Topic: The Trump Bashing Tour: | |
doncha just love how trump is standing in the way of our enemies, and looking after our friends' backs...
oh, wait. ![]() |
He's an alien?? Man, what a bummer, no chance of an intelligent extra terrestrial life form.
Dude..I don't know where you get your info.. ![]() But I just looked on StubHub and several other sites..and didn't see them for $6.50.... And what 20,000 seat "arena" are your referring to? The engagements *I* see are all theaters and halls with anywhere from 2500 to 4500 seats.. The biggest one *I* could find was in Vancouver BC (18,000)..and that isn't until May of *next year*, no..they probably haven't sold many tickest yet.. You can't pay much attention to unsubstantiated claims by the far right. Remember, they say anything. Whether they have any proof of it or not. So far I have found nothing that proves in any way how large the arena was or how many people showed up. With the all-out lies and far out conspiracy theories that they make up out of the blue, the one picture I found showing many seats still empty, could have been taken hours before the event. Since it's on one of those far-right news sites, I take it with a grain of salt. It may be true, it may not be. This could be misinformation. Yeah, more deflection. You started this thread. It's up to you to prove what you say. So far, you haven't. Just more vague and unsubstantiated claims that Nobody can find any info on. So what are most left to think? You make it up as you go along? And try to spin it the way you want to believe it. And expect others to believe it. Even though you can't back it up? Or you are afraid to try to back it up because some of us are smart enough to see through the BS? In the beginning, All I was pointing out was the fact that's all that's out there. You can spin it either way you want. But you prove nothing. What might or might not be true, is the picture that was taken at the arena. And the far right spin/misinformation and flat out lying that far-right news sources do. That's what I was talking about. It really had nothing to do with you. thats not how it really works. When a prosecutor says someone committed a crime, does it ask the DEFENSE to come with evidence the crime was committed? the one making a claim USUALLY is expected to substantiate it with something. msharmony, You know just as well as I do, they can't. They have no evidence to back up the majority of what they say. It's like the news thread I started. It's what's going on every day in DC. But many of them can't stand it. Because they can't disprove it. And if you can't disprove it, since they can't attack the message, they try to attack the messenger. Some people would rather live in ignorance and hate & "alternate" facts. The way I look at it, I already said it above. This is his thread. The burden of proving his point is on him. And so far he hasn't. Just a lot of talk and empty words. No. someone accused someone of something, that someone making the accusation was expected to provide substantiation of the charge. They fell short on what constitutes proof, just like many of the claims in these threads do. |
He's an alien?? Man, what a bummer, no chance of an intelligent extra terrestrial life form. ![]() |
Gee wiz! Looks pretty substantial to me. Not one, but two news feeds had it!
Oh, wait. It didn't come from a lib news feed. That makes it Not True, False, and Fake. Shows one thing. Even at $6.50, few want to sit through an evening with bill and hillary. If it were me, I'd be mad that I paid $7000 for a ticket, and had someone sitting beside me that got in for a meer $6.50. (And then watch hillary cough up a lung.) |
Its how I felt about the inauguration. How much were those tickets? I would not have gone for free. Both venues were mostly empty. So not everyone is for everyone, I supposed.
Herpes Hillary and her ho-hugging hubby, how about having a huge hiatus, honestly... LMAO! Bill and Hillary Clinton’s 13-city speaking tour opened in Toronto to a near-empty arena and a coughing fit. The Daily Mail reports that this latest money grab from the Clintons managed to attract only 3,300 in a stadium that holds 19,800 — which works out to 83 percent empty. This figure is made even more embarrassing by the fact that as the date of the event neared, the venue was not able to give tickets away at just $6.55 each. Ticket prices started between $200 and $53 Canadian. Clintons Kick Off Speaking Tour With Countless Empty Seats On top of that, in the middle of the event, Hillary had one of her famous coughing fits, which was caught on video. While the aging Clintons spent much of the night bashing President Trump, they did so in front of a nearly empty room that proves just how out of touch they have both become. The belief they could fill a hockey arena is the worst kind of vanity. Had the event taken place at a smaller venue, the Clintons’ diminishing appeal would not have been quite so obvious. Meanwhile, Hillary’s nemesis, one Donald Trump, continues to draw crowds who wait in line all day and then fill arenas up to the rafters. The Clinton tour is promoted by Live Nation and promoted as a one-of-a-kind conversation with a former president and secretary of state. But with questions such as, “Why does Putin hate you so much? You seem like a very nice person,” do people really want to leave their homes and spend good money to watch what appears to be just another cable news segment? As the American Thinker points out, “While 3300 tickets sold at prices ranging from $53 to over $200 still yields a healthy payday, even after expenses, the optics are terrible,” which is something even the far-left CNN is pointing out. “I just think the optics of going to an event where people are paying to see them, and they are financially gaining from this, I am not sure that is the right way to reingratiate them back into the public sphere,” said a former Clinton aide. “They haven’t gone away, and I don’t want them to go away, but I am not sure this is the right venue from an optics standpoint.” The Toronto Star’s review of the night earned the headline, “Hillary and Bill Just Won’t Go Away.” If this were a free tour, or a tour where all the profits went to charity, the optics would be much better. As it is, especially when you remember the Clintons are already worth hundreds of millions of dollars, it looks like just another cynical cash grab for two people who already have more money than they could ever hope to spend. |
Who's Your President, Still Trump !
