Topic: Polls show Democrats have an edge
Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 10/25/18 06:59 PM

The DNC does NOT approve this (true) ad :smile:


no photo
Fri 10/26/18 02:09 PM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Fri 10/26/18 02:10 PM
I. Will be Happy, when the Election is Over ! whoa

So many stupid NEGATIVE commercials on Politians running for office.

So much extra Mail in my box .

Hopefully it turns out what is best for USA. .

November 6

Go Vote. :thumbsup:

no photo
Fri 10/26/18 02:23 PM
I agree. They have the edge on inciting violence over every issue, lying, deep state undermining of this administration, hypocrisy, etc.

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/26/18 03:33 PM
I struggle with Trump as POTUS because I dont think Trump is fit for POTUS. period. Everything is not 'us verse them', despite the rhetoric from both sides.

no photo
Sat 10/27/18 08:07 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Sat 10/27/18 08:11 PM

I struggle with Trump as POTUS because I dont think Trump is fit for POTUS. period. Everything is not 'us verse them', despite the rhetoric from both sides.

The reason I have a problem with him, Trump hurts Trump. He refuses to take responsibility for anything. He constantly incites his base too violence. As proven by watching his videos of him running his hate-filled mouth at his rallies.

But that's not all. Not all by a long shot. Now, because of his ability to get inside the head of an already weak minded person, many bombs were sent out by this person through the mail. Anyone of these bombs could have gone off at any time. They had the ability to cause the death of many. Not just the ones the bombs were intended for.

All because of Trump and his hate-filled spew. Someone like this isn't fit to lead the country. It doesn't matter if you're a Democrat, Republican or somewhere in between. This kind of behavior should be unacceptable of a president by everyone.

If Obama had lied as much as Trump has and caused a shyt storm like this latest with this "mad Republican bomber", some folks would be hollering from the highest peak, "throw him under the jail".

Suspicious packages sent to top Democrats, CNN and others

"Trump declared that “these terrorizing acts are despicable” and said Americans “must unify.”

But his remarks came just hours after Trump tweeted a complaint that the media’s focus on bombs was distracting from Republican efforts in the upcoming midterm elections.

He also put the word “bomb” in quotes, a seeming nod to those who believed the scare was a hoax.
(AP) "

And this is all he can say? It seems to me that the president-n-tweeter could at least show that he cares more about the people that very well could have lost there lives. The overall welfare of innocent people seems to matter less with him because, in his own words it's, "distracting from Republican efforts in the upcoming midterm elections". It's sad.

no photo
Sat 10/27/18 11:00 PM
Edited by tombraider on Sat 10/27/18 11:16 PM

The overall welfare of the citizens are more at risk because of Obama's open border policy..and as far as Obama not lying more than Trump ..really..Obama's whole time in office was one BIG lie..he was a FRAUD from the word go..and as far as any other lies on the part of Obama well you'll be hearing about those...right before they ship his butt off to GITMO ..smile2

And as far as getting into the heads of the weak minded should travel down the rabbit holes that I have..into the world of Anthony Weiner's laptop..or perhaps the Luciferians or Pedophile Island by the way of the Lolita about a dish with Walnut think you know ..did you DO THE you really know what Trump is up against you?....FOLLOW THE RABBIT..Alice


indianadave4's photo
Sun 10/28/18 12:02 AM
I put little trust in polls no matter who does them. 50 years ago the may have been more accurate but not today. I'm going to repost something I posted a few months ago. This is not my material but I find myself agreeing with it's contents:

Article quote:

Some of the doubts are about pollsters’ methods. Do they ask the right questions? Are they manipulating the wording of questions to get the responses they want? And whom did they interview? Some of the doubts are wrapped up in a mistrust of the political parties, marketers, and media giants that pay for the polls.

But it is precisely because of our respect for polling that we are disturbed by many things done in its name. When interest groups commission pollsters to ask leading questions to gather “scientific” proof that the public agrees with whatever demand they are making on government, they demean polling and mislead the public.

Polling is a tool, not a principle. The authors in this issue come neither to praise nor to bury polling. They do, however, acknowledge how important it has become in our democracy. They stress Ronald Reagan’s “trust but verify” rule.


