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Topic: Maxine Waters
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Mon 06/25/18 06:09 PM

You Trumpanzees are a real hoot..

I already said I would serve them...

Ala fight Club. Their food would be ... special. pitchfork

so you admit you're a pig that would spit in the food of someone unsuspecting because you dont like his or her political affiliation?

wow, that show the kind of person you are

A maladjusted immature vengeful pig

you better hope the restaurant you visit doesn't do the same thing because of the colour of your skin Comrade .

Karma baby.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 06/25/18 06:20 PM

You Trumpanzees are a real hoot..

I already said I would serve them...

Ala fight Club. Their food would be ... special. pitchfork

so you admit you're a pig that would spit in the food of someone unsuspecting because you dont like his or her political affiliation?

wow, that show the kind of person you are

A maladjusted immature vengeful pig

you better hope the restaurant you visit doesn't do the same thing because of the colour of your skin Comrade .

Karma baby.
I thought you knew how liberals think... Doesn't surprise me one bit to see a grade school comment such as this...

msharmony's photo
Mon 06/25/18 06:34 PM

She is winning republicans votes. I'm glad democrats are showing their true colors right before the election.

as much as Trump wins 'democrats votes' by showing his 'true colors'

people have their biases and find the candidate to reinforce them, rarely are they changing their mind about who they will or wont support.

in case you forgot why Trump won in the first place, it's because of the Democrats lies, not caring about the people, and the kind of foolishness m. Waters is showing now...you can rag on Trump all you want, but it doesn't change the fact your party got him elected...

Trump won because of more electoral votes, like everyone else who wins that race. His supporters dont care about 'caring about people' as is evident by the way they shrugged off every derogatory think he said about other people or groups of people. THey dont care about 'foolishness' Or they wouldnt shrugged off his childish tweetfest.

his following who shared in his more derogatory views and emulated his lack of concern for others being worn as a badge, were part of what got him elected. No one thing is to blame though.

no photo
Mon 06/25/18 06:36 PM

Trump won because of more electoral votes, like everyone else who wins that race. His supporters dont care about 'caring about people' as is evident by the way they shrugged off every derogatory think he said about other people or groups of people. THey dont care about 'foolishness' Or they wouldnt shrugged off his childish tweetfest.

his following who shared in his more derogatory views and emulated his lack of concern for others being worn as a badge, were part of what got him elected. No one thing is to blame though.

Trump won 30 of 50 states.

msharmony's photo
Mon 06/25/18 06:40 PM

Trump won because of more electoral votes, like everyone else who wins that race. His supporters dont care about 'caring about people' as is evident by the way they shrugged off every derogatory think he said about other people or groups of people. THey dont care about 'foolishness' Or they wouldnt shrugged off his childish tweetfest.

his following who shared in his more derogatory views and emulated his lack of concern for others being worn as a badge, were part of what got him elected. No one thing is to blame though.

Trump won 30 of 50 states.

yep, electoral votes. and a majority of states, although not the majority of voters.

no photo
Mon 06/25/18 06:43 PM
normally the popular votes goes with the electoral college.
but so what? it wasn't the case that he won 26 states and she won 24 plus D.C

304 electoral college votes. won 30 of 50 states, it just means she won more populated areas.

msharmony's photo
Mon 06/25/18 06:50 PM

normally the popular votes goes with the electoral college.
but so what? it wasn't the case that he won 26 states and she won 24 plus D.C

304 electoral college votes. won 30 of 50 states, it just means she won more populated areas.


no photo
Mon 06/25/18 07:08 PM

I thought you knew how liberals think... Doesn't surprise me one bit to see a grade school comment such as this...

yeah I see that, particularly from the not so bright ones ughhh

no photo
Mon 06/25/18 07:16 PM

If Trump wasn't in office right now ..how much of this corruption would have been known ..How many more young men and women would have been sent into war to lose their lives for the greed of the Deep State..how many other false narratives do you think they would create to have us in even more wars to fill their agenda ..their pockets

It's not that the Trump supporters shrug off everything he does ..at least not for me ..it's just that we know who and what the other candidate was..and if anyone thinks that for a single second of time that if they were to get Trump out..how fast does anyone think there wouldn't be another Deep State idiot taking his place..

If Trump wasn't in office what do you think would be happening..maybe some need to read up on exactly what the Deep State has in mind for all of us..Still think this is a red and blue thing..US against THEM..realize

And there is a lot more to come and when some start to realize just how sick these people are ..then and maybe then will they realize why there is so much support for Trump..

How many other presidents were perfect..until we found out later just how corrupt they really were..Does anyone think by getting Trump out that we would be getting someone better..The Deep State messed up big time..they didn't think Trump could win..they are not going to make the same mistake twice...You get Trump out and be prepared to lose the lives of your sons and daughters mothers and fathers to a war started by false narratives..Do you really want that..Do you really think that won't happen..it already has

..follow the rabbit..deeper.. there is so much more at stake... the Deep State will destroy the U.S from within and that's what they are trying to do at every turn..Do you honestly think they are so concerned that they make up FAKE news..We know they control the media and they blatantly lie to the public..

We have been given an opportunity to see just how deep the corruption goes and now that we have "EYES WIDE OPEN" ..we'd be best to use what has been learned for the next encounter..Right now Trump is the best thing we have going ..if for nothing else no Hillary..If they want you to dislike Trump there's a reason..they knew if he got into office he would expose them..and there is so much more to expose..Don't follow the bouncing ball...follow the rabbit..

