Topic: I Q
JasonKM's photo
Fri 08/03/18 01:45 AM
For a history lesson, IQ testing was developed as a means to show mental age, not intelligence per se. The idea was it would show which schools aren't teaching their students to become adults properly. It started in France in the 19th century.

For an ad hoc way to use IQ scores you take them as a percentage value of mental age, so a 20yr old with a 120 IQ has a mental age of 24, whilst a 20yr old with an IQ of 90 has a mental age of 18. That's what it was designed to demonstrate.

JasonKM's photo
Fri 08/03/18 01:52 AM
Oh and the reason IQ scores aren't awesome is when looking for a girlfriend. Try spending the majority of your life when the only women who get you and become interested are using walkers, but like any red blooded man you want the hotties all the morons get to screw through all the good looking years.

It's a conundrum, the kind where you slap anyone who shoves an IQ test in your face and tell them go out and work for a living and figure it out for yourself. Does nothing for me.

And Mensa, omg I've never met so many pretentious idiots in my life. It's like an alien conspiracy convention, they're morons, seriously.

no photo
Fri 08/03/18 08:40 AM
Should it matter to you what the IQ of your mate has, if you're in a serious relationship ?

If you're already in a "serious relationship?"
I am assuming that means already committed and bonded in a romantic relationship.

No, it shouldn't really matter if you've already spent enough time around them, doing things, interacting, talking, to form a "serious relationship."
It's not like it's going to be a surprise, whatever it is.

After that, as a shortcut, maybe.
I mean if "you're in a serious relationship" and their "I.Q." seems to be dropping, maybe that's a sign of Alzheimers, or early dementia.

Then it "matters." Although maybe not for the reasons you're asking this question for?

Like under 90 !

How far under 90?
I think 75 is the legal minimum for the ability to enter contractual agreements.

Other than that, I don't really know how to tell the difference between 88 and 89 (or 110 and 111, or even 115 and 120, and really if you lined up 2 people with signs that said I.Q. 99, and I.Q. 130, I may not be able to tell there is any real difference in general social interaction without having to push problem solving abilities and general understanding of concepts and ideas on them with absolute right and wrong answers in a timed environment, and really I don't think I could tell you with any ease if the difference is based on I.Q. or simple mental/emotional association and experience).

And I don't know anyone that carries a laminated card in their purse or wallet that reads "I.Q. XX(X)" (whatever number).

If you're asking how a lot of people are responding (would you date/how do you feel about dating, people of certain I.Q.'s/smarts) then I'd say it doesn't matter all that much unless I could use it as a shortcut to explain a decision based on observed behavior.

Looks and personality (temperament, giveacrapaboutmeness).
If I'm smarter than them, do they feel threatened and get violent or cheaty to put me in my mr smartpants place?
If they're smarter than me are they condescending and keep things from me because they just assume/know I "won't get it?"

When I come to them with a problem that they don't understand, do they get frustrated they can't understand it? Or do they just accept they don't understand it, but really care that I feel bad and it bothers me and want to make me feel better?
And do we communicate and are compatible enough that I can appreciate that in them?
That's not really based on I.Q. (or even emotional I.Q. to some degree) so much as cultural training and inherent personality traits.

Most "sapiosexuals" seem to be looking for an extension of their ego or a trophy to represent their brain penis. And competitive relationships based on discourse/debates about deep meaningful things, or echo chambers for pseudo intellectual thoughts aren't fulfilling, enriching, or fun.

So, to me, it doesn't matter all that much.
But "should" it matter, as the OP questioned? IMO not as it's own metric, but if it's being used as a general shortcut along with a lot of other factors, then sure, maybe.

Up2youandme's photo
Fri 08/03/18 10:00 AM
I Q means intelligence quotient as I recall hence it has absolutely nothing to do with social skills. It measures were you fall in the intelligence level.

In other words Mensa members , those people measuring above 180 are awkward people, most of them anyways, but they can calculate turbine micro fracture in seconds which would take an average iq person his lifetime.

