details, including the great lengths the IRA went to in using social media to provoke social discord in the US. The report from Special Counsel Robert Mueller, titled "The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election," highlights how the IRA created thousands of accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Tumblr to create posts in "support for the Trump Campaign and opposition to candidate [Hillary] Clinton".


The Mueller Report Shows Just How Much Russia Trolled Americans in Real Life, Too


Through email leaks and propaganda, Russians sought to elect Trump, Mueller finds

"In what will stand as among the most definitive public accounts of the Kremlin’s attack on the American political system, the report of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s in
vestigation laid out in precise, chronological detail how “the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion.” "


no photo
Tue 06/11/19 02:43 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Tue 06/11/19 02:47 PM
Trump 'asked aides to deny polls showing him losing to Biden', report says

"Trump has told his aides to publicly deny the internal polling that shows him behind Joe Biden in key 2020 states, according to reports.

The reported instructions followed after a poll of 17 states was conducted for Mr. Trump by pollster Tony Fabrizio and then leaked. The polls showed Mr. Trump behind Mr. Biden in some important states for his re-election prospects, but it is not clear which states were identified in the internal polling".


More of Trumps childish name calling.

Donald Trump calls Joe Biden a 'dummy' as he heads to Iowa

"Preparing to hold dueling events in Iowa, President Donald Trump is employing schoolyard taunts for his leading Democratic rival, former Vice President Joe Biden. Trump called Biden "a loser" and "a dummy" as he left the White House Tuesday".


Former Bush, Reagan EPA heads warn on Trump rollbacks

"WASHINGTON (AP) — Environmental Protection Agency heads under three previous Republican presidents joined their Democratic counterparts Tuesday in telling lawmakers they were concerned by the Trump administration's rapid rollbacks of environmental protections".


This is No Way to Win a Trade War with China

"Beijing is preparing its people for hardship and explaining the necessity of a protracted national struggle against Washington.
This is No Way to Win a Trade War with China
There is little dispute that China engages in unfair and often predatory practices to protect and promote its domestic industries. Yet if the Trump administration’s diagnosis of U.S.-China economic relations is correct, its remedy has been roundly rejected. Most observers believe the U.S. resort to unilateral tariffs will fail to achieve its intended objectives and will harm the U.S. economy as much as China’s. Furthermore, this episode may have the negative long-term effect of strengthening China’s confidence that it will prevail in future bilateral tests of will".


' I'm done with him': Nancy Pelosi reacts to Donald Trump's comments she is 'nasty ... horrible person'

"I’m done with him,” the California Democrat said Tuesday. “I don’t even want to talk about him.”

Pelosi, speaking at a fiscal summit sponsored by the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, brushed aside questions about Trump’s remarks last week that she is a “nasty, vindictive, horrible person.”

Trump lashed out at Pelosi during a Fox News interview in Normandy, France, in response to reports that she had told members of her caucus that she’d rather see him in prison than impeached".


She is doing the right thing here. You don't argue with someone that has the mentality of a 10-year-old.

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Tue 06/11/19 03:05 PM
Trump once again stands against his own CIA. He doesn't deserve the office he holds. If you will stand with a dictator against your own country, what does that make you? He is a traitor against his own country. And like many other things with Trump, he is wide open and blatant about it. He doesn't try to hide the yellow running down his back.

Trump promises Kim Jong Un protection from CIA spying

"President Trump promised he wouldn’t allow the CIA to use spies against North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un after reports surfaced that Kim’s half brother had been a U.S. intelligence asset before he was assassinated in Malaysia".


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Tue 06/11/19 05:31 PM
House approves authority to sue Trump advisers who ignore subpoenas

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Democratic-led U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday voted to give lawmakers clear authority to sue Trump administration figures who defy congressional subpoenas, beginning with former White House Counsel Don McGahn, who is expected to face swift action".


The Democrat hammer get's a little closer to dropping.

no photo
Tue 06/11/19 06:16 PM
House green-lights lawsuits against William Barr, Don McGahn over ignored subpoenas

"The House on Tuesday approved a measure authorizing the Judiciary Committee to take Attorney General William Barr to federal court to gain access to former special counsel Robert Mueller's unredacted report and the underlying evidence.

The legislation also empowers Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) to begin legal proceedings to force former White House counsel Don McGahn to cooperate with the panel’s probe into whether President Donald Trump obstructed justice".


indianadave4's photo
Tue 06/11/19 07:24 PM
Spygate: investigating the investigators. There are those within congress and the DOJ who are getting nervous about this investigation. Some are pressing for a quick resolution. A quick resolution would be inefficient and miss lots of facts.

