Topic: Polls show Democrats have an edge
msharmony's photo
Tue 09/11/18 09:33 AM
Edited by msharmony on Tue 09/11/18 09:34 AM
This mismatch between the electoral and popular votes came about because Trump won several large states (such as Florida, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin) by very narrow margins, gaining all their electoral votes in the process, even as Clinton claimed other large states (such as California, Illinois and New York) by much wider margins. Trump’s share of the popular vote, in fact, was the seventh-smallest winning percentage since 1828, when presidential campaigns began to resemble those of today.

the electoral is a sum of state sways in popular vote, regardless of how small, which is why the country's popular vote can often not reflect the same results.

but the POTUS is the POTUS.

as to party politics, I get sick of it. I really dont care if the winners are dems or republicans, I REALLY DONT. I care if the people representing America show an interest in knowing about and trying to represent all the demographics that America consists of, and not just a selective (lobbying) few.

no photo
Mon 09/24/18 11:11 AM
US midterm elections 2018 poll tracker: Who will win the Congress?

"November 6, America will go to the polls to elect members for each of the 435 House seats and 35 of the 100 Senate seats in Congress".

"Donald Trump and the Republicans will hope to maintain their majority in both houses, but with the Democrats having a healthy lead in the polls, it is believed that they have a decent chance of taking the House of Representatives".

msharmony's photo
Mon 09/24/18 12:08 PM
whatever side of the aisle they come from, I hope we get some educated young blood that wants to represent the people's interest and not just the interests of the elite.


no photo
Mon 09/24/18 12:19 PM
wouldn't that be nice, for a change?

no photo
Mon 09/24/18 02:45 PM

whatever side of the aisle they come from, I hope we get some educated young blood that wants to represent the people's interest and not just the interests of the elite.


Same here. I don't care if it's Dem or Rep or someone in the middle. As long as they do there job and not bring shame on the office of the president.

msharmony's photo
Mon 09/24/18 03:44 PM
here, here ...drinker

no photo
Mon 10/08/18 10:57 AM
Republicans fear Democratic 'blue wave' spreading to once-safe districts

In Part,

"But the real reason they were there was basic: Donald Trump. They don't like the president, and they were not about to vote for anyone, like Brat, who supports him.

“More than the policy, it’s the animosity he is fostering within the country,” Sneed said of Trump".

msharmony's photo
Mon 10/08/18 11:00 AM
The irony in it is how many voted for Trump more out of hatred of Hilary. and now looks as if what goes around will come around.

it is sad, I wish candidates were elected based on their MERIT and EXPERIENCE, instead of out of protest of other candidates. but this is what our reality tv, selfie culture of politics has become.

If it bleeds it leads, and if it shares my hate, it gets elected.

Easttowest72's photo
Mon 10/08/18 11:01 AM
Democrats are fond of those polls. :sweat_smile:

no photo
Tue 10/09/18 12:59 AM

The irony in it is how many voted for Trump more out of hatred of Hilary. and now looks as if what goes around will come around.

it is sad, I wish candidates were elected based on their MERIT and EXPERIENCE, instead of out of protest of other candidates. but this is what our reality tv, selfie culture of politics has become.

If it bleeds it leads, and if it shares my hate, it gets elected.

I know. It really shows how sick minded people are becoming. Trump plays on that sickness in people. In other words, he makes it worse. And enjoys doing it. He said it out of his own mouth. He loves the uneducated. Because he plays on there ignorance and hate. Hate breeds hate.

And they fall for it because of the deep ignorant hate they already have. They identify with Trump. Because he spews what they want to hear.

It kinda reminds me of the 60's when white folks hated blacks for no real reason. If they didn't have a reason, they made up one. Much the same with Hillary Clinton.

Clinton was investigated 6 ways from Sunday. Upside down, sideways and backward. And It was a lot longer than a week. Something like 2 years I believe it was. And not one thing was found to put her in prison for.

But, Trump backers hate is so deep and so ignorant, It doesn't matter that she was found not guilty of purposely doing anything illegal. They think she should be hung by the neck till dead anyway. That is blind hatred for no reason.

It doesn't matter whether she could have done a better job or not. It's all about the blind hate.

You can't argue with blind hate. No matter what you try to show them, they are so consumed with their blind hate, Well, they are blind. And blind they will remain.

Congress spent more time investigating Benghazi than it did 9/11

"Congressional investigations have a way of stretching from months to years, but the House committee probe into 2012’s Benghazi attack was especially lengthy. At two years and four months, it was longer than Congressional probes into 9/11, Watergate, the JFK assassination and Pearl Harbor".

