And to answer Hard2B from the other day, I DO have cable. I CHOOSE to get the majority of my news from aljazeera because they are more truthful than 99% of American newspapers and news outlets. When I do watch cable news, I watch FOX. no more of the namby pamby CNN and their ilk.
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Mon 12/31/18 12:30 AM
FACT: America has controlled borders, dems, republicans, liberals and conservatives are not trying and are not going to 'open' them or change that.
# countries with universal healthcare: 30 Single Payer: The government provides insurance for all residents (or citizens) and pays all health care expenses except for co-pays and coinsurance. Providers may be public, private, or a combination of both. Two-Tier: The government provides or mandates catastrophic or minimum insurance coverage for all residents (or citizens), while allowing the purchase of additional voluntary insurance or fee-for service care when desired. In Singapore all residents receive a catastrophic policy from the government coupled with a health savings account that they use to pay for routine care. In other countries like Ireland and Israel, the government provides a core policy which the majority of the population supplement with private insurance. Insurance Mandate: The government mandates that all citizens purchase insurance, whether from private, public, or non-profit insurers. In some cases the insurer list is quite restrictive, while in others a healthy private market for insurance is simply regulated and standardized by the government. In this kind of system insurers are barred from rejecting sick individuals, and individuals are required to purchase insurance, in order to prevent typical health care market failures from arising. for instance, Switzerland has Insurance Mandate the netherlands and france have two tier Spain Canada and Sweden have single pay Switzerland income tax rate is 40 percent compared to US 37 the netherlands and france have 52 and 45 respectively spain, canada, and sweden have 45, 33, and 61 looking as if insurance mandate may not require much change, two tier may require a bit more and single pay could be even less or even more no clear answer or indication of a significant mandatory increase in taxes ... |
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Mon 12/31/18 12:48 AM
No exit: America's not only trapped in Trump's legal reality show, we're paying for it
In part. "Turns out that was all just a warmup for the main event. As a result of his former lawyer's plea deal with federal prosecutors, Trump is now implicated in at least one crime, felony violation of campaign finance laws in paying off porn actress Stormy Daniels and former Playboy Playmate Karen McDougal to keep quiet about sexual affairs with him". Trump aides call on Democrats to make a counteroffer on shutdown "WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump’s aides and congressional Democrats continued to assail each other Sunday over the proposed U.S.-Mexican border wall that triggered a partial government shutdown – now in its second week and likely to continue into the new year". More lies from the right. John Kelly Confirms He Was Lying All Along: The White House Is in Chaos "It will come as no surprise that the White House is in chaos, but what is shocking is that this fact is being confirmed by President Donald Trump’s outgoing Chief of Staff John Kelly". |
hmmm I suppose "MExico is gonna pay for the wall or we will freeze the pay of government workers until taxpayers do it" would not have been a good slogan,, huh?