Those who demanded that Robert Mueller be given any and all the time and resources needed want this to end ASAP: 2.5years, $35,000,000 and 500 witnesses. Why so afraid? What do the democrat's and republican's calling for it to end have to fear?

I'm not going to offer premature accusations before they finish their investigation. We should learn from the Mueller fiasco to hold off on premature "they're guilty until proven innocent" ideology. I'm going to sit back with my bag of popcorn with a wait and see attitude.

no photo
Tue 06/11/19 08:28 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Tue 06/11/19 08:35 PM
He just happened to have it in his pocket? Yeah, right.

Trump inadvertently reveals more of US-Mexico migrant deal

"Washington (AFP) - US President Donald Trump revealed Tuesday that Mexico agreed to take stronger legal action to halt Central American migrants if its initial efforts to stem the flow don't show results in 45 days".


This sounds like another version of Trump's "agreement" with North Korea: a lot of loose languages vaguely describing some rather hazy future contingencies. Like the Korea "deal," this isn't an agreement between nations...it's a deal memorandum...an agreement to agree. Nothing more. Political posturing, but no real political effect...like most things Trump does.

Reminds me of McCarthy waving a paper screaming "I have here in my hand a list of 25 Communists" The next week it would be the same dog and pony show with different numbers. Congress has ratified absolutely nothing when it comes to this. This is most likely another Trump lie. But, we will see.

indianadave4's photo
Tue 06/11/19 09:49 PM
Edited by indianadave4 on Tue 06/11/19 10:02 PM
Hundreds of Central African migrants, trying to escape poverty and violence, crossed the U.S. southern border the first week of June. They're in San Antonio now trying to figure out what's next.


Central Africa is experiencing an Ebola outbreak!!!!!!!!!! Why are these people allowed past the boarder without being quarantined!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Oh, you just hate black Africans. You're a racist, will be the response to my posting this.

The boarder policy of the democrat's very well could bring Ebola into America: AND THEY DON'T CARE.

Come on democrat supporters, is this what you want?

They first landed in Brazil. In order to get to the Mexican/American boarder the had to travel through:
1. Brazil
2. Venezuela
3. Panama
4. Costa Rica
5. Nicaragua
6. Hondurans
7. Guatemala
8. Mexico

People with no money and no government support. Most governments refuse to allow people who live in or have visited in without serious medical testing.

Someone had to of assisted them both financially and politically. The question is who? How did they get from the Mexican boarder to San Antonio??????????

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Tue 06/11/19 11:57 PM

Hundreds of Central African migrants, trying to escape poverty and violence, crossed the U.S. southern border the first week of June. They're in San Antonio now trying to figure out what's next.


Central Africa is experiencing an Ebola outbreak!!!!!!!!!! Why are these people allowed past the boarder without being quarantined!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Oh, you just hate black Africans. You're a racist, will be the response to my posting this.

The boarder policy of the democrat's very well could bring Ebola into America: AND THEY DON'T CARE.

Come on democrat supporters, is this what you want?

They first landed in Brazil. In order to get to the Mexican/American boarder the had to travel through:
1. Brazil
2. Venezuela
3. Panama
4. Costa Rica
5. Nicaragua
6. Hondurans
7. Guatemala
8. Mexico

People with no money and no government support. Most governments refuse to allow people who live in or have visited in without serious medical testing.

Someone had to of assisted them both financially and politically. The question is who? How did they get from the Mexican boarder to San Antonio??????????

More of this, let's see if I can scare everyone over something that might, or might not happen. And let's try to blame the Democrats for it.

What is Ebola Virus Disease?

"Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is a rare and deadly disease most commonly affecting people and nonhuman primates (monkeys, gorillas, and chimpanzees). It is caused by an infection with a group of viruses within the genus Ebolavirus".


2014-2016 Ebola Outbreak in West Africa


Ebola virus cases in the United States

"In December 2014, Ebola virus cases in the United States occurred due to four laboratory-confirmed cases of Ebola virus disease (commonly known as "Ebola") in the United States.[3] Eleven cases have been reported, including these four cases and seven cases medically evacuated from other countries; the first was reported in September 2014.[4] Nine of the people contracted the disease outside the US and traveled into the country, either as regular airline passengers or as medical evacuees; of those nine, two died. Two people have contracted Ebola in the United States. Both were nurses who treated an Ebola patient; both have recovered".

