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Fri 12/14/18 04:12 PM
Cohen on Trump as president: 'He's a very different individual'.
"Trump's former attorney told ABC News in an exclusive interview that he thinks "the pressure of the job is much more" than what the president thought it was going to be". Trump knew payments were wrong, Cohen says l FULL INTERVIEW PT 1/2 Trump's Claim That 'Mexico Is Paying for the Wall!' Leaves Experts Stumped "Sen. Chuck Schumer replied with a tweet of his own: "Mr. President: If you say Mexico is going to pay for the wall (which I don't believe), then I guess we don't have to!" Trump’s other leading opponent in the struggle over wall funding, House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), also dismissed the claim. “I think the Oval Office is an evidence-free zone,” Pelosi said, adding that Trump’s statement “doesn’t make any sense". "An evidence-free zone?" That sounds so familiar among Trump supporters. Fox & Friends Legal Expert Perfectly Articulates on Air Why the President Is Screwed "President Trump's world is crumbling around him. To be clear, that's not a reference to the country he's running (though it's not doing great), or his inner circle (though that's also not doing great)—the only thing that truly matters to Trump, his beloved morning television programs, are no longer an impenetrable safe space". |
Trump’s Inauguration Paid Trump’s Company — With Ivanka In The Middle
"When it came out this year that President Donald Trump’s inaugural committee raised and spent unprecedented amounts, people wondered where all that money went. It turns out one beneficiary was Trump himself". |
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Sat 12/15/18 02:40 AM
Fake news vs fact in online battle for truth
"Paris (AFP) - Since US President Donald Trump weaponised the term "fake news" during the 2016 presidential election campaign, the phrase has gone viral". |
I really thought Kelly would whip things into shape. apparently, its even too much of a job for him. Can you imagine any 'head' of a company or CEO going through these many employees under their watch at this rate? I wonder how and if he really was as 'successful' in business as his Publicity suggests, at least not in the last two or three decades. I really believe he is senile.
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Sat 12/15/18 05:13 AM
You know I hear many say Trump is bad..well give this a listen and see what Trump just kept from happening in the U.S..which is what is being shoved down our throats since he withdrew from the UN Migration Pact..This is what the UN has in store for us..In my opinion EVERYONE should see this to give you all a better idea of what the UN is trying to pull... On YOUTUBE type in... *The Terrible Truth About the UN Migration Compact* Stefan Molyneux Whether the bleeding hearts realize it this is what they are inadvertently backing....PAY ATTENTION..this could be coming to anyone if not everyone's home town.. SO watch this film and see what your so called senile president just kept from happening to your home town.. your country..THANK YOU Mr.President ALL will soon be revealed and your EVIDENCE as well provided... and those who think they know what is going on and oppose Trump will finally see just how they have been DUPED by the Main Stream Media..tic toc..But by all means WATCH the film... PAY particular attention to the DOUBLE STANDARDS..and your loss of rights.. WWG1 WGA ...DO THE RESEARCH.. |
Tried watching that youtube video
![]() Everything i seen in it has been debunked as untruths . So many lies you would think dingbat donald himself narrated it ![]() Ive seen more truths in a episode of "LOONEY TUNES" ![]() |
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Sat 12/15/18 07:08 AM
I expected that from the trump haters..yet all one has to do is look at what is happening in France Sweden Italy and Germany..yea all those people are fear mongers..not to mention if you watched the film the guy just explains what the UN Migration Compact could that be fear mongering all one has to do is READ it for themselves..and COMPREHEND* It's right there in black and white..All one has to do is see what's going on at our own border and listen to what the people of Tijuana are saying..That's not fear mongering..that's FACT..Also one can look at what is going on in Michigan..Not to mention what is happening to the gun rights in Illinois as they are attempting to take away the right to bear arms..a constitutional right...why do you think that is..SO it's easier to take over your country..NOT to mention who the HELL is the UN..And why aren't the people allowed to vote on this..after all they are the ones who have to live with it and can see what it is doing to their country and their people ..and after all it is their country..not the UN's..they know too well what it's doing to these countries..and that's because the UN wants to take control over separate governments without so much as a single vote ...WAKE UP! how well the UN will be protecting these people and we are just suppose to bend over and provide services for them as they not only strain our resources but our tax dollars as well..Why don't the UN just go to these countries and straighten out these messes..rather than cram these people on our border..who some are now trying to extort's the innocent ones who will be caught in the middle..Just remember your words when things get worse and we can already see where our border guards have been attacked..must be some more of that fear mongering going on As far as fear mongering tell it to all those women and little girls who have been RAPED how much it's just fear mongering... YOU can read the UN Migration Compact and COMPREHEND it for yourself can't you..But trust me when I say this I don't post this for just the few who answer in the forums..I know there are those who don't post..And they can read it for themselves..and it's mainly for those I write this and try to get the TRUTH out..I already know what to expect from the few that post their negative views about the president here... UNITED WE STAND..divided we fall WWG1 WGA... ...DO THE RESEARCH... |
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Sat 12/15/18 07:11 AM
Seems to work well for Canada ! And the kind of problems you describe has existed in the countries you mentioned for decades so theres nothing new there . And the UN is a necessity that America has been a part of for years . Hard to change a mandate if you're not part of the game .
