Topic: The Trump Bashing Tour: | |
And of course dingbat donald promised his buddy vlad a 50 million dollar suite in his russian
trump tower ! After all ! Putin did get him a "White House" ! ....... -stephen colbert ![]() That ones for you charles ![]() |
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Sat 12/01/18 06:18 AM
.................. The Pain Is Coming..Q.............. WWG1 WGA |
Knock, knock. Who's there? Hillary Nacho. Hillary Nacho WHO? Hillary NACHO President!! That's Who! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Sat 12/01/18 11:41 AM
After Cohen plea, Democrats in Congress eye other Trump allies' testimony
"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Congressional Democrats on Friday warned that other associates of President Donald Trump may have lied to Congress, a day after his former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, pleaded guilty to doing so as part of a probe of Russian meddling in U.S. politics". Michael Cohen: Four things we learnt from latest guilty plea of Trump’s former lawyer "Trumps’s former personal attorney Michael Cohen has entered another guilty plea in the federal Russia investigation, this time for lying to Congress". It doesn't matter if he was a private citizen at the time or not. What matters, Did he let his business dealings interfere with his campaign? ************************************************************************** TO THE ONES THAT ENJOY MY THREADS/POSTS. DON'T BE SUCKERED BY THE TROLLS WHO BRING NOTHING TO A THREAD BUT ATTACKS. ALL THEY ARE TRYING TO DO IS GET YOU TO ARGUE. DON'T BE SUCKERED IN. SOME ARE JUST BETTER OFF IGNORED |
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Sat 12/01/18 12:03 PM
slow train coming
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Sat 12/01/18 01:35 PM
Charles, ..You are being DUPED and you're fixin' to find out how bad..the truth is we have all been DUPED for a long time..What's fixin to come out in the next few months is going to BLOW all of our minds..Don't say I haven't tried to warn you..too many times I have requested that you DO THE RESEARCH but still you continue to listen to the song of the MOCKINGBIRD..her songs are ALL lies made to fool and control the masses into believing that which isn't true..the Main Stream Media is working with the GLOBALISTS and the CROOKED C.I.A .. All these things we have seen even the fact that we don't say the pledge of allegiance in school,the destruction of justice and the constitution with the Mueller investigation,Obama's catch and release laws with the immigrants,the fight over gun control..Antifa ..the UN Immigration Pact.. the immigrants at the border ..and all the different marches and more ..they are being done by the GLOBALISTS to strip the U.S of it's identity and to destroy us economically so that it would be easier for the GLOBALISTS to bring about the New World Order..Don't You Get IT.. The whole Mueller investigation is one BIG FARCE..they knew that if Trump was to get into office he would reveal alot of the crimes committed by our government and others, even those which have been committed by MUELLER..who is trying to save his own arse as well..because he himself has committed many crimes....REMEMBER ..what I've told you here today..Because you like the rest of us are fixin' to get a MAJOR dose of the truth when the depth of corruption is revealed.. It won't be Trump going to jail or being will be Hillary and her cast of nefarious cronies going to ..GITMO.. And one more dose of truth..those immigrants in the caravan ..well they have been duped and used as well..You see these GLOBALISTS they don't care about people they only care about themselves, power,money,their sick pleasures and their agenda..and they will use any means or anyone they can to destroy the U.S to bring about a New World Order where they reign supreme and we remain modern day slaves... WWG1 WGA |
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Sat 12/01/18 02:19 PM
And of course dingbat donald promised his buddy vlad a 50 million dollar suite in his russian trump tower ! After all ! Putin did get him a "White House" ! ....... -stephen colbert ![]() That ones for you charles ![]() I just watched that ... too funny, and so sad. Good for him that he can try to claim deniability, but bad for us that nothing he does is questioned by his followers who put him then and will fight so tooth and nail to keep him there, so that even if or when proof of him knowing does come up, followers will question the evidence instead of him. And his buddies, knowing his emperor like following, can continue to lie and be pardoned by him if they happen to get convicted. He is the Emperor, (with no clothes, metaphorically, where clothes means scruples) nothing he does will be honestly critiqued or considered corrupt or dishonest by many of his followers. I cannot imagine if past presidents or candidates had had NEARLY this much coming up all around them that there would be this level of blind loyalty to someone. Scary times. |
Well heres to the Globalist !