I had a personal experience with a "poll" back in 1978. The Ford Pinto accident/fire happened 20 miles from where I lived. One year later a law suit was filed against Ford. One day after dinner I took a phone call and the person said this was a poll but didn't say for whom. The questions were worded in such a way that it made me seem anti-manufacturer and eventually anti-Ford. I cut the pollster short and said "you're trying to affect a possible civil trial jury" (my mother was a federal court deputy clerk and I was sensitive to this kind of game). The pollster coughed and tried to move in another direction. I told the person I resented what they were trying to do and hung up the phone.

no photo
Sun 10/28/18 12:26 AM
Edited by tombraider on Sun 10/28/18 12:29 AM

If you really want to know the truth Charles QUIT huffing the Mockingbird media ink and "DO THE RESEARCH"..Break free of the matrix that has kept us brainwashed and doing the DEEP STATE'S bidding since the beginning of this GREAT nation..Trump is right we must unify because...

UNITED WE STAND..divided we fall and WWG1 WGA..

We don't have to like Trump but believe it or not we need him because he is trying to show us ALL just how we have been brainwashed by the media and how badly we have been DUPED ..and if we don't unify and stand with Trump than we are inadvertently helping the Luciferians ..the illuminati the KABAL regain control of our nation and our they will surely once again enslave us all..the TRUTH is out just need to DO THE RESEARCH..and trust the plan..

Whether you realize it or not Trump was brought in to expose all the traitors and pedophiles who have been controlling our nation our lives for a long time..and GITMO is about to get FULL..spock

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/28/18 02:14 AM

The overall welfare of the citizens are more at risk because of Obama's open border policy..and as far as Obama not lying more than Trump ..really..Obama's whole time in office was one BIG lie..he was a FRAUD from the word go..and as far as any other lies on the part of Obama well you'll be hearing about those...right before they ship his butt off to GITMO ..smile2

And as far as getting into the heads of the weak minded should travel down the rabbit holes that I have..into the world of Anthony Weiner's laptop..or perhaps the Luciferians or Pedophile Island by the way of the Lolita about a dish with Walnut think you know ..did you DO THE you really know what Trump is up against you?....FOLLOW THE RABBIT..Alice


alot of vague accusations there tomb, EXACTLY what policy was unique under OBAMA regarding 'open' borders.

how was he a fraud? why would he be going to GITMO?
You got access to Anthony Weiners laptop? how so?
Why is anthony weiner THe selected entry way into a 'rabbit hole'
Who is a luciferian or pedophile and what proof is there?
I have researched. I come up short on these repetitive fear tactic claims ...

I know Trump is up against what any POTUS has been up against, the part of the country that didnt vote for him, and the party that he is not a member of that is stuck in the cycle of 'us verse them' politics.

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/28/18 02:16 AM

I put little trust in polls no matter who does them. 50 years ago the may have been more accurate but not today. I'm going to repost something I posted a few months ago. This is not my material but I find myself agreeing with it's contents:

Article quote:

Some of the doubts are about pollsters’ methods. Do they ask the right questions? Are they manipulating the wording of questions to get the responses they want? And whom did they interview? Some of the doubts are wrapped up in a mistrust of the political parties, marketers, and media giants that pay for the polls.

But it is precisely because of our respect for polling that we are disturbed by many things done in its name. When interest groups commission pollsters to ask leading questions to gather “scientific” proof that the public agrees with whatever demand they are making on government, they demean polling and mislead the public.

Polling is a tool, not a principle. The authors in this issue come neither to praise nor to bury polling. They do, however, acknowledge how important it has become in our democracy. They stress Ronald Reagan’s “trust but verify” rule.


I had a personal experience with a "poll" back in 1978. The Ford Pinto accident/fire happened 20 miles from where I lived. One year later a law suit was filed against Ford. One day after dinner I took a phone call and the person said this was a poll but didn't say for whom. The questions were worded in such a way that it made me seem anti-manufacturer and eventually anti-Ford. I cut the pollster short and said "you're trying to affect a possible civil trial jury" (my mother was a federal court deputy clerk and I was sensitive to this kind of game). The pollster coughed and tried to move in another direction. I told the person I resented what they were trying to do and hung up the phone.

i believe polls are as good as their source. News polls will generally slant to the predominant view of their VIEWERSHIP, more than the general public. More reliable, but not perfect, are non profit based polls or even those conducted by collegiate sources, which are going to have a more random sampling of POVs.