Really Canada ..You may want to take a look as to what is going on in Canada these days..Not to mention that Canada just signed the what's fixing to happen as the UN piles them into Canada..not to mention when we see that which is going on at our southern border starts developing on our northern border as well..Why do you think it's going to be any better in Canada as opposed to all the other countries that signed the UN compact..where is it ever the right for people who don't have papers to just show up and demand that you provide services for them..when the UN says now you have to..again who the hell is the UN..just's coming And who determines how many migrants you should take in..and like I said why don't the UN go to these countries and help these people straighten out their problems ..rather than strap these problems on the backs of countries who have enough of their own's because then they wouldn't be able to bring about their idea of a New World Order..which is their agenda..and going to these other countries and helping them wouldn't help them achieve their agenda.. Anyone can see that some of these foreign cultures are NOT going to assimilate to the countries they are what are the rightful citizens suppose to do..conform to the will of foreigners..YEP..and with the backing of the UN..YOU can read how deep the hypocrisy is going to be over someones BS ideology especially someone like Soros or GHWB who was a traitor..these people will destroy and have already destroyed the cultures of several countries especially when the citizens are out could that ever be a good idea..and have you askjed yourself why we must conform to their BS ideology,,who the HELL is the UN..and what you are seing at our border is forced migration through lies because we backed out of the UN Migration Compact.. It's the UN who should help these people and their countries rather than put the burden on countries that can't really afford it..and as they even try to they themselves will become a THIRD world nation..One can only rob from Peter to pay Paul before Peter goes broke as well..and that's what the UN is trying to they gain control..You don't have to believe me but when you read what that Compact says you can see the hypocrisy that will be used against the citizens..ask yourself why that is..sounds crazy ..I agree..But these people are SICK.. But given time as ALL becomes revealed you will see why they are trying to get Trump out so bad..and no it's not about FEC violations for we can see where there are those who have done far worse ..and nothing has happened to them..Just watch..time will reveal the truth.. You don't have to believe me just DO THE RESEARCH..and the truth will reveal itself to you..FOLLOW THE RABBIT..and there are many rabbit ..turn off the T.V..and DO THE RESEARCH..the truth is out there..but do yourself a favor remember to take a break and watch things that make you laugh or smile..because if you don't this will definitely have an adverse effect on you..if all you do is immerse yourself into these dark rabbit holes..word to the'm Done..taking a few days off to clear my and ...DO THE RESEARCH...GOD bless you and your families and have a MERRY CHRISTMAS...….Tombs out |
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Sat 12/15/18 10:54 AM
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Obama DOJ official: Trump can be indicted while in office
"A former top official at the Justice Department argues that President Trump can yet be indicted for campaign finance violations as part of a possible decision to delay his trial until after he leaves office". Tried watching that youtube video. Full of lies and fearmongering.
That's exactly what it is. I just hope that others that listen to or read it, see it for the half-truths and whole lies that it is. It's posting shyt like that, that influenced the last presidential election. It's too bad that Mingle doesn't have rules set so people can't post all out lies. FB is, so far the only social networking site to try to curb it. |
Because i am Canadian and it works for us !
