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Topic: Interesting profile of a world leader
msharmony's photo
Wed 08/15/18 07:56 PM

I knew who he was talking about, about halfway into it. He also said nothing about religion, so that eliminated obama. He was very into the preaching of Calypso Louie.

Hitler's father died when he was 13. Here's another curiosity. Hitler's father's name was Alois Heidler. Where did the Hitler name come from? Since Hitler rebelled, and hated his father, I suspect he changed his name, just to distance himself from his father. But, no one knows for sure.

whoa whoa @ 'very int the preaching of Calypso Louie'

no photo
Thu 08/16/18 05:33 AM
You started the thread with Trump in mind . Otherwise why start it?..to give a background on Hitler? Why? Then why didn't you list his atrocities as well ? so don't insult our intelligence with veiled attempts to diss the president

I would respect it more if you just dissed the guy

no photo
Thu 08/16/18 06:30 AM
Edited by JOHNN111 on Thu 08/16/18 06:31 AM
Why not start a thread on Mussolini or Stalin while you're at it, Genghis Khan?

Starting threads on any one of these monsters is lame at best.

is there nothing better to discuss? noway

no photo
Thu 08/16/18 06:37 AM

You started the thread with Trump in mind . Otherwise why start it?..to give a background on Hitler? Why? Then why didn't you list his atrocities as well ? so don't insult our intelligence with veiled attempts to diss the president

I would respect it more if you just dissed the guy

We're dummies. We support Trump. Blindly, as he would think it. It wasn't too long ago when we watched another party do the same thing with obama. What he doesn't realize, is that Trump is talking the talk we want to hear. Jobs, thriving economy, lower taxes, fair trade, getting along better with the world. Much to the dems dismay, we aren't as racist as they claim. That goes against their voting base something awful. We're drawing them into the ideas that finding jobs, and making a decent wage isn't such a bad idea. Many are finding out that obama was a sales pitch with nothing behind it. The giveaway didn't hold them.

Sunryzer's photo
Thu 08/16/18 06:43 AM
Edited by Sunryzer on Thu 08/16/18 06:43 AM
GREATEST President in modern history!
And it is written...

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/16/18 11:36 AM
Edited by msharmony on Thu 08/16/18 11:36 AM

You started the thread with Trump in mind . Otherwise why start it?..to give a background on Hitler? Why? Then why didn't you list his atrocities as well ? so don't insult our intelligence with veiled attempts to diss the president

I would respect it more if you just dissed the guy

We're dummies. We support Trump. Blindly, as he would think it. It wasn't too long ago when we watched another party do the same thing with obama. What he doesn't realize, is that Trump is talking the talk we want to hear. Jobs, thriving economy, lower taxes, fair trade, getting along better with the world. Much to the dems dismay, we aren't as racist as they claim. That goes against their voting base something awful. We're drawing them into the ideas that finding jobs, and making a decent wage isn't such a bad idea. Many are finding out that obama was a sales pitch with nothing behind it. The giveaway didn't hold them.

our perception is our reality, I suppose

Trump is talking the talk we want to hear.

is something salesmen are supposed to be very good at, and he certainly does. Unfortunately, most politicians do this towards their base, or their base would not be supporting them.

and this:

Many are finding out that obama was a sales pitch with nothing behind it.

will also be true of Trump, depending on perspective of what 'nothing' is.

for this Obama supporter though, the man had a history that backed up his words in terms of his goals and values, he also came in during near recession, and left us better than he found us. Id say thats something, even if it is never as simple as what a POTUS alone has done.

no photo
Thu 08/16/18 12:34 PM
Who am I talking about?

Not really.
There are too many vague generalities that could apply to far too many "world leaders" throughout history.

You could be talking about Bugs Bunny or Mickey Mouse in Disneyland/world.

I found this hysterical, though:
the man (Obama) had a history that backed up his words in terms of his goals and values

I agree. He had a history in law, and he knew how to manipulate it and the story he used to justify his behavior in getting around it.
Dazzle people with BS so they don't notice the crap piling up behind.
Like a lawyer. The truth doesn't matter, only what you can prove, the winner is the side that can make the best argument as to their version of it.
The admiration of Obama (and especially the attacks on Trump) is proof that image is more important than depth.

Other than that, it seemed he (Obama) was pretty divisive for a community organizer.

he also came in during near recession, and left us better than he found us.

This is the funniest of all.
This is like saying "OMG! We almost lost our house to the bank until this bankster arrived. He was kind enough to make us rich by putting us into twice as much debt as before. With that money we can make minimum payments on our current debt and cover our tax bill, with a guarantee our children have to pay our debt once we're gone (plus a mandate we have to use certain contractors on specific dates to do repairs, whose costs keep going up, making sure our children will have to assume more debt to pay off the extra debt)....But at least we get to stay in our house, that's better than before he came by. He saved us!"