![]() ![]() We all should be working at bringing this world together instead of the division you seek Trust me you are but a willnot on dingbat donals heiny and he has no interest in making your life better. He only works on behalf of the super rich and himself . So you go on spreading your lies in the russian project doomstone! Get at it on your sons broken down tablet . And good luck with puppet school ! Dingbat donald is waiting for your performance ![]() |
And of course dingbat donald promised his buddy vlad a 50 million dollar suite in his russian trump tower ! After all ! Putin did get him a "White House" ! ....... -stephen colbert ![]() That ones for you charles ![]() I just watched that ... too funny, and so sad. Good for him that he can try to claim deniability, but bad for us that nothing he does is questioned by his followers who put him then and will fight so tooth and nail to keep him there, so that even if or when proof of him knowing does come up, followers will question the evidence instead of him. And his buddies, knowing his emperor like following, can continue to lie and be pardoned by him if they happen to get convicted. He is the Emperor, (with no clothes, metaphorically, where clothes means scruples) nothing he does will be honestly critiqued or considered corrupt or dishonest by many of his followers. I cannot imagine if past presidents or candidates had had NEARLY this much coming up all around them that there would be this level of blind loyalty to someone. Scary times. I hear you sister ! But if theres any consolation theres just a little over a year left . Hopefully he spends that time putting out all the fires hes started and doesnt start any new ones . Lol ![]() ![]() |
OMG We should hate Russia..why is that..because that's what we've been taught..But Russia is so bad..they have done what..pretty much the same things we have done? My the hypocrisy of it all..All I can say as I've said it before..If Putin helped put Trump in office well then "Thank You Mr. Putin".. What you are about to find out in the next few months is exactly why Hillary should never be president ..If Putin helped to elect Trump in my opinion he did us one BIG favor..Do you all honestly think that WE have never interfered in elections..and even in our own as well MID TERMS.. Let's not forget who it was that tried to RIG the last presidential election..say it isn't so..not Hillary..really? .. I suppose it all comes down to bias and perspectives.. ![]() It appears peoplez be riggin' elections all over the place.. ![]() |
Charles, ..You are being DUPED and you're fixin' to find out how bad..the truth is we have all been DUPED for a long time..What's fixin to come out in the next few months is going to BLOW all of our minds..Don't say I haven't tried to warn you..too many times I have requested that you DO THE RESEARCH but still you continue to listen to the song of the MOCKINGBIRD..her songs are ALL lies made to fool and control the masses into believing that which isn't true..the Main Stream Media is working with the GLOBALISTS and the CROOKED C.I.A .. All these things we have seen even the fact that we don't say the pledge of allegiance in school,the destruction of justice and the constitution with the Mueller investigation,Obama's catch and release laws with the immigrants,the fight over gun control..Antifa ..the UN Immigration Pact.. the immigrants at the border ..and all the different marches and more ..they are being done by the GLOBALISTS to strip the U.S of it's identity and to destroy us economically so that it would be easier for the GLOBALISTS to bring about the New World Order..Don't You Get IT.. The whole Mueller investigation is one BIG FARCE..they knew that if Trump was to get into office he would reveal alot of the crimes committed by our government and others, even those which have been committed by MUELLER..who is trying to save his own arse as well..because he himself has committed many crimes....REMEMBER ..what I've told you here today..Because you like the rest of us are fixin' to get a MAJOR dose of the truth when the depth of corruption is revealed.. It won't be Trump going to jail or being will be Hillary and her cast of nefarious cronies going to ..GITMO.. And one more dose of truth..those immigrants in the caravan ..well they have been duped and used as well..You see these GLOBALISTS they don't care about people they only care about themselves, power,money,their sick pleasures and their agenda..and they will use any means or anyone they can to destroy the U.S to bring about a New World Order where they reign supreme and we remain modern day slaves... WWG1 WGA It makes no sense to argue with him. It's like arguing with a minister about whether the Bible is real or not. I'm about as far removed for the bible as anyone can get, but I remember someone talking about false prophets, and how we shouldn't believe their preachings. Now who do you think he's convincing? Nobody. I see the walls of text he posts. I'll let him waste his time on it. I don't, as well as you don't, have to read it. Go skim that page for a minute. Pick a proverb, and apply it. |
I wonder if it would be Utopian or chaotic for us to function from a place of not addressing or criticizing any actions UNLESS they are were new and never before done?
Hey trump should be removed any way possible, and you people that follow why dont you just go with him! Straight to h--l
ouch. I do agree with the removal part, but just hoping he isnt reelected, the wealthy get passes, not gonna change soon. Plenty of scapegoats to go around, but he will walk away clean and alot wealthier through his new business attaining credential as POTUS.
