To lazy to be anything but a racist.
Point finger at Trump supporters. But no proof of such racism. TOO LAZY to go clean out their own closet on the left. Im sick of LAZY opinionators who refuse to report any news that goes against the narrative. Im sick of racist name calling from race baiters who think Dems are the wonderful people. Countless examples to the contrary. Leftist propaganda at every turn. But no one not even here has anything to say about the racist propaganda thrown at conservatives. Even other democrats. Silence is the ultimate lazy. State Rep. Bettie Cook Scott allegedly referred to state Rep. Stephanie Chang as “ching-chang” and “the ching-chong” to voters outside polling precincts in Detroit during last Tuesday’s election, the Detroit Metro Time reported. The paper also said she called one of Chang’s campaign volunteers an “immigrant” and declared “you don’t belong here” and “I want you out of my country.” |
Edited by
Thu 08/16/18 06:43 AM
Trump GREATEST President in modern history! And it is written... |
Land of opportunity ...Hmmmm
Land of lie through her teeth...omarosa
Complete dumpster fire.. ![]() |
Yes those for Hillary. Those for Bernie. And then there Jeb Bush abd Lil Rubio still smarting also.
We got it right I think. Was just reading Schumers efforts on shutting down Kavanaugh. Dems are really divided here. But if he gets his way the msg forth will become white noise as the MSM adds their 2 cents further muddling their attacks. 21st century with the digital communication empires ruling the world squarely in their pocket and they cant produce message one. Go figure. |
Trying to re-iterate something I did not go into great detail. But was more of a missive on other articles radio broadcasts etc.
And I merely felt Kavanaugh is nothing to cry over. Damon Linker wrote an article should you wish to read it about the consequences of over reacting. Specifically when Kavanaugh is considered very middle of the road conservative. That the idea this is now not be what one would categorize as middle of the road. I must say I miss the Blue Dog Dems of yesteryear. Manchin.....all alone now. But Im not crying......maybe sniffling. |
If? What...if?
Facts. Lol. Sticking to facts here. If anyone who had the facts that he is somehow unfit. They better hurry. 205,000 pages already vetted. He will be confirmed. Nothing is going to stop that. Before long. Trump will replace Ginsburg also. This will be the lasting legacy of Trump. And thank God. |
Edited by
Sat 08/11/18 07:30 AM
I expect him to be an awesome judge and the country will be much better off with him on the Supreme Court Bench.
Many from past administrations left and right rate him as a top prospect as well as those who have know him and have worked with him. Planned parenthoods failed attacks are getting expensive. Kavanaugh will be a great asset to all citizens. |
Leftist shills and tools hanging out here wont admit anything resembling the truth. |
Ive used the term lazy in reference to more than I can remember.
Lazy perceived. A person who works hard guages laziness by the length of time it takes one to learn something, repeat a task the same way each time, the length of time to complete tasks. Many articles in recent months on how Amazon perceives laziness. And w strikes your out. Auotas are used to help profits. I fire lazy people always. Be gone. I cant afford lazy people. Bigger companies use HR to weed them out. There are some incredible tests companies put prospective employees through screening and call backs on references are usually worded to find every weakness the individual may have. The bottom line points to waste and employees who dont work to the companies expectations. Then theres those who are too damn lazy to even work or put trash in a trash can. Lazy people stand out. They are usually sitting...always. |
Types of Privilege
I can agree with that all right.
Land of opportunity ...Hmmmm
Use a microsoft computer? An Apple...use any of those products from those horrible tax loop hole corporations?
Land of opportunity ...Hmmmm
You just make me laugh.
Because through the Obama years these companies assume maybe less than zero taxes pd...all because of moving profits overseas....... Making it impossible to detect all their profits....lmao Go vote.. Your here instead of talking to someone who has the power to change it. Go figure. I dont write tax code. |
TDS has changed TAD now...
The priveledged with microphones.
Obama and his staff were racists. “I love this quote. It’s from Mahatma Gandhi. He ran a gas station down in St. Louis for a couple of years. Mr. Gandhi, do you still go to the gas station? A lot of wisdom comes out of that gas station” — Hillary Clinton, Former Secretary of State |
TDS has changed TAD now...
Jihadi camp new mexico.
Sounds like we should have banned more than we did. |
TDS has changed TAD now...
Lmao These things happened. |
TDS has changed TAD now...
Per D. limbaugh.
This a small list. You can read the effects of his words in MS words. called American businesses soft and lazy and said they’d lost their ambition; they didn’t build that; they need to up their game; baselessly accused the Chamber of Commerce of accepting foreign contributions and said it had the burden of proving it did not; said Mitt Romney, in effect, killed a lady who lost her insurance; say the “wealthy” aren’t paying their fair share; stepped on the conscience protections of people of faith and attacked a Lutheran school’s right to hire and fire on religious grounds; use “gay rights” as a wedge issue and depict opponents of same-sex marriage as bigots; manufactured a phony GOP “War on Women”; say Republicans want dirty air and dirty water and rejoice when people lose their insurance coverage, that they want a smaller America and don’t believe in rebuilding roads and bridges, that they are hostage takers and Slurpee sippers. He says they created this mess, and they should sit in the backseat of the car. We’ll have hand-to-hand combat with them on Capitol Hill, and if they bring a knife, we’ll bring a gun; crammed Obamacare down the throats of a strongly opposed majority; continue to scare seniors, the “middle class” and the “poor” into believing Republicans want to destroy Medicare; publicly ridiculed and demonized the Supreme Court on multiple occasions; disparaged hedge fund managers as “playing with other people’s money”; vilified immigration enforcement advocates as racists; waged a war against states on immigration and voter ID laws; worked against military ballots; lawlessly rewrote loans in the GM and Chrysler restructurings to favor unions and cheat secured creditors; and in Solyndra, to subordinate taxpayers to private investors; and exploited race and minority relations for political purposes and for ideological reasons, including Eric Holder calling the nation cowards on race, racializing voter intimidation laws and saying the GOP was after him on Fast and Furious because he, like Obama, is an African-American; appealing to Hispanics and blacks to vote as a bloc for Democrats because Democrats are their friends and Republicans their enemies; and accusing the GOP of supporting voter ID laws to suppress the minority vote and immigration laws for racial reasons. |
TDS has changed TAD now...
TDS has changed TAD now...
They bring a knife.
We bring a gun. Obama Hes a devisive poc |
Its hard for you to say he appeals to more the double number of minorities since the election.
Its a fact that every network has come to admit. |
Types of Privilege
Have no idea what your point is.
It is up to the individual who is granted free thinking abd mobility, to go out and find out who they are as a person. Many wasted basket weaving degrees out there. Be useful. Your education whatever it may be. Could be inadequate for your needs. Wholly adequate or just beyond . You may have learned all you OJT. No matter. You have one privledged life. Use it. Waste it. Whats your legacy. The world is the diverse place democrats hail all should be when we have all types of people. Rich poor helpful helpless...on and on. There is no one pants size fits all solution. |