There are 8 million people displaced around the world that dont want to die because of there religion or politics . THEY HAVE TO GO SOMEWHERE . And why not a loving and understanding Country that accpts his struggling brothers and sisters from around the world . Wishing you a great holidays to you and yours Tomb . And reflect well upon your own advice . It was very good advice for all . Humor is Gold! Mine it as such |
Obama DOJ official: Trump can be indicted while in office "A former top official at the Justice Department argues that President Trump can yet be indicted for campaign finance violations as part of a possible decision to delay his trial until after he leaves office". Tried watching that youtube video. Full of lies and fearmongering.
That's exactly what it is. I just hope that others that listen to or read it, see it for the half-truths and whole lies that it is. It's posting shyt like that, that influenced the last presidential election. It's too bad that Mingle doesn't have rules set so people can't post all out lies. FB is, so far the only social networking site to try to curb it. |
Mueller's rush to sentence Trump associates - an unusual way to treat cooperating witnesses - suggests Russia investigation is ending
"Amid the whirlwind of hearings, guilty pleas and sentencing memos that has been Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe in the last few weeks, an unusual pattern has emerged". Mueller investigation: Probes involving Trump associates are becoming difficult for the president to ignore "The interview that Michael Cohen gave ABC News on Friday morning should show Donald Trump one thing; that until he surrenders to begin a three-year prison sentence next March, he is unlikely to go away". Butina to Cohen: 5 Things to Watch This Week in U.S. Probes "(Bloomberg) -- Special Counsel Robert Mueller and U.S. prosecutors are far from finished in their investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election, President Donald Trump’s campaign, and his business and political circle, judging by recent court filings. But by the end of this week, some key early chapters will come closer to resolution". Mueller is waiting until the Dem's have the house. Why would he give his findings to someone who won't do anything with it? January is going to be a very interesting month. I disagree. The investigation isn't winding up. With the Betina investigation and Russian involvement just ramping up, the campaign violations ramping up, Weiselberg and Pecker investigations just getting started, Trump Organization investigation getting started, the trump inauguration Committee finances getting underway, and potential investigations of his children and son in law. If anything, I think things are about to get even harder for Trump. Officially, it can't end until the prosecution of Individual A-1. That's why he's called A-1. You never want to be Individual A-1. You want to be Witness B-7 or Article 16-b in the evidence locker, but you never want to be Individual A-1, because that's the guy who's prosecution ends the probe. He's the last guy standing without a plea deal. |
Trump Cites Misleading Right-Wing Story On Missing FBI Texts Contradicted By His Officials
"President Donald Trump on Saturday angrily cited a story by a right-wing outlet claiming that some 20,000 texts by a former FBI agent and bureau lawyer were intentionally erased by an official of the Justice Department before its inspector general could examine them. But that account has been contradicted by his own administration— the Office of the Inspector General". "The OIG determined that the texts were initially missing due to faulty technology, not malicious intent. More than 20,000 texts have been recovered, according to an OIG report issued this month. The report determined that there was “no evidence” that since-ousted FBI agent Peter Strzok and his girlfriend, lawyer Lisa Page, “attempted to circumvent” the FBI’s data-retention policies". To Trump and his followers, Evidence doesn't matter. All that matters is what they "think" it is. What they make up in their minds is all that matters. And then they try to spew out there fakeness in hopes that some people are weak minded enough, and filled with enough hate to believe it anyway. And make a lie the truth. |
Trump asks why FBI didn't break into Democratic headquarters
"President Trump lashed out at the FBI on Sunday morning for failing to search Democratic National Committee headquarters while investigating Hillary Clinton’s emails, an investigation that ended more than two years ago. He compared it to the treatment of his longtime lawyer Michael Cohen, whose office and residences were searched by agents in April. Trump called Cohen a “Rat,” but blamed his treachery on his treatment by the FBI". Because there were criminal acts being committed in Cohen's office, on Trump's orders! The FBI collected enough evidence against Trump to prove that he had been lying all along. 62% say Trump is NOT telling the TRUTH in Russia probe. HALF of the country says the investigation has given them DOUBTS about Trump’s presidency, according to a new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll. Poll: 62 percent say Trump isn't telling the truth in Russia probe "WASHINGTON — Six in 10 Americans say President Donald Trump has been untruthful about the investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential campaign, while half of the country says the investigation has given them doubts about Trump's presidency, according to a new national NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll". |
Its paculiar how 62% percent dont believe dingbat donald when 75%(im being generous) of what he says is a bold face lie ! Lol . Anybody here good at math ?