"On September 30, 2014, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that Thomas Eric Duncan, a reportedly 42-year-old (later corrected by CDC reports as a 45-year-old Liberian national visiting the United States from Liberia, had been diagnosed with Ebola in Dallas, Texas. Duncan, who had been visiting family in Dallas, was treated at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas. By October 4, Duncan's condition had deteriorated from "serious but stable" to "critical". On October 8, Duncan died of Ebola. The other three cases diagnosed in the United States as of October 2014 were".


Again, Trying to blame the Democrats, at least at this point, doesn't hold water. At this point, it's a Republican scare tactic. More fear mongering over something that no one knows yet. Gotta rile up that base. At this point, over nothing.

no photo
Wed 06/12/19 12:06 AM
Edited by tombraider on Wed 06/12/19 12:53 AM

Check out the couple who died in Fiji..they passed through LAX on the way..I will go you one even better check out Ebola Zaire..it appears there is an ebola that is undetectable..a person can infect you and they don't even know they have it..also other diseases like Dengue and measles have similar symptoms..so a doctor may misdiagnose you with another illness when in reality you have ebola..and here's another thought..one can possibly survive ebola if caught early enough but this one strain of ebola is undetectable with an incubation period of up to a year,,so in essence by the time it surfaces..it may be in the latter stages and the survival rate is almost nil..

I have been telling people about this for months..but anyways here check these two sites out on YOUTUBE


Florida Maquis

These two have been watching this for quite some time..If it isn't the mumps measles Dengue fever and girls and women getting raped ..now it's Ebola..and mark my words ..the PAIN IS COMING..and the MSM is going to do all they can to cover it up until they can't hide it..I give it 6 months..TRUTH is some of us could have it right now..and not even know it..

People need to start waking up to what the Dems are doing to this country..Pelosi signed up for Agenda 21..Agenda 21 has a depopulation plan..we may be witnessing it ..and Obama and Hillary had a 16 year plan to destroy this country..so here comes the UN Migration Pact ..all of this ties in together..

HERE'S the kicker..ALL this Trump hating is meant to get Trump out..because he's the one who is trying to stop it..this is the main reason they want him out..there never was any collusion..it was just a ploy to get him out so the globalists could continue to destroy the U.S..8 years of Obama and 8 years of Hillary they figured to accomplish the goal..towards a NEW WORLD ORDER ..they never thought she could lose..but she did ..and it messed up their plan..and the DEEP STATE globalist are pissed..Have ya noticed all the suicides of late..suicides?..Note the people with the NYPD that had copies of FRAZZLEDRIP..what's FRAZZLEDRIP...this rabbit hole is not only deep but dark as well..DO THE RESEARCH..

EBOLA IS HERE and they know it..so why aren't they stopping the immigrants from coming in..no telling how many will catch it as they travel with the caravan..and they are distributing illegals all over..which means as far as this Ebola outbreak we are fixing to witness here..there will be many epicenters..MANY

Yea that's right..nothing more than fear mongering..Do yourselves a favor and look beyond those 2014/2016 news articles..perhaps something more current would be best..spock

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Wed 06/12/19 12:27 AM
Pelosi says Dems ‘not even close’ to starting impeachment

"WASHINGTON (AP) — Brushing back calls for impeachment, Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Tuesday “it’s not even close” to having enough support in the House, while Democrats pushed forward on other fronts to investigate President Donald Trump.

The House voted 229-191 approve a resolution that will allow Democrats to accelerate their legal battles with the Trump administration over access to information from the Russia investigation".


House delays legal action against Barr as Dems secure 'key' Mueller evidence

"House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler said on Monday he has decided to postpone legal action against the Justice Department for access to former special counsel Robert Mueller’s files.

Nadler (D-N.Y.) ascribed his decision to an unspecified agreement with the DOJ to begin providing “key evidence” that Mueller gathered in his investigation into whether President Donald Trump committed obstruction of justice offenses".


no photo
Wed 06/12/19 12:32 AM

That's because they don't have JACK..they never have..spock

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Wed 06/12/19 01:14 AM
Over here in the UK there is virtually nobody who likes the dozy donny, as we all saw when he came here recently. He claimed that reports of big demonstrations didn't happen and were all 'fake news' his favourite term for anything he would rather didn't happen.

I saw those demonstrations. And the big 'baby trump' balloon. They sure DID happen.

The conspiracy theorists make this thread even more amusing. Keep it up, we love it!

no photo
Wed 06/12/19 09:59 AM
Edited by tombraider on Wed 06/12/19 10:23 AM

One day people will finally come to the truth..and that truth is that the Russian Collusion story was nothing more than a BIG LIE..Perpetrated by the Deep State and assisted by the main stream media and other so called allied nations to cover up the nefarious deeds of our government and others as well..and there are many "misdeeds"..and it's GLOBAL..