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Who's Your President, Still Trump ! ![]() OUR PRESIDENT IS DONALD J. TRUMP. ![]() |
So it makes one wonder why so many have Hillary on the brain?
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Thu 11/29/18 06:50 PM
So it makes one wonder why so many have Hillary on the brain? Because,like herpes- Hillary just won't go away... |
so original.
so original. Herpes is not really original but aptly describes a lingering & troublesome health condition... |
Why should we remember not to grab the handle of a hot skillet? Because we'd burn our hands.
Some things we learned for a reason. Like knowing what sour milk smells like. That grey meat will make you sick. Never leave your car unlocked with the key in the ignition in a bad neighborhood. And never forget how dishonest hillary is. |
But Trump is our President. Hilary is not.
so, wouldn't it be more concerning how dishonest TRUMP is? |
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Thu 11/29/18 09:19 PM
But Trump is our President. Hilary is not. so, wouldn't it be more concerning how dishonest TRUMP is? Not to Trump. And not to his followers. Remember, he's above the law. Or, at least that's what he seems to think. Inevitably, Trump Declares He Is Above the Law In part, "It remains our position that the President's actions here, by virtue of his position as the chief law enforcement officer, could neither constitutionally nor legally constitute obstruction because that would amount to him obstructing himself and that he could, if he wished, terminate the inquiry, or even exercise his power to pardon if he so desired". Nixon, he at least had sense enough to resign without dragging the high office through the mud first. Before he made the office and himself, and the whole USA the laughing stock of the world. He knew he was caught. At least he did retain some dignity by resigning. President Trump Is Literally the Laughingstock of the World "The U.N. General Assembly got a good laugh out of the president’s attempt to exaggerate his accomplishments". All this corruption going on around Trump, and he didn't know about it? That's hard to believe. The level of corruption has gotten so deep that only a Trump supporter would turn a blind eye to it. Same thing with his daughter and her emails. Scream from the highest mountain, Lockup Hillary. But when someone in Trump's inner circle does the same thing, Well, that's different. It's an administration full of corruption and hypocrisy. And all most have to say is, But Hillary, But, Obama. That's their standby statement when they have no credible info to offer. Trump doesn't think he's above the law. He thinks he is the law "Donald Trump once said during the 2016 presidential campaign that he could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot someone, and still not lose any voters. And who knows? He may have been right". |
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Fri 11/30/18 06:03 PM
But Trump is our President. Hilary is not. so, wouldn't it be more concerning how dishonest TRUMP is? Exactly ![]() ![]() |
A threat to democracy. (A.K.A. mob rule) I hope he is, since we live in Representative Republic.
It makes me snicker a bit, that those proclaim that we live in a democracy. If we had, I believe we'd see a murder rate about 20 times worse than we do now. Bet the USA would not be here now, if it was. We'd all be part of warring camps, bent on destroying each other. Nope. I don't want to be in a democracy. I'll take our Representative Republic any day of the week. |
Tomato, tomahto.
We are a representative DEMOCRACY, instead of a DIRECT DEMOCRACY. We are also a Democratic Republic. Although, it does seem like we operate more like a plutocracy working very quickly on becoming a Trump led monarchy. |
Tomato, tomahto. We are a representative DEMOCRACY, instead of a DIRECT DEMOCRACY. We are also a Democratic Republic. Although, it does seem like we operate more like a plutocracy working very quickly on becoming a Trump led monarchy. ![]() |