I understand most people can't or don't want that but if you're one of those people that stare at an orange juice box because it says concentrate it'll be a boring conversation after 2 minutes of fun.

msharmony's photo
Fri 08/03/18 10:40 AM
IQ is really a relative measurement. That being said, as it RELATES to the region and population I live amongst, it does serve some assistance in comparing and contrasting strengths in certain areas of logic and comprehension, which are important to me in communication.

which is why, though I am not and would not personally be giving or requesting such a test from anyone, I would think that it would be important to me that someone was in a similar IQ RANGE as myself.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Fri 08/03/18 11:07 AM
I've had my IQ tested four times.

The first time was with the military.
They used those tests, along with others to determine my ability to function effectively in my billet. It was part of the determination needed to increase my security level.

The other three times were mental health related in my battle with depression and PTSD.
Those tests were used with assessment counseling to determine how my treatment should be implemented. Whether or not I could understand the concepts needed for effective recovery. It gave my counselors a handle on who I am and how to best communicate with me.

Therapy did not cure my depression. They explained the concepts and I understood them and I cured my depression. It took three tries over 25 years because the depression was different each time.
The most recent testing and counseling had to do with the concepts of depression in general and had the most lasting effect on my mental state.
I now know how to prevent depression from gaining a foot hold on me.

Intelligence is the ability to understand concepts and use sound reasoning in making decisions. Having a higher intelligence only means you are able to understand more complex concepts allowing you to use better judgement.

As far as I see that, its beneficial to establishing a meaningful relationship with someone. Especially if both parties in the relationship are similarily intelligent.

Intelligence is not the only factor in a relationship. There can be a disparity in intelligence when each person contributes their own strengths in their own way. One might be less intelligent but has a strong empathy or stamina. My X had very strong tact, I had very weak tact. She showed me how to be tactful when dealing with others and I showed her how to understand complex concepts.

It doesn't matter how you two are different, what matters is if you are happy and content with each other.

Toodygirl5's photo
Fri 08/03/18 11:45 AM

Should it matter to you what the IQ of your mate has, if you're in a serious relationship ?

Like under 90 !

I can accept a few 'blonde moments', I am not looking for a member of Mensa laugh . If you're already in a serious relationship with someone it must mean that you are both compatible to a large extent, so you probably have a very similar IQ to one another, but if you don't, it doesn't really matter in my opinion if you are in love with each other.

Good. response. !! :thumbsup:

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Fri 08/03/18 12:20 PM
Edited by I_love_bluegrass on Fri 08/03/18 12:25 PM

Should it matter to you what the IQ of your mate has, if you're in a serious relationship ?

i think it's somewhat important, unless one of the partners
has a higher IQ than 99% of the population (IQ of 160 is rated extraordinary genius 1% of the population), who continually
expresses their over-inflated sense of importance and intellect
by talking down to you
and and the people in your circle
of friends...that kind of conceited pompous bragging ego will usually drive ordinary people away from both of you..

so...yes, birds of a feather and all that, is good you see the discrimination intelligent people are constantly bombarded with.

I don't talk 'down' to people but I do have to simplify the concepts in my head so most others can understand and more often than not, they will still take offense.

Everybody has an ego. Some people have enough healthy self-esteem that they are not threatened by intelligence.
Some people realize that when someone simplifies so all can understand the simplification is not an attack on their intelligence but a general simplification so others of less intelligence can still derive meaning from what is said.

Yes, there are intelligent people who talk down to everyone as an ego trip.
That is because their EQ and RQ are not as high as their IQ. Their inner maturity is lacking. Their respect for others is lacking. They need to feel superior because of their narcissism.

To group all intelligent people as egotistic and narcissistic is discriminatory.


If one's partner (like my ex, back in the 80's) has no curiosity about or intetrest in any of the things you do, or what is going on in the world...hasn't read anything since high school, then it does not bode well..

I need an intelligent, intellectual partner.
That being has NOTHING to do with intelligence.

There are many college grauates who have been educated beyond their intelligence....and there are many who barely graduated high school who have a LOT going on upstairs..have a love of and curiosity in learning things..just didn't do well in the school enviroment...

If you are constanly having to explain things to people that are common sense to you, that is *not* "talking down to" or being egotistical or narcissistic..
See: "Reasoning Quotient"

P.S. My ex back all those years ago lied about being interested in and liking the things I did...
Long story, but..that's it in a nutshell.