We Are ANONYMOUS ..We Are Legion

msharmony's photo
Mon 06/25/18 07:36 PM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 06/25/18 07:39 PM
so the argument is Trump should be supported because nothing will change and you prefer nothing to change under Trump instead?

the only new 'exposures' have been people around Trump ...

no photo
Mon 06/25/18 07:59 PM
"His supporters don't care about 'caring about people"

Gee, thank's for the insult. How nice of you to assume what I'm about. I work part time as a locksmith. I have the tools with me. Several times I've unlocked cars in shopping center parking lots for people, for nothing, just because I could.

Last week, I changed out a water heater for an old guy. He had heart surgery last month, his water heater started leaking. It was under warranty (fortunately) but Lowe's wanted to "pro-rate" his warranty. Because I do so much business with them, they waived the extra cost for me, and I replaced it for him. His wife baked me a batch of cookies because I refused to be paid for doing it.

A buddy and I go to one of his neighbors house once a week to mow his yard. We do it, because his neighbor can't afford a new mower, and can't really do it himself because of his health. We also paid his march electric bill, and got his power turned back on.

And we're Trump supporters.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 06/25/18 08:04 PM
Edited by mightymoe on Mon 06/25/18 08:10 PM

She is winning republicans votes. I'm glad democrats are showing their true colors right before the election.

as much as Trump wins 'democrats votes' by showing his 'true colors'

people have their biases and find the candidate to reinforce them, rarely are they changing their mind about who they will or wont support.

in case you forgot why Trump won in the first place, it's because of the Democrats lies, not caring about the people, and the kind of foolishness m. Waters is showing now...you can rag on Trump all you want, but it doesn't change the fact your party got him elected...

Trump won because of more electoral votes, like everyone else who wins that race. His supporters dont care about 'caring about people' as is evident by the way they shrugged off every derogatory think he said about other people or groups of people. THey dont care about 'foolishness' Or they wouldnt shrugged off his childish tweetfest.

his following who shared in his more derogatory views and emulated his lack of concern for others being worn as a badge, were part of what got him elected. No one thing is to blame though.

you can blah, blah, blah all you want, the Democrats gave the electoral college no choice... Hillary or Bernie, neither would have been good for the country or the people... Seems like all you and most others say about Trump is his way of talking... Does that keep you from seeing any of the good things he's accomplished? Or just because he doesn't talk the way you want him to makes y'all wear blinders?

msharmony's photo
Mon 06/25/18 08:31 PM

"His supporters don't care about 'caring about people"

Gee, thank's for the insult. How nice of you to assume what I'm about. I work part time as a locksmith. I have the tools with me. Several times I've unlocked cars in shopping center parking lots for people, for nothing, just because I could.

Last week, I changed out a water heater for an old guy. He had heart surgery last month, his water heater started leaking. It was under warranty (fortunately) but Lowe's wanted to "pro-rate" his warranty. Because I do so much business with them, they waived the extra cost for me, and I replaced it for him. His wife baked me a batch of cookies because I refused to be paid for doing it.

A buddy and I go to one of his neighbors house once a week to mow his yard. We do it, because his neighbor can't afford a new mower, and can't really do it himself because of his health. We also paid his march electric bill, and got his power turned back on.

And we're Trump supporters.

Then I guess I should have said Trump supporters dont support a candidate because they 'care about people' ... particularly the ones that go on to complain about whether others do ...

msharmony's photo
Mon 06/25/18 08:43 PM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 06/25/18 08:44 PM

She is winning republicans votes. I'm glad democrats are showing their true colors right before the election.

as much as Trump wins 'democrats votes' by showing his 'true colors'

people have their biases and find the candidate to reinforce them, rarely are they changing their mind about who they will or wont support.

in case you forgot why Trump won in the first place, it's because of the Democrats lies, not caring about the people, and the kind of foolishness m. Waters is showing now...you can rag on Trump all you want, but it doesn't change the fact your party got him elected...

Trump won because of more electoral votes, like everyone else who wins that race. His supporters dont care about 'caring about people' as is evident by the way they shrugged off every derogatory think he said about other people or groups of people. THey dont care about 'foolishness' Or they wouldnt shrugged off his childish tweetfest.

his following who shared in his more derogatory views and emulated his lack of concern for others being worn as a badge, were part of what got him elected. No one thing is to blame though.

you can blah, blah, blah all you want, the Democrats gave the electoral college no choice... Hillary or Bernie, neither would have been good for the country or the people... Seems like all you and most others say about Trump is his way of talking... Does that keep you from seeing any of the good things he's accomplished? Or just because he doesn't talk the way you want him to makes y'all wear blinders?

hmmm. so pay no attention to what a POTUS says or how they act or carry themselves? Okay. I'll play, even though it will certainly be a first.

What has he done good? Maybe some extra refund money for some people and some more perks for corps and companies.

What has he screwed up? international relations with the 'you need us more than we need you' type dismissive politics.

what has he screwed up? Well, he certainly seems clueless about appointing his cabinet, since the turnover is quicker than McDonalds.

what has he screwed up? The 'free' press ability to deliver information without demonization and unreasonable scrutability.

what has he screwed up? trying to pressure the FBI to drop investigation into his friends.

what has he screwed up? Painting mexicans as criminals where only 'some MIGHT' be decent

I will wait to see what great things he might do to make me feel differently about him being a poor choice for the job.

no photo
Mon 06/25/18 11:32 PM
Because some people don't know how to debate without getting insulting in some form or fashion, this thread is now locked.


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