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Mon 12/31/18 01:11 AM
hmmm I suppose "MExico is gonna pay for the wall or we will freeze the pay of government workers until taxpayers do it" would not have been a good slogan,, huh? I'm waiting until Jan. I want to see how Trump and the two head Dems(Pelosi & Schumer) butt heads. Trump, the crybaby, dictator wannabe isn't going to take to well to a woman standing up to him. Trump wants his useless wall. And he wants "us" to pay for it. 5 billion is just the start. It will be billions more if he is allowed his way. Bend over everyone, get ready to take a foot long, un-greased "big one". What's sad, the ones that will take it the worst, The Trump supporter. And they will do it gladly. Even if it makes them walk funny. He was dumb enough to open his mouth and let stupidity come out. Now he owns it. It's all him. DONALD TRUMP APPROVAL RATING EQUALS ALL-TIME LOW AS AMERICANS BLAME HIM FOR GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN: POLL "The government shutdown stemming from President Donald Trump's demand for border wall funding has damaged his approval rating further to equal his all-time low". |
Lady if you have as much concern about the "Native Americans" plight as you say you have
Why arent you complaining about all the enviromental protection plans that trump lifted that is going to have detrimental impacts on . Like the Keystone pipeline thats going to transfer raw bitumen across their lands and waterways as well as sacred grounds . Do you understand how toxic bitumen is ? Well you wont find that out on fox news or aljazeera and im guessing any other place you choose to get your news . And i got that from APTN news . A station dedicated to the first peoples of North America . And tell me something since your so quick to judge the parents of those poor dead guatamalan kids . Do you know how many kids died in Ice custody in the last 10 years ? 0 Those children died as a direct result of trumps and sessions policies and the blood is on their hands . Takes a lot of courage and strengh for a parent to uproot his family and leave for another country . Then they get sick when they get here because of overcrowding in the holding areas their stuck in and seperated from their parents ? You dont know the life they left behind so dont judge till you've walked the 1000 miles plus in their shoes . Just for trump to hire them for his golf courses and hotels and provide them with falsefied green cards . |
Lady if you have as much concern about the "Native Americans" plight as you say you have Why arent you complaining about all the enviromental protection plans that trump lifted that is going to have detrimental impacts on . Like the Keystone pipeline thats going to transfer raw bitumen across their lands and waterways as well as sacred grounds . Do you understand how toxic bitumen is ? Well you wont find that out on fox news or aljazeera and im guessing any other place you choose to get your news . And i got that from APTN news . A station dedicated to the first peoples of North America . And tell me something since your so quick to judge the parents of those poor dead guatamalan kids . Do you know how many kids died in Ice custody in the last 10 years ? 0 Those children died as a direct result of trumps and sessions policies and the blood is on their hands . Takes a lot of courage and strengh for a parent to uproot his family and leave for another country . Then they get sick when they get here because of overcrowding in the holding areas their stuck in and seperated from their parents ? You dont know the life they left behind so dont judge till you've walked the 1000 miles plus in their shoes . Just for trump to hire them for his golf courses and hotels and provide them with falsefied green cards . 78 Environmental Rules on the Way Out Under Trump "Since his first days in office, President Trump has made eliminating federal regulations a priority. His administration, with help from Republicans in Congress, has targeted environmental rules it sees as overly burdensome to the fossil fuel industry, including major Obama-era policies aimed at fighting climate change". House Democrats maneuver to end shutdown, without Trump wall money "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Pushing a proposal to end a partial U.S. government shutdown now in its 10th day, Democrats in the House of Representatives plan to hold a vote on Thursday on a funding package that would not include the $5 billion President Donald Trump has demanded for a U.S.-Mexico border wall". I'm hoping that once the Democrats take over the house at least some of this Trump craziness will end. And who knows when it comes to the mind of a Trump supporter? They don't read. If they do, they don't believe it. I'm not saying this to be an azz. It's just truth, they are ignorant and in the dark. Some apparently enjoy it that way. They would rather believe wild, made up lies and conspiracy theories. If you pay attention to what they say, most of the time it's based on racism and hate of other people less fortunate. If you listen to the way they talk, if it were them, they wouldn't do all they could to save their kids lives. Even if it meant walking thousands of miles. Even if it meant the child might die trying to make the trip. Some might say that dying is dying. But to these people, they would rather there kids die trying to be free than to die from being raped, beaten to death, sold into sex slavery, etc-etc. There are worse ways of dying. |
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Mon 12/31/18 01:03 PM
Once again Charles ! Thank you for putting my thoughts and sentiments to print !