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/28/18 02:19 AM

If you really want to know the truth Charles QUIT huffing the Mockingbird media ink and "DO THE RESEARCH"..Break free of the matrix that has kept us brainwashed and doing the DEEP STATE'S bidding since the beginning of this GREAT nation..Trump is right we must unify because...

UNITED WE STAND..divided we fall and WWG1 WGA..

We don't have to like Trump but believe it or not we need him because he is trying to show us ALL just how we have been brainwashed by the media and how badly we have been DUPED ..and if we don't unify and stand with Trump than we are inadvertently helping the Luciferians ..the illuminati the KABAL regain control of our nation and our they will surely once again enslave us all..the TRUTH is out just need to DO THE RESEARCH..and trust the plan..

Whether you realize it or not Trump was brought in to expose all the traitors and pedophiles who have been controlling our nation our lives for a long time..and GITMO is about to get FULL..spock

I must correct you. Before Trump was president, as recently as 2016, I was and had not been 'brainwashed' by media or helping luciferians, illiminati, kabal, nor were they controlling my nation or life (any more or less than are two years later) I was not enslaved by them any more than than two years later either.

research becomes useless when all the sources are deemed to be 'fake' or 'brainwashing' except those that fit what we 'want' to believe but cannot really prove.

Easttowest72's photo
Sun 10/28/18 03:45 AM
I don't think many people are really affected by the media. I don't believe the care about stormy or believe Trump is terrible because of locker room talk. I believe it's very simple. People who have low incomes and need entitlements hate Trump. They don't want the jobs he is bringing back to our country. They don't really want open borders but they want the illegal vote and more lefty protestors. It's very important that we keep Trump in office and maga.

Rock's photo
Sun 10/28/18 05:22 AM
Democrats have an edge in a poll conducted by... Democrats.

* Shocking *

Guess it would totally suck for dems,
if they were losing in a poll conducted by... Dems.

Lpdon's photo
Sun 10/28/18 06:07 AM
Every poll showed that Hillary was going to win in 2016. Polls don't mean anything anymore. That's why the Democrats are worrying and downplaying the blue wave. Even Bernie and the DNC chair have come out and minimalized it. They realize they wont win the Senate and there is a good chance they wont flip the house how ever they will win a few Governorships.

Lpdon's photo
Sun 10/28/18 06:15 AM

I. Will be Happy, when the Election is Over ! whoa

So many stupid NEGATIVE commercials on Politians running for office.

So much extra Mail in my box .

Hopefully it turns out what is best for USA. .

November 6

Go Vote. :thumbsup:

I agree...… Your comment made me think. I though the Democrats were all about saving the environment and trees? Well so far this election cycle I have gotten more mailers from Democrat's, the candidates and their PACS on an average of 5 mailers from the Democrats for every one mailer from Republicans.

no photo
Sun 10/28/18 07:01 AM
I've lived under a saying that fits these times perfectly.

"Question Reality"

For me, anyone in sales or selling something-is an automatic liar. You have to prove to me why you're right. I don't buy what the liberal media is shoveling. Quote all of your news sources you want to. If one story is wrong, and I know it, then the entire source is useless.

Got a college degree? So? It means you've bought into the system that's out to bombard you with liberal teaching. Waving a diploma at me means that you think you're smart. Just shows me how dumb you are, and you've got the paper to prove it. I knew one kid that had a degree in archeology, a masters. I met him at 84 Lumber, being a loader. He was a useless loader at that.

All of you libs on here want to talk over my head, and I should be impressed with it. Wrong. It just means that you're too dumb to see that people need old fashioned convincing to sell your point. And you're NOT doing it.

A friend of mine has a doctorate in engineering. What he does, all day long, is re-write instructions so that normal people can understand what is put in front of them. Sound silly? Not when he gets paid six figures to do it.

A good newspaper prints stories that a person with a seventh grade reading level can understand them. Most smart libs don't do that. Hillary lost because she was too busy talking over peoples heads. Trump won because he knew, and applied that to his target audience. Had he run against obama in 2008, obama would have been a failed candidate.

