Topic: Mormons Are Not Christian?
LadyValkyrie37's photo
Fri 12/07/07 01:53 PM
In spite of me not being a hard core conservative I still listen to talk shows like Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, ect. quite often. I missed today's Glenn Beck broadcast, but I did receieve the today's email newsletter. I was quite miffed at all the "Christians Attacking Christians" that's going on as I read the newsletter. Read on and you'll see what I mean.

From the Glenn Beck email newsletter:

Glenn not a Christian?

Glenn talked about his appearance on GMA yesterday in which the other guest involved in the segment said he did not believe Mormons were Christian. Fortunately, Glenn was too tired to bother getting overly upset about that claim, but it was still extremely frustrating. It got worse, though, because Glenn was asked to basically explain all of the beliefs of the Mormon Church---in about 40 seconds. Read the transcript here. Insiders listen here.

Read the transcript of the GMA appearance here.

Glenn's not Christian?
DECEMBER 07, 2007


GLENN: ABC wanted me to do something on Good Morning America. It was my understanding, but I've been so busy, I haven't been involved in all the details, but it was my understanding that Diane was going to have a conversation with me on Mitt Romney and what was happening with Mitt Romney and what I thought he should say in the speech, but that would be too reasonable. That would be a reasonable conversation to have. Instead when I arrive, Richard Land is there and he is a Southern Baptist and I said, hello, Richard, how are you? And we talked for a few minutes and he was a very pleasant man. We get on the air and Diane Sawyer, I think the first question out of her mouth is, are Mormons Christian? And, of course, his answer is no, they're not which, you know, under two hours sleep I've got to tell you I had a hard time, you know, just smiling and letting it pass, especially since I only had two hours sleep because I had done a Christmas show the night before where I was talking about the real meaning of Christmas being with redemption and about not the birth of the baby, about the empty tomb and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. So I had a little hard -- it was very difficult for me to let that one pass, but I did.

The next question, with about 40 seconds to go, was about the deep doctrinal issues of Mormonism, and I've got to tell you something. I want you to put yourself in my shoes. Mormons, the doctrine is different. However, that's what attracted me to it. For me some of the things in traditional doctrine just doesn't work, but it works for millions of other people and that's great. Happens to work for millions of Mormons the other way. That's great. You know, I'm not going to preach to you, you don't have to preach to me. We'll pray for each other and we'll see each other on the other side hopefully.

Now, imagine, put yourself in this position. Let's say you are in Saudi Arabia where nobody's ever heard of the trinity. You're a Catholic. Nobody's ever heard of the trinity. What, the trinity? What, it's three in one, they're everywhere and nowhere. Jesus is on the cross but he's really God. So God has died but yet he didn't die and how does this -- imagine you've never heard this before. So you've never heard any kind of explanation. So it works. You know what I mean? You've never heard anybody say, no, no, no, wait, wait, wait, you've got to slow down. She asked me two questions about deep doctrine issues and I had in my ear, 40 seconds. Oh, well, hang on. I've got 40 seconds. Let me explain this to you. You can't explain it in 40 seconds. You can't explain anything of deep philosophical viewpoint or deep theological viewpoint. It took me a year of real studying to be able to understand some of the stuff in all of different doctrines, which leads me to this. Nobody really cares. Nobody really cares.

Look, I've said this before. You have more Jello with stupid carrots in it than you've ever -- I don't even know who came up with Jello and carrots but somehow or another the Mormons did and they're like, "Here, somebody's died, here, have some Jello and carrots." That just makes it worse for me. If you want to know, ask a Mormon. If the media wants to know, why don't you call somebody who, like, actually does this for a living. I hear the Mormons have a university. That's weird. Maybe you should call somebody at the university and talk about their theological doctrine. Have the theological issues taken care of by those people. But see, that's not what it's about. It's about an agenda. It's about an agenda that I'm telling you is going to backfire on the media because if Mitt Romney would get the nomination, Christians will then rally around him and say, whoa, wait a minute, hang on, this looks like it's a persecution of religion because that's exactly what it is.

If I got on the air and I said to you, I'm going to vote for Mitt Romney and I'm going to vote for Mitt Romney because he's a Mormon. Well, wouldn't you think that I'm the dumbest man in America? And you know what, you'd have every right to think that because if I just voted for Mitt Romney because he was a Mormon, I would also have to vote for Harry Reid, and I got news for ya. I ain't ever voting for Harry Reid. I don't care if he is Jack Mormon himself.


coryM18's photo
Fri 12/07/07 02:00 PM
mormons are not christians and i can prove it:
1. they believe that there is someone else in heaven who judges you besides jesus
2.they believe that when you die you go to your own planet and have spirit babies with your wife, which contradicts christianities beleifs. you do not go to your own planet and have spirit babies, you go to heaven and stay there until judgement day, then heaven and earth will become one

so...there you go

LadyValkyrie37's photo
Fri 12/07/07 02:06 PM

you do not go to your own planet and have spirit babies, you go to heaven and stay there until judgement day, then heaven and earth will become one

Not all denominations within Christianity believe this doctrine you speak of. Try researching the beliefs of other denominations within Christianity, instead of staying within your own little box (your own denomination).

wouldee's photo
Fri 12/07/07 02:09 PM
I will not make a judgement, as that is the realm of God.