Un-disputable truths and facts are the news i choose . ![]() Happy New Year my informed friend ![]() And to all who offer there opinions and comments on these threads as well ! Happy New years to all of you'se and your family's And may the new year bring us all closer together with love and compassion for one another And not hate and division ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Mon 12/31/18 02:21 PM
Promises made. Promises kept -
1) He promised that Mexico would pay for the wall but now wants to saddle the American taxpayer with an expensive wall that will only solve about 30% of the problem. (I don't think, 30%, it will really be that much.) 2) He promised that he would replace Obamacare and that it would cost us less and cover more people. But insurance companies are now telling us that with the abandonment of the individual mandate, rates are expected to once again increase by 30% to 40% per year and cover fewer people. 3) He promised us he would release his taxes after he took office. He hasn't yet release them. 4) He promised us that he would solve our trade deficit. After he launched his trade wars, our trade deficit surged to an all-time high. 5) He promised that he would solve our budget deficit. Instead it's expected to double under his leadership. 6) He promised us a better deal with Iran. But under the "new Trump deal" Iran can pursue nukes TODAY. 7) the only promise he's kept - He promised us during the campaign that if we voted for Hillary, we'd have a president constantly under Federal investigation. And in that, he was correct. We do. In 2020, it's far past time to vote him out of office. |
Like the Keystone pipeline thats going to transfer raw bitumen across their lands and waterways as well as sacred grounds . Do you understand how toxic bitumen is ?
I highly doubt you know what it is. I got my information about it from the valve manufacturer. You know, the men who actually built the valves for the Keystone. |
I know exactly what bitumen is and of its damages .
Weve had 2 train derailments carrying bitumen within a 100 miles of my area in the last 3 years . Its a chemical used to break down the tar sands from Canadas dirty oil to make it more transportable and make it flow with more ease . Getting your info from the valve company involved with building the pipeline Is like getting your information about cigarettes from the tobacco company - Check please ! ![]() |
Trump calls the kettle black.
Trump goes after retired Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal for 'big, dumb mouth' "President Donald Trump took on retired four-star Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal today, saying he "got fired like a dog" and is known for his "big, dumb mouth" -- comments that come on the heels of the general criticizing the president". My God, this is the president talking about a 4 star General who has served our country, a person who avoided the military putting down a person who risked his life for our country. This is your president, I hope the Trump supporters are proud. |
Just look how he treated that Gold Star family that lost there son serving !
The moron has no cooth ! Or scrupples |
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Tue 01/01/19 07:32 PM
Just look how he treated that Gold Star family that lost there son serving ! The moron has no cooth ! Or scrupples “I don’t think he tells the truth,” McChrystal said when asked if he believes the president is a liar.
“Is Trump immoral, in your view?” Raddatz asked. “I think he is,” he said. McChrystal said he couldn't tell any of Trump's supporters "that they are wrong," but added, "What I would ask every American to do is ... stand in front of that mirror and say, 'What are we about? Am I really willing to throw away or ignore some of the things that people do that are -- are pretty unacceptable normally just because they accomplish certain other things that we might like?' "If we want to be governed by someone we wouldn't do a business deal with because their -- their background is so shady, if we're willing to do that, then that's in conflict with who I think we are. And so I think it's necessary at those times to take a stand." McChrystal, a 34-year veteran of the U.S. Army, served as the head of the Joint Special Operations Command from 2003 to 2008 and later assumed command of all international forces in Afghanistan in June 2009. This is the words of a four-star general. A man that has risked his life for this country. A "real man" that has seen many battles in the field. One thing about this guy, he doesn't sugar coat anything. He's a tell it like it is type. He has no reason to lie. And he doesn't "spin". While he was putting his life on the line(While leading other more deserving "real men" into battle,) for all of us, Captain Bone Spurs was sitting on his fat orange azz trying to figure out a way to screw someone out of their money. While other, more deserving men fought and died in his place. All Trump can do is try to put the man down. All the guy said was the truth. What at least 65% of the country already knows. But Trump and his brainwashed followers are blind too. Trump is a low down azz hole. I don't care if this soldier was Muslim or one of those crazy Hare Krishna that used to hang around airports. He was an American Soldier that fought and died for this country. He and his family deserve respect. Donald Trump Criticizes Muslim Family of Slain U.S. Soldier, Drawing Ire "Donald J. Trump belittled the parents of a slain Muslim soldier who had strongly denounced Mr. Trump during the Democratic National Convention, saying that the soldier’s father had delivered the entire speech because his mother was not “allowed” to speak". I know the Trump supporters are just beaming with pride for there president. Another lie. "Trump Lies About ’10 Foot Wall’ Around Obama’s Home. There Isn’t One". |