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Nothing is a given and nothing surprises me anymore. Trump is President and Bobby Bones won the mirror ball and a girl who did not sing won a spot on the VOICE. Life is just totally unpredictable
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Mon 12/17/18 10:34 AM
Trump Organization plots return to the Dominican Republic, sparking ethics concerns
"When the Trump Organization left the Dominican Republic after the economy crashed ten years ago, their plans for dozens of luxury estates in a Trump-branded development appeared to leave with them. Buyers who staked millions on lots for their dream homes were left empty handed. The Trump team sued the developers, alleging fraud. And the billboards bearing the Trump name came down". Folks, the only way we can end this abomination of an administration and their blatant abuse of power is at the polls in 2020. Impeachment is not the answer. The Senate is under control of Trump's enablers and will never vote to convict him because of their fear of both Trump and his "twitter" account and personal insults along with their terror of angering his 40% base which approves of Trump and his tactics by over 80%. Also having the electorate hand him a resounding defeat will show the world that we do in fact care about who we are as a people and a nation. The largest problem that I can see is that if in fact, he were to be defeated in the election by even a huge margin, he would simply refuse to accept the election results. He has been grooming his base since 2015 to not believe our institutions or our electoral process. He has succeeded to a point in his efforts. Remember when he said during the campaign when talking about Hillary Clinton? He said: "Perhaps we should leave it up to the 2nd Amendment people".. And these again are the same folks (the 2nd Amendment folks) who would follow his direction to disregard the election results. Remember also when he said last August to the American Legion Convention? "Don't believe what you see, hear or read unless it comes from me"..!! And I'm sorry to say that many of our fellow Americans took him at his word.. (The American Legion did, in fact, issue a public apology the following day for his statement)... Our country is indeed in a time of national crisis. |
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Mon 12/17/18 10:18 AM
Unable to indict the president, Manhattan federal prosecutors may focus on Trump Organization
"Federal prosecutors in Manhattan this past week appeared to be barreling forward on a collision course with President Trump. Forbidden from indicting him by their superiors in Washington, the prosecutors instead are likely to turn their guns on the president’s family and close associates and, perhaps most significantly, the business he spent his life building, according to former Department of Justice officials". There is no constitutional bar to indicting a sitting president. It's a matter of discretion whether to file such charges. Neither in Watergate nor in Clinton ordeal, did any prosecutors press the issue. Two reasons/issues are the abstract constitutional theory or unitary executive dilemma - the notion that all law enforcement resides in the president and that everybody else in the executive branch, including prosecutors, is essentially irrelevant. And the president, therefore, would in effect be prosecuting himself. SCOTUS think that a bizarre conundrum and very expansive view of executive power. The second and main reason is a practical one, and that is that it would be too much of a distraction from the president's important duties as chief executive to force him to defend himself in court. The Justice Department continues to adhere to this even though in the Paula Jones case, the Supreme Court unanimously rejected the exact same argument when President Clinton argued that he shouldn't be allowed to be dragged into court. lol. So while a president is in office, it's department policy not to indict him or her. But once the president leaves office, all bets are off. "Or by making all the information available through an indictment of somebody else. And then they don't have to send it officially to Congress. Congress will see it all because it's all in the public domain.#$%$ Mueller knew all this when he sent Cohen's case and many other cases to federal prosecutors in New York City, because he knew that Trump's Department of Justice is owned by the right wing of the Republican Party as long as Trump is in power and thus he knew that DOJ, under Trump, would issue a "cannot indict the President" legal memo. That is exactly why Mueller sent all these cases to NYC, Mueller knew that even if DOJ refuses to indict Trump, Mueller, and the federal prosecutors, can and will get all the felonies perpetrated by Trump on the public record, via Congress and via the American judicial system. Score one for the founding fathers, who made sure that an independent federal judiciary that is transparent and accountable is part of the American Constitution and part of the American legal system. Mueller's America: Great Again. Even before he became President, Trump was notorious for his sleazy business practices. He routinely hired contractors and then would find issues with their work. They could either "settle" for less they agreed to, or end up with a court case that could drag out for years and few could afford. Trump used this tactic as a way to "save" money. He deserves to have everything checked, from his taxes to his dishonest "college". |