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Sat 11/10/18 06:06 PM
President Donald Trump Tweet On California Wildfires Roils Hollywood
"Trump has blasted what he termed the “gross mismanagement” of California’s forests, which he claimed led to the massive wildfires in the state. The President’s tweet added to the misery of the estimated 200,000 people evacuated from Northern and Southern California. So far, 6,700 structures have burned in the fires, with at least 9 people confirmed dead and entire areas wiped out. Trump’s harsh assessment and lack of empathy angered many in the Hollywood community". |
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Sat 11/10/18 11:27 PM
Twitter Pelts Trump With Photos Of Obama In The Rain After He Ditches Cemetery Visit
President Donald Trump skipped a visit Saturday to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France – where U.S. war dead were being honored – because of rain. They zapped him with a series of tweets showing Barack Obama in downpours honoring those who fought in wars in what was bound to be particularly galling to the president". Winston Churchill’s grandson Nicholas Soames, a member of the British Parliament, blasted Trump as “pathetic” and “inadequate” for failing to show up. Add more to the embarrassment he's already caused. |
Twitter Pelts Trump With Photos Of Obama In The Rain After He Ditches Cemetery Visit President Donald Trump skipped a visit Saturday to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France – where U.S. war dead were being honored – because of rain. They zapped him with a series of tweets showing Barack Obama in downpours honoring those who fought in wars in what was bound to be particularly galling to the president". Winston Churchill’s grandson Nicholas Soames, a member of the British Parliament, blasted Trump as “pathetic” and “inadequate” for failing to show up. Add more to the embarrassment he's already caused. In Paris, Trump stood alone "At a weekend commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the end of World War 1, the president who proudly declares himself a "nationalist" stood apart, even on a continent where his brand of populism is on the rise. He began his visit with a tweet slamming the French president's call for a European defense force, arrived at events alone and spent much of his trip out of sight in the American ambassadors' residence in central Paris. On Sunday, he listened as he was lectured on the dangers of nationalist isolation, and then he headed home as the inaugural Paris Peace Summit was getting underway. The visit made clear that nearly two years after taking office, Trump has dramatically upended decades of American foreign policy posture, shaking allies. That includes French President Emmanuel Macron, who on Sunday warned the "ancient demons" that caused World War I and millions of deaths were once again making headway". |
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Sun 11/11/18 02:37 PM
Not too sure I believe this one. Not that I would put it past him. Just seems if it were true it would be on more news outlets.
Feds Now Have Evidence Trump Broke the Law to Become President. Will Whitaker Bury It? "Friday’s in-depth Wall Street Journal report suggests the U.S. Attorney’s Office of the Southern District of New York and the FBI appear to possess evidence of Donald Trump’s involvement in a criminal scheme that helped get him elected president. This raises serious questions about what comes next, particularly in light of Trump’s appointment of Matthew Whitaker, a political loyalist, as acting attorney general". Democrats to probe Trump actions on AT&T, Amazon: aide "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - When Democrats take control of the U.S. House they plan to investigate the Trump administration's attempt to block AT&T Inc from acquiring Time Warner, and whether officials sought to punish Inc by prodding the U.S. Post Office to hike shipping prices for the world's largest e-commerce company, a senior Democrat and a congressional aide said on Sunday". |
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Sun 11/11/18 04:23 PM
Did you ever give it any thought that maybe some of the things he's done is because some of these so called European allies were colluding with Obama and Hillary to spy on him..There is a reason some of these countries don't want him to declassify these FISAS..I wonder what Trump knows that the rest of us don't ..ALOT.. Not to mention he's trying to break away from the Federal Reserve..I wonder who has real control over all that money..hmm And that's what these Mockingbird media outlets do ..take advantage of what you don't know and add their own twist..when are some people going to realize they are being manipulated to help the Deep State overthrow their own government... So that the Deep State can carry on with their BS ideology of a New World Order and global dominance while continuing to enslave us all... ![]() WWG1 WGA |
Who are these "ancient demons" who caused WW1....that are making headway presently..... that the French president referring to...Op?