But I will say, that I've read the entire Book of Mormon and noticed it contained only one reference to faith and grace and not in Biblical context.

What this book means to Mormons is not clear to me.

no photo
Fri 12/07/07 02:15 PM
Edited by caraballoso on Fri 12/07/07 02:16 PM
where in the bible does it say any of that

no photo
Fri 12/07/07 02:19 PM
I think the real question should be this;
Are all red cars Chevy's, or all Chevy's red?
Not, are all Christians Mormon or are all Mormons Christian.
Being a Christian has nothing to do with what doctrine one believes, as we have all believed in something we found to not be true at one point or another, it is about a personal relationship with Jesus. Remember the part where Jesus says "depart from me, I never knew you"? What does it matter how many robes of color you wore? How many people you preached to? How many devils you cast out in His name?
You either have a personal relationship with Jesus or you don't.
There are Baptists that are not Christians, and Christians that are not Baptists. The apostle Paul was not a Christian till he met Jesus on the road to Damascus. After that meeting, he was. He was neither Mormon or Baptist, but he certainly was Christian.

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Fri 12/07/07 02:20 PM
will not make a judgement, as that is the realm of God.

But I will say, that I've read the entire Book of Mormon and noticed it contained only one reference to faith and grace and not in Biblical context.

What this book means to Mormons is not clear to me.

I very well agre with you not making judgement on someone about this issue, Matthew 7 Talks about this...

However in my opinion God also talks about False prohpets. Why would you have a MAN VERSION OF THE BIBLE.!!!!

KalamazooGuy87's photo
Fri 12/07/07 02:24 PM

Not all denominations within Christianity believe this doctrine you speak of. Try researching the beliefs of other denominations within Christianity, instead of staying within your own little box (your own denomination).

You should not have to Search for other denominations. Afterall Denominations are MAN created, which i disagree with to a strong point. The bible never talks about people branching off christiantiy like its some sort of government, this is mans flaws comming out in the church. I do believe however going to a denomination church is not bad, as long as you know your pastor preaches only the bible and not "the little box"

LadyValkyrie37's photo
Fri 12/07/07 02:30 PM
Edited by LadyValkyrie37 on Fri 12/07/07 02:32 PM

Not all denominations within Christianity believe this doctrine you speak of. Try researching the beliefs of other denominations within Christianity, instead of staying within your own little box (your own denomination).

You should not have to Search for other denominations. Afterall Denominations are MAN created, which i disagree with to a strong point. The bible never talks about people branching off christiantiy like its some sort of government, this is mans flaws comming out in the church. I do believe however going to a denomination church is not bad, as long as you know your pastor preaches only the bible and not "the little box"

Learning what others believe has absolutely nothing to do with compromising your own beliefs. Just because one is learning about others beliefs doesn't mean that one is searching for a new religious belief for oneself. It simply means that one is learning what others believe. Why are so many afraid of opening their minds up to knowledge. Knowledge is power.

Oh by the way, I agree that in the beginning Jesus never meant for his followers to branch out into so many different denominations. That is indeed man's doing. Still, there is nothing wrong with learning what others believe.

CraniumDesigns's photo
Fri 12/07/07 02:52 PM
Edited by CraniumDesigns on Fri 12/07/07 02:55 PM
i am a non-denominational christian and i feel it really depends on what you think a christian is. if you follow christ's teachings and you make him the lord of your life, you are a christian.

mormons, pentecostals, catholics, unitarians, episopelians...

they all are christian, but they interpret the bible differently and in the mormon and catholic case even add to their doctrine.

so it's up to god where to determine where he gets pissed enough to cut you out of the christian group.

if i really had to define a true christian, i would say it's anyone who follows the bible as best they can according to christ's teachings and doesnt add to or go against what christ commands.

7th day adventists: think the sabbath is saturday and everyone who goes to church on any other day or works on saturday is not keeping the sabbath, thus violating one of the 10 commandments and not the true church.