Mrmxb's photo
Sun 08/05/18 08:26 AM
"IQ", I never measured it.
for the first time yesterday and very tired head "IQ" measure.
I understand that;
"IQ" gives very high results for everyone. yes, I understand that.

no photo
Sun 08/05/18 09:11 AM
I have met a lot of very intelligent people in my life and met my share of intelligent people that were not very smart. There is a difference.

For me my mate does not have to be super intelligent, but she needs to be smart.

Now to find a intelligent, smart and street smart person.. that is the jackpot.

SealB's photo
Sun 08/05/18 09:28 AM
If someone makes you feel happy when you are together, that's the smartest thing you can look for.

Mrmxb's photo
Sun 08/05/18 09:59 AM
Edited by Mrmxb on Sun 08/05/18 10:15 AM

I have met a lot of very intelligent people in my life and met my share of intelligent people that were not very smart. There is a difference.

For me my mate does not have to be super intelligent, but she needs to be smart.

Now to find a intelligent, smart and street smart person.. that is the jackpot.

I do not know that you say it humorously or seriously.

but in terms of expressing the intelligent and genius difference, this explication seems logical.

(In the meantime, I rarely wrote a message that is not humorous.)

Mrmxb's photo
Sun 08/05/18 10:01 AM

If someone makes you feel happy when you are together, that's the smartest thing you can look for.

little and concise remark

no photo
Sun 08/05/18 10:41 AM

I have met a lot of very intelligent people in my life and met my share of intelligent people that were not very smart. There is a difference.

For me my mate does not have to be super intelligent, but she needs to be smart.

Now to find a intelligent, smart and street smart person.. that is the jackpot.

I do not know that you say it humorously or seriously.

but in terms of expressing the intelligent and genius difference, this explication seems logical.

(In the meantime, I rarely wrote a message that is not humorous.)

its a serious reply.. once in a while I throw a few out there :)

Toodygirl5's photo
Sun 08/05/18 10:56 AM

If someone makes you feel happy when you are together, that's the smartest thing you can look for.

Great response! And on topic. ! :thumbsup:

Toodygirl5's photo
Sun 08/05/18 10:59 AM

Should it matter to you what the IQ of your mate has, if you're in a serious relationship ?

Like under 90 !

I can accept a few 'blonde moments', I am not looking for a member of Mensa laugh . If you're already in a serious relationship with someone it must mean that you are both compatible to a large extent, so you probably have a very similar IQ to one another, but if you don't, it doesn't really matter in my opinion if you are in love with each other.

I like this response! :thumbsup:

This thread is regarding being in a Relationship.

Toodygirl5's photo
Sun 08/05/18 11:00 AM
We all know what an IQ is. !!!

Mrmxb's photo
Sun 08/05/18 12:28 PM

I have met a lot of very intelligent people in my life and met my share of intelligent people that were not very smart. There is a difference.

For me my mate does not have to be super intelligent, but she needs to be smart.

Now to find a intelligent, smart and street smart person.. that is the jackpot.

I do not know that you say it humorously or seriously.

but in terms of expressing the intelligent and genius difference, this explication seems logical.

(In the meantime, I rarely wrote a message that is not humorous.)

its a serious reply.. once in a while I throw a few out there :)


Mrmxb's photo
Sun 08/05/18 12:31 PM

If someone makes you feel happy when you are together, that's the smartest thing you can look for.

little and concise remark

"little and concise remark"
short but significant big sentence.
I wanted to say this.

Toodygirl5's photo
Sun 08/05/18 12:50 PM

I attracted to intelligent and educated guys :blush:

Hmmm but nbsb

Intelligence and education do not always walk hand in hand. I've seen some educated idiots in my time. Highly educated. But stupid. I knew one fella that was working on his Ph.D. But every Saturday he would get on his skateboard and try to slide down a long water pipe. He never made it. He would always fall spread legged across the pipe and crack his "package" on the bar.

And he did this every Saturday. His "package" would still be sore by the time the next Saturday rolled around. And he would go back and do it again. And then complain all week about his "package" being sore. Highly educated, but stupid.

I've seen people with high education that can't figure out how to loosen a lug nut. He doesn't even understand the concept of jacking up a car. But he can give an in-depth summary on nuclear physics and nuclear fusion.

Interesting comments! Some truth in them as well !!