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/28/18 12:53 PM

I've lived under a saying that fits these times perfectly.

"Question Reality"

For me, anyone in sales or selling something-is an automatic liar. You have to prove to me why you're right. I don't buy what the liberal media is shoveling. Quote all of your news sources you want to. If one story is wrong, and I know it, then the entire source is useless.

Got a college degree? So? It means you've bought into the system that's out to bombard you with liberal teaching. Waving a diploma at me means that you think you're smart. Just shows me how dumb you are, and you've got the paper to prove it. I knew one kid that had a degree in archeology, a masters. I met him at 84 Lumber, being a loader. He was a useless loader at that.

All of you libs on here want to talk over my head, and I should be impressed with it. Wrong. It just means that you're too dumb to see that people need old fashioned convincing to sell your point. And you're NOT doing it.

A friend of mine has a doctorate in engineering. What he does, all day long, is re-write instructions so that normal people can understand what is put in front of them. Sound silly? Not when he gets paid six figures to do it.

A good newspaper prints stories that a person with a seventh grade reading level can understand them. Most smart libs don't do that. Hillary lost because she was too busy talking over peoples heads. Trump won because he knew, and applied that to his target audience. Had he run against obama in 2008, obama would have been a failed candidate.

most people on the forum arent in seventh grade. ANd most seventh graders are concerned with things besides reading newspapers. Just a thought.

and seventh graders CERTAINLY dont vote.

yes, as people get older, there is a reasonable expectation that they are growing, that includes emotionally, physically AND Intellectually. MAybe that is WHY we dont have seventh graders running for office and voting.

just a thought.

no photo
Sun 10/28/18 02:44 PM
Edited by tombraider on Sun 10/28/18 02:56 PM

REALLY Ms. h then take a look at DEARBORN MICHIGAN and see what I'm taking about..GO AHEAD look at it on YOUTUBE.matter of fact everyone should see what OBAMA has done..and theyre being supported on our dime..I'll let the films speak for themselves



*SHARIA LAW in Dearborn Michigan*

There you go debate that Ms.H..and Oama was a FRAUD because he was NOT a natural born citizen and his birth certificate was FORGED..look it up

Everyone should view these films on YOUTUBE..this is what your great Obama attention people

As far as brainwashing or who controls what..DO THE RESEARCH that I have and you will begin to know the TRUTH..but until you really don't know..should I post more videos for ya..but take a look at these and you have NO argument or debate as far as what Obama is about also check out the similarities with the birth certificate of Johana A Nee..

msharmony's photo
Sun 10/28/18 02:53 PM

REALLY Ms. h then take a look at DEARBORN MICHIGAN and see what I'm taking about..GO AHEAD look at it on YOUTUBE.matter of fact everyone should see what OBAMA has done..and theyre being supported on our dime..I'll let the films speak for themselves



*SHARIA LAW in Dearborn Michigan*

There you go debate that Ms.H..and Oama was a FRAUD because he was NOT a natural born citizen and his birth certificate was FORGED..look it up

Everyone should view these films on YOUTUBE..this is what your great Obama attention people

you give me nothing to debate when you only provide words...\

WHAT in Dearborn SPECIFICALLY, are you talking about?

WHAT on YouTube are you talking about and what is the source? My teenage cousins post to YouTube, but I wouldnt take their opinons as gospel or facts either.

Why would obama not be natural born when his mom was living in Hawaii? would she have traveled to AFrica, to have a child and then had someone go back and retroactively place in the newspaper his birth at a HAWAIIAN hosptial? Do you see how the preponderance of evidence is against these conspiracies that usually are their own and ONLY source of verification?


What persons of power would it take to forge a birth certificate and to what end? were there not other democrats running with similar points of view and who met the historical prerequisite of being WHITE MEN?


no photo
Sun 10/28/18 02:59 PM

I didn't think you would look at them because once you do you will see the TRUTH..but thats o.k others will and it was for them that I put those out there...I see quite clearly now that you don't want to see that which conflicts and shows proof of what I say..DONT DEBATE . JUST.LOOK IT UP