For two years we have been dragged through the mire of the swamp with all the words and double speak of Russian Collusion blatantly committed by the Trump campaign..yet nothing was found..simply because there never was any..again it was all a BIG LIE..they KNEW from the beginning there wasn't any..yet plenty of Russian Collusion and other "misdeeds" on the part of the DEMOCRATS blatant..went unnoticed or feebly excused..

While borders remain opened and that which is denied to their own kind they freely give away the tax payers money to those WHO DON'T BELONG HERE...while backs turned away from skid row while the signs and placards wave in the breeze at the border "let them in"..what exactly are they inviting? the heart bleeds as empathy and sympathy take place of logic and reasoning..while cameras zoom in on mother and child forgoing the military aged men surround..smile for the camera..the manipulation... (((click)))

The words repeat on the nightly news ..all channels bleeding into one another 24/7 same time same script..I now believe..I have become one with the collective..the BORG..I see it the red hat is now the new white hood..orange man is bad..there was no Russian Collusion..that doesn't matter.. orange man is bad..there was no obstruction..that doesn't matter..ORANGE man IS BAD..must assimilate...ORANGE MAN IS BAD...



.... WWG1 WGA

no photo
Wed 06/12/19 11:06 AM

Theatrics dominate at contentious Mueller report hearing

"Monday’s congressional hearing of the House Judiciary Committee, a frequently enthralling but also intermittently incoherent free-for-all titled “Lessons from the Mueller Report: Presidential Obstruction and Other Crimes".


Read the report and decide for yourself what it says. If you read the Mueller report the IRA is a Russian organization that comes onto forums and post political commentary designed to mislead.

Exposing Russia’s Effort to Sow Discord Online: The Internet Research Agency and Advertisements

"On February 16, 2018, Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III indicted 13 Russian individuals and three Russian organizations for engaging in operations to interfere with U.S. political and electoral processes, including the 2016 presidential election. This was a significant step forward in exposing a surreptitious social media campaign and holding accountable those responsible for this attack. The indictment spells out in exhaustive detail the breadth and systematic nature of this conspiracy, dating back to 2014, as well as the multiple ways in which Russian actors misused online platforms to carry out their clandestine operations.

Throughout the indictment, Mueller lays out important facts about the activities of the Internet Research Agency (IRA)—the notorious Russian “troll” farm—and its operatives".


Here’s Everything The Mueller Report Says About How Russian Trolls Used Social Media

"Special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 election and the Trump campaign provides one of the most detailed looks at how Russia’s Internet Research Agency — the infamous Kremlin-linked troll farm — tried to hijack the 2016 election and swing the vote in favor of Donald Trump".


Russia worked hard to recruit social media users to campaign for Trump

"We already knew that the Internet Research Agency (IRA), which is essentially a farm of bots and trolls, exposed 126 million Americans on Facebook to Russian-backed propaganda during the 2016 US presidential election. But today's release of the redacted Mueller report has shed light on new details, including the great lengths the IRA went to in using social media to provoke social discord in the US. The report from Special Counsel Robert Mueller, titled "The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election," highlights how the IRA created thousands of accounts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Tumblr to create posts in "support for the Trump Campaign and opposition to candidate [Hillary] Clinton".


The Mueller Report Shows Just How Much Russia Trolled Americans in Real Life, Too


Through email leaks and propaganda, Russians sought to elect Trump, Mueller finds

"In what will stand as among the most definitive public accounts of the Kremlin’s attack on the American political system, the report of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation laid out in precise, chronological detail how “the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion.” "


Trump erupts after polls say he would lose to every major Democrat in 2020: ‘They don’t even exist’

"Donald Trump has claimed a wave of new polling from the 2020 presidential campaign season is fake after recent surveys showed every major Democrat vying for the White House besting the president in the upcoming election.

“The Fake News has never been more dishonest than it is today,” the president began in a series of Wednesday morning tweets. “There new weapon of choice is Fake Polling, sometimes referred to as Suppression Polls (they suppress the numbers)".


He, just like what's left of his followers, just can't admit he wasn't wanted in the office to start with. Now that sensible people see him for the lying crook he is, they really want him out. He may as well face the fact. He will be a one time president. He will be remembered as one of the most openly corrupt presidents in history.

The Latest: Schiff opens hearing on Russia, Trump campaign

"House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff says his panel is "determined to find out" more about Russian interference in the 2016 election and whether the U.S. is still vulnerable". "House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff says his panel is "determined to find out" more about Russian interference in the 2016 election and whether the U.S. is still vulnerable. "


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