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Sat 12/01/18 03:46 PM
And your reasons for Trump being removed is what...What do you all see Hillary getting away with nothing?..Well just a heads up to fellow Trump supporters and even those who don't..come Monday there is suppose to be some new info coming out on Hannity (check your local listings)..appears we have another whistle blower on the Clinton Foundation. Also I see Huber is about to step into the spot light ..should be interesting as's a thought..What if Mueller has been working with the president all the while? What if Mueller's dealings with Comey and Lockheed Martin and U1 helped to build his cover? Is Mueller working undercover.. ![]() The PAIN is coming...Q WWG1 WGA |
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Sat 12/01/18 03:52 PM
You still awake ??? Its gotta be 3 am in russia right now .
Whats a matter cant sleep ? Well just think of the sleep dingbat donald is loosing sweating mueller ? Drink some hot milk and go to bed commarade ! Hannity is on again tomorrow ![]() Theres plent of time for the russian project boobstone ! |
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Sat 12/01/18 03:55 PM
Hillary hillary hillary hillary hillary bill hillary hillary hillary hillary bill
Hillary hillary hillary bill hillary hillary hillary hillary bill hillary hillary . Dont you get as sick of saying it as i do hearing it ! Where do you get the notion i was a fan of hers ? Never voted for her ! So Hillary on my russian friend ! You aint hurting anybody's feelings around here . |
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Sat 12/01/18 04:08 PM
so many rabbit little far as bed time..nyet.. ![]() No one said you did like Hillary..Hillary was just the only other choice ..and when you see what she's about Trump was the only logical choice after it came down to basically one or the other..But all will be revealed .. ..The PAIN is coming..Q WWG1 WGA |
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Sat 12/01/18 04:08 PM
And your reasons for Trump being removed is what...What do you all see Hillary getting away with nothing?..Well just a heads up to fellow Trump supporters and even those who don't..come Monday there is suppose to be some new info coming out on Hannity (check your local listings)..appears we have another whistle blower on the Clinton Foundation. Also I see Huber is about to step into the spot light ..should be interesting as's a thought..What if Mueller has been working with the president all the while? What if Mueller's dealings with Comey and Lockheed Martin and U1 helped to build his cover? Is Mueller working undercover.. ![]() The PAIN is coming...Q WWG1 WGA I would like him removed via not being re elected because I believe he is an ultra corrupt narcissist who would sell the country down the river to line his pockets some more. I would like him removed because I believe he never has or never will have reason to give two craps about anyone outside the ultra rich elite circle that has shrouded and protected him his whole life. I would like him removed because I dont believe the President should be a (strictly) learn as you go job and I believe he is incompetent in the job and his concern with and knowledge of the constitution. I don't care what is happening to NON POTUS persons nearly as much as I do the one with the power and assignment as metaphorical "leader of the free world." I don't plan to ignore all that is 'coming out' about this man in order to 'wait around' for all the alleged details that have been allegedly "about to be revealed" on everyone else for decades now with no substantiation. |
And your reasons for Trump being removed is what...What do you all see Hillary getting away with nothing?..Well just a heads up to fellow Trump supporters and even those who don't..come Monday there is suppose to be some new info coming out on Hannity (check your local listings)..appears we have another whistle blower on the Clinton Foundation. Also I see Huber is about to step into the spot light ..should be interesting as's a thought..What if Mueller has been working with the president all the while? What if Mueller's dealings with Comey and Lockheed Martin and U1 helped to build his cover? Is Mueller working undercover.. ![]() The PAIN is coming...Q WWG1 WGA I would like him removed via not being re elected because I believe he is an ultra corrupt narcissist who would sell the country down the river to line his pockets some more. I would like him removed because I believe he never has or never will have reason to give two craps about anyone outside the ultra rich elite circle that has shrouded and protected him his whole life. I would like him removed because I dont believe the President should be a (strictly) learn as you go job and I believe he is incompetent in the job and his concern with and knowledge of the constitution. I don't care what is happening to NON POTUS persons nearly as much as I do the one with the power and assignment as metaphorical "leader of the free world." I don't plan to ignore all that is 'coming out' about this man in order to 'wait around' for all the alleged details that have been allegedly "about to be revealed" on everyone else for decades now with no substantiation. Ditto ! ;) NEEDTOIMPEACH.COM #needtoimpeach |