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Wed 01/02/19 02:11 PM
Donald Trump rejects Democratic funding plan, wishes Happy New Year to 'haters'
"WASHINGTON – With no end of a partial shutdown in sight, President Donald Trump rang in the new year Tuesday by denouncing a new Democratic plan to reopen the government because it lacks money for a wall along the U.S.-Mexican border". So when the bill passed by the House goes to the Senate, McConnell won't call for a vote because the President won't sign it. If this bill previously passed the Senate with bipartisan support wouldn't it make sense for them to send to Trump and when he vetoes it they just override the veto? Since the Republicans were the party of 'NO' for Obama's entire term they never governed. They haven't learned how to govern since Trump took office either. So maybe McConnell doesn't remember how the process works. Can we send someone there who understands this critical step? George Conway Burns Trump With A Savage Explanation For Low Gas Prices You know what's not low? Diesel. Semis delivering everything we need, run on diesel and the high price is costing us quite a bit at the registers every day. Many states have high gas taxes keeping gas prices up. Pennsylvania for example. Remember also that we're paying a little less now but it will rebound eventually and I'm sure the POTUS won't be taking credit for that. Nancy Pelosi Is About to Make the Shutdown a Whole Lot Worse for the President "Today marks the last day of the Trump-Ryan-McConnell era of unified Republican government in Washington, which, despite the immense political power wielded by three men between whom there exists near-perfect ideological alignment, will still conclude in the midst of a two-week government shutdown of their own creation. From this point forward, whenever the president makes a mess that requires legislative attention, he'll have to place a call to the Speaker of the House's office, and then plead with Nancy Pelosi for help cleaning it up". |
Democrats like Nancy Pelosi. Doesn't know how to make a Logical offer to fund the Security Border Wall!!.
Democrats take the House now watch the Mess ! |
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Thu 01/03/19 02:39 PM
The Latest: Pelosi not ruling out impeachment proceedings
"Rep. Nancy Pelosi (puh-LOH'-see) isn't ruling out impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, depending on findings by the special counsel investigating Russia's meddling in the 2016 election". Standoff: Trump Wants $5 Billion For Wall, Democrats Offer $1.3B For Border Security "The federal government remains partially shuttered as the president holds out for money for a wall along the border with Mexico. A new Congress is sworn in on Thursday. What does each side want? " More than logical for a wall that will do no good. If anyone thinks that building a wall will help stop the drugs and illegals from coming to America, you think that's logical? it's not going to happen. They will find another way. Drugs are a billion dollar industry. If they have to fly it out of Mexico all the way to Canada, just to bring it back here, they will. If the illegals really want to come here, if they have too, they will get on a boat and swing all the way around to California or Fla, and come in that way, they will find a way. If they have to dig a tunnel under the wall, they will. They will have something over 2000 miles of wall to hide behind while they dig. They will come one way or the other. A wall will not stop them. It might slow them down a bit. But that's about it. Either way, "WE" take the(up to, or more than,) 70 billion dollar hit. |
Do you think it’s just luck that gas prices are so low, and falling? Low gas prices are like another Tax Cut!
I've read that about six time. It doesn't sound, or read like he's taking credit for low gas prices. A simple, declarative statement, and the dems think that Trump is taking credit for that. Well, when don't dems take everything out of context, bend it in such a way that it sounds bad, then yelp about it being a lie. |
Drones are the way they will defeat the wall to get there drugs
in Charles . And with trump wanting to build see through with gaps big enough to pass stuff through . Its like trying to plug Niagra Falls with a wine cork . Lol . Most of the drugs come in at border crossings They should invest in scanners xrays and more soffisticated detecting devices. Trumps only reason for wanting to build the walls is to get his hands on the billions Through kickbacks under the table with contractors . Like he skimps on his own buildings from the invertors he swindels |