One thing is sure people will have opinions we find outlandish. lol
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Sun 11/11/18 06:37 PM
One thing is sure people will have opinions we find outlandish. lol This is true. every opinion has a counter opinion. However, there is a difference between personal attacks and mere copy and paste links or stories from other sources. Charles seems to stand out in the latter in comparison to his engagement in the former. Whereas most other public posts have an excess of personal attacks, and lack of any substantial back up source or information. ![]() |
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Sun 11/11/18 07:15 PM
When the Dems take control of the house they plan on doing everything they can to stop the declassification of the FISAS and keeping the information about their corruption from getting out...that's what they plan on doing..Hopefully AG Whitaker will have something to say about that... ![]() Obama a traitor in the rain..I don't find that very news worthy..but a U.S president who knows there was an assassination plot in France might make one look at his skipping the visit to the cemetery a little more understanding.. you didn't know....doesn't surprise me..but just the fact that he didn't go to the ceremony was news worthy..I wonder why that is ..some more of that Globalist Mockingbird media twisted to rile the unknowing unhinged manipulated masses..naw..that can't be it.. ![]() |
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Sun 11/11/18 07:55 PM
ALL anyone has to do to find out what Hillary and Obama are about is look it up at... WIKILEAKS..I would trust WIKILEAKS way more than the Mockingbird media who has been PROVEN to deliver FAKE news whereas WIKILEAKS has go ahead give it a try look up any one of those praised corrupted losers Obama or Hillary..there is WAY too much on either one of those two traitors for anyone to be defending them...Sessions is out Whitaker is in and that spells trouble for the corrupted ones ..and that is why they are up in arms about him..Get ready..the SHOW is about to begin.. ![]() |
Ahhhh ... Wikileaks, the Icelandic FACEBOOK, that allows anyone to post anything anonymously.
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Sun 11/11/18 08:23 PM
Aww the Mockingbird media controlled by the CIA since the beginning of Project MOCKINGBIRD.And the WIKILEAKS info I'm talking about comes straight off of Obama's and Hillary's how do you dispute that..Ya can't..and you can find several sources on their emails..I know those are all fake Let me guess you all think they aren't in jail because they did no wrong..yea that's it.. ![]() |
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Sun 11/11/18 08:57 PM
One thing is sure people will have opinions we find outlandish. lol I post the news. It's the news of the day. What millions of people read every day. Before I started posting the great majority of the threads started were one-sided. Usually full of nothing but attacks of others and far out conspiracy claims with nothing to back it up. You'll see a lot of that here. At least what I post you can make sense of. And the reader can follow it all the way through the "rabbit hole" without being misled. The Report on the F.B.I.’s Clinton Investigation Is 500 Pages. Our Experts Broke It Down. "June 14, 2018 A much-anticipated inspector general’s report about the F.B.I.’s handling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton released on Thursday found that the former director James B. Comey was “insubordinate,” but it did not challenge the decision not to charge Mrs. Clinton and did not conclude that bias influenced that choice. The Justice Department’s inspector general, Michael E. Horowitz, criticized several aspects of the federal investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of state. Among them were a decision by Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch to meet former President Bill Clinton on an airport tarmac; the move by Mr. Comey to publicly say the bureau was recommending no charges while also condemning Mrs. Clinton’s conduct in detail; and Mr. Comey’s disclosure that the F.B.I. had reopened the investigation after finding new evidence to examine, and his re-closing of it days before the 2016 presidential election". Some people just can't handle the truth. They will live in their fantasy world of make-believe, grounded in hate and misinformation first. While they spread there lies to anyone uneducated enough, or mentally unfit enough, or someone just looking for a cause, to listen. |
