Topic: How do you know when you are special? | |
That is a hard one and very individual. I'd say I feel special when random things are done for me that I'm not anticipating. Thoughtful things, caring things.
My bf tells me how special I am all the time. He compliments me every single day and tells me what he likes about me.
We giggle together and have our private jokes and the looks he gives me, the way he always wants to hold my hand. |
That is a hard one and very individual. I'd say I feel special when random things are done for me that I'm not anticipating. Thoughtful things, caring things. Yep..this ^ What may one person feel special/ valued may not make another person feel that way.... The fact that someone takes the time to learn wehat makes *you* feel special and valued...that speaks volumes... |
I think it may vary a bit per person what they do and show, but in general I'd say
- the way they look at you - the way they smile at you - compliments - simply telling you - the way they make clear you are a couple - how he behaves when around other people/introduced to people, for instance wrapping an arm around you that says "She's mine! And I'm proud of it!" - little pressies or surprises that he loves doing/giving to you - making plans for the future, or expressing one way or another they desire a future with you How yo know it's genuine? You feel it, and you can see it in their eyes and smile. |
when i'm the first person she comes to when anything comes up
well said
Just because... you will know without a doubt. Just because... when you ask a question and get the answer... just because... you know. Not everyone is real good at explaining themselves.. me included find ourselves saying... just because.... I have done many things over the years ...just because... because I was devoted to a certain person 100% but... was it vice versa??? that is the real question... sadly, NO!
When the S/O gives them a helmet
and a box of crayons. |
Needing affirmation that you are regarded as special perhaps is a sign of insecurity ?
Needing affirmation that you are regarded as special perhaps is a sign of insecurity ? Actually, psychological studies show that a lack of discovery or spontaneity in relationships is one of the top reasons why couples drift apart and become bored with the relationship. It has further been shown to be a key factor in how communication breaks down within the relationship. In other words, if you want to keep the relationship healthy, you need to keep the embers burning rather than letting them die out. So to answer the question, no. It is not necessarily a sign of insecurity. In fact, it can be a sign of just the opposite. When couples become so comfortable that they value stability and security over discovery and excitement, that's when couples begin the process of drifting apart. If you want to prevent that, you both have to make constant efforts to show you have not lost interest in each other. |
When you know they are only dating you. that is a good tell sign... ![]() and call you regularly if we can't see one another ... and be able to make plans to do something some times with each other ... it does not have to be a fast relationship ... it is good to get to know one another first ... what our likes and dislikes are ... we can not change each other ... so better off knowing what we like about one other and life in general ... and each others limitations ... but all and all if you have that comfortable feeling with each other ... and both feel the same way... then you will know & feel ... the feelings are there ... |
When you have a big name tag, and another tag with your address and school's address 'if lost', and your parents' phone number.
But seriously, if they want to meet me again, and I might get a real kiss ! |
This isn't a contest or debate, but a sharing of observations and experiences. ![]() How do you know when the man or woman you are dating thinks you are special? What does he or she do to show it? How are you treated differently by your partner? How does it make you feel (other than special)? Edit: In light of the first few responses, allow me to add another couple questions whose answers may benefit others. How do you know that is sincere? What tells you that he or she is not just putting on an act? If you have to wonder if you are special in someone else's life then you are not special in Otherwise confidence that you are special makes you special. |
How do you know when you are special?
When your date picks you up with the short bus? Why do you need to "know" you are special, is "feeling" you are special not "enough?" How do you know when the man or woman you are dating thinks you are special?
Never. You can't really "know" what another person is thinking. What does he or she do to show it?
People communicate what they're thinking in different ways. Most of your relationship, most especially during the initial stages of development, are learning to communicate. Learning what they're expressing, trying to express. Not really what they're "thinking" so much as what they're "saying" by what they're expressing. How are you treated differently by your partner?
It's not really about being treated "differently" so much as learning the depth of what they're communicating by what they're doing. You go on two dates. Both throw a bag of gold at a homeless beggar. Both hit the beggar in the head and knock him out. Based on your relationship, inherent compatibility in communication, and the level to which you understand their actions and motivations (regardless of what they're "thinking) you can understand one is throwing the gold in order to cause harm, the other is throwing to be generous without any intent to harm. Or you could not know how to communicate in that relationship and just see the harm caused and label them both monsters and say "I know what I want! I don't want no violence!" and just break up and keep searching and wonder where all the "good ones" are. The biggest determination of "different" treatment is how you perceive and understand their behavior. How do you know that is sincere?
You use your consistent experience with them to ultimately make the choice and future assumption it is "sincere," a choice which is not really done by direct, conscious, willful decision making. What tells you that he or she is not just putting on an act?
Learned bias. |
Taking a cue from this line that's been used in a number of love songs;
"Tell me what you want, now baby...." Doing things that I like should make me feel special. This is in line with divine wisdom when Christ says; If you love me obey my commandments. ...and that has become my yardstick! |
and if he can find your love bud and surroundings, knowing enough about what it is, how to make bloom thus bring on the rain...If not, ask!! and dont stop till the rain dries up..:::giggling:::
When I'm told I can only ride the short bus
Just the fact that I am the ONLY person on this planet that sees thru my eyes makes me unique and unique makes me special.
How someone could feel NOT special is strange to me? |
Just the fact that I am the ONLY person on this planet that sees thru my eyes makes me unique and unique makes me special. How someone could feel NOT special is strange to me? ![]() |