Jonnyringo23's photo
Thu 08/16/18 12:44 PM
chairman Kim Yong Jean

mightymoe's photo
Thu 08/16/18 01:34 PM

You started the thread with Trump in mind . Otherwise why start it?..to give a background on Hitler? Why? Then why didn't you list his atrocities as well ? so don't insult our intelligence with veiled attempts to diss the president

I would respect it more if you just dissed the guy

We're dummies. We support Trump. Blindly, as he would think it. It wasn't too long ago when we watched another party do the same thing with obama. What he doesn't realize, is that Trump is talking the talk we want to hear. Jobs, thriving economy, lower taxes, fair trade, getting along better with the world. Much to the dems dismay, we aren't as racist as they claim. That goes against their voting base something awful. We're drawing them into the ideas that finding jobs, and making a decent wage isn't such a bad idea. Many are finding out that obama was a sales pitch with nothing behind it. The giveaway didn't hold them.

our perception is our reality, I suppose

Trump is talking the talk we want to hear.

is something salesmen are supposed to be very good at, and he certainly does. Unfortunately, most politicians do this towards their base, or their base would not be supporting them.

and this:

Many are finding out that obama was a sales pitch with nothing behind it.

will also be true of Trump, depending on perspective of what 'nothing' is.

for this Obama supporter though, the man had a history that backed up his words in terms of his goals and values, he also came in during near recession, and left us better than he found us. Id say thats something, even if it is never as simple as what a POTUS alone has done.

amazing...you really don't remember the first time Obama won? Saying things people wanted to hear, which were all lies and half truths...one of the biggest Whoppers was his promise if healh care and all the lies associated with it...and I don't remember him saying before the election that it would be mandatory and fined if you don't do it....

no photo
Thu 08/16/18 01:41 PM

Saw this recently, thought it would make for an interesting topic of discussion here:

He had a domineering father and learned at an early age that you either dominate and win, or you lose. He became immature and impatient with a short attention span and little attention for details. He freely told lies and came to believe most of them himself. He eventually lived in a fantasy world and lost his grip on reality. In spite of all this he attained success, in large part due to his bravado and showmanship. He even acquired a fabulous retreat in one of the most beautiful locations in the country. Through his oratory capabilities and theatrics he was able to mesmerize his base. He promised to champion the middle class and put the unemployed back to work. Making numerous promises that he had no intention of keeping, he was voted into political power largely by protest votes against established politicians. He became the leader of his country. He abrogated treaties and convinced his people that he was the only one who could lead their country back to its rightful place of glory. After denying he would do so he sent troops into foreign lands. He often didn't take advice from his closest advisers. In fact, although he surrounded himself with high ranking military officers, he seldom took their advice, believing and saying that he was smarter than the generals. He believed that legislators were there only to do his bidding. He took refuge in those few who were still loyal and told him what he wanted to hear. Who am I talking about?

Why, Adolph Hitler of course. Who did you think?
sounded just like Obama to me .

that's just because you can't get him out of your mind.

moe and o, sittin' in a tree
k i s s i n g



mightymoe's photo
Thu 08/16/18 01:47 PM

Saw this recently, thought it would make for an interesting topic of discussion here:

He had a domineering father and learned at an early age that you either dominate and win, or you lose. He became immature and impatient with a short attention span and little attention for details. He freely told lies and came to believe most of them himself. He eventually lived in a fantasy world and lost his grip on reality. In spite of all this he attained success, in large part due to his bravado and showmanship. He even acquired a fabulous retreat in one of the most beautiful locations in the country. Through his oratory capabilities and theatrics he was able to mesmerize his base. He promised to champion the middle class and put the unemployed back to work. Making numerous promises that he had no intention of keeping, he was voted into political power largely by protest votes against established politicians. He became the leader of his country. He abrogated treaties and convinced his people that he was the only one who could lead their country back to its rightful place of glory. After denying he would do so he sent troops into foreign lands. He often didn't take advice from his closest advisers. In fact, although he surrounded himself with high ranking military officers, he seldom took their advice, believing and saying that he was smarter than the generals. He believed that legislators were there only to do his bidding. He took refuge in those few who were still loyal and told him what he wanted to hear. Who am I talking about?

Why, Adolph Hitler of course. Who did you think?
sounded just like Obama to me .

that's just because you can't get him out of your mind.

moe and o, sittin' in a tree
k i s s i n g


his oldest daughter is cute... Stoner chik's are cool...the rest I could live without

msharmony's photo
Fri 08/17/18 03:43 AM

You started the thread with Trump in mind . Otherwise why start it?..to give a background on Hitler? Why? Then why didn't you list his atrocities as well ? so don't insult our intelligence with veiled attempts to diss the president

I would respect it more if you just dissed the guy

We're dummies. We support Trump. Blindly, as he would think it. It wasn't too long ago when we watched another party do the same thing with obama. What he doesn't realize, is that Trump is talking the talk we want to hear. Jobs, thriving economy, lower taxes, fair trade, getting along better with the world. Much to the dems dismay, we aren't as racist as they claim. That goes against their voting base something awful. We're drawing them into the ideas that finding jobs, and making a decent wage isn't such a bad idea. Many are finding out that obama was a sales pitch with nothing behind it. The giveaway didn't hold them.