Episcopelians: allow their pastors to be openly practicing homosexuals, which most christians consider to be a sinful thing (the sex, not BEING homosexual)

Unitarians: say almost every belief is christian and god loves everyone, and forget god's justiec and punishment for sin

Catholics: say you have to confess to a priest to talk to god, pray to marry, and don't let their priests get married, thus leading to them confusing sex with altar boys as normal

Mormons: believe there's 3 levels of heaven, that you can become a god, that our god was first a human and he has a god wife that he makes spirit babies with, that jesus and satan are brothers, that access to heaven is through works and not faith.

DISCLAIMER: i may be a bit off on some of these things.

my point is it's very hard to even define what a christian means. those who claim to be christian just need to interpret the bible as best they can and follow christ's teachings as best they can, and in the end we'll all see which one was right when we die.

Donnar's photo
Fri 12/07/07 04:53 PM
Mormons are not Christians. Joseph Smith was sad and wanted to be someone. Although his father had a farm, Joseph Smith sat under a tree and "meditated" on how he could make the world a better place. He says an Angel of The Lord appeared to him and showed him where to dig for a book that was placed in the ground when Jesus came to New York state!! The Angel Maroni!! It just does not ring true. I could do that today and write a book of rules to create a "new" church. Joseph Smith wrote the Book of Mormon and it is just pure nonsensical fiction. I know what I am saying. I allowed these Mormon missionaries in my home for more that six months. What they told us, did not make sense. It's a made up religion that has nothing to do with Jesus Christ, except that Joseph Smith says Jesus buried this Book when he "visited" the united states, in particular, NY. It's rubbish. Mormons are not Christians. The Catholic church warns against the "false prophets" of this church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!! Rubbish!! Thank God, He keeps me straight!

CraniumDesigns's photo
Fri 12/07/07 04:55 PM
mormons THINK they're christians though because they follow christ. does that make them christians. i don't know yet.

winnie410's photo
Fri 12/07/07 05:03 PM

Learning what others believe has absolutely nothing to do with compromising your own beliefs. Just because one is learning about others beliefs doesn't mean that one is searching for a new religious belief for oneself. It simply means that one is learning what others believe. Why are so many afraid of opening their minds up to knowledge. Knowledge is power.

thank you ladyv. i agree with you wholeheartedly.

Donnar's photo
Fri 12/07/07 05:05 PM
Mormons refer to Jesus Christ. They do not think He is relevant to their salvation. That is not Christianity!

BillingsDreamer's photo
Fri 12/07/07 05:21 PM
I have one:

Christians are not always Christians:

Mat 13:24 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: Mat 13:25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. Mat 13:26 But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. Mat 13:27 So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares?
Mat 13:28 He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? Mat 13:29 But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. Mat 13:30 Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.

So, there are tares within the "true" Christian body. Why attack people? Why not attack false belief, seek the truth, and try to make certain we are not one of the tares?


Prizzi's photo
Fri 12/07/07 05:31 PM

will not make a judgement, as that is the realm of God.

But I will say, that I've read the entire Book of Mormon and noticed it contained only one reference to faith and grace and not in Biblical context.

What this book means to Mormons is not clear to me.

I very well agre with you not making judgement on someone about this issue, Matthew 7 Talks about this...

However in my opinion God also talks about False prohpets. Why would you have a MAN VERSION OF THE BIBLE.!!!!
Can you elaborate on this last part. I was taught that all the books of the bible were writen by one man or another?

wouldee's photo
Fri 12/07/07 06:22 PM

will not make a judgement, as that is the realm of God.

But I will say, that I've read the entire Book of Mormon and noticed it contained only one reference to faith and grace and not in Biblical context.

What this book means to Mormons is not clear to me.

I very well agre with you not making judgement on someone about this issue, Matthew 7 Talks about this...

However in my opinion God also talks about False prohpets. Why would you have a MAN VERSION OF THE BIBLE.!!!!
Can you elaborate on this last part. I was taught that all the books of the bible were writen by one man or another?


The Bible is a collection of writings that were collected by Christian Theologians who had determined which writings would be included in the whole as being sufficient within themselves, collectively, to point to the life and times of Jesus of Nazareth as the focal point for a full c=and comprehensive,and harmonious record of his teachings and identity as one of supreme distinction reflecting the authority of God's will for mankind.

The Book of mormon is a Novel, for a lack of a better description, of events and history surrounding the purported presence of Jesus Chrit in South and Central American history in an attempt to lend credence for the cultures found there and to have become extinct prior to the arrival of European settlement in the Western Hemisphere.

There are moral lessons and object lessons being postulated in the stories within the writing.

This description is necessarily vague, as that's the impression left on me for having read it.

I did find nothing within the writing that would be viable as an alternative or as an amendment to the Holy Bible in purpose with regards to Jesus Christ himself.