Community > Posts By > Redeyespecial

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Tue 06/10/08 07:57 AM
Greetings everyone,
With violent crimes everywhere you look, more people are arming themselves. There are not enough police to "Protect & Serve" everyone at all times. Without personal protection we all become vulnerable to what ever whims the criminals choose.
If an attack against this "Grandmother, and the child" was to occure, she could not save the child or herself unarmed. I have such a permit, to carry a weapon, but I also have the training to keep the weapon in a safe secure place on my person, and only I can access it. TRAINING being the key word. I have never had to use it, and Pray I never have to, but to save the life of a child under attack, or her Grandmother, I would.
When the training class is taken, we learn where, when, how, and most importantly WHY to use the weapon. I am not a hunter,
but I also am not a willing victem, and would run to safety rather than take a life, but I do not wish to be at the mercy of one that has already displayed the intent to harm another, with no regard to life.
Unfortunate the weapon was not in a safe location, out of reach of an infant, thus TRAINING!!!

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Wed 12/12/07 08:37 AM
I play guitar, keys, sax, bass, drums, and more.
I am a life long B-3 man, but love to play guitar, so that is what I do now. Play the keys in the studio, and the gitar on stage. I also sing, and write, and do a single act.

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Fri 12/07/07 02:19 PM
I think the real question should be this;
Are all red cars Chevy's, or all Chevy's red?
Not, are all Christians Mormon or are all Mormons Christian.
Being a Christian has nothing to do with what doctrine one believes, as we have all believed in something we found to not be true at one point or another, it is about a personal relationship with Jesus. Remember the part where Jesus says "depart from me, I never knew you"? What does it matter how many robes of color you wore? How many people you preached to? How many devils you cast out in His name?
You either have a personal relationship with Jesus or you don't.
There are Baptists that are not Christians, and Christians that are not Baptists. The apostle Paul was not a Christian till he met Jesus on the road to Damascus. After that meeting, he was. He was neither Mormon or Baptist, but he certainly was Christian.

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Fri 10/19/07 04:00 PM
there is another possibility, maybe they didn't read the message yet. Look at your "sent Mail" and see if your message has been read or not

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Fri 04/06/07 08:26 AM
I am new here, and just wanted to say hi to everyone. No need to say
things about me, as there is a profile for that purpose. lol
I hope to meet some wonderful people here, as "Everyone is beautiful, in
their own way"
Have a gr8 day, Andy