Trump’s statements to black women journalists called ‘particularly insidious’ 90% of black voters voted democrat and only 9% voted Republican. I wonder why? (See the first link to know part of the reason why.) Trump is a Democrats best friend. Every time he opens his mouth. Maybe he's a closet Democrat? Sure seems like it. Is Donald Trump an undercover Democrat? "It is impossible to make sense of anything that has happened in the White House during the past seven months. Even if you were to come up with a reasonable explanation for Donald Trump's bizarre behavior, it most certainly would be wrong. But I'm going to give it a shot anyway. Trump is a Democrat working undercover. He's not just any Dem, though. He's a bitterly scheming, conniving one who will go to any lengths, even sacrificing his own dignity, to bring the Republican establishment down". Sure would explain a lot. |
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Mon 11/12/18 07:38 AM
Here you go folks..I have been telling you all that OBAMA is a TRAITOR..some want to debate..not a problem.....Give this a listen and see if this is not also reflective as to what TRUMP said in his news conference about OBAMA not funding the military before Trump left for France..on YOUTUBE.. This is NOT a link ..You will have to type it in after you go to... YOUTUBE TRU NEWS * 4 Star Admiral Accuses Barack Obama Of Treason* April 26,2015 Give this a listen and see if this is not reflective as to what you are seeing with your OWN EYES... TODAY Now who thinks they know more than this 4 Star Admiral...CHECK IT OUT..BOOM..stick a fork in it...IT"S DONE.. ![]() ![]() WWG1 WGA |
How's that for a rabbit hole... ![]() |
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Mon 11/12/18 11:58 AM
AP FACT CHECK: Trump's rhetoric on voter fraud is misleading
"WASHINGTON (AP) — Facing closely contested election races in Florida and Arizona, President Donald Trump is spreading misleading rhetoric regarding voting fraud. He says votes are suspiciously appearing "out of the wilderness" in Arizona after Election Day to boost the Democratic candidate in the Senate race. It's actually typical for the state to take additional days after an election to finish tabulating mail-in votes". Trump also suggests that heavily Democratic counties in Florida may be improperly seeking to inflate the Democratic vote in the state's Senate and governor races. There's no evidence of that. The Florida state agencies charged with investigating potential fraud say no credible allegations exist. No ‘Treason’ or ‘Bust’ for Obama "A story making the rounds online has distorted an account of former President Barack Obama’s last few months in office. The story claims that he committed treason and that there has been a “bust” by the “feds.” Neither is true". The claims were concocted from a story published in the New York Times on May 30 that included anecdotes from a book by one of Obama’s longtime advisers, Ben Rhodes. Is Trump treasonous? Here’s the legal and historical answer to that charge "President Donald Trump is being lumped in with Revolutionary war traitor Benedict Arnold, the infamous Aaron Burr and World War Two propagandist Tokyo Rose after his controversial face-to-face meeting with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki. The president appeared to publicly side with the ex-KGB agent over U.S. spymasters on whether Russia tried to sway the 2016 election. A treasonous act? Politically damaging, yes, but legally and historically the answer is almost certainly no. |
Back up fake news with more fake news. I've seen his sources. Not a bit of it is worth diddly. It's like debating whether the the sky is green, or orange. Fact checking lies, and countering it with other lies is a big waste of time.
I see his mug on the corner of the post-It's not worth reading. |
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Mon 11/12/18 02:41 PM
Obama didn't fund the military!
![]() He and Hillary are two peas in a Pot. 2020 Should be interesting election ! |
A lot of people voted ILLEGALY....look it's basically rampant..all one has to do is the research's there..NO LINKS ..just type in on YOUTUBE.. Project Veritas Illegal Mid Term Voting 2018 Scroll down and check out all the corruption involving voting and then some..I'm sure there will be more to come out..but you probably wont see it on the FAKE news channels.. All I can say is that Trump should have this investigated and then prosecute them ALL to the full extent of the law... ![]() And just so some know ..there are many sites so you can VALIDATE it for yourselves... ![]() And yes I do know there are some from years will just have to discern which of those apply to now..but indeed they are there.. I say there should be an election do over...because this one was purely BOGUS.. Interesting ![]() |