Easttowest72's photo
Tue 10/09/18 02:26 AM
Democrats are struggling with their campaign. Obama care failed. Nobody wants open borders except illegals and the people exploiting the illegals. Welfare for all is stupid with a great economy. Tax payers vote on JOBS FOR ALL. Our country was built by hardworking capitalists who support freedom. Democrats want socialism. :thinking: We here democrats voice loud and clear because the media wants rating and dems put on a Jerry Springer show.

no photo
Tue 10/09/18 02:38 AM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Tue 10/09/18 02:44 AM
Michelle Obama Gives the Speech America Needs to Hear Right Now

People think Obamacare is failing, but they want it anyway

"President Trump unabashedly tries to create his own reality, urging Americans to ignore facts and even their life experience. When it comes to their health care, however, he’s having only minimal success convincing Americans that he has already destroyed Obamacare".

And if it does fail, you can only blame one, Trump.

Easttowest72's photo
Tue 10/09/18 04:40 AM
Obama care was a flop from day 1. The govt paying premiums for people who can't afford to pay premiums. Then give them a $5000 deductible. If they can't pay premiums, how the hell are they going to pay the deductible? They can't but insurance companies got a little money out of the poor bastards.

Lpdon's photo
Wed 10/10/18 12:04 AM

Democrats are fond of those polls. :sweat_smile:

Poll's showed Candidate Trump wouldn't make it past the primaries then one by one knocked every candidate out of the race. Poll's showed he wouldn't win the general election yet he KO'd Hillary. Polls are crap.

Lpdon's photo
Wed 10/10/18 12:05 AM
Edited by Lpdon on Wed 10/10/18 12:07 AM

Democrats are struggling with their campaign. Obama care failed. Nobody wants open borders except illegals and the people exploiting the illegals. Welfare for all is stupid with a great economy. Tax payers vote on JOBS FOR ALL. Our country was built by hardworking capitalists who support freedom. Democrats want socialism. :thinking: We here democrats voice loud and clear because the media wants rating and dems put on a Jerry Springer show.

Democrats don't want to mention that the biggest group exploiting illegal immigrants is the group formerly known as La Raza (they are called something else now because of the negative press). All those privately owned prisons, who do you think runs them? The board members of La Raza. Who's making hundreds of millions off of the illegals? Those very board members. What was their response? Well, they are our people, we know how to handle them....

Lpdon's photo
Wed 10/10/18 12:09 AM

The same pollsters had Clinton winning in 2016.

We all saw how that worked out.

Perhaps, if the pollsters wait until AFTER an election,
they might stand a slightly better chance of accuracy.


You have to admit, we all went into election day with not a good feeling, then one by one candidate Trump pulled it off. The best part of the night was seeing Hillary's look of disbelief after she realized she lost and was giving her speech. PRICELESS!

no photo
Sun 10/14/18 01:41 PM
Edited by Charles1962150 on Sun 10/14/18 01:46 PM
Trump on rally blitz as he tries to stave off Dem gains

"President Donald Trump gazes out over his rally crowd and looses a stream of insults with a theatrical flourish and playful grin. He jabs at Cory Booker the “disaster” mayor, Elizabeth Warren the “Pocahontas” pretender and “sleepy” Joe Biden".

Midterm elections: Voter enthusiasm soars among young people, Democrats and minorities, says new poll

"Voter enthusiasm is soaring ahead of the midterm elections – especially among young people, minorities and Democrats, a new poll suggests.

Turnout during midterms is typically considerably less than during a presidential election year. In 2014, just 37 per cent of people voted – the lowest percentage since World War II – while 61 per cent cast ballots in 2016".

Easttowest72's photo
Mon 10/15/18 12:35 AM
I saw two candidates debating in CNN the other day. The Democratic candidate insulted older voters. The Republican candidate look at her and said wow you just eliminated a large percentage of people who are the ones who are most likely to vote. She quickly tried to change what she said.

Young people are more likely to repeat what they've been taught in school. But they are less likely to vote. We will soon see. My young adult kids aren't showing any interest in voting and I had a young black girl ask me if she would be arrested if she didn't vote. I don't see it working for the dems.

no photo
Mon 10/15/18 06:42 AM

Charles you do realize what you are saying is FAKE NEWS..I've said it before I'll say it again..Break Free of the MATRIX..There are so many democrats who are walking away from that party..but you really don't think they want to report that do you..just like they don't report all the good that Trump is doing..DO THE RESEARCH ..the democrats and the media are still working to control what you think..Mind control has been happening since our birth in one form or another..we have got to start thinking for ourselves...

Besides this is not about the Dems v. Reps this is about GOOD v.EVIL and the evil ones have sold us out in so many ways..realize what this fight is really about and join the movement...WWG1 WGA is not about Trump..but about all of us..we may all have our differences but in this fight we must realize who the true enemy really is and unify...FOLLOW THE RABBIT..Alice

msharmony's photo
Mon 10/15/18 09:48 AM
Kanye? Is that you?