Community > Posts By > Godsfriend10

Godsfriend10's photo
Thu 08/29/19 11:24 AM

Hi godsfriend, all good thanks.
How are things going with your country now?

Good to hear. I hope you all are bracing up for brexit.
As for my nation, everyone is their own savior. You take your destiny in your hands. If you wait for the government,then you are in deep shot. Politicians are after winning the next elections and perpetuating themselves and cronies in power rather than solving the myriads challenges bedevilling a nation.

Godsfriend10's photo
Thu 08/29/19 10:55 AM

Good afternoon godsfriend, exactly. weather it's right or wrong it's easy for us to tell them what to do as we have everything
I don't see the same uproar in columbia where the cocaine is produced, couldn't have that failing, what would the west do laugh

Greetings to you Mikey. How are you my friend?

Godsfriend10's photo
Tue 08/27/19 06:28 AM
Edited by Godsfriend10 on Tue 08/27/19 06:31 AM

It is a shame crystal, it's like you buying a car. then we discover it pollutes, you keep it and drive around but your neighbours can't buy one because we are wiser now!
Make any sense?
They still have a country to feed.

Citizens of developing economies are much concerned about were their next meal will come from rather than any long term environmental benefits of conservation which they cant readily relate to .

Godsfriend10's photo
Mon 11/12/18 02:41 AM
Edited by Godsfriend10 on Mon 11/12/18 02:45 AM

I do not believe in reincarnation. I do believe our spirit may live on after our physical body expires.

Talking of the human spirit, death actually occurs when the the immaterial spirit departs the material body.
Oh how we humans fail to take advantage of the latent powers of the human spirit.
The human spirit is our higher self,our mentality (mind , brain ,) are actually our lower self.
Most people live by only their mentality ignoring the perfect guidance offered by the human spirit.
If the human spirit instructs our mentality always then we will be far from errors. It a tough call.
For over ten years now I have been researching the human spirit .
I think the Bible provides the most accurate ,in-depth look at this. I have read other texts like the spiritual Man by watchman Nee.
I have experienced astrals projections where my immaterial human spirit left my body and returned to it after undertaking a task.
Every time I heed the guidance of my human spirit I don't lose. I am still learning to master it.
The human spirit can let you know the outcome of future events in the present and you profit from it.
I was able to predict the winner of last FIFA soccer world cup using my human spirit two weeks before the finals. I made thousands of dollars from it. It's a tough but highly rewarding path to follow .There are other examples. I am still learning.
Finally,the spirit is eternal-never dies.
It's the body that dies. The spirit lives on when it departs the body -the body stops breathing!

Godsfriend10's photo
Mon 11/12/18 01:44 AM

God's Friend, I will set up a post soon...gotta find my notes. stay tuned.

Ok Rob , fingers crossed!

Godsfriend10's photo
Sun 11/11/18 05:05 PM
Who are these "ancient demons" who caused WW1....that are making headway presently..... that the French president referring to...Op?

Godsfriend10's photo
Sun 11/11/18 04:42 PM

in paranormal section 3 years ago...i wrote the axcount....dont know if it's there anymore.

Ok , I don't think it's still here.

Godsfriend10's photo
Sat 11/10/18 12:40 PM
Met a beautiful woman here,we shared alot in common especially faith and we planned to meet in my country so that I can show her to my extended family.
I have started making plans to receive her when she suddenly called off the whole thing . I am still hunting
But have made great friends here

Godsfriend10's photo
Thu 11/08/18 03:25 PM

Factbox: Democrats pick up net 32 seats in U.S. House, with some races still undecided

"(Reuters) - Democrats have gained a net 32 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives after elections on Tuesday, with only seven races still undecided, according to the latest projections by media outlets and data provider DDHQ.

The Democratic Party needed to pick up only 23 seats to wrest control of the chamber from the Republican Party.

Following is the latest tally of seats that will change parties, based on the projections".

Does it threaten Trump in anyway?
Can he be impeached Op?

Godsfriend10's photo
Thu 11/08/18 03:15 PM

I think too much.
But that's why I need someone who's both intelligent and can make me laugh.

Men generally think alot

Godsfriend10's photo
Mon 11/05/18 07:11 PM
Hadn't had any for some time now

Godsfriend10's photo
Mon 11/05/18 06:51 PM
I don't still have a woman I can gladly call mine.

Godsfriend10's photo
Mon 11/05/18 05:38 PM

I hear Obama is going on his nation wide Rally of the $15 Tour..smile2 has to pay for people to show up..2 FUNNY...might be enough for a bottle of ripple and a box of Kleenex..tears

$15 for rally? Isn't that vote buying?
Anyways,here in Nigeria, state delegates for the opposition party presidential primary conducted last got $5000 dollars each from the eventual winner Atiku Abubakir alone . I don't know how much other contestants gave out . Atiku's campaign group said the money was for their transportation to party Congress venue. 1580 delegates voted for him. I wonder how much dollars would fly around during the elections proper next February.
It's does seem that world over politics is money and money is politics .

Godsfriend10's photo
Sat 11/03/18 08:39 PM

Hi God's Friend!
I do believe it. I've had 2 ndes. they changed my life and took me toward a more spiritual life.

Hi Rob , quite sometime. That's interesting to know.
How did your ndes go?

Godsfriend10's photo
Mon 10/15/18 04:03 PM
Edited by Godsfriend10 on Mon 10/15/18 04:04 PM
Who ressurrected this thread?
There is definitely a ressurrection after death.

Godsfriend10's photo
Sun 09/09/18 05:53 PM
Hi Blondey

Godsfriend10's photo
Sun 09/09/18 05:06 PM

Stephen Hawking was an atheist, and believed that "the universe is governed by the laws of science". He stated: "There is a fundamental difference between religion, which is based on authority, [and] science, which is based on observation and reason. Science will win because it works." In an interview published in The Guardian, Hawking regarded "the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail", and the concept of an afterlife as a "fairy story for people afraid of the dark". Can anyone remember what life was like before they were born? I think not.

Death does not concern us, because as long as we exist, death is not here. And when it does come, we no longer exist."

- Epicurus

Death really doesn't "exist" in any sense. When we die, we return to the same state of non-existence from which we came before we were born. It didn't bother me one bit to not exist during those 14 billion years before birth and it won't bother me after I croak.

If there was an existence before my birth -I want to know all about it.If there will be an existence (I believe there will be ) an existence after death I want to know the details.
Choosing deliberately to be ignorant or turn blind eye or deaf ears is suicidal.

Godsfriend10's photo
Sun 09/09/18 04:18 PM

Oh pumpilicious - I really need that Bible. I'll love to have it.

Godsfriend10's photo
Sun 09/09/18 04:01 PM
A NIV Bible and satellite road navigator-for spiritual and road navigation

Godsfriend10's photo
Fri 08/03/18 03:28 PM
:lipstick: lipstick

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