our perception is our reality, I suppose

Trump is talking the talk we want to hear.

is something salesmen are supposed to be very good at, and he certainly does. Unfortunately, most politicians do this towards their base, or their base would not be supporting them.

and this:

Many are finding out that obama was a sales pitch with nothing behind it.

will also be true of Trump, depending on perspective of what 'nothing' is.

for this Obama supporter though, the man had a history that backed up his words in terms of his goals and values, he also came in during near recession, and left us better than he found us. Id say thats something, even if it is never as simple as what a POTUS alone has done.

amazing...you really don't remember the first time Obama won? Saying things people wanted to hear, which were all lies and half truths...one of the biggest Whoppers was his promise if healh care and all the lies associated with it...and I don't remember him saying before the election that it would be mandatory and fined if you don't do it....

as I said, politicians have a base because that base is hearing what they 'want to hear'

POTUS does not accomplish anything with an independent vote or magic wand, they can only state what direction they will put their effort into. The rest is a matter the Congress and how they support or dont support those efforts.

I dont remember Trump saying that legal immigrants would not be able to be citizens if they EVER accepted government assistance either. What has that to do with anything?

msharmony's photo
Fri 08/17/18 03:53 AM

Who am I talking about?

Not really.
There are too many vague generalities that could apply to far too many "world leaders" throughout history.

You could be talking about Bugs Bunny or Mickey Mouse in Disneyland/world.

I found this hysterical, though:
the man (Obama) had a history that backed up his words in terms of his goals and values

I agree. He had a history in law, and he knew how to manipulate it and the story he used to justify his behavior in getting around it.
Dazzle people with BS so they don't notice the crap piling up behind.
Like a lawyer. The truth doesn't matter, only what you can prove, the winner is the side that can make the best argument as to their version of it.
The admiration of Obama (and especially the attacks on Trump) is proof that image is more important than depth.

Other than that, it seemed he (Obama) was pretty divisive for a community organizer.

he also came in during near recession, and left us better than he found us.

This is the funniest of all.
This is like saying "OMG! We almost lost our house to the bank until this bankster arrived. He was kind enough to make us rich by putting us into twice as much debt as before. With that money we can make minimum payments on our current debt and cover our tax bill, with a guarantee our children have to pay our debt once we're gone (plus a mandate we have to use certain contractors on specific dates to do repairs, whose costs keep going up, making sure our children will have to assume more debt to pay off the extra debt)....But at least we get to stay in our house, that's better than before he came by. He saved us!"

Except growing debt is not something the banker causes, but the individual with poor spending habits causes. The banker makes an arrangement ( usually with interest) to pay down that debt over time, (trump should know about that) in effect creating MORE debt. That's kind of how it works. I don't know of a recession or depression that ended up in LESS debt, do you?

And the man stood for something his whole life from standing against apartheid, to getting people to take part in the election process, and setting up job training and college prep programs in under served communities. His past showed that he walked the talk. No matter how much Trump's base want to pretend otherwise.

mightymoe's photo
Fri 08/17/18 04:36 AM

You started the thread with Trump in mind . Otherwise why start it?..to give a background on Hitler? Why? Then why didn't you list his atrocities as well ? so don't insult our intelligence with veiled attempts to diss the president

I would respect it more if you just dissed the guy

We're dummies. We support Trump. Blindly, as he would think it. It wasn't too long ago when we watched another party do the same thing with obama. What he doesn't realize, is that Trump is talking the talk we want to hear. Jobs, thriving economy, lower taxes, fair trade, getting along better with the world. Much to the dems dismay, we aren't as racist as they claim. That goes against their voting base something awful. We're drawing them into the ideas that finding jobs, and making a decent wage isn't such a bad idea. Many are finding out that obama was a sales pitch with nothing behind it. The giveaway didn't hold them.

our perception is our reality, I suppose

Trump is talking the talk we want to hear.

is something salesmen are supposed to be very good at, and he certainly does. Unfortunately, most politicians do this towards their base, or their base would not be supporting them.

and this:

Many are finding out that obama was a sales pitch with nothing behind it.

will also be true of Trump, depending on perspective of what 'nothing' is.

for this Obama supporter though, the man had a history that backed up his words in terms of his goals and values, he also came in during near recession, and left us better than he found us. Id say thats something, even if it is never as simple as what a POTUS alone has done.

amazing...you really don't remember the first time Obama won? Saying things people wanted to hear, which were all lies and half truths...one of the biggest Whoppers was his promise if healh care and all the lies associated with it...and I don't remember him saying before the election that it would be mandatory and fined if you don't do it....

as I said, politicians have a base because that base is hearing what they 'want to hear'

POTUS does not accomplish anything with an independent vote or magic wand, they can only state what direction they will put their effort into. The rest is a matter the Congress and how they support or dont support those efforts.

I dont remember Trump saying that legal immigrants would not be able to be citizens if they EVER accepted government assistance either. What has that to do with anything?

I never heard that... It doesn't really matter because the Democrats won't allow that...and it's on my "I don't care" list anyway,